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Bring Him Home

Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  “I’m sorry,” I hear her whisper against my neck. I suck in a deep breath while breathing her in. How can I enjoy both sides of her equally so much? I am loving this soft sweet side of her but I know before long that her stubborn streak will be back again. I know I will never have to choose because I am going to get a taste of both, whether I like it or not. I am going to make sure I enjoy both.



  I breathe in the smell of him, bringing me the comfort I need at the moment. It wasn't until I looked at the expression on his face that I really started to understand how wrong I had been to give a stranger my location. I was disappointed in myself that it hadn’t crossed my mind to think it was dangerous. I can’t even think about what would have happened if Drake hadn’t found me today. I would have been at some hotel alone when that creep came to bring me my suitcase. The thought scares the crap out of me, making me shiver. Maybe everyone was right; I wasn’t as ready for the city as I thought I was. I mentally chastise myself for my naïveté.

  I hold on to Drake, knowing that if I’m close to him nothing bad will happen to me. I should be pissed that he smashed my phone into smithereens. It was strange that I liked his protectiveness of me. His possessive nature makes butterflies take life inside of my stomach. I can’t make sense of how much I like his protective nature over me but when my parents do the same thing I get all worked up about it.

  I keep breathing him in, waiting for him to break our contact. I don’t want to let him go but I’m sure he’s going to move me off his lap soon. When I hear him curse I know it’s coming. To my surprise, he moves with me wrapped around him. His hold actually tightens on me and he doesn’t put me down. I hear a knock at the door again and it’s then I realize where he’s taking me. I try to let my legs drop from around him but he shifts me higher up on his torso. Since he’s not going to let me down, I wrap my legs back around him and smile into his neck.

  “I got the suitcase, sir,” I hear the woman say. “And here are the files that you rushed out of the office today without taking.”

  I continue to keep my face buried in his neck. I’m not sure if it’s from embarrassment or the stab of jealousy I still feel in her presence. I know my jealousy is ridiculous at this point, but I kiss his warm neck just to make myself feel better. He has made it clear that all of his attention is always focused on me. I’m just using the jealousy as an excuse to kiss his neck and claim him.

  “Thanks, Charlotte.” When he says her name I nip his neck. His body goes still for a moment. Maybe he’s as shocked as I am that I actually keep doing it. This jealousy thing is definitely working in his favor. I quickly lick the spot that I nipped. “Set them there,” he finally tells the poor woman. His hand on my back leaves for a moment. I’m guessing that he is pointing to wherever it is he told her to place the folders.

  “Anything else you need?” she asks and I can tell from her tone she is wondering what the hell is going on.

  “No, I’ll see you tomorrow.” A moment later I hear the door close.

  “You’re pushing it,” Drake says as he starts to move again, making me smile against his neck. A moment later my butt connects with something. I pull back, letting my hands slide from being locked around him to down his chest. I’ve been placed on the kitchen counter with him standing between my thighs. I don’t know much about fantasies but I think this is the setup for one. I mentally take a picture of how he looks standing there between my spread legs.

  “I’ll heat us up something to eat,” he tells me but doesn't move. I don’t know if it’s because he doesn't want to break our connection or the fact that I have my fingers digging into his buttoned-up shirt and I’m holding him hostage between my legs. I’m not sure how or when my fingers got there but they are definitely there. They obviously have a mind of their own, sort of like my mouth did when it was near his neck. What can I say? I have no control over my body when he is in close proximity, as I am quickly finding out.

  “M’kay.” I reluctantly drop my hands from his chest. He leans down for a moment, resting his forehead to mine.

  “You good, baby?” he asks. I smile to myself, knowing that it is the second time he’s called me baby. My heart gives a little flutter at the term of endearment just as it did when he said it the first time.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I can’t stop myself from tilting my head so his mouth brushes mine again. He growls, stepping back from me.

  “Food,” he grunts. I laugh because he sounds like a caveman only grunting that one word. “There they are.”

  “What?” I ask, not sure what ‘they’ he’s talking about. He gives me a smile before walking over to the fridge. I’m a little surprised to see him pull out a frozen pizza. I don’t know why but I really didn't think he’d have that in there. I pictured pre-planned meals lined up with labels someone had put together for him but I’m starting to get the feeling he doesn't want people in his space. Dad hinted that a touch too when I talked to him for a moment when I first got here. He doesn't seem to mind me here though.

  “The dimples.”

  I reach up and touch them as he pre-heats the oven.

  “Cindy Miller used to make fun of them.” I shake my head. She was always such a brat. “Called me crater face.” I roll my eyes thinking about it. “She hated me because she thinks Colton is in love with me.” She’s so dumb. She just couldn’t comprehend that there was someone that didn’t want her.

  Drake’s head jerks back to look at me. “First of all, fuck Cindy Miller. I think she knows how good these sexy-ass dimples look on you and she can’t stand it.” He drops the pizza box that he started to open, clearing the space between us. “Secondly. Whoever this Colton is—” I reach up, putting my hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. His eyes go a little wide. I’m guessing no one has ever done that to him before. He unexpectedly bites my finger. It surprises me and I giggle. I love playful Drake and I hope I get to see more of this side of him. Not that I don’t love that brooding caveman thing he does too just as much.

  “Colton lives next door. He’s my friend and we have never crossed those lines.” I scrunch my nose. “It would be like me kissing my brother. We grew up together. Our moms are best friends.” He was a few years older than I was but when your town is as small as ours everyone knows each other. It wasn’t unheard of to share classes with the older kids, which meant we sometimes had class together too. Our farms were so close that they were either lending us a hand or vice versa.

  When my hand drops away, his mouth is still set in a line. Maybe I shouldn’t but I like his jealousy. I can’t recall a boy ever being jealous over me, but then again, I don’t think you can call Drake a boy.

  The oven dings, letting us know that it’s preheated. “That heated up fast,” I say, trying to steer us away from Colton talk. “Is it because it’s a fancy rich-person oven?” I add. I watch as his mouth twitches fighting a smile. I can’t help but smile too when I see this time he loses the battle of trying to fight it.

  He pulls away from me, putting the pizza in the oven. “I was thinking you should come to work with me tomorrow,” he says nonchalantly.

  “Is this so you can keep an eye on me?” I raise an eyebrow, trying to tease him. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t disappointed when he told his assistant he’d see her tomorrow.

  “Can you blame me?” His eyes roam all over my body. I’m curious to know if it’s because he really wants me there or if it’s the fact that he’s a workaholic. I remember my dad always saying that about him. Is this his way of being able to work and still keep a close eye on me? I know for a fact that my dad would have asked him to give me a job in his company so that he could watch over me. I’m almost certain that my dad had no idea that Drake would be looking at me like he does. Never mind the fact that he’s been touching and kissing me too.

  “Maybe.” I shrug. I do need a job if I want to stay in this city. That is something I should have thought out before I hopped on a plane. I ho
nestly thought the stash of cash I had would hold me over for a while. The way things were looking it didn’t seem like my money would last so long in this expensive city. “Are you hiring?” I ask, flashing my dimples at him.

  “I’m sure I can find something for you to do.” He leans up against the counter across from me, his long, thick legs outstretched. This man is big all over. Hell, he is bigger than most of the men I grew up with. He looks like he belongs in the country with a pair of boots on, worn jeans, and a hat on his head. For some reason I don't picture him as the cowboy hat wearing kind. More of the ballcap or maybe not one at all.

  “I’m not sure I have a skill set you need,” I admit. “I do the books with Ma, I can cook and I know my way around the farm. I’m thinking you don’t need much help with anything like that.”

  He starts to open his mouth and I have a feeling I know what’s coming so I raise my hand to cut him off. I can tell that he’s not used to someone doing that to him when surprise lights in his eyes. He actually stops and puts his hands up in a motion for me to continue. His mouth twitches into one of those half smiles he's not fighting anymore.

  “I’m pretty sure sitting in your office flashing my dimples at you isn't a real job so don’t even try it.”

  “I think you underestimate those dimples. You let that Cindy get into that pretty little head of yours.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. Somehow the feel of the room has shifted. He seems more relaxed now. I really like him this way. Our relationship seems easy in this moment. I also know he is trying to get me to cave at the dimples job by using Cindy. He thinks I’m stubborn and that mentioning her will get my goose and have me trying to make a point. I’m on to him though. He’s not going to manipulate me into doing what he wants me to.

  “Don’t people start in the mailroom?” I side-step his comment. “You have a mailroom, right?” It's then I realize I’m not sure what he does. “What do you even do?” I scrunch my nose trying to think back to what my dad has said about him.

  “There’s a mailroom.” He chuckles, still smiling but bigger now. It makes my insides melt and I forget where I was going with this line of questioning. Oh yeah. What he does every day. That’s the golden question.

  “I’d tell you but someone told me it wasn't polite to talk about money. I wouldn’t want to come off as being cocky and have someone accuse me of being rude.” He looks directly at me when he says it.

  I narrow my eyes at him. I remember he does something with money. He’s some kind of investor. He invested in my dad's crops a few years back. He is known for investing in all sorts of things.

  “Investor.” I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who did that for a living. “Do you have a staff and stuff?” I know that he at least has an assistant, but what else does one need to be an investor? I guess that would depend on how many things you invest in. I’d bet you’d need people to keep track of all of your things. Above all I am positive he needs a ton of money to invest in things.

  “Yes, I have a staff. I own the Weston building. I take up the top two floors and rent out the rest.” My eyebrows raise in surprise. He owns a whole building here in the city. I knew he was loaded but holy cow, that’s a whole other level. He’s not rich. He’s wealthy.

  Suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable.

  “Look at me.” His deep voice rumbles across my skin. “I’d come over there and make you look at me but if I did that you’d never get to eat.” I raise my head, my cheeks heating at his words. I didn’t realize I’d dropped my gaze from him.

  “Still the same person, baby,” he reassures me. “Still the same man about to share a frozen pizza with you and then kiss you goodnight so we can get up and go to work tomorrow.”

  “Where I work in the mailroom,” I state.

  “If that’s what you want.” He sighs. He doesn’t seem to enjoy this idea. “Since I own the building my staff oversees the mailroom along with the front desk and security. If you wish to work in the mailroom then by all means that’s where you’ll work.”

  I study him for a moment wondering why he is so irritated that I want to start in the mailroom. Isn't that where most people start? I want to start at the bottom and work my way up. I don’t want anyone thinking that I was just handed a job without putting the work in. I'm trying to figure out why Drake would be so upset by this. That’s when it clicks in my mind and I realize that maybe Drake doesn’t want anyone to see him making out with the lowly mailroom girl. I feel sad that I let my mind wander to that thought because I can’t picture him as someone who cares about what others think. I’m not sure that I can trust my line of thinking these days. My judgment hasn’t been the best in the past twenty-four hours. I'll just have to feel him out over the next few days to see what his deal is.

  “Do you own a lot of buildings?” I look around wondering if he owns this one. I wouldn’t be shocked if he did.

  “That's the only one. Would you like me to buy another?” I’m not sure if he’s joking or not by the tone of his voice. Something inside me tells me if I say yes, he will go and buy one today. I decide to tease him a little.

  “Maybe.” I shrug, playing along. I know that he is trying to make me feel more comfortable in his presence. If I had to guess, I would say he’s not prone to making others feel comfortable when he’s in the room. He looks more like he commands the space he occupies and he doesn’t give a shit if others feel uncomfortable. He’s probably an expert at it. “I’ll keep an eye out. If I spot one I like I’ll let you know,” I casually toss at him.

  He laughs again. It’s that same deep laugh that I got when we were in the living room. My nipples tighten at the sound. I have to squeeze my legs together. I feel like my body is so attuned to him already. I’ve never felt like this before. I start to imagine that he walks back over to my side of the counter and shoves his thick thigh between my legs. I would slide my pussy up and down, getting as much friction as I possibly could just to take the edge off. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted as the oven dings that our pizza is ready. I close my eyes and try to calm myself down.

  He turns, pulling the pizza out of the oven, and starts to cut it up. He brings it over to where I’m sitting and lifts a piece to my mouth. I take a bite even though pizza is the last thing I’m hungry for right now.

  “Meat lovers.” I sigh, leaning forward and taking a bite. I chew and swallow. “Maybe this could work between us.” I’m teasing, but he doesn't smile as I poke him in his hard stomach. He only studies my face, making me wonder what he’s thinking. He’s probably thinking that this will never work between us. That thought makes my heart heavy and I don’t feel so hungry anymore.

  I know my thoughts are likely true. We may have a pull between us and an unquestionable sexual attraction to each other, but maybe that’s all it is for him. I’d like to think that this isn't what it usually feels like when you have a spark with someone. It’s too powerful. I’d never make it in the dating world if this was how it was every time with every person. Maybe Ma was right about me feeling too much. Was it naïve of me to hope he wanted more?

  No one back home ever got my attention. It was a big reason why I wanted to go off into the world too. I knew that I would have to go out and find love if I wanted it. It’s not like you run into new people every day where I am from. It’s slim pickings in the country. If I wanted a love like my Ma and dad have I’d need to go in search of it. Sadly, I know that this city life and I aren’t in it for the long haul. It hasn’t even been twelve hours and I’m already missing home. I’m guessing it’s normal for anyone to be homesick when they first move away. I am just feeling sorry for myself.

  I miss Bacon so much. I saved that grumpy little pig when she was just a runt. If you saw the size of her you'd never believe that she was the runt. You probably wouldn’t believe me when I told you that I nursed her little butt with a bottle, yet she still managed to constantly give me the stink eye. Maybe I shouldn’t have named her Bacon. That probably got us
off on the wrong foot. My dad said she reminded him of me. Cute but stubborn, he would say and then laugh at his own joke.

  “Where’d you go, baby?” he asks me. God, I love when he calls me that.

  “Probably the same place you did.” I sigh, taking another bite of pizza. He has to know it isn't going to work either. I keep wondering when he is going to bring up my dad. I know they are friends. I can't see how kissing and touching your friend’s daughter doesn't cross any lines and a man like Drake Weston has all kinds of lines.

  He mutters a doubtful but I don’t call him on it. I don’t need another reminder of why we shouldn't be doing the things we are doing. It doesn't matter though, I knew one way or another I’d get my heart broken. I am already in too deep to stop that from happening. Since I know it’s going to happen I resign myself to go down in a blaze of glory and enjoy every moment we have together. I might as well have a taste of Drake Weston. I know the man needs a taste of me, too. I am never going to be attracted to another man the way I am to him. I know one day I will leave this city to go back to the country but my cherry will be left behind with Drake. He is going to take it whether it crosses his imaginary lines or not. This man is strung way too tight. He needs a release and I want to be the one to give it to him. Maybe we can't have each other forever but when this is all said and done we can both benefit from the time I have here. We can both take from each other what we need.


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