The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 11

by C. P. Mandara

  Thankfully my years of training under Sophia didn't let me down, and the marble was actually an added bonus. Once I'd delicately retrieved it I found I could use it between my lips to apply little pulses of pressure upon Bubbles' clit, run it up and down her sex with varying speeds, or thrust the tiny beast in and out of her soaking wet hole. It didn't seem to matter whatever I did, because the woman was already revved up to explosion point and two minutes later she began hopping up and down in her chair whilst screaming the rafters down. Score one for me.

  Turning to my next conquest, Dahlia, I smothered a sigh. She was fucking evil, so I braced myself for the worst. Sure enough, when she plucked a marble from the jar it was one of the larger varieties, and she let me take a good look at its bright red ribbon. The thing screamed danger in at least twenty languages. As the marble was bigger it would have more of the awful oil to spread around, it would also be harder to carry in my mouth, and I didn't want to think about the other part.

  'Isn't it pretty?' I was inclined to disagree, but I nodded my head.

  She gave me a predatory smile. 'How about you turn around for me, pet?' In case I was incredibly stupid and couldn't follow simple commands, the woman backed up her words with a swirl of her index finger. I had no choice but to obey, although I was beginning to wonder just how badly I wanted my whipping.

  'Beautiful. Put your feet under your backside, stretch that naked body out for me, and extend those arms along the floor, as far as they'll go.' What that basically meant was present your ass for me, so I knew what was coming. Sure enough a gloved finger began to run down the lower vertebrae in my back, and I couldn't help a shudder. It was probably worse knowing exactly what was going to happen in advance.

  'Ass up in the air, darling.' I was not her darling but I complied, albeit grudgingly.

  The marble came down between my ass cheeks, and she rolled the damn thing gently along my flesh to make sure she got maximum value for money. I had to clamp my lips down upon a very impressive array of swear words. The burn was going to be excruciating, but I could bear it. When she reached my balls she turned the marble over and over upon the sensitive flesh there, making sure every last drop of ointment had been removed. I couldn't help a shudder.

  'Are you ready to go fetch, pet?' Dahlia waved the marble around in the air. Her delaying tactics greatly irritated me, but there wasn't a lot I could do. Nodding, I waited patiently as the fire began to burn between my thighs. She took her time about it. Turning to Bubbles she began chatting about me as if I wasn't there, and it took a good couple of minutes for the pair to shut up. Meanwhile I sat there, trying my hardest not to move, but it wasn't easy when it felt like someone had applied neat chilli oil around my ass. Talk about burn.

  'Are you sure you're ready, pet?' Ah, so this was the game we were playing. Obviously I hadn't put enough enthusiasm into the last nod, so nodding incredibly enthusiastically, I even smiled for the bitch. It must have been enough for the marble sailed past my nose, bouncing and clunking, and there was little left for me to do but chase it. It was easy enough to retrieve, being decidedly bigger than the last one, but I crawled back towards Dahlia with a good degree of trepidation. Dropping the large marble carefully in her gloved hand I waited for her next command.

  'Turn, pet. Assume the position once more.' The swirling finger that accompanied her command blurred in front of my eyes and my heartbeat echoed in my ears. Turn. The first time is always the hardest. After what seemed like an age my body turned around for her, and I presented my ass just as she'd requested. That marble would be the first of many to be buried deep inside me. Now my torture had really begun.

  Chapter Fourteen - Leyland

  Marianna devoured pain much like Goldilocks devoured porridge. The woman was downright greedy. Rather than begging me to stop, there'd been a few instances where she'd actually begged me for more. Things were most certainly not going to plan. This wasn't a problem. I was a resourceful man and something would come to me. Eventually.

  Laying my electrified fly swatters down on the floor I took a break for a moment, to stretch my arms and legs. It was all right for her, she just got to hang there. I actually had to put some effort into it.

  Pacing a couple of times around the room and rotating my shoulder blades, I managed to loosen myself up again in relatively short order. Looking back at her, I noticed that she didn't seem at all bothered by my treatment of her thus far. Having taken a crop to her clit and tethered breasts, I was rather bemused to find that it had been nothing more than a minor inconvenience for her. I'd just have to hope that having her clit pierced would be a different matter. Knowing my damned luck the woman would probably orgasm from it.

  'Why did you choose to work for Matthews?' I didn't expect her to answer, but I was going to continue firing questions at her until I found out what I needed to know.

  'Money.' I nearly jumped when the soft sound of her voice graced my ears. She'd been silent for the better part of an hour now and I figured she'd stay silent until I pushed her over the edge, but obviously this was not the case.

  'Are you talking to me now?' I frowned at her.

  'That's a stupid question.' She was right, that was a stupid question. I needed to rephrase it.

  'Why are you talking to me now, when you've been silent for the past hour?' That, in my humble opinion, was a better question.

  'Because you've asked me a question I can answer.'

  I raised an eyebrow at her. 'Have you signed The Official Secrets Act or something?' She didn't look like an MI6 girl to me, and if she had been anything to do with them she'd have been rescued by now. Whilst Mark's resources were plentiful, theirs would eclipse his in an instant.

  'Hardly.' She then blew upwards to remove one of her corkscrew curls from her face, which had stuck to her forehead during our last little game. It remained stubbornly in place.

  'So who employed you?' It didn't take me long to realise we were back to silence again. Okay, we could work around this for the time being.

  'Why did you decide to work for your "new" employer?' Maybe she'd answer that question. It was worth a try.

  'Money.' Aha. We'd made some progress. Money, money, money. The girl was a mercenary, but then I'd found that most women were given half a chance.

  'So you sold out to the highest bidder?' I was trying to piece this together in my head. Mark probably hadn't shown her a lot of attention, she'd been jealous of all the other women in his office, and to get revenge she'd decided to do the dirty on him. Obviously she would have been paid a lot of money for her troubles, and if she was none too smart she probably thought she'd get away with it.

  'Something like that.' Damn. Now she was clamming up on me again.

  'Do you want a coffee?' I needed a coffee. I didn't really care if she wanted one or not, but if she was going to talk to me I decided I'd be friendly for the time being.

  'I'll pass, thanks all the same.' She gave me a sour look.

  'Suit yourself.' I shrugged and stretched my neck from side to side again. Coffee was exactly what I needed. A strong cup of something bitter and black would refocus me. I grinned to myself and started walking purposefully towards the door.

  'Don't go anywhere until I come back, okay?' I winked at her.

  Thankfully Matthews had thought to equip the place with food and drink. The refrigerator was full to bursting and the coffee machine - one of those pod style things - had a decent array of choices. All I needed to know was which was the strongest variety? Which sodding brand of coffee would get me through the next fifteen hours or so without me nodding off? Typically, everything on the pods was in Italian. Trust Matthews to be a fancy bastard. It looked like this might be a process of experimentation and elimination, but in the end I went with something called Fortissimo. The pod was a dark black in colour, so that was as good an indication as any I guessed.

  Choosing the pod was relatively easy - getting the blasted machine to work was another thing entirely. There was no instruction m
anual, of course. Pressing buttons and watching red and green lights flash on and off was a rather fun game, but ultimately produced no coffee. So, this was to be an initiation test. It was me against the coffee machine - who would win? The answer was obvious - me, eventually.

  It took me ten long minutes to find out that I had to put water in the machine first. This is why I employed secretaries. Who needed this kind of pain? When the thing finally produced a decent cup of strong black stuff I wanted to fist pump the air in celebration. Steady, Leyland, I reminded myself. There was a good chance I had an evening of long, hard, and exacting work ahead of me. Whilst the coffee machine might have been reasonably easy to crack, I was beginning to think that Marianna might not be.

  'Darling, sorry to keep you waiting.' When I pushed open the door to check in on the delightful Marianna it was to find her blinking her eyes sleepily at me. The woman had been nodding off! Jesus. What was wrong with her? She should be quivering in fear right now, and yet here she was taking a little nap. If anyone caught wind of this my reputation would be in tatters. Stomping towards my holdall I decided I'd better get on with things.

  'We're going with clit piercing next. Feel free to spill the beans first, if you'd like to avoid this particular body modification. I've heard it's not without its own fair share of pain.' My voice sounded a little cross, but I generally wasn't used to women falling asleep on me. Maybe I was losing my touch?

  'Pierce away.' She sounded blithely unconcerned, which made me even more cross, but I decided the quickest way to get her a little chattier was to do exactly what I said I would. As I retrieved my needle, the little silver barbell, and some antiseptic wipes, I watched Marianna wriggle around a little. The cuffs had to be chaffing by now and her nipples must be throbbing like hell. I was rather surprised she was handling the situation so well, judging by her earlier histrionics in the bathroom.

  'I've heard that clit piercings can increase sexual pleasure.'

  'They can if they're done correctly,' I affirmed. 'But there's also the chance that I could butcher your clit which means you might never be able to orgasm again. Hmm, which one to go for? Decisions, decisions.' Thankfully she didn't know that I would never do something like that, because for me, seeing a woman's eyes light up with pleasure was one of the seven wonders of the modern World. The beautiful sheen in their eyes, the way their eyelashes fluttered closed, and the exquisite, thready little sounds that came from their throats as they approached the land of no return were the sights and sounds I lived for.

  'Oh.' She sounded a little crestfallen, but made no further attempts at conversation. What was wrong with her?

  'Won't you miss being able to orgasm, sweetness?' So I was tormenting her. That was what I was here for.

  'Yes. But I've gone around two years without an orgasm, so I'll probably get used to it eventually.' Her lips were pouting prettily, and her incredibly beautiful face was so damn distracting I almost forgot what I was doing.

  It was a good five seconds before I managed to process her statement. It took an age to get my eyes off her lips. 'You've done what?' How anyone could go two years without sexual pleasure was beyond me. Surely the woman was lying? I had a rough idea that Matthews wouldn't have used her much, but surely she had pleasured herself?

  'Matthews, as you already suspected, didn't think much of me when I arrived. He gave me a table at the back of his office and ignored me - completely. Unfortunately under the terms of his contract I was not allowed to orgasm without permission. There are cameras all over the place in our apartments and I never took a risk when at work. I couldn't afford to lose my job.'

  'Yet, you did anyway when you sold him out. How does that work?' My lip curled upwards in a sneer. Nothing she was saying was making sense.

  'Someone offered to pay me a lot more money than Matthews was paying me. It was enough to set me up for twenty years or more. All I had to do was drug him. It was too easy.'

  'And yet here we are, and it doesn't look so easy now.' I raised my eyebrow, very interested to hear her response.

  'It doesn't matter, now.' That didn't make any sense either, and my eyes bulged out of my head as I tried to figure out what she was telling me. Bah. Who the hell cared anyway? She'd sing like a canary before long.

  'Any preference to where you'd like your clit pierced?' There was only one place that I was going to pierce it, but I hoped my comment might send the message home. I was going to do this and she'd either better start talking or brace herself.

  'I didn't know there was more than one place to pierce yourself down there. Do whatever you think best... or worst,' she added on a sigh.

  I wasn't sure I could believe what I was hearing. I'd already told her there was a possibility that she might never orgasm again, and the threat appeared to have fallen on deaf ears. I wasn't lying either. For starters, as with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection and any kind of piercing can take several months to heal.

  'I am going to do this,' I threatened for the very last time. 'If you're going to speak up you'd better do so now.' Pulling on a pair of latex gloves I tore open the packet of a single sterile wipe and applied it directly to her clit. If I was going to kill her I was extremely concerned about hygiene, I thought, somewhat wryly. Giving Marianna one last look, it was to find her eyes tightly closed and her hands curled into fists. She was serious about keeping her secrets then. Very well. It was time to see what a good dose of pain could do towards loosening her up. If I wasn't much mistaken, her tongue would be wagging in no time.

  Picking up the NRT (Needle Receiving Tube) I walked slowly towards her, letting her get a good eyeful of the glistening barbell in its grasp.

  'Who is your employer?' I placed the needle against her clitoris glans, incorrectly, because I would be piercing the hood. She didn't have to know that though. Rubbing my latex covered finger over her clitoris and pulsating it several times, I watched it gently swell to life. 'All I want is a name.' My voice was soft now, and my breath warm on her neck as my fingers worked her clit. 'Just a name.'

  'And then what? All of this will stop? I think not. I think you're enjoying yourself and that this session will not stop until you have what you want from me.' Damn. The woman was far too astute for her own good. She was right. I was enjoying myself - immensely, as it happened.

  'Have it your way.' I pressed the needle firmly against her exposed glans and she gasped.

  'Does it hurt, sweetheart?' I gazed at her directly and she held my stare, those green gems sparkling with fire.

  'Not as much as it's about to.' She moaned as my fingers began circling her little organ, pressing down a little harder with each swirl they took.

  'And do you like pain?' I think I already knew the answer to that question, but I asked it anyway.

  'Yes, I like pain. Do you?' Her voice was breathy and seductive. The urge to kiss her was there again, but if I succumbed to it my position of power would be lost.

  'It has its place in the grand scheme of things, though I prefer dishing it out to receiving it.' Another quick jab with the needle into her most delicate flesh had her hissing at me.

  'Just do it. Stop fucking about.' Her tone was clipped.

  'Are you trying to rush me?' No one told me what to do and got away with it.

  'It's rather difficult to rush someone when your arms and legs are in cuffs.' She rolled her eyes at me. The cheek of the woman! Clearly I did not make good dungeon-master material.

  'Were you scared of Matthews?' I narrowed my eyes at her. This was something I needed to know. Grasping her clit between my index and middle finger I pulled sharply. She growled.

  'Yes, asshole. Yes, I was scared of Matthews.' Her throaty purr was so damn seductive it danced in my ears. I wondered if I could get her to work for me, given the right incentive, which was obviously lots of money.

  'Why?' She couldn't have been that scared of him, else she wouldn't have stabbed him in the back. Men with lots of money wielded a ton of power, and she had
to have known that. Even in his office she would have been slapped in the face with it several times.

  Silence greeted my question. I'd pressed upon a nerve, it seemed. Interesting. Anyway, she was right, I'd messed around long enough. It was time to put my threat into action.

  'Brace yourself, precious.'

  I squatted down to evaluate her clitoris and see which type of piercing would suit her best. I'd performed a number of these procedures and let me tell you that not all clitorises are made equal. The idea of the piercing is to increase sexual pleasure. If placed incorrectly the piercing is for decorative purposes only, and quite honestly, a complete waste of time and money. Lucky for Marianna I was an expert. Well, it would have been lucky if she'd actually wanted the hood of her clitoris pierced. Anyway, she'd thank me later. I was about to transform her orgasms from standard into fucking amazing. Nearly all of the women I'd pierced had commented on how good sex had been afterwards. I'd put money on the fact that Marianna wouldn't be the exception to the rule.

  I took my time as I decided which piercing would work best. I already knew I was going to give her a horizontal piercing, but her clit looked so damn pretty peeking up at me that I couldn't help but enjoy the view. Besides, I needed to get my heart rate under control. Who knew torture could be so exciting? Get it together, Leyland. Warming up the needle in my hand, because that's the kind of considerate guy I am, I took a few deep breaths to make sure my hand would be steady. This is not the kind of procedure that you fuck up. I would get a one shot chance to do it right, and I intended to do it properly. I believe in getting things right the first time, because I'm basically a self-made drugs lord (legal drugs, you understand), and if I fuck up people die and I get sued. I don't like getting sued, and I like talking to lawyers even less than getting sued, so I have a reputation for being particularly careful. With everything bar cars, that is, but that's another story.


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