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Hearts Intertwined

Page 11

by K. L. Myers

  Paisley sat beside Braxton in the conference room. A blueprint of their building was spread out in the center of the conference table and James Bryer, sat across from them. Jim listened intently as he made notes about the renovations they required.

  “I’d like to put a half-wall in to separate a portion of my office. I need an area for my daughter to play and rest when she is in the office with me.” Braxton tried to describe what it was he thought he needed.

  As Paisley sat listening quietly, she began to sketch on a piece of paper. When Braxton continued to fumble with the words to outline his needs, Paisley came to the rescue. “Mr. Bryer.” She slid the paper she had sketched to the contractor. “I’ll show you my office when we are done, but as you can see by my drawing and the blueprints, this is a simple renovation. We have a newborn that we need to accommodate at the office. My idea is functional and will be easily adaptable as she grows older.”

  Jim lifted the paper from the table and glanced at it briefly before setting it down and jotting a few notes in his book. “This is a simple modification. I can have my sons start on it right away and they can complete it in two days. We work after hours so we’ll need access to the office in the evening. You’re welcome to have someone from your staff on-site, but I assure you it truly isn’t necessary. If we agree on the terms, we would be able to start on it at the end of the week if you’d like, so that it would be completed by the time you arrive at work on Monday.”

  Braxton glanced over at Paisley in confusion. “I thought we were going to convert my office?”

  Paisley placed her hand on his forearm, giving it a light squeeze. “I feel that it would be better to have her in mine. Your position here requires you to meet with potential clients on a regular basis. Having Emmersyn in your office would only hamper that. I rarely meet with anyone, and when I do, I can utilize the conference room. It makes sense to have my office modified.”

  Braxton appeared to think about it for a second before deciding that she was correct. “Mr. Bryer, let’s do this. Send the contract to my wife to review and next weekend will be a perfect time to start.”

  Paisley winced at the sound of Braxton calling her his wife. She’d never get used to hearing those words come from his mouth. As she sat there listening to him stumble over himself, she knew she’d just signed on to a full-time babysitting job, and not just for Emmersyn. She was clearly going to be the one who kept this family organized. She cringed at the word family.

  At the end of the day, Braxton loaded Emmy into his car and headed home. He didn’t invite Paisley to join him; in fact, they’d never discussed their living arrangements. Paisley had just assumed their marriage would entail her moving in. Apparently, she had been incorrect.

  As she lay in bed that night second-guessing all the decisions she’d made over the last twenty-four hours, she knew she needed to clear the air.

  She was going to wait until tomorrow to confront Braxton about their living arrangements, but the longer she was awake, the harder it was. She reached for her phone and sent a simple text.

  PAISLEY: Brax, you awake?

  She waited for the dots to show that he’d received her text and was replying, but they didn’t come. Paisley placed the phone on the bed beside her and punched her fist into the mattress in frustration. She stared at the ceiling for a little bit and then flipped to her side, pulling the covers up and huddling beneath them. Still, sleep eluded her. The glow of the red numbers on the clock taunted her; it was two a.m. and hours since she had sent her earlier text. Ready to climb out of bed, the blankets were tossed to the side just as her phone pinged with the notification of an incoming text.

  BRAXTON: I’m awake now. I fell asleep on the floor in Emmy’s room.

  PAISLEY: Brax, what are we going to do about our living arrangements? Shouldn’t I be there with the two of you?

  BRAXTON: There’s no room for you here with Emmersyn and me.

  Paisley read the words. She felt the burn in her throat as the bile rose. She was going to throw up. He didn’t want her to be part of their life. She was about to type back when the bubbles began bouncing once again.

  BRAXTON: I need to buy a bigger house; there’s not enough room for you here. If you want, we can look at a few this weekend and hopefully find one we can make an offer on.

  Excitement and hesitation filled her and she no longer felt ill. But buying a home was a huge commitment between the two of them. Was she ready to purchase real estate with Braxton? She wanted to kick herself. What she was thinking, they were married, and purchasing a house was the next step for any married couple. But they weren’t just any couple.

  PAISLEY: I guess so. Night, Brax.

  BRAXTON: Night, Paisley. Thank you again for doing this for me. I’m forever indebted to you.

  Chapter 22

  Paisley stood in the kitchen of their new home, her hair pinned on top of her head and Emmy perched on her left hip as she unloaded the box of dishes before her. Three months ago, when Braxton had suggested they go house hunting, she’d never expected it would take them so long to find the perfect home.

  When they hadn’t quickly found a place they could both agree upon, Braxton offered his bedroom to Paisley, opting to sleep on the couch until they found something. When they hadn’t immediately found anything, Braxton had been beginning to worry.

  They’d just about given up when their real estate agent called to let them know a new listing had come on the market that met both of their requirements. Within thirty minutes, of the call they had been walking through the Sherman Oaks four-bedroom home with a large backyard. The price was a little higher than what they’d wanted to spend, but Paisley had fallen in love the moment they’d stepped in the front door. Three weeks later, they stood in the driveway with a moving truck.

  “Brax,” Paisley called from the kitchen. Like most men, he was content sitting on the sofa and watching sports. Though at the sound of her voice, he hit the pause button on the remote to avoid missing the next play.

  “I can’t reach the top shelves with Emmy on my hip. You get two options—take Emmy or finish emptying the last couple of boxes.” Paisley already knew which option he would take, but she still gave him a choice rather than commanding him to do what needed to be done.

  “Hmm, tough decision.” Braxton appeared to ponder her words; he even tapped his finger against his temple as he contemplated them before reaching out and taking Emmy from her. “I think I’ll go with keeping this little princess company.” With two hands, he lifted Emmy in the air, just high enough so he could blow a raspberry on her belly. “It’s you and me, caterpillar. Are you ready for some football?” Braxton used his sports announcer’s voice before leaning over and placing a tiny kiss on Paisley's cheek.

  It was a simple kiss, one that you would bestow upon your close friend. The kind that said you’d done something worthy of more than a thank you but not one that meant I’m in love with you. He’d never given her one on the lips. They’d always been to the cheek or the temple. However, Braxton had been giving them more and more lately.

  With the last box now emptied, folded, and placed in the garage, Paisley stood admiring her handiwork. Finally, everything was in its rightful place. Her tummy rumbled. She was about to call out to Braxton when he appeared on cue in the doorway.

  “Dinner?” he questioned as he flipped his car keys in circles around his finger. Emmy was already tucked safely into her carrier and sound asleep. “You haven’t taken a break all day, so I knew you’d be hungry.”

  “Captains Pizza?” she asked, knowing full well that Braxton wouldn’t pass up the chance to eat at their favorite pizza place.

  Braxton lay in bed recalling what a perfect Sunday it had been. With their home finally empty of all its boxes, they were able to spend the remaining portion of the day together, watching their favorite shows and playing with Emmy.

  If it hadn’t all been a façade, this was what a family would feel like. The only thing missing was a dog,
and of course, a wife who shared his bed.

  He hadn’t thought of Alissa as often lately. His focus had been on doing everything within his power to ensure he didn’t lose the only part of her he had left: Emmersyn.

  They were three months into their legal battle for custody. Just as Samuel had indicated, it wasn’t an open-and-shut case. The Ivey’s claimed that his marriage to Paisley was a lie, concocted solely for the purpose of the hearing. And, had Paisley not been his lifelong friend and just some woman off the street, the court may have believed that. Still, they had to prove that they honestly were a family and had Emmersyn’s best interest at heart.

  Still wide awake, he became fidgety and something drew him toward his daughter's room. He wasn’t sure what it was, but a nagging feeling told him he needed to check on her.

  He stood beside her crib in the pitch black, watching her sleep. He loved how her tiny chest rose with each breath she took. He couldn’t help but feel blessed that God had given him the strength to see this through. Well, God and Paisley.

  The light in the adjoining bathroom that split Emmersyn’s bedroom and Paisley’s suddenly lit up, drawing his attention away from his daughter to Paisley.

  She stood facing the mirror, oblivious to the fact that Braxton was in Emmy’s room. She brushed the hair away from her face and quickly went to work on braiding it behind her head. When she was done, she rested her hands on the counter and examined herself.

  Braxton remained still next to Emmy's bed, watching her. She wore a tank and boy shorts that barely covered her essentials. But something about seeing her in her underwear felt taboo, yet he couldn’t pry his eyes away.

  He admired her tight ass—at least the portion of her cheeks that weren’t covered by the fabric—how her legs were toned from her daily run on her treadmill. However, his fixation to the firmness of her breasts was undeniable. He'd never looked at her in that way before. Had never really analyzed her body in the way a man would a woman who appealed to him sexually. It felt strange to find her sexy suddenly.

  She watched herself in the mirror as she fondled and played with them and he stiffened in his boxers. He couldn’t tear his eyes away as she slid her other hand over her body and into her boy shorts. For the first time, he saw Paisley as a woman, not as his best friend or colleague, and what he felt had him very confused. He shouldn’t have these thoughts. At least, that was what he kept trying to tell himself.

  It wasn’t long before she tossed her head back, her hand grasping the counter to steady herself as her legs began to shake. Braxton, she quietly moaned, obviously reaching her climax and enjoying the release it gave her. Hell, he was ready to explode. She rested both her hands on the counter as she hung her head, catching her breath, before she turned out the light and walked toward her room.

  Wow, that was wild. Paisley. As Braxton made his way to his own room, he couldn’t help but think of his friend—no, his wife in a way he never had before. How was he going to look at her the same now that he’d seen a sexual side to her? One that he wanted to explore.

  He was still hard beneath the cotton of his boxer briefs, and had a rather large wet spot from where his precum had released while he’d watched her. He knew he would never be able to sleep while still in this aroused state. He could do one of two things: either finish himself off to the memory of Paisley touching herself, or think of something so disgusting that it deflated his hard on. The right thing to do would have been the latter, but it had been months since he had been aroused by anything.

  When he awoke in the morning, Braxton followed his normal morning ritual. He checked on Emmy first thing to make sure she was still asleep so that he could shower without worrying. He knew he didn’t have to worry since Paisley was with them, but the steps were still ingrained in him.

  Much to his surprise, Emmy was awake when he stuck his head in her room, and he hadn’t expected to find Paisley in the glider rocking her. His movement had startled her and she raised her head to look at him. Her eyes widened and he relished in knowing she was checking him out.

  “Morning, butterfly” He waited for her reply, but she just sat there, not saying a word. He raised one eyebrow. “Cat got your tongue, or did you suddenly become mute?”

  Braxton pushed off the door, sauntering toward her. He knew he was making her slightly uncomfortable and he enjoyed the fact that he could do that to her after what she’d made him feel last night.

  When he reached her, he bent slowly and lifted Emmy from her arms. “I’ll take it from here,” he whispered in her ear and he placed a soft, chaste kiss on her cheek before walking away with his daughter.

  Chapter 23

  Paisley sat at her desk her eyes fixated on a sleeping Emmy in the portable crib they’d had placed in the delicately remodeled section of her office. A waist-high wall separated Emmersyn from the foot traffic that occasionally entered. Reduced lighting filled the room along with a constant lullaby that quietly played next to her. Everything was perfect.

  In the five months that had passed since she’d agreed to become Braxton’s wife, she’d fallen head over heels for this little girl. Their bond was as strong as any bond they might have shared if she had actually given birth to her. She couldn’t imagine a time when Emmy wouldn’t be a part of her life. If only things were perfect with Braxton.

  Yes, she and Braxton were close, probably closer than they had ever been. They shared in decision-making when it came to Emmy on anything that affected her day-to-day life. Braxton openly allowed Paisley to be Emmy’s mother. They both referenced her as their daughter, but the only time Braxton called Paisley his wife was when it came to legal matters.

  The only person in the office who knew their marriage was one of convenience was Paxton; everyone around them thought the two of them were really husband and wife in all senses. As much as Paisley occasionally wished they were, that could never be without opening her heart completely to Braxton. And that was something she couldn’t let happen. It was hard keeping it under lock and key when the lines of their relationship were so clearly blurred.

  All that was going to change soon. Braxton’s custody battle was nearing the end, which meant they’d just need a final visit from a social worker and then they’d be free of this mess. Alissa’s parents weren’t satisfied when they’d heard Braxton had married Paisley. That much had been evident during their horrible day in court.

  Now, months later, she couldn’t help but wonder what would become of their quasi relationship once their legal battle was over. She was unable to imagine that Braxton would ask her to leave his home but would he seek a divorce?


  Paisley startled. She’d been so lost in her mind that she hadn’t heard Paxton enter her office and take a seat at her desk.

  “You look a little preoccupied there, sister.”

  Paisley shook her head, attempting to clear the fog that had been clouding her thoughts. “Sorry. Just wondering what will happen next week at the hearing.”

  Paxton leaned forward, placing his elbows on her desk. He tilted his head toward where Emmy was tugging at her sock and chewing on her own fist. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. You and Braxton provide everything that little girl over there needs.”

  Paisley sighed. “I know that. I’m not worried about the court or the social worker. I’m worried—“

  “About Braxton.”

  Paisley stared at her brother in shock. “How did you know?”

  Her brother reached across the desk for her hand. “We share the same DNA. I know what you think before you do. Plus, I’ve known you’ve had a thing for him since we were kids.”

  Paisley’s brows rose as her eyes widened. Had she heard her brother correctly? He’d been onto her little secret all this time. Her chest tightened, had Braxton known as well. She’d be mortified if he had actually known of her feelings and never returned them.

  “Relax.” Paxton interrupted her thoughts. “He has no idea. He’s oblivious to it and always
has been.”

  Paisley's brows scrunched together.

  “I told you, I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Go.” Paisley pointed toward the door. “I don’t know who you are or what you’ve done with my brother, but you are not welcome here, you alien being.”

  Paxton chuckled before standing and slapping his palms on her desk. “All kidding aside, let's have lunch.”

  Braxton glanced at his watch for the tenth time in the last hour. Paisley and Paxton had left more than sixty minutes ago for lunch. They’d taken Emmersyn with them but he was getting worried as to why they hadn’t returned yet. He’d tried calling them several times, but neither of them had answered. He had no idea where they’d run off to and rarely worried about Emmersyn, but that was probably because he normally knew where she was at all times and that she was safe.

  He wasn’t worried that Paisley wouldn’t protect her. He was sure she would. What he couldn’t handle was not discerning where either of them was. This sense of loss was new to him, but he didn’t have time to analyze it now. He just needed to figure out how to find them. He was about to start calling every hospital in the vicinity when Paisley and Paxton’s voices echoed from down the hall.

  Braxton saw the stroller pass his door before he caught a glimpse of his best friends, but neither of them stopped at his office. They continued to walk past without giving him a second thought. Braxton’s blood pumped fiercely through his body. His pressure rising as his anger built. How dare they ignore him after being gone for hours with his child? When he couldn’t take it anymore, he marched from his office to Paisley’s.

  Paxton sat in the chair in front of her desk as Paisley placed Emmersyn in her crib.

  “What the fuck?” Braxton called out as he entered Paisley’s office. “Are your phones broken or something?”


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