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Feisty Heroines Romance Collection of Shorts

Page 59

by D. F. Jones

  Still nothing.

  Then the lights went out.

  Chapter 5


  Ash felt it the moment the portal opened three days ago. He waited a bit, but when no one arrived at his door, he exited his lair and immediately sensed her presence. Dragon. Female, and though cloaked, he easily caught her scent. It was incredibly sweet, delectable, and heated his blood.

  A long-forgotten need awoke. A hunger, and it was enhanced a hundred-fold when he shifted into his own dragon. Though he had a monthly delivery of supplies, only men ever dared come to his home.

  How many years since he’d even set eyes on a female?

  Right, since the night his brother betrayed him.

  Yet now, this one dared venture into his world, and worse, she called to him. Called to his dragon.

  That realization angered him.

  He’d learned the hard way not to trust, and really didn’t need or want anyone.

  Ash expected her to make herself known. She didn’t, and the longer she remained hidden upon his mountain—the more days that passed, the more his anger grew.

  Along with unwanted curiosity.

  He thought to confront her, then decided to play her game, see what she was up to. It had to be some nefarious purpose, but what else did he have to occupy himself with these days?

  Still, hatred and fury lived inside of him—emotions he couldn’t easily dispel, and they grew stronger at the knowledge that she’d come to his home for reasons not honorable.

  His dragon roared, a deep bellow of rage and bitterness.

  Power sizzled in his veins.

  He dove into the storm and let it carry him away.

  Ash knew what he’d find as soon as he arrived home on the third day.

  He wasn’t disappointed.

  His ward had been breached. It was a very subtle distortion in the magic weave, but she’d made it inside.

  Surprised at her tenacity, Ash shifted into his human body and followed her scent through his home. His pulse raced as each room drew him closer to her. He started off angry, but for some reason couldn’t hold the emotion, and instead, found himself eagerly anticipating finally setting eyes upon her.

  Then she was gone, leaving only a lingering whiff of sweetness behind.

  Disappointment swept Ash. He pushed it away with a snarl.

  She came back the next day.

  Ash was aware the moment she set foot in his realm, only this time the portal didn’t open.

  He shifted into his dragon, and aware of her watching, took to the sky. But he didn’t go far, and a few moments later he landed back outside his lair. His coy dragon-teleporter was a surprise, and today he had one for her. Ash concealed his power and scent, and then entered his home, eager to confront the thief who’d been tormenting him for days now.

  He felt the lingering essence of her in his office, and his body tightened in reaction, but the strongest pull was coming from the direction of his vault.

  Her sweet yet wild fragrance made his senses dizzy with longing. Ash passed through his ward and into the large cavern, realizing his mistake too late.

  He’d been so confident in his strength and abilities, that her attack took him by surprise.

  She was fast, a blur as she came at him.

  A blade slid into his side, and blood began to soak his shirt.

  “Enough,” he roared, lighting all the torches with his mind.

  Chapter 6


  Treya froze, not because he’d commanded it, but rather the sight of him up close left her breathless. With a head of midnight hair, and a hard, yet handsome face, he dominated the room. But that wasn’t it. No, it was the fact that other than his clothing choice, Ash was the spitting image of Domorio.

  Muscles bulged from beneath his black T-shirt, and his jeans hugged his hips.

  Her mouth watered, and a strange need swept over Treya. She met his gaze, heart in her throat.

  Power lit the air and washed over her. As it faded, Treya caught a flash of recognition in his emerald eyes, followed by rage. Her hand went to her face and despite not having a mirror in front of her, she knew he’d magically removed her makeup mask.

  “Who are you, Avalonia’s daughter or sister?”

  He knew her monster of a mother? The thought left her sick. “I’m Treya,” she said, anger spiking at the mention of the director’s immortal consort.

  Ash stared at her a moment longer, then turned and walked out of the cavern.

  Treya blinked, suddenly feeling bereft. Then outrage took over.

  She fingered the tiny cylinder in her pocket, then tested the spell used to keep her here. It was gone. Ash had left her here with his treasure and a way out.

  Why would he do that?

  Confused and strangely shaken, Treya gazed all around at the glittering dreams waiting to happen as soon as she deigned to grasp them.

  She let out a low growl.

  It was all kinds of stupid, but she couldn’t do it, she couldn’t leave.

  Treya found Ash in the living area, staring out at the turbulent world beyond. “You know my mother, and you’re the maker of the Nanotech she uses. I assume you’re partly responsible for me and the rest of us then.”

  He turned and raked her from head to toe. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Treya moved forward, emotions spiking with fury. She yanked her sleeve up. “Really? You don’t know?”

  Ash lifted her arm and looked at her tattoo. TRA237A.

  Treya froze at his touch. His fingers were cold, but he was extremely gentle. A slow fire swept through her to sizzle in her veins.

  On its heels came a flood of barely contained rage. His. It hit her hard, pounded at her, then as if realizing what he was doing, he tamped it down.

  Shocked, Treya didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until she met his eyes.

  Ash dropped her arm and moved away.

  Treya drew in a deep breath, wondering at the brief flare of fire—hunger she’d glimpsed in his emerald depths before they blanked once again.

  Her stomach rumbled loudly, breaking the silence.

  Treya covered her embarrassment with anger. “You haven’t answered my question.”

  Ash went over to the kitchen and pulled some food out of the cooler unit.

  Treya followed, growing annoyed at his silence. “What are you doing?”

  Ash quickly piled meat and cheese on a slice of bread, then added another slice of bread on the top.

  “Making you a sandwich.” He slid the plate across the counter to her.

  Treya stared. “What, why would you do such a thing?” Sure, she’d missed a meal, but she’d broken into his home. Her stomach rumbled again, and she wanted to curse at the timing. “I saw your lab, all the tech. I recognize the dragon and sun emblem from the compound where I was created.” She couldn’t keep the resentment from her voice.

  Ash’s brows pinched together as he turned and put the food away.

  Treya picked up the sandwich and bit into it, then stifled a groan. She was almost finished when Ash turned back around.

  She tried to read him, but it was impossible. Then she noticed the blood on his shirt. Crap! “Sorry, I—” What could she say, sorry she attacked him in his own home? It wasn’t like they were friends or anything, and she was trying to steal from him. Still … she couldn’t help but feel bad.

  “It’s fine. I heal fast.”

  Treya set the last bit of sandwich down, no longer hungry. She pulled the tiny cylinder from her pocket. “What does this do, and why would your brother want me to steal it?”

  “What?” Ash froze.

  Treya went over to him and held the vial up. “Well?”

  Ash took it, and though his face was a granite mask, his hand shook.

  Treya could feel the emotions churning through him. Anger, followed by confusion, and finally a deep sadness.

  She had the crazy urge to touch him, to hold
him, and assure him that everything was going to be all right. She gave herself a mental slap down. What was wrong with her?

  First, he was a stranger, a big, extremely powerful dragon shifter. Second, he was her target, her payday. Except she’d blown that possibility far outside the fifty-two realms. Third, again, what in all the skanky demon’s breath was happening to her? “That’s Nano tech, correct?”

  “It is.”

  “What does it do?” She tried to hide her reaction to him, but as Ash’s emerald gaze locked on hers, Treya’s blood heated once more and her knees went weak.

  “It does whatever is needed. Help a child to walk, shift forms, breathe.”

  “And it works?” She shook her head. “I mean, it’s proven?”

  “Yes,” he said, and handed it back.

  Treya swore. “Did the director and Ava have access to this the whole time?”

  “The only tech of mine they have access too is what Ava stole from me when she …” Ash’s jaw clenched.

  Treya blinked and slid the cylinder into her pocket. “Wait, what?”

  Ash went to move past her, but Treya grabbed his arm. “What did she do to you?”

  Ash froze.

  “Please. I need to know.” Treya didn’t let go, though it was growing hard to not touch more of him.

  Chapter 7


  Her touch sent wildfire whipping through Ash’s veins. “It was a hundred years ago, and you ask too many questions.”

  “I know, you’re not the first one to say that.”

  Since the first moment he’d felt Treya’s presence, hunger had thrummed an all-consuming fire through Ash. Now, with her holding his arm, her warmth seeping into him, it rose up, demanding he taste her, claim her.

  As if aware of his reaction, Treya let go. “Sorry, I …” She frowned. “Why are you so cold? Can’t you regulate your body temp?”

  Before Ash could answer, she placed both hands flat on his chest. Her large blue eyes widened, then she looked up at him. “You’re freezing!”

  No. He was on fire. Already his temperature had risen a few degrees. His dragon waited as Ash drew in her scent. He bit back his moan. Then unable to help himself, pulled her close and lowered his lips to hers.

  Treya moaned and clutched him tighter, then one hand wrapped around the back of his neck as she rose on tiptoes.

  She tasted better than he could have ever imagined. A pure white energy entered his soul, leaving him with a hunger, a deep craving for more.

  Treya drew back, fingers on her lips and a stunned look in her brilliant blue eyes. Then she looked up and gasped. “Your hair, it’s streaked with gold. What’s happening to you? And what’s happening to me? I’m drawn to you, I feel as if I know you, as if I’ve always known you. How’s that possible?”

  His heart skipped a beat as understanding slowly dawned.

  She was his soul mate.

  Fear flooded his system, stealing away the first slice of happiness he’d experienced in ages.

  “I can see in your eyes that you know the answer, why won’t you tell me?” she asked when he remained silent.

  Outside the storm had gone quiet.

  “You should go before you get hurt,” he said, and moved to put some distance between them.

  Treya started to say something, then closed her mouth.

  Ash left her there and went to his room, leaving her the hardest thing he’d ever done. He’d already lost—destroyed so much, he couldn’t bear to destroy her as well.

  Chapter 8


  Treya started to ask why Ash thought that when a voice filled her mind, calling for her.


  It was very faint, but the fear she sensed spurred her to action. As much as she wanted to go confront Ash, she had to find out what was going on with her brother. Where are you?

  Treya I’m scared.

  Where are you, Jacey?

  There was no answer. Dread churned in her gut as she zapped home, hoping to see her brother waiting at Me-annie’s place.

  Instead, she found her neighbor standing at the door looking shaken and frantic. A smear of blood covered her cheek from a split lip, and her arm was bruised. Tears filled her eyes at the sight of Treya.

  “Are you all right? What happened? Where’s my brother?” Treya helped her back inside her home.

  “I’m fine. Just shaken, and I don’t know. Some men showed up and took him.” She shuddered as Treya lowered her into a chair. “I’m so sorry dear, I … tried to stop them.”

  Fear combined with rage swept Treya. “I have to go find him. Will you be okay here alone?”

  “Yes, of course. My brother is on his way over. Go. Bring that sweet boy home.”

  “I will,” Treya vowed. If it was the last thing she did.

  Jacey? Again, there was no answer. She zapped to Domorio’s office. It was empty, though she could sense that Ash’s brother had just been there, his essence was still very strong. She gazed through the window at the club down below. It was slowly filling up for the night, but there was no sign of Domorio anywhere.

  Treya took a chance and zapped to the alley behind the club. A large, oval hover-car was just pulling away.

  It stopped as she appeared in front of it, the driver staring at her wide-eyed.

  Treya waited.

  The back door opened, and Ash’s brother emerged. “I see you made it back.”

  Treya snorted at his surprise, as if he knew she’d be captured by Ash. “Yeah, your brother let me go, now tell me where Jacey is.” She gripped the handle of one of her blades.

  “No idea,” Domorio said, only a slight flicker in his eyes at mention of Ash.

  Treya frowned, he wasn’t acting like someone who’d kidnapped a child to assure he got what he wanted. “You haven’t even asked about the tech you wanted. Why?”

  Domorio shrugged. “Do you have it?”

  “I do.” She held it up.

  “Good. Keep it.”

  Treya gaped at him, stunned. “What? I don’t understand, you had me steal it, now you don’t want it?” She shook her head. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, just tell me where my brother is.”

  “I do not know.”

  “You say that, but the last time I was here you threatened him.”

  Domorio sighed. “I don’t have your brother, though I wouldn’t be surprised if my missing guard is involved with his disappearance.”

  His guard? “You’ve been playing games with me, why should I believe you?”

  Domorio didn’t answer, though Treya could have sworn she saw a flicker of guilt in his eyes. But it was gone so quick, she wasn’t sure if it was a trick of the street lamps or not.

  “You said one guard, but you had two in your office,” she said.

  “A body, one of my guards, was pulled from the Toongeeh river tonight.” Anger flashed in his eyes as he handed her a metal tab with a local crotchrider club’s insignia. “I have a feeling you might find what you’re looking for here.”

  Treya turned it over in her hands. It looked to have been pulled off one of the motorized crotch machines they rode. “This place is hyena-pack run.”

  “It is.” With that, Domorio got in his hover-car and drove away.

  Treya thought of the nasty male who’d accosted her the other night. Jacey? She called again, surprised when he responded.


  I’m coming for you. What can you tell me of the ones holding you? she asked.

  Not much, they knocked me out, and I feel fuzzy now.

  Keep talking to me, she said, hating how his voice wavered. But it still enabled her to track his mental signature across town.

  Right to the hyena’s crotchrider club.

  She studied the single-story building, the exits, and the thirteen pack members outside. Some were working on their single rider hover machines, while others just milled about, drinking and chatting.

  As Treya walked through the gate and up to th
e front door, a male hyena called to someone inside the building. A moment later, six pack members emerged, their alpha in the lead.

  He grinned at the sight of her. “I knew you’d come.”

  “Where’s my brother?”

  “He’s … well-guarded. You bring me what I want, and you can have him back,” the alpha said.

  “What exactly is it you want?” Treya asked, though she had a pretty good idea.

  “Ash’s gold. All of it.”

  “You hurt a hair on my brother’s head and you get nothing.”

  The hyena grinned. “Like I said, you bring me what I want, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Treya turned and walked away, only teleporting when she was out of sight.

  With a mix of disturbing emotions over the idea of confronting Ash again, Treya zapped to the living area of his home. He wasn’t there. A quick glance outside made her frown. The weather was almost calm. She sifted through all the tales she’d ever heard of Corsica Di’osa and its people. Then she thought about the paintings in the library, and suddenly another puzzle piece slid into place. “Ash?”

  She started down the hall, and sensing him in the master bedroom, entered, taken in once again by the stunning art adorning the walls. “Ash? I know I have no right to ask this of you, but I really need your help.” She turned and found him lying pale and shivering on his bed. “Ash?”

  “You shouldn’t be here.” Blood darkened his clothed chest.

  “No!” Treya hurried over and gently peeled back his shirt, her heart frantic. He was a powerful dragon, yet his wound hadn’t healed at all. “You lied to me. Tell me how to help.”

  “I leave everything I have to you.”

  “What?” Treya shook her head. “No! I don’t accept.”

  “Treya …” Ash stared at her as if imprinting her on his mind. “There’s a lot of gold in the vault. Do something good with it.”

  “Stop it.” Treya bit her lower lip. This couldn’t be happening. “I don’t want your treasure, though I might need to borrow it, but I promise I’ll bring it back.”


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