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Hearts Intertwined

Page 14

by K. L. Myers

  “Stop.” Paisley’s word was a faint whisper. Her hands cupped the sides of Braxton’s face. “I don’t need to forgive you. You’ve done nothing wrong. You protected your heart by ignoring your feelings. I, on the other hand, allowed myself to fall in love with you and refused to tell you.”

  Her words elated Braxton and confused him all at the same time. “You loved me too?” He placed a small distance between them while he attempted to assess her body language. “I think deep down inside I knew it but chose not to see it. The signs were there, I just blocked them out—probably for self-preservation.”

  They had talked enough. Now was the time for them to show each other how much they loved one another. Braxton’s kisses were consuming and desperate as he claimed Paisley’s lips. When they broke apart, they were both breathless, but that didn’t stop him from finishing the task at hand.

  Slowly, he nibbled and bit at her skin until he reached her rock-hard nipple. His mouth latched onto it, biting and sucking while his other hand squeezed and kneaded the other breast.

  Her moans filled the air as her body writhed beneath him. His lips traveled south, sending shivers up her body with each lick and nip at her skin. Braxton stopped right above the edge of the perfectly manicured hair that guided his face to her core—just as the asphalt of a runway leads a plane safely to its final destination.

  Braxton’s mouth closed over Paisley’s clit. He gently sucked, causing her body to bow off the bed. She rocked beneath him, indicating how crazy his attention was driving her. Her moans turned into soft cries of pleasure before he felt her shudder beneath him.

  “Oh, God. Yes. Yes. Yessssss.” Paisley fell lifeless beneath Braxton. Her orgasm had consumed her body, sending it to the ends of the earth and back. Completely sated, she couldn’t find the energy to move.

  Braxton gazed at Paisley's face. Her eyes were half-hooded. She was content with the pleasure he’d provided her. Braxton crawled over her body, giving her one last kiss, on the way, and then rolled to the side. As he started to stand, Paisley reached out, grabbing at his arm.

  “Where are you going?” Her words were laced with hurt and apprehension, causing Braxton to stop.

  “I’m going to the bathroom to finish myself off,” Braxton declared.

  “Why?” Paisley looked perplexed.

  Braxton hated that he had to admit this to her, but honesty was going to be the foundation of their future. “Because I won’t be able to lie here next to you and not explode in the next two minutes.”

  Paisley reached out, her fist claiming his hard-as-steel length. She stroked it once, twice, forcing Braxton to release a guttural moan of appreciation. When she stopped, his eyes met hers. “Inside me, please,” She begged.

  Braxton nodded, reaching toward the nightstand to retrieve a condom. “Don’t,” Paisley exclaimed. “You’re my husband. Don’t cheapen the moment by making me feel like just another conquest. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Braxton desired the same thing. He too longed to feel her heat wrapped around his dick without the barrier of latex covering him. Tonight was about her, her pleasure not his, so how could he deny her the request? “Your wish is my command.”

  Braxton slowly sank himself fully inside her core. With each inch, he pressed into her, he lost some of the self-restraint he’d held onto. He stopped, catching his breath and refocusing his self-control. He saw the questioning look in Paisley’s eyes.

  “I’m about to explode. This feels more amazing than I ever thought it could, butterfly.”

  He slid another inch deeper, and her walls clamped around him. “Oh, for fuck's sake, I’m not going to last like this.”

  This time when he moved, he withdrew and pushed fully into her again. He couldn’t take slowly inching his way in—not with how tight she was.

  Paisley cried out.

  “I’m sorry.” Braxton kissed her tenderly as he allowed her to adjust to his size. When her walls relaxed around his dick, Braxton began to move slowly.

  With each thrust into her, he claimed her mouth, swallowing her cries of pleasure as he pushed in and retreated out. After only a few strokes, he could no longer control himself. She felt too amazing. And, he was surprised he’d been able to refrain for even this long.

  “Paisley,” Braxton cried out her name as he released inside her.

  Paisley's arms wrapped around his back, pulling him tightly to her. They lay together, fully satiated in each other's arms. Neither of them had any desire to move and break the moment they’d just shared.

  Chapter 28

  The sound of Emmersyn crying through the baby monitor let Paisley know that it was time to get up. She rolled to face Braxton and placed a kiss on his chest before she attempted to pull away.

  Arms wrapped tightly around her and he murmured something into her ear, “Don’t go; it’s too early.”

  Paisley snuggled even closer to Braxton, getting her final fix of him before she broke free from his hold. “Our little caterpillar is calling for us.”

  Braxton rolled onto his back, breathing out a heavy gush of air. He was frustrated. He’d taken her several times last night and still not had his fill.

  But Emmy wasn’t going to wait much longer so Paisley tossed her covers back, her naked body on full display as she walked toward the bedroom door.

  Braxton sucked in a breath as she walked away. Her tight ass swayed back and forth, his gaze searing into her skin as she exited the room.

  Once she was out of sight, he closed his eyes, recalling their escapades of the previous night. He had made her cry out his name not once, but three times. Never in his life had he ever been so connected to someone during intercourse. But then again, it hadn’t been just sex—it was so much more than that. Last night had been a binding of two souls as one. A commitment to each other that the future was theirs for the taking, and he was ready to claim what was his. By the time the day was over, she would know where her place was, and that would be in his bed from now on.

  The slapping sound of Paisley's bare feet on the hardwood floors grew louder and louder, indicating that she was on her way back to him. When she appeared in the doorway, she held a smiling Emmersyn in her arms. Emmy clung to Paisley, her pale purple sleeper contrasted against her mussed red hair. Her tiny fingers were crammed into her mouth as she gnawed on them.

  “There’s your daddy, little one.” Paisley kissed the top of Emmy’s little head.

  Braxton sat, scooting back so that his back rested against the headboard. His arms lifted into the air as his fingers flexed back and forth. “There’s my tiny caterpillar. Come to me, baby girl.”

  Paisley approached the bed and handed Emmy to her father, who quickly started placing kisses to her forehead before blowing raspberries on her little tummy. Emmy giggled with excitement from the attention her daddy gave her. Raspberries were one of her favorite things that only Braxton did with her.

  Paisley set a warm bottle on the nightstand. “I’m going to take a shower; you can do the honors of feeding our girl.”

  Braxton’s eyes lit up with mischief. “When I’m done feeding our little one, how about I feed her mommy?” He reached, grasping his girth through the sheets.

  Paisley shook her head as she exited the room. But admittedly, the thought of Braxton doing more naughty things excited her.

  As she stood in the shower, she contemplated the easiest way to broach the subject of what last night had meant. It couldn’t have been just a one-night thing, right? There had been so much passion, want, need, and desire exchanged between them. Surely this was the start of something bigger and better. But what if Braxton didn’t see it as building their future? What if he just saw it as sex? Could she live with that?

  She allowed herself to run both positive and negative scenarios through her head. There were so many that she stood under the water until it ran cold. Finally, tired of the what if’s, she decided to face the day head-on. She’d either be the happiest girl alive or filing for divorce, b
ecause now that she’d had a taste of what their life could be like, she couldn’t settle for anything less than everything with Braxton.

  Their ride to the office was quiet; Paisley was lost in her own head as she contemplated what the day held for her. As they turned the corner to make their way down the long hallway that held all three of their offices, they found Paxton sitting on the edge of Rachel’s desk. He appeared to be flirting his ass off with their administrative assistant. Braxton and Paisley exchanged a glance.

  “What’s going on here?” Braxton questioned.

  Paxton slid off Rachel’s desk and made his way to the stroller. Bending over, he tickled his niece’s belly which produced a laugh. Paxton didn’t look at his sister or his brother-n-law; he continued to play with his niece while he answered. “Nothing’s going on—just being social.”

  Quietly, Braxton responded to Paxton, “I hardly doubt that. You forget I know your moves and it looks like you’re putting them on our employee. Watch yourself, brother; she’s not your normal hookup. She’s a sweet girl.”

  Then Braxton stopped at Paisley’s office and reached for her arm. His hand was trembling as it wrapped around her bicep, stopping her from pushing the stroller through the door.

  Paisley’s eyes widened from the warmth of his hand through her thin silk blouse. She turned her head, their gazes met, and smiled at him.

  Braxton tugged her to him, enveloping her in his arms. He placed a firm, hard kiss on her lips. Heat filled Paisley from head to toe as she melted into him. Want and need consumed her as she enjoyed how demanding his kiss was.

  When their lips parted, Braxton surprised Paisley with a quick smack to her ass. “Now go earn your keep, butterfly. I’ll come to get you for lunch.”

  They had never publicly displayed affection in the office. Rachel turned to Paxton, who shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and started walking behind the two lovebirds.

  “Hey,” Paxton called down the hall. “What the hell was that all about?”

  At the sound of her brother yelling, Paisley peaked her head out of her office just in time to see Braxton stop at the entrance to his office. Without looking back, he raised his right hand in the air before waving his middle finger to his brother-in-law. “Mind your own business.”

  Before Paxton had a chance to respond, Braxton pushed his door closed with a loud slam echoing behind him causing Paisley to laugh, and do the same.

  Hours later, Braxton’s stomach began to growl. He’d been hard at work trying to get Josie Preston to agree to meet him so he could pitch the firm to her. She’d been stringing him along for weeks, constantly dropping hints about just how closely she wanted to work with him. And each time he wouldn’t take the bait, she’d postpone any commitment to a meeting. Today, however, they’d exchanged several emails and finally had a lengthy phone conversation during which Josie had agreed to meet with Braxton, but only over dinner.

  After this morning’s silent ride into the office, Braxton was certain he should be putting off his dinner meeting to spend the evening with Paisley, discussing their future. But the businessman in him couldn’t say no to Josie. Now he needed to break the news to Paisley, and what better time to do it than over lunch?

  He pushed back from his desk, straightened his perfectly pressed slacks, and took in a deep breath before slowly releasing it.

  He found Paisley stretched out on the sofa that graced the seating area of her office.

  Her eyes were closed, and a sleeping Emmersyn cuddled beside her. Both his girls were peacefully conked out and he couldn’t bring himself to wake either of them. So he just stood there and drank in how perfect his life was. It wasn’t long before tiny snores filled the room, which brought a smile to his lips and stirred something deep inside him.

  As he turned to make his way toward his office, Paisley whispered to him, “Hey, have you been standing there long?” she rubbed at her eyes.

  Braxton placed his right hand into his front pocket. “Just a little bit. I’d come to see if you wanted to have lunch.”

  “I’m sorry. I fed our little caterpillar and must have fallen asleep with her. After all, someone kept me up most of the night.” A sheepish grin stretched across her face.

  “Are you still hungry, or did you eat already?”

  “I ordered in a sandwich when I hadn’t heard from you, so I ate with Emmy.”

  “I’m sorry. I got tied up with Josie Preston and lost track of time.”

  Paisley pursed her lips together. There was no love lost between the two women. The first time they’d met, Josie had made it very clear what her intentions were for Braxton even though she knew he was married to Paisley.

  “That woman wants you, Brax.” A bit of anger and a tinge of uncertainty blended together in her eyes. She was still uncertain of the bond they shared.

  “It doesn’t matter what she wants, butterfly. I’m not interested in anything other than her signature on the bottom line of that contract you drew up for me.” Braxton hoped that his words would be enough to calm her unease, but they didn’t appear to have the effect he’d wished for.

  Pulling his hand out of his pocket, Braxton strode to the sofa and lifted Emmersyn from where she lay. She’d been sleeping like a log so he wasn’t worried that moving her would wake her up. As he placed her in her portable crib, he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead before turning and moving toward the office door. Paisley watched with curiosity as he closed the solid piece of wood and twisted the lock.

  Paisley's body began to tremble as she observed Braxton’s mood shift from easygoing to the aggressor. She couldn’t be certain, but she hoped that meant he was on his way to do dirty things to her. She’d fantasized about having afternoon sexcapades in her office, but until today she hadn’t thought they would ever come true.

  “I see you’re hesitant to believe that I have no interest in Josie, so I’m going to show you just how disinterested I am in her and how interested I am in you.” Paisley’s body shivered at the desire in his voice.

  Braxton watched her as she crossed one leg over the other in an effort to stave off her desire. His look became predatory, hunger driving the need to be buried face-deep between her thighs. He stood before her, gazing at her lust-filled face before dropping to his knees. “Do you want me?”

  Paisley nodded her head.

  Braxton placed his hands on the outside of her legs, and slowly he pushed her skirt up as his fingers traveled toward her ass. He gripped her silk underwear in his palms, Braxton wanted to rid her of them quickly. His fingers grasped the sides, and in one tug, her legs uncrossed and he ripped them down her thighs and tossed them on the floor beside him. Without hesitation, he quickly moved each of her legs over his shoulders, exposing her center to him. He could smell her arousal and see the glistening of her desire against the most sacred part of her body. He closed his eyes for a moment as his tongue darted out to brush against his bottom lip.

  Paisley mewled.

  “Show me, Braxton.”

  His eyes raised to meet hers.

  “Show me how much you want me.”

  She didn’t have to ask him again. He was bound and determined to enlighten her that she had nothing to be concerned about. His tongue flitted from between his lips, finding its pleasure at the entrance to her slit. With one lick, he could taste her desire on his tongue. Her juices were so heady that it forced a growl from between his lips. “You taste so fucking amazing, butterfly. I’m never going to be able to get enough of you.”

  It wasn’t long before he went from licking her to nibbling at her bud. He felt her begin to shake, and he knew she needed something more to send her soaring.

  Slipping two fingers inside her, he found her tender spot and began stroking it in a come-hither movement. Paisley’s hips rose off the sofa, thrusting in the air with each touch of his finger to her G-spot. Softly, she cried out, demanding more of him.

  Little glints of lights burst before her. He had taken her to the top of Evere
st, and now she was free-falling as she rode out her release. With his lips tightly secured to hers, he swallowed her cries of ecstasy.

  When he stood, Paisley saw just how hard he had gotten by pleasuring her. Inside, she was doing the end-zone shuffle, knowing that she had that effect on him. Reaching out, her hand met the fabric of his slacks as she grasped his erection. Quickly, he removed her grip from his hard-on.

  He saw the confusion in her eyes and knew he needed to explain himself. “I’m about to explode, butterfly. If I let you touch me just the slightest bit longer, I’ll be cleaning my juice from inside my pants.”

  She giggled at his comment.

  “Besides, I don’t plan on wasting my swimmers. I have every intention of sinking myself so deep inside you later tonight and filling your pussy with my seed.”

  Paisley quivered before him at the sound of his proclamation.

  Chapter 29

  It was almost midnight when Braxton arrived home that evening. He hadn’t planned on spending four hours with Josie Preston, but once she knew that there was no way she would ever be able to convince him to cheat on his wife, she’d given up and conceded to hearing Braxton’s pitch.

  Braxton quietly moved through his home, slowly removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He had expected to find Paisley asleep in his bed, but what he found was an empty room. He was disappointed that she’d felt the need to sleep in her old room. Hadn’t he made it clear to her that she belonged with him in his bed?

  Sleeping alone after what they’d shared last night was not going to do. He tossed his shirt into the hamper, removed his socks and shoes, and then padded back down the hall to her room. When he opened the door, he found Paisley uncovered and wearing one of his college T-shirts. To hell with her being in his bed tonight—why couldn’t he just be in hers?

  He slid his slacks down his legs. Standing there in just his boxer briefs. For a second he watched her before climbing in beside her. Paisley rolled over in her sleep, forcing her face to land against Braxton’s bare chest. She snuggled a bit closer, allowing Braxton to get his arms around her and hold her tight.


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