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Page 16

by Justice, A. D.

  “Makes sense. Maybe he thought he was about to be promoted from driver to head of security. But when Rafael agreed to pay the ransom for both of you, he squashed Tony’s hopes. If that’s the case, Tawnee may not be out of danger just yet.”

  “I don’t think she’s out of danger with Rafael either. It may not be smart to arrange another hit on her, but that won’t stop him from doing it in this part of the world. Dubai may be relatively safe, but it borders Saudi Arabia, and we both know that country is not safe.”

  “Tell me why you wanted to check for companies in Tawnee’s name. That wasn’t just an off-the-wall idea you had. Something prompted it.”

  “Tawnee and I followed Raf and Tony into a breakout session at the conference. There were a lot of angry Arabs in there. They kept saying a Western Jewish woman was buying up the controlling shares of the primary Saudi oil producer. Think about it—they despise Westerners, they hate Jews, and they’re widely known for their mistreatment of women in general. But this puts all three of those demographics together. Give a Western Jewish woman the controlling shares of their oil company, and you have an instant recipe for disaster.

  “Rafael’s business is buying the controlling shares of companies, right? So maybe he’s staying under the radar on this one, using Tawnee’s name to take the heat off him. His business model has never involved touring a real estate property before deciding to buy it. He’s hanging around here for a reason. Now we have a bunch of marriage documents—fake or not—and he inherits everything when she dies. Milano is historically an Italian-Jewish name. Even though Tawnee’s family isn’t Jewish. They were raised as Christians. These men could easily find out she’s from the US, though. Rafael may be the one who released the rumors to get the old-fashioned Arab men up in arms about it.”

  “That does up the ante. We need that report back immediately. If she’s the shareholder they referred to, they won’t believe her when she says she didn’t know. They’ll charge her with some other high crime and execute her after a one-day mock trial.” He retrieves his phone from his pocket and sends an urgent email to his analyst at Langley.

  “Are we still sending her back in there knowing all this?” I already know the answer, but I’ll make him confirm it.

  “We have to. We expect no less of our assets in hostile territories. We push them to get us the information we need to carry out our jobs. Tawnee has a business to run too, and her sole client is paying for her release. Just be glad he didn’t negotiate for her release and not yours.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better, Silas. Now I have to live with thinking he bought and paid for me… and know that he sees it exactly in that way.” That pisses me off even more.

  “We’ll split the ransom money. That’ll make you feel better. You’ll get his money for your abduction. Pretty sweet deal, huh?”

  “Until he has the real kidnappers come back and finish their job. Did he ever say why Dad and I were part of his plan?”

  “The working theory is your dad was a target because of his new compound. The oil investors aren’t ready for it, especially not Rafael if he’s trying to corner the market with the Saudi oil company. You were most likely on his radar because of the pictures still on Tawnee’s phone. The coded message was probably a test to see if you’d answer her plea for help. When you came running, they confirmed you as a threat. If she disappeared, he knew you’d never stop looking for her.

  “Taking all three of you out at the same time, in the same place, would have been easily explained. Your dad was here for a conference, you’d reconnected with an old girlfriend, the three of you went off together and got lost in a bad area. Accidents happen to tourists every day.”

  “We should take this back home to finish it. The odds of this playing out in our favor in this part of the world are slim to none. And who would believe Tawnee would want to stay here and stay on the job, after being kidnapped? No one.”

  “Roman, listen carefully, because you’ll only hear me say this once. You’re absolutely right.” Silas smiles, and this time, it isn’t his usual sarcastic grin. “But the bosses have declared your dad a higher priority for national security than Tawnee, so we don’t have a choice. We finish it here, one way or another. Gerald is safe at Noah’s, but if we bring two more targets back to Miami—or anywhere in the US—we put him in more danger. They’ll revoke our passports to keep us out if we force their hand.”

  “We are surrounded by motherfuckers.”

  “Speaking of, we need to review our strategy for picking up the money and releasing the hostages tonight. Nick will be here any minute now. Blake, Bull, and Rebel escorted your father back to the States, and they’re taking turns standing guard over him. You know they’ll keep him safe.”

  “But can they protect Dad from Liz? That’s the real test.”

  “No one is safe from Liz. There’s a new national security threat level named after her. Maybe we should have brought her with us—she’d have them confessing to crimes they didn’t even commit in no time.”

  We both crack up over that. Laughing again feels so good after such a stressful day.

  “I know we have to consider anything is possible, but you should know I trust Tawnee with my life. Maybe she does want to see the best in everyone and gives too many chances, but I love that about her. She wouldn’t have stayed with me for as long as she did if that weren’t part of her personality. And she wouldn’t be back with me right now if she weren’t willing to see the best in me, because we both know I didn’t deserve a second chance. If you don’t think she’s part of anything illegal, you should tell her what you know before she walks back in there. She deserves to know… She deserves that much from us.”

  “I’ll think about it. We have a few hours before this goes down. We’ll all be around the table while we build our strategy. I’ll be able to get a better read on her before we release you tonight.”

  “You already know if you don’t tell her, then I will. Don’t you?”

  “Do I look like I was born yesterday? I’m not stupid.”

  With my temper cooled off and my head screwed on straight, Silas and I head back inside with the others. Tawnee eyes both of us skeptically when we step through the door. She has her own sixth sense, and I know her Tawnee-senses are tingling all over right now. Silas and I had a long conversation, and that is out of the ordinary.

  “Did you two finally decide to ask my opinion before running off to solve a problem that revolves around me?” She glares at both of us. Apparently, she thinks we were discussing her role in this plan without her. As if.

  “That never crossed our minds, Tawnee.” Silas keeps a straight face for as long as he can then bursts out laughing. “Just kidding. I would love to hear your thoughts on sending you in to spy on your employer.”

  “I’m in. It’s the only way we can get to the bottom of this anytime soon. You’ll never get anything against Rafael out of Tony. I believe the rest of my team is loyal to me, but they’re also not close enough to Raf to have anything useful or incriminating. It has to be me.”

  “You do realize what I’m asking you to do, right? You’ll have to convince him you’re interested in pursuing more than a friendship with him. Hopefully, he’ll drop his guard easier that way.”

  Her eyes float up to mine. We don’t have to speak the words to know what the other is thinking.

  This will be the hardest fucking assignment I’ll ever have.

  I’m not exactly the sharing type.

  Chapter 18


  After hours of walking through the plan for the money drop, the hostage release, and what’ll be expected of me as an undercover double agent, we take a much-needed break for food and adult libations. Lots of them. I load the machine with ice, alcohol, and drink mix for an extra-large pitcher of frozen margaritas. The guys work on grilling steaks and making baked potatoes and tossing a side salad.

  We carry everything outside to the lanai to enjoy our last day in o
ur private paradise. Roman has been exceptionally quiet and withdrawn most of the day. Not that I don’t understand—I don’t like this setup any more than he does, but I don’t know of another way to find out what Rafael’s endgame is. Though, to be honest with myself, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what he’s doing after creating all those documents with my signature forged on them.

  Being near him without stabbing him in the neck with my pen will be hard.

  Not recoiling when he touches me will be very difficult.

  Pretending to be romantically interested in him knowing everything I do, especially after reconnecting with Roman, will be nearly impossible.

  We finish our meal, with Nick, Reaper, Silas, and Shadow carrying the conversation while Roman and I only occasionally engage. The margarita pitcher is empty, so I walk back inside to replenish our supply. One last drink as a team to toast our upcoming success—because failure isn’t an option. While the machine shaves and crushes the ice, I’m lost in my own thoughts and memories. Rafael’s betrayal stings worse than I’ve outwardly shown. Not because I’m in love with him or anything remotely like that, but I thought we were truly friends. I believed he’d have my back the same as I’ve had his all this time.

  I’ve learned firsthand how much it hurts to care more for others than they do for me.

  But there’s no time to dwell on that when it’s painfully obvious he has more nefarious plans for me than I ever believed him capable.

  “Are you okay, sweets?”

  Roman’s voice in my ear makes me jump almost out of my skin. “Holy shit, Roman. I didn’t even hear you come in with the ice grinder running. You scared me.”

  “You were deep in thought. Want to share what you’re thinking?” He brushes his knuckles along my cheek, and I instantly melt into his touch.

  “I’m dreading this assignment for so many reasons. You know I don’t do well with hiding what I’m thinking—I don’t have a poker face at all. I really don’t want to be thrown into a Dubai prison for murder, but that could very well happen if they find my fork sticking out of Rafael’s neck. And…”


  “I don’t want to leave you. These few stolen days have been amazing. I’m afraid to leave and break the magic spell we’ve been living under.”

  He pulls me into his arms and holds me, reassuring me as only he can. “Our magic spell can’t be broken, sweets. Nothing will come between us again. I’ve been waiting all day for Silas to tell you the other part of the story, but he hasn’t. I’m not letting you walk into this trap without knowing all the facts. I’ll pour us a couple of drinks, and we’ll talk in here.”

  When he reaches for the margarita pitcher, I put my hand on his to stop him. “We’ll keep the straight tequila. Give them the pitcher.”

  “Good idea.” He presses his lips to mine then takes the pitcher outside.

  When he comes back in, I have several shot glasses lined up on the bar, and I’m pouring the tequila in each one. “If Silas is keeping information from me, I have a feeling we’ll need these. It’ll be harder for me to inflict injury on him if I’m shit-faced.”

  Roman begins laying out the backstory Silas shared with him earlier. The plot to kidnap all three of us and leave our dead bodies somewhere to be found at a later date. Raf’s calls to the Saudi men demanding an explanation for their fuckup. The call to his lawyer and the vague reference to not making another attempt so soon after the first. Raf’s inaction when they grabbed us right in front of him.

  Silas questioning where my loyalties lie—with Rafael or with Roman.

  I’ve already downed several shots, but I have so much adrenaline and rage coursing through my veins, I don’t even have a buzz yet. I’m still fully capable of causing massive damage. So many thoughts swirl through my mind as I pace back and forth along the length of the kitchen and dining area. The longer I walk, the madder I become.

  “Tawnee? Did you hear anything I just said?”

  With quick strides, I walk toward Roman until we’re standing toe to toe. “Look me in the eye, Roman Scott. Where did you say my loyalties lie—before you told me everything?”

  “I told Silas I trust you with my life. My trust in you has never wavered.”

  He’s telling me the truth. I can see it in his eyes. “As long as you believe in me, I don’t care what Silas thinks. Now, what did you just say? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “I asked if you’re still sure you want to do this. Knowing Raf’s behind everything and wants you dead, are you sure you want to go back in there with him?”

  “More than ever.”

  He drops his head back and stares at the ceiling, clearly not pleased with my decision.

  “Roman, is there something else you’re not telling me?”

  “Nothing concrete yet. Just the theory on the secret company in your name we’re waiting to confirm. I know in my gut we’ve hit the nail on the head, and that makes this charade even more dangerous. That oil company was state-owned since it began decades ago. The government took a gamble by putting it on the stock market, but the more traditional nationals never approved of that move. So, if Tawnee Milano, an Italian-Jewish Western woman, dares to attempt a hostile takeover, a lot of angry men will be gunning for you.”

  “You know, when I first saw those documents with my signature forged on them, I actually believed he was just so cocky, he assumed I’d accept his proposal on the spot. That he’d had them prepared ahead of time because he doesn’t like to wait for anything. He’d just shared his feelings for me not long before you showed up at the cabana. He’d always been a flirt, but I never took him seriously. When he confessed that he was in love with me, I was too shocked to give an intelligent reply. Then he told my entire staff he was pursuing me and not the other way around, I believed he was legitimately trying to save my reputation. How stupid am I?”

  “You’re not stupid at all. He had a long time to plan and scheme to get to this point. You couldn’t have known what he was up to or how far he’d go to pull it off. But you can’t underestimate him now, sweets. He’s dangerous, and we don’t know how much Tony is involved in this. You’ve got to assume he’s just as bad. Bury your feelings deep inside, knowing you can tell me all about them when it’s over. But you can’t give anything away until we get the notice to make our move on him.”

  “Am I trying to get him to admit to conspiring to kidnap and kill us? Or to forging my signature on documents? Or to working with Saudi nationals? Or to creating a fake company and buying shares in my name? What is our endgame, Roman?”

  “We can’t return home until we neutralize the threat. Dad is a high priority for our national security, so we can’t go back and put all three targets close together again. If we can get a line on who Raf is working with inside Saudi Arabia, maybe we can shut it all down at once. That’s why Shadow was here first, and why he recruited the others to help him. This is bigger than just three Americans in trouble in the Middle East.”

  “Well, I have to tell you… none of that makes me feel any better. At all.”

  We both start laughing, knowing it’s the truth but there’s not a damn thing we can do about it except ride the wave wherever it takes us.

  “We have several hours left before we put our dirty clothes back on and stage our release. Is there anything special you want to do until then?”

  “Yes, there is. Tell the guys to leave and give us the rest of the time alone. Let’s swim in the ocean, snorkel along the rocks, have more pool sex, eat junk food, finish off the margarita mix, and snuggle on the couch while we watch movies. One more day of our real world before we have to leave here and pretend to be someone we’re not.”

  “Sounds perfect to me, sweets. I’ll tell them to hit the road right now.”

  Roman walks outside, and I hear him ordering his friends to “get the fuck out of here right now.” The guys walk through the house to the garage door, each with a knowing grin on his face. Not a single one even tries
to pretend he doesn’t understand why we’re kicking them all out. But that’s fine with me—I don’t have to hide my feelings for Roman here. Silas stops at the bar on his way out, watching my reaction for a moment before he speaks.

  “You two are good for each other. He loves you, Tawnee. He never stopped loving you. Hold on to that until this is over.”

  I simply nod, unable to speak, then Silas continues walking to the garage. When the large automatic door shuts, confirming we’re alone again, we rush to change and grab our gear. We have a short time left to do all the things we enjoy together, so we’ll make the most of it. All this will change as of eleven o’clock tonight.

  I just hope and pray it’s only a temporary inconvenience rather than a permanent situation.

  * * *

  “The money drop happened without a hitch, just as we knew it would. He wants you back more than he wants the money he paid for your ransom. We’ve had the hostage exchange site under surveillance for the last several hours with no suspicious activity detected. We’ll still cover you from all sides, though. We’re not taking any chances. Are you two ready?”

  “As ready as we’ll ever be.” Roman glances over at me. “You got this, sweets. You’ll do great.”

  “Yeah, I got this.” I’m not as convinced as I sound, but I can’t go home until this is finished. And I’m more than ready to go back to the US now.

  Shadow drops us off on the sixth floor of a deserted parking garage. He drives up to the top of the garage, ditches the van, and uses a keycard linked to someone else to enter the office building. Keeping his face covered and turned away from security cameras, he makes his way out the side door and into a waiting car. Though I can’t see them, I know the other guys have eyes on us because I have the distinct feeling of being watched.

  A few minutes later, the unmistakable squeal of tires and an engine revving echoes through the garage. Roman and I are tied together, back to back, with the thick black hoods covering our faces. Our clothes are dirty, our hair is matted and stuck to our heads, and we have splotches of dirt smeared all over us. I’m also missing a shoe, which I heavily protested because I really like these shoes. Silas promised I’d get it back when this is all said and done.


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