Breach of Contract: A Rocker Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 2)

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Breach of Contract: A Rocker Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 2) Page 8

by Laramie Briscoe

There’s already a plan I’m thinking of in my head, taking root and spreading like the leaves of a flower. I hope I’m able to pull it off, and she realizes how much she means to me. If there’s anything my dad taught me, it’s to treat the woman in your life like she matters, and Bri fucking does. She means everything to me. It’s time she realized it. “You leave that to me.”

  “Are you sure?” Her lips tilt up in a cute little smile.

  “I’m sure. I know things aren’t perfect right now, and I know we haven’t even worked through the half of it, but give me a few days to work on what I want to do for you.”

  “I’m trusting you.” She grabs hold of my cheeks, holding my face as she speaks. “I don’t trust easily, Everett. You know every person I’ve ever given it to, has stepped all over it.”

  “I promise.” I grab her hand and hold it to my heart. “I’ll show you, I’m worth giving it to, and you’re not wrong to give it to me. But we have to be patient with each other, and ya know.” I wink. “When we do fight, we gotta learn to make up.”

  She giggles. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, everybody says make-up sex is the best sex.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to find out.” She leans forward, her lips a breath away from mine.

  We meet in a furious heat of pent-up anger and passion. Her arms go around my neck, my palms gripping her ass as our lips meld in a kiss as hot as we’ve ever had.

  Blood rushes to my ears as her tongue tangles with mine. Her hips rock forward, rubbing against the cock standing fully at attention between us.

  Her arms unhook from around my neck, slipping under my t-shirt, raking her nails against my stomach and causing my body to shiver in reaction. The slightest bit off punishment from the sharpness of her nails is everything I’ve wanted and more.

  Reaching behind me, I grab my shirt off, throwing it over her shoulder. It sizzles, meaning it’s hit the fire, and I just can’t bring myself to care. I try to think back to which shirt I put on, but I can’t remember, and all I can do is pray it wasn’t a favorite or a limited edition I can never get back.

  We fight against one another to take off her sweatshirt, and when we finally get it off, I hold her back slightly from me. My hands cup her tits, pressing the soft flesh into my palms. Bending my head slightly, I circle each tip with my tongue, my reaction pounding in my cock as I think about getting between her thighs.

  She moans, her fingers tangling in my hair.

  I deepen the contact, pulling her nipple into my mouth sucking strongly as she tries with the same motion to pull away, intensifying the feeling.

  Reaching between us, we both manage to get out of what’s on the bottom half of our bodies. A grin works its way across her face. “Better hope nobody films us.”

  It’s then I realize we’re outside, and I’m even more turned on than I was before. Reaching down, I fist my cock, stroking and pulling on it a few times. Grabbing her hand, I put her fingers in my mouth, letting them go after making sure they’re sufficiently wet. “Get yourself ready for me, babe.”

  Her eyes darken and there’s a slight blush to her cheeks as she reaches down between her legs, moaning and closing her eyes when she does. Bri’s not usually this willing to do stuff in front of me. It sends a ribbon of arousal through my body that ends in the tip off my cock jumping, precum flowing along the edges.

  “C’mere,” my words are slurred, drunk on her body in front of me.

  With my hand, I hold my cock straight and then help her close in around me, guiding her down onto the hard length. She starts to roll her hips, riding me as the stars shine over our heads.

  “Everett, that feels good.”

  “I know,” I groan, catching her rhythm and bucking into her at the end of each thrust.

  She shudders on top of me as I caress her breasts, plucking on the tight nipples. Leaning forward she does something I’m not prepared for. My wife fucking reaches out and bites my lip, a growl working up my throat and causing my thrusts to go faster.

  Her hips move faster too, chasing her release.

  I roll her nipples between my fingers, speeding up my thrusts. She grinds against my swollen cock and together our breath starts to come in shallow puffs of air between us. I can almost feel how close she is, know that as soon as she lets go, I will too.

  “I love feeling you ride me,” I manage to push out between dry lips. “Come for me, I want you to come for me.”

  She slips against me one more time, and as she groans, throwing her head back on her shoulders, I come balls deep inside her. Both of us exploding against one another. She pants, resting her head against my neck as I drop my mouth to her throat, open-mouthed and sweating. My arms tight around her waist

  “I can feel you,” she whispers.

  “I can feel you too.”

  And without having to say it, we both know this is exactly where we need to be.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Is this what you want for the Halloween party?” I ask Everett as we sit at the bar in our kitchen. We’re having the event catered, there’s too much for us to handle ourselves in the next few weeks, especially with me starting recording today. It all happened so fast, a few emails over the past few days, and everything got set up between the producer and Madison.

  “The barbecue?”

  “Yeah.” I turn my laptop around so he can see what I’m looking at. “They have the cornbread, and beans too. Do you want me to get the whole meal?”

  I watch as his eyes travel over the words on the screen. “Yeah, this is exactly what I wanted. Can you order it for us?”

  “How many people are we planning on inviting?” Honestly, I’m asking how many he’s planning on, because I haven’t had a chance to meet too many people in town yet. Unless they’re involved in the music industry, I don’t know them.

  “Fifty to seventy-five.”

  Grabbing a piece of paper, I make note of the amount and put it in my planner. I don’t have time to do the order right now, but it’s on my list. “Got it, anything else I need to do?”

  “Nope.” He leans over, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll take care of everything else.”

  “If you say so.” I turn my head so that our lips meet. Our tongues are starting to tangle right when the alarm on my phone starts beeping. We both groan. “That means I have to head down to the studio soon.”

  The intercom makes a noise, letting us know the guard shack has someone who wants in. “Yeah?” Everett answers.

  “There’s a producer here by the name of Malcom, he says he has an appointment with Ms. Bri.”

  “He does,” EJ confirms. “Go ahead and send him through.”

  “Sooner than I thought.” I shovel my breakfast in my mouth, doing my best to get my fill before Malcom shows up. I hate eating when others are around if there’s nothing I can offer them. EJ’s taken the rest of the meal and he’s just eaten the last bite.

  Our security system shows Malcolm parking, and I quickly stand up, cleaning up my mess. Everett goes out to meet him, giving me a little more time. I rush back to the bedroom and change, before coming out to greet them.

  “Hey.” I wave, almost shyly. I’ve never met him before; he’s worked with Grey Skies, and I never thought he’d say yes to working with me, but he did. Everything was done between management and emails, so this is slightly awkward for me.

  “It’s nice to meet you, I can’t wait to get started.”

  “We have the studio downstairs, I think you’ve probably been to it before.”

  “You coming with us, EJ?” he asks as we head down to the basement.

  “Babe, do you want me to?”

  I pause, thinking hard on whether I want him to or not. “I think I got this.”

  He smiles. “I know you do. You want me down there, just say the word.” I’m already half-way down the stairs when he leans over the railing and drops a kiss on my forehead. “You be good to her, Mal. Listen to her ideas, and give her a shot.

  “I know what I’m doing,” he laughs. “But good on you for watching out for your wife.”

  “She’s always going to be my priority.”

  My eyes light up as he says priority. After what we discussed last night, it gives me hope that we’re going to figure out how to be the married couple we want to be. “What are you going to do while I’m recording?”

  “I have a few errands to run, but I’ll only be a phone call away.”

  “See ya later.”

  He waves, leaving me to wonder what his errands are, but I remind myself, this is my time to shine. This album, will be all my ideas and everything I’ve always wanted to do. No one holding my hand and telling me exactly what I’m going to be doing.

  “You ready to get started?” Malcolm asks.

  “Yeah.” I grin. “I’m ready.”

  An hour later we’ve discussed where I want to go as an artist, and where he sees I can go. Leaning forward, he folds his hands in his lap. “Do you write any on your own, or do you rely strictly on songwriters?”

  This is a touchy subject for me. I’ve been wanting to venture into writing my own music, but it’s always been denied. Each time I’ve made the requests there’s been an unequivocal no before I’ve even finished asking the question. This has made me shy to show anyone what I do on my own.

  “I write.” I shrug, before getting up and going over to a drawer I’ve claimed as my own. “But no one’s ever wanted to listen to it before. For years I’ve fought to have my own words on my albums, but…” I trail off. “I think you know they didn’t care about what I wanted.”

  “Well, I do.” He turns to me, holding his hand out. “Is there anything you’d like to show me?”

  This gives me anxiety. Although I’ve wanted to, I’ve never shared my words with someone else.

  Not Madison.

  Not Everett.

  No one.

  And I’ve just met this man today. Less than an hour ago. How do I know he’s not going to tear me apart?

  On the other hand, what if I learn more from him than I’ve learned from anyone else?

  “I know you’re nervous. I can feel it flowing from you all the way over here. I’m not here to kiss your ass, I’m here to make you better, and for us to have hit songs. I don’t waste time, and I know you don’t either. What I can promise you is this won’t be easy, but if you want to do something you’ve never done before, I’m here. You’ve got to trust me.”

  “Trust is earned.” I tilt my chin up at him.

  He grins, a slow smile forming. “It is, and I promise I’ll earn it.”

  “I’ll give you everything I have,” I promise him the same.

  “Let me see that notebook.” He reaches for my most private thoughts, the words I wasn’t sure anyone else would ever look at.

  My hands shake as I hand him the battered journal I’ve kept for years.

  He handles it as if it holds all the secrets in the world. “Is this a Grey Skies sticker?” He laughs as he runs his hand over the barely visible words.

  “It is.” I laugh right along with him. “I’ve been a fan for a long time.”

  “Way before you ever met him?”

  “Oh yeah.” I continue laughing. “The first time I remember seeing Grey Skies was my Freshman year of high school. They had been on the scene for a little bit, but they were performing on a TV show. Watching EJ,” I shake my head. “He looked so much older than he was, and he commanded the stage. Every time I’ve watched them perform, I’ve learned something new. He’s a phenomenal front man.”

  “Spoken like a doting wife, but you’re right. He’s very good at what he does. He learned from some of the best.”

  “Have you seen both Reaper and Harmony perform?” He’s older than both me and EJ, truth be told, I don’t know his actual age.

  “Yeah, I saw Harmony in Vegas, and I got to see Black Friday when I was a teenager, on one of their last tours before they decided to stop. Reaper was still amazing though. Couldn’t even tell he was on the other side of forty.”

  “He still doesn’t act like he’s on the other side of forty,” I mumble, thinking of my father-in-law.

  “You got that right, but what I’m saying is, EJ got it honest. He was able to watch that straight out of the gate. He’s been beyond lucky.”

  “He doesn’t take it for granted,” I defend him.

  “No, he doesn’t.” Malcom sits back in his seat, starting to flip through the journal.

  As I wait for him to find what he’s looking for, I do my best to try and push the nervousness out of my stomach. I wish I could know what he’s looking for, what will make his heart speed up and immediately recognize a hit. I don’t have that type of experience; I want to have it, and I’m sure I’ll get there.

  “Is this one about EJ?” He points out a song I wrote not long ago.

  “Yeah.” My face heats with embarrassment. I’m not used to others knowing my innermost thoughts. “I wrote that one after he told me loved me for the first time.”

  “Well, there’s some stuff here I don’t like, but there’s a lot here I do. Are you willing to change some of your words? There’s a few places where it could be smoother.”

  Sitting up straight, I listen to what he’s saying, taking everything in, wanting nothing more than to learn. “I agree, and I’ll gladly take whatever advice you give me.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. C’mon girl, let’s get to work.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Watching Bri and Mal go downstairs, I wait until the door’s shut before I grab my keys and walk out to the garage. The errand I want to run, is to my parents’ house. If there’s anyone who can help me plan the surprise I wanna do for Bri, it’s definitely Harmony Stewart.

  The drive across town is quicker than I imagined it would be, and as I pull up into their driveway. Mom comes out the front door, waving at me.

  “Hey,” she yells after I get out, and start walking up to her.

  “Hey,” I answer back. “What are you doing today?”

  “Hanging out.” She reaches toward me, hugging tightly when I come to within arms-length. “What are you doing?”

  “Coming to you for advice.”

  “About Bri?”

  “Maybe.” I pull back, giving her a wink. “You got some time to talk?”

  “Always for you, I made some cookies last night. Want some?”

  And this is what I love most about my mom. No matter what she’s got going on in her life, or how busy she might be, she always has time for her kids. “Yes, all the cookies.”

  “As much as I love seeing you.” She gets a plate down, handing it to me. “Something tells me you’re here for a reason.”

  “Guilty. I kinda fucked up where Bri’s concerned, and I need some advice.”

  “You sure you don’t wanna go to your Dad for this? He’s good at begging for forgiveness.”

  If anyone knows he’s done a lot of begging for forgiveness, it’s me. “No, I’d rather come to you for this.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened, we can start with that.”

  The fight we had last night seems so stupid as I’m explaining the situation, but I know both of us felt vindicated in our anger. As I get to the end, I give her my idea for what I want to do for Bri.

  “So you’re planning on taking her somewhere for a long weekend?” Mom asks as we sit on her back porch.

  “Yeah, the morning after Halloween. We each have a four-day break in our recording schedules after that. My only question is where do I want to take her.”

  “Where does she want to go?”

  I laugh. “That’s the problem, she and I’ve never really discussed it. As she pointed out, we’ve never truly been by ourselves, there’s a lot of shit we don’t know about each other. I’m thinking either the beach or skiing. Those are the best memories I have growing up besides when we went to Utah and disconnected for the week.”

y don’t you look at her Instagram and see if she’s ever been skiing, that way you know if it’s something she might enjoy. Or if you want to give her an experience she’s never had, you can see what she’s not posted. The way to her heart is through the things you can find out about her. Instead of asking her the questions you need, do the research. It seems odd, but this is what you have to do with the situation you have. If you love her, there’s no lengths you won’t go to for her.”

  It’s a good idea, there’s a treasure trove of information if I’m willing to look for it. The truth is, if I were dating someone, this is what I would do to try and figure out what I could to impress them. Why not put this much effort into my wife? If anything I should be putting all the effort into our relationship. “You’re a genius.”

  “No, I’m a woman who pays attention, and just from looking at her social media accounts I can tell you five things about her off the top of my head. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to, too.”

  Quickly I pull up her IG and start scrolling through it, looking for little pieces of the puzzle that make up the woman I love. There are little crumbs here and there, but eventually I start to find what I’m looking for. “You got a piece of paper I can use?”

  Mom gets up, walking into the house. When she comes back out, she’s got a whole ass notebook.

  “I wasn’t sure how much paper you’d need.”

  I laugh, both at the look on her face and the plethora of pens she holds in her hand. “You wanted me to be prepared, huh?”

  “Always.” She smiles.

  I’m lucky that Bri likes to document her life, because there’s so much here I should have been paying attention to. There’s a few pictures of her on the beach, but she doesn’t look nearly as happy as she does when I see her in the pics in the mountains. There’s not much snow in them, but I have a feeling she’ll love it like I do. “This was a good idea, Mom.”

  “I mean sometimes I’m pretty smart.”

  I snort loudly. “You’re smart all the time. How have things been going around here?”


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