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Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5)

Page 12

by C. A. Harms

  “Not for a long time.” I met his gaze once more, sure he was only saying that for my benefit. Stepping in even closer, he placed his hand on my hip and his smile took on that cocky little tip at the side. That one look alone made the excitement in me soar. “I expected a chick flick.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  Again he grinned and his eyes shifted toward my lips. My pulse quickened and I was silently begging for him to just kiss me already. I’d dreamt of it, imagined it so many times over the last week that at this point I was about to just take it myself.

  But before I could, he lifted his hand and oh so softly skimmed the pad of his thumb over my lower lip. “I was willing to watch anything if it meant you were here to watch it with me.” His words were nothing more than a whisper. “But this is good.” What? The movie or the way he was looking at me, holding me? “Horror movies mean that I have an excuse to hold you close.” With that he pulled me in closer, my chest now pressing to his.

  “You need an excuse?”

  Narrowing his gaze he stared at me, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

  Just live. Let go of any hesitation and just feel.

  “Not at all.” He tilted his head, his eyes remained lock on my own as if weighing out my reaction. Carefully he continued forward, his lips getting so close to my own. “I don’t want to scare you off again.”

  I placed my palm to his chest and glided it upward to hook the back of his neck, pulling slightly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He came without any hesitation and the second his lips touched mine I swore I felt a rush of electricity race through me. I knew it was more nerves and whole lot of satisfaction but electric current was the best way to describe the rush.

  The hand on my hip slid around, circling my waist, and he held me tightly. I tugged his hair at the nape of his neck and he groaned as he cupped my ass with his other hand. His lips danced over mine, sucking and nibbling. When his tongue licked over my lower lip I opened to him and he deepened the kiss.

  My head felt fuzzy, any rational thoughts escaped me. I had never been kissed like this.

  When he backed me toward the bed I didn’t feel fear, only need.

  When he lowered me to the mattress and with one hand hooked around my waist, he hauled me upward, I gripped him tighter. Moans filled the room, a mixture of mine and hiss when I wrapped my legs around his waist. This only created the perfect place for him to settle between my thighs.

  I felt him against me, pressing hard, and it only managed to heighten my hunger. When he shifted his hips I pulled back, panting. I found him watching me.

  “We should put that movie in.” I sensed his inner battle, but he didn’t move, and it could be because I had yet to release him, but partly because he felt it too. That connection, that desire to keep going.

  Closing the distance once more, he kissed me, this time slow before pulling away once again. “There’s no rush, right?”

  What was meant to sound like a reassuring statement came out in more of a question.

  “I like kissing you.” The confession fell from my lips and immediately I felt foolish.

  Tracing over my jaw with his finger, he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. “I like kissing you too.” I knew my cheeks were pink. “So much that if we keep going I’m afraid I’m gonna embarrass myself.” It took me a minute to catch on and when I did my eyebrows shot up. “A guy can only handle so much of a sexy girl rubbing up on him before he hits a breaking point.”

  I looked down between us and it dawned on me that I had in fact been grinding my hips against him, humping him like a crazed whore. Again my cheeks felt hot. “Sorry.” I attempted to cover my face but he reached up and grabbed my hand. Lifting it to his mouth, he pressed a kiss against my palm. It was such a sweet gesture.

  “I’m not.” His stubble tickled my palm. “I just want to make sure that you know I want you around for a lot more than that. We have time,” he ensured me once more. “I’d say we could keep on kissing and still watch the movie but I’d be lying. Because the second my lips touch yours it’s like something inside me shifts. I feel it throughout my entire body.”

  I’m surprised by his expression.

  “I should make you sit across the room until I calm down but I don’t like the thought of you being that far away, either. So I’ll suffer.”

  I had never in my life had a man or boy make me feel the way he had. It was weirdly satisfying to know that he was so turned on by simply kissing me.

  Slowly and reluctantly I released my hold on him and allowed my legs to fall from his waist. He looked down between us, and I swear I heard him growl and he pushed back to create space. As he stood again he looked at me and I was still sprawled out on his bed. I was sure I looked like a hot mess. But I didn’t move, not when his eyes were glued to me, a perusal over my body from toe to eyes. Then he shook his head, lifted his hand to his hair, and gave it a rough tug.

  When his back was to me I slid up to a sitting position and wondered if I should stand too. I heard the DVD sliding into the player, saw the flash of the lights as it began to flicker on the television just before I turned around once more and paused. “Lights on, or off?”

  He was struggling, and I tried not to smile triumphantly. “Off.” A flash of surprise crossed his face, then a quick recovery before he nodded and walked over to the wall. A flip of the switch and the room went dark, only the light from the movie as it began to play.

  I watched Jay, he watched me, and neither of us focused on the movie. It was intense, it was erotic, and I wasn’t nervous at all.

  My list may had been placed on hold with Darcy, but there was nothing stopping me from checking off those left over on my own. I may not have shared my lipstick, but the kiss made my toes curl, so in my book that counts.

  1. Rock a pair of heels like the hot girl I am.

  2. Get my girlie bits waxed.

  3. Share my red lipstick with a gorgeous guy. (That means kiss him) Correction share a kiss that make my toes curl. Check!

  4. Skip class, because I’m hung over.

  5. Forego panties and go dancing in a short dress.

  6. Give my number to a random guy. (Not random but I still did it.)

  7. Pick out my favorite nail polish and forget it landed in my handbag while tossing it in the cart. (Shh, it’s not stealing if it’s an accident.)

  8. Get a tattoo in a secret hidden location.

  9. Pierce something, like a nipple or a further south region.

  10. Cash in my innocence, to a well-endowed peer Jay #Dicksawinging Grady!

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Halfway through the movie Ruby was tucked into my side, hiding her face against my chest. I’d laughed when her body jerked in reaction to the horrific scene playing out on the movie. Hell, who was I to stop her from practically crawling on top of me?

  I spent the movie watching her reaction, the way her eyes would widen and she’d hide her face only to peek through her fingers, refusing to miss what took place next. It was hilarious, after all, she was the one who chose that movie, so I had to think that maybe, just maybe, there was an ulterior motive behind her choice.

  A guy could hope.

  My mind continued to wander back to the grind session that started our evening. Every time I did I could feel myself growing hard all over again. For a timid little thing, her body didn’t react like someone with very little experience. Kissing her set the hidden temptress inside of her loose and control was thrown right out the window.

  For both of us actually.

  I had a feeling we were going to be dangerous together and I could barely control the excitement I felt to jump in head fucking first. I was ready to be destroyed by this girl. Ready to let her bring me to my knees.

  A loud shrill filtered from the surround sound and her body slightly jerked in surprise but nothing like before. It was more of a twitch.

  Ruby’s leg was lifted up over mine, her foot tucked und
er my leg. One hand rested upon my chest and the other rested beneath her cheek. With every breath I took I could smell something floral and sweet, a mixture of her shampoo and I assumed perfume. She felt so small tucked in close.

  My arm was around her, my hand rested on her hip. My other was bent and tucked beneath my head. Being like this with her felt comfortable.

  Again the echo of screams filled the room and I waited for her to react only she didn’t.

  Leaning in a little closer, I listened and smiled when I heard her breathing evenly, the small resemblance of a light snore each time she exhaled. I knew this from the many times we’d been on the phone late at night and she’d fallen asleep.

  Careful not to wake her, I reached for the controller and hit mute, afraid that the screams I knew where coming would wake her. I wanted to keep her like this for as long as I could. Holding her felt right.

  Turning my own body toward her, I pulled her as close as I could and felt her lips brush against my neck and again my body reacted without control. I paused, waiting for the surge of need to subside before I started to relax once again. She cuddled in, finding the perfect space, and when she did I decided that space was now hers for as long as she wanted it.

  Her hair tickled my nose and I closed my eyes, welcoming the comfort that began settling over me. My own body relaxed to hers, my thoughts completely surrounded by the beautiful girl in my arms.

  Fuck, I’d do this very thing every single night if she’d allow me. I wondered if this was how my brothers felt when they found their girls. Like a sucker punch in the gut.

  Concentrating on her soft purrs, I gave in to the feeling and the darkness engulfed me.

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but Ruby stirring against me woke me. She was attempting to roll away and I hooked her waist pulling her back to me. Her back pressed tightly against my chest, my hand spread out over her lower stomach.

  “Stay,” I whispered sleepily and she looked back over her shoulder at me. Her eyes appeared sleepy, her hair a bit of a mess. “Stay here,” I repeated and she looked hesitant. “I wanna hold you, just like this.”

  “I shouldn’t.” She bit her lower lip and I was reminded of what my sister said, the fact that Ruby’s home life was a bit of a wreck. She was indecisive because of her father.

  “Call him and tell him you’re staying with Darcy.” For a second she looked surprised and then she looked away. “You’re old enough to make your own choices, Ruby. You shouldn’t let him make you feel bad for it.”

  She nodded, but had yet to grab her phone.

  “Do you want to stay?”

  A few seconds passed and she took in a slow deep breath before she met my gaze. “Yes.” I felt the tension leave me immediately. For a second I thought she’d tell me no.

  “Then stay here with me.” I cupped her jaw and brought my lips to hers. Slowly, teasingly, I kiss her, only skimming over her lips with the tip of my tongue. I wanted to deepen the kiss, damn, I wanted to climb over her and drive her crazy. But instead I pulled back.

  Her eyes looked hazy, like she’d been momentarily drained of all logical thinking and I fought the urge to puff out my chest.

  While she texted her father I grabbed the comforter and covered us up. When she placed her phone on my nightstand and turned back to me, the worried look from earlier had faded. “He’s been a little more lenient since he started dating his assistant.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “If you consider him dating a money-hungry slut that isn’t much older than me a good thing, then yeah, I guess so.” She focused on my chest and in that very moment I understood that Ruby too had demons she fought. They may not be the same as my own but they were things that held her back. Things that made her feel as though she didn’t deserve the things I wanted to give her.

  It made me hate her father almost as much as I hated my own.


  Pop pop! Something hard hit my chin and a pained moan filled the silence between pops.

  I blinked away the fog and looked around the room, realizing that it’s not just from sleep. My room was filled with smoke, and Ruby was standing at the side of my bed rubbing a spot on the side of her head. Her were eyes wide with shock and then I smelt it.

  “Fuck.” Climbing from the bed I went to the door and jerked it open. Corbin and Clayton stood outside, with Blake, of all people, standing only a few feet behind them. Clayton was laughing so hard he had tears rolling over his cheeks.

  Corbin smiled, with his hand buried in a bag of Doritos. “’Sup,” he offered, and I wanted to deck him.

  “How’s your date?” Blake asked, looking smug as she attempted to look over my shoulder.

  “You’re a menace.” This only made her shrug her shoulders as if she already knew it and did nothing to wipe the satisfied grin from her face. “Warped as the rest of them.”

  Ignoring them, I turned around and slammed the door, coming face to face with a horrified Ruby. Her mouth was covered by her hand, her cheeks blown out like she was about to puke. She was right, it was putrid. My room smelled like our living room after Frankie made her hot chili and we’d washed it down with beer.

  That shit got bad, pun intended.

  I tried not to laugh at the tiny girl before me that was now turning a light shade of green.

  “Let me open the windows and turn on the fans.”

  I hurried past her, opening the two windows I had and flipping on the ceiling fan as well as the rotating fan tucked in the corner. I faced it in the opposite direction so it would blow the smell out.

  “I guess we forgot to lock the door.” Like that was excuse enough to explain what had just taken place.

  “What was that?” Still wide-eyed and breathing through her mouth trying not to smell the shit bomb we’d just been gifted, she looked between me and the door.

  “Happens often here.”

  “What? Firecrackers and stink bombs?” Confusion etched her face, her nose crinkled, her brows scrunched. “That happens?”

  “Among other things.” I bit my lip to keep from laughing when her eyes grew wide once more and she sat down on the side of the bed looking exasperated. I joined her and rubbed her lower back. “The guys are always pulling pranks, trying to outdo each other. I’m usually prepared, but I forgot to do the chain and put the chair under the handle last night before falling asleep.”

  “You have to do that?” Her shocked expression returned.

  “Yes.” I chuckled. It was unstoppable at this point. Poor Ruby looked like she’d been bombarded by a flock of ostriches in the middle of a snowstorm. She had no idea how to accept the intrusive event that woke us both. “Babe.” Placing my hand on her thigh, I gave her a little shake. “You good?”

  She nodded, though I wasn’t so sure she realized she was.

  I watched and waited, and little by little she began to relax a little more. The tension in her shoulders gave way when she finally looked at me. “That was insane.” I’d never in my life seen anything more adorable. Unable to stop myself, I gripped her face, one palm against each of her cheeks, and I kissed her, only adding to her confused state. She had no idea what she was in for, but I was damn sure gonna enjoy watching her be initiated to the Fraternity life.

  Chapter Thirty


  “You spent the night with him and nothing happened?” Darcy looked at me in disbelief, almost like she thought I was lying.

  “I never said nothing happened.” She cocked a brow. “It was exciting and…” I paused, trying to find the words only there really wasn’t one to explain how it went. So I gave it a shot. “Perfect.” Ugh, even that felt like a poor description.

  Darcy continued to stare at me, a hollow look in her eyes, one I’d never seen before in my spunky wild friend. I wondered where that crazy one from weeks ago had gone. I slid closer, fearful of any others around us hearing what I was about to ask. “Darce…” Her eyes met mine, and she tilted her head just enough to duck o
ut of the line of the beating sun. “What happened with you and Isaac?” She seemed surprised by my question but I’d watched her bury herself inside this little bubble for too long. I wanted my friend back.

  “Before you tell me nothing, you should rethink that, because I know it’s something.” She played with the label on her coffee, refusing to look me in the eyes. “Did he hurt you?”

  I hated the idea of Darcy dealing with something of that magnitude alone.

  “No.” She smiled but it never once reached her eyes, it was forced. “I was just a stupid girl who thought a guy could like me for more than just sex.”

  Reaching out, I placed my hand over hers and she paused, pulling on the sleeve around her coffee.

  “The thing was he never promised anything,” she continued. “I knew going in that it was a hook up, but I did it anyway. Hoping maybe, just maybe, I’d be enough to change his mind.”

  “Darcy.” My heart ached for her.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, really.” She squeezed my hand. “I hold a grudge, but in all truth it’s unfair. Isaac is the quiet one of the group but he hooks up a lot with a lot of different girls. He just doesn’t publicize it. After our night together,” she paused and sat up a little straighter. “I hung around, went to all their events, tried my hardest to get noticed by him. Problem was the only thing I managed to do was look pathetic. Everyone knew, which is humiliating.”

  I didn’t speak for fear of her thinking I was pitying her, but inside my heart felt as though it was cracking.

  “It was easier to be judgmental and categorize them all as players. I’m sorry I allowed my bitterness to cloud your judgment of Jay. He didn’t deserve that, neither did you.”

  There was a long silence as I waited for her to collect her thoughts before she cleared her throat and regained control.

  “So tell me about your night.” A brightness returned to her eyes, but she still seemed wounded. I knew it took a lot for her to admit her wrongs and share with me what really happened. So maybe this meant she was finally letting go and healing. “Tell me all about Jay Grady and his kissing skills.”


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