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Zombies Blow

Page 4

by Z. Allora

  He’d started the Rainbow Support Group and dedicated himself to helping others, with the selfish desire to be deserving of love, companionship, and friendship.

  “I’m sorry.” Storm took another drink.

  Keith couldn’t stop the question because he badly wanted to know. “So he and Corey are together now?”

  Storm nodded. “Yeah.”

  The way he said that made Keith ask, “Aren’t they happy?”

  “With each other, of course. They’re head over heels, but they are looking for their third—I mean—”

  “They’re polyamorous?” Hope rose in him. Cheering echoed through the chambers of his heart before his brain had a chance to crush dreams with reality. Even if they are open to another person, I’m not on their be-our-third list.

  “Something like that.” Storm’s habit of vague admissions always made Keith feel like he was missing a big piece of a puzzle.

  A cute blond bounced in through the door, followed by a brown-haired guy speaking to a tall powerful-looking redhead. The blond made a beeline to Storm and draped himself over his lap, giving him a big kiss on the lips.

  The other two smiled and waited their turn. The redhead grabbed Storm’s head and planted a quick but smoking-hot kiss on his mouth, and then the brown-haired guy slugged him in the arm before French-kissing him, or maybe that was a dental cleaning—it was thorough.

  Keith stood, trying to shove his envy away. He should be happy for Storm to have such gorgeous men dote on him. For all Storm’s issues, he was a great guy.

  “Let me reintroduce you to my… boyfriends—Ulrich, Cut, and Alex.” After Storm introduced them, they shook hands with Keith, and then everyone sat down.

  As they got comfortable, each man seemed to melt into the other, forcing Keith to once again long for that kind of affection.

  Alex, the red-haired guy, cleared his throat. “Keith, we want to thank you for helping Storm reorder his feelings on gender. You and your group have taught him so much.”

  “Yeah, he’s no longer holding on to asshole thoughts—well, at least not on gender.” Cut laughed at his own joke.

  Storm shrugged. “They’re right, of course.”

  The bartender, who still wasn’t Jax or Corey, brought over two sodas and three more beers.

  Ulrich giggled as he read the label on Alex’s beer, “Zombie Wishes. Nice, glad they’re still stocking this kind.”

  Cut snorted and sipped his soda. “So we heard you, Corey, and Jackson are all from the same town.”

  “Interesting.” Ulrich elbowed Cut.

  Maybe a change of subject would be a good idea. “Yeah, a couple hours south of here. How did all you guys meet?”

  Ulrich’s smile lit to a thousand megawatts, and he pointed to Storm and Cut. “These two walked into Club Zombie and were exactly who Alex and I were waiting for.”

  “So you just knew?” Keith believed in lust at first sight, but he’d never dared to hope it could turn into the deep love he saw between these men.

  Ulrich nodded. “I did… well, it took us a bit to get solid, but yeah.”

  “Were you all poly before you met? Geez, I’m sorry, one beer and I misplace my manners. I don’t mean to be nosy….”

  Cut waved him off. “Nah, it’s all good. I got to say I wasn’t, but then when you fall for two other guys when you’re already in love with your best friend, you look for a reason.”

  Keith nodded. “Thank you for sharing. I always wondered how it worked.”

  Alex raised his eyes to study Keith. “It does. We all bring something to the relationship no one else does but someone else—”

  “Or everyone else needs,” Ulrich interrupted Alex.

  “If I get too personal tell me to back off, but what about jealousy?” Hey, if they were willing to answer questions, he would ask. People can say what they will, but nothing beat discussing things directly with the individuals involved. Dr. Google was not as accessible as someone right in front of you who was comfortable sharing.

  “We love one another, so I’m happy Alex can give Cutter something I can’t.” Storm had a calm acceptance. There was a downright joy among the four of them.

  Ulrich tried to snatch a sip of Storm’s beer, but Alex inched the bottle out of his reach, pushing his soda in front of him. He sighed and said, “Sometimes people think we each get less love, like it’s a pie. But really I feel like we get more love.”

  “It takes a village,” Cut chirped as he relaxed into Storm.

  Ulrich nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably why Corey and Jackson—I mean….”

  “What?” What did he mean? Keith really wanted to know.

  The table grew tense.

  Alex sat straighter. “I think what Cutter and Uli were trying to say is another partner would balance them.”

  “So they are looking for a third?” Keith needed to dial it back from full-on crazy to mildly wacky or they were going to toss him out. Where was his usual control?

  Storm’s lovers all looked around at one another like they were trying to figure out the right answer, because apparently yes or no didn’t quite work.

  Yet again he felt like he was on the edge of something and one wrong move—stop being Drama Llama, as his kids in the group would tell him.

  “Yes, they are.” Storm shrugged to Alex, who drilled into Keith with his piercing stare.

  Ulrich leaned over and asked, “Have you ever thought about having more than one lover?”

  All the time! “I don’t seem to manage to keep one, let alone multiple partners, happy.”

  Though the truth was, after three failed attempts at being happy with someone, he’d given up and focused on being a better person.

  Cutter grinned. “Come on, don’t tell me you haven’t watched threesome porn.”

  Keith shrugged. “Porn isn’t realistic. Though it is pretty to see them play sexual Twister.”

  “Sexual Twister.” Storm snorted.

  “Who goes where? What part belongs to whom?” Ulrich gazed at Cutter and grinned.

  Storm rolled his eyes. “Where did the lube go?”

  “And where’s the crop?” Cutter added, his gaze skittering over to Alex.

  Well damn!

  Alex cleared his throat. Cut sat ramrod straight, and he tried to appear apologetic, but Ulrich’s waggling eyebrows made him fail by bursting into belly laughs, which Alex joined in on.

  Ulrich leaned forward. “So there’s no one? You’re an attractive guy. I can’t believe that.”

  Keith bandaged his heart and then said, “I wish, but no. Maybe some people don’t get a happily ever after.”

  Cutter shook his head. “I don’t believe that anymore. We all deserve happy and healthy relationships.”

  “Apologize to him, forgive yourself and then move on.” Storm returned the favor of sage advice.

  Storm’s boyfriends scrunched their faces in questions they didn’t ask.

  Ulrich pointed at him. “You should come back tomorrow.”

  Keith felt helpless because he wanted to do that. Not just for Corey and Jax… okay, mostly for Corey and Jax, but he missed adult friendships.

  Storm elbowed him. “You could visit the backrooms.”

  “Backrooms?” Was he suggesting…?

  Ulrich played the translator. “Storm thinks you can burn off some of your confusion by unloading in a stranger’s mouth.”

  “Ulrich!” Alex groaned.

  Pointing, Storm called out, “Bingo, Ulrich gets me.”

  Ulrich shrugged. “There are rooms—”

  “With lots of choices,” Cut added with a wink.

  Overwhelmed and a tad horny, Keith had to ask, “Choices?”

  “Blowjob Alley. BJ Bar, where you can get a beer while you’re sucked off. There’s a BDSM room—sort of a club within a club. Or places to hook up and fuck.”

  Alex’s head dropped forward, and a curtain of red hair hid his face. Was the big guy embarrassed?

  Storm grinned. “D
on’t forget the Shoeshine Station and the glory hole room.”

  Images of men kneeling, offering their mouths to please him, started to lengthen his cock and fill him with desire.

  “Geez, I haven’t been to a glory hole in years.” There were several spots just outside his hometown. In his early twenties, he visited on occasion.

  “Well, the glory hole room is closed tonight but will reopen tomorrow,” Ulrich told him in that earnest way of his.

  “What, are they painting or something?” Cutter asked like it mattered.

  “I heard they are relining the holes with velvet.” Ulrich grinned.

  “Velvet? Oh, nice,” Cutter answered. “We should—”

  “Only if we’re on the other side.” Storm gestured between Alex, Cut, and himself.

  “Of course.” Ulrich made a face of “are you crazy,” then started kissing Cutter… deep-kissing Cutter.

  That was Keith’s cue. “Well, I’m going to hit the road.”

  “Hopefully that means Alex can hit other things.” Cutter snorted at his own joke, which was mostly lost on Keith.

  “Come back tomorrow and come. Seriously, it will clear your head,” Storm encouraged him.

  “Maybe.” Keith gave them a wave and watched as the group morphed into a happy pile of kissing and touching.

  Who was he kidding? How would he stay away when he’d have the chance to right the wrongs he’d done over twenty years ago?


  It Was a Hole… and It Could Become Glorious

  “Mmmm.” Jackson woke to a delicious suction centered on his cock. He opened his eyes to see the bedding rising and falling over his middle. Peeking under the tie-dyed comforter revealed his mate’s mouth full and sucking on him. “Good morning.”

  Corey pulled off with a smile curling his lips. “Good morning to you. I thought you’d enjoy the alarm set to blowjob mode this morning.”

  The gentle laugh reassured him his Corey seemed to have returned from that dark place of despair he’d been in the last couple of days. Jackson had become worried because Corey had even refused to go to the club, which was something he’d never done. Maybe they could both put Keith in the past.

  Corey’s mouth forced Jackson’s focus back on getting a blowjob. Damn!

  He pushed his fingers into Corey’s damp waves and tightened his grip. He smiled at the sexy groan that escaped Corey. “Blowjob mode, hmmm. Well, we’ll have to set yours to—fuck, you’re great with your mouth.”

  Now that Jackson was awake, Corey appeared determined to drive him to orgasm on the quick side of now. Swirling tongue, dragging lips, and strong suction thrust Jackson to heaven with barely a gasped “Corey.”

  Jackson came and came. Inhaling made his contractions harder because Corey’s come scented the air, making everything just about perfect… almost.

  “Ah, that’s the way to start the day.” Jackson pulled Corey into his arms and snuggled him. “You came.”

  When he and Corey first did the exchange, they constantly came whenever they fed the other, but with much glorious practice, they learned to hold off if they wanted… which wasn’t often.

  “Yup. Mmmm, that was satisfying.” Corey slipped out of bed and then started pulling on clothes.

  “You’ve already showered? Where are you going?” Jackson started to get up.

  “No, stay there. I’m going to go for a drive.” He gathered his phone and bag.

  Jackson swung his legs out of bed. “Just let me take a quick shower and I’ll—”

  Corey pushed Jackson back onto the pillows and tried to tuck the blanket around him. “That’s okay. You stay. I need to clear my head.”

  Or in Corey-speak, I want to be alone.

  Jackson should give Corey what he wanted, but it didn’t feel right. By the time he’d figured that out, though, Corey had stepped into his shoes.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours.” Corey kissed him hard and slipped out the door.

  Close to sunset, Jackson tried not to feel panicked, but he did. He clutched the phone like it could make Corey appear. “What do you mean you’re not going to make it back tonight? Where are you?”

  “I was on the parkway—”

  Jackson gasped. “Wait, what parkway?”

  Corey muttered, “The Great Smoky Mountain one….”

  What the hell is he doing there? “Wait, are you in Tennessee?”

  He sighed like Jackson’s questions were annoying him and then said, “Yes. I was in the National Park, and—”

  “That’s hours away from here. Why would you—”

  “I know it was irresponsible, okay? This is why I need supervision,” Corey exclaimed, as if that should have been a foregone conclusion… which maybe it was.

  Jackson should have demanded to be included. Him not wanting to push Corey seemed to have given Corey license to be reckless. Not caring if he sounded whiny, he said, “I wanted to come with you.”

  “You already did, right in my mouth.”

  “Ha, ha. It’s not funny. I don’t want you to—” Be alone. Be away from me. Be sad on your own…

  I want to be what he needs me to be, but I’m missing his clues. I don’t want to force him, but there’re times I think he’s begging me to take over and simply tell him how things need to be, and I drop the ball.

  “Look, the tire blew, and not in a good way. The garage said they can’t get another in until midmorning tomorrow.”

  “Let me come get you. I can be there—”

  “It’s not a big deal.” Corey’s words didn’t need a translator. He wanted space.

  “But you need—”

  “Doctor made sure each car has an emergency supply of spluge. I’m looking at two vials perfectly preserved… though I’d prefer straight from the source, since there’s a greater possibility of a side order of mate.”

  “I guess I’ll just get some from the doc—”


  “What?” The problem was?

  “If you get it from the doc, we’ll miss another entire night searching for our mate. We can’t.” Corey’s desperation bled through the phone into Jackson’s brain.

  Neither he nor Corey could go more than twenty-four hours without a mouthful of the essence that kept them alive. At least until they found their third, they could use other sources, and once they found their third, nobody’d go gallivanting off alone.

  What was Corey thinking? “Wait, you’re not going to go—”

  “Can’t. There’s no place, and the mechanic didn’t look inclined, so it’s on you.”

  Mild annoyance followed Jackson’s relief. “I don’t want to do that without you.”

  “It sucks, but remember the blizzard of 1993 when you were caught in New Jersey?”

  “Yeah.” Jackson hated thinking about that separation.

  “I didn’t want to go to the club without you, but I did it. It wasn’t fun… but I sucked off three guys for us.”

  Somehow, coming from anyone else it wouldn’t sound like the gift Corey blowing randoms was meant to be.

  “Fine. How’s your hotel?”

  “If there were black lights, I’m sure the entire room would look like a Pollock painting. All this come and none for me.”

  Jackson snorted.

  Jackson would have gotten a vial from the doc, but he’d promised Corey, and Corey would be pissed if they missed an opportunity to find their mate.

  Shit! He didn’t want to do this without Corey. The whole sucking off some stranger was weird. Though Corey always made it fun.

  A text buzzed his phone. He glanced at the screen, where Corey texted an eggplant emoji with some spurting droplets.

  Yeah, yeah. I’m heading to the club right now, Jackson texted back.

  Go suck some dick! Lick it once for me.

  He sent an Okay sign and trudged through the tunnels of the club. He dragged himself up the steps and into the glory hole room through the back door. It was early, so the room was mostly empty.

  Nodding and smiling at some of the zombies, he made his way to an empty spot at the end. A new zombie whose name he didn’t remember whispered, “Where’s Corey?”

  “Flat tire.”

  Jackson’s knees hit the velvet cushion placed on the floor, and a handsome cock pushed through the opening with perfect timing. He didn’t usually find cocks handsome… except for Corey’s, and, well, Corey’s dick was more pretty, but this one was a beauty.

  The shaft poking through the wall was long and thick with a well-defined head. A real A+… Jesus, when had he picked up the need to grade dick like Corey?

  He pushed away the wish that Corey could share this gorgeous cock with him. He adjusted his own semi. Weird, he usually didn’t go hard for randoms unless it was a BDSM scene or if Corey toyed with him below the belt as they sucked together.

  Sighing, he grabbed the thick base of the cock in front of him. Damn, Corey would love tracing his tongue over the veins running along the shaft. Licking one ridged line and then another, Jackson had to admit he enjoyed the gasps from the other side of the wall.

  He let himself continue, then massaged the tip with his tongue until the head glistened.

  Fluid seeped from the slit, inviting Jackson’s tongue to lick. He blew a stream of warm air over the head.

  A groan followed by a thud. Possibly the man hit his head on the wall dividing them?

  Jackson didn’t know, but getting that kind of reaction made him smile. He gave in to his growing need and tasted the sweetness. Ambrosia burst across his taste buds.

  Not being able to restrain himself, he slid his mouth over the gorgeous-shaped mushroom head. He rolled his tongue over the top and underneath and all around.

  “God, you’re good.” Hoarse words seeped through the wall.

  He hadn’t done much yet, but the praise made a shiver go through Jackson. If the guy wanted to see good, he’d show him. Jackson inhaled his length and sucked.

  A gasp chased by a small thrust.

  Excitement crashed through Jackson. Odd, but he was getting off on this guy’s reactions. Sliding his mouth off, he tongue-lashed him.


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