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Home Again

Page 16

by Lisa Emme

  “She must be dying in this heat.”

  “Yeah, it’s tough. But that reminds me. She wanted me to invite you and Dougie over tonight for a barbeque. Bring your suits and you can cool off in the pool.”

  “Oh, that sounds great. I’ll bring dessert too.”

  Brian smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.”


  Although Dougie was in heaven riding in the front of Brian’s cruiser with lights and sirens blaring, at least until they hit the edge of town, her trip to the police station proved to be less than fruitful, other than to get her purse back. Not that she really expected much. With no witnesses, she figured there was a snowball’s chance in hell of ever finding the man who attacked her.

  One interesting bit of information came out of it though – her map was missing. She described her recent activities to Brian, who proved to be rather interested in her findings.

  “Do you think there’s a connection?” Allie asked.

  Brian shrugged. “Well, it certainly seems rather coincidental.” He frowned at her. “Maybe you had better just leave the rest of the investigating to me.”

  With a half-hearted promise to do just that, Allie left the station with Dougie in tow, to walk over to the bar to get her car. Halfway there, she was wishing she had taken Brian up on his offer of a ride. She had forgotten what her face looked like and after the sixth or seventh stare she wanted to turn herself invisible. Dougie chattered along beside her, oblivious to all the curious looks.

  As they passed by Hanley’s, a familiar voice hailed her.

  “Allie! Allie!” Allie turned to see her Uncle Randy’s wife, Eleanor, as she hustled along to catch up with them.

  Allie smiled, happy to see her aunt. Eleanor had always been nice to her. “Aunt Eleanor. How are you?”

  “Dear Lord. Don’t worry about me, dear. What on earth happened to you?”

  “Mommy was jumped by a bad guy.” Dougie piped up helpfully. “But don’t you worry, my Mommy chased him off.”

  Allie smiled and ruffled Dougie’s hair.

  “Oh, my word. That’s horrible.” Eleanor looked at Allie in concern. “Are you all right?”

  Allie shrugged nonchalantly “Oh yeah, just a few bumps and bruises.” At Eleanor’s frown she added, “Really, I’m fine.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m Super D and I’ll protect you.” Dougie patted Eleanor’s arm, then took a strong man pose, arms bent, fists clenched. “Duh-du-na-nah.”

  Eleanor smiled at him. “Well, that’s a relief, Super D.” She looked at Allie, a twinkle in her eye. “And I hear that Super D is going to be coming to visit me at my class.”

  “Pardon me?” Allie looked confused.

  Eleanor chuckled. “Didn’t you know? I’m the special education resource teacher for the elementary school.”

  “No. I didn’t. I just sent Dougie’s application earlier in the week. They said that someone would contact me, but they didn’t say who.”

  Eleanor shook her head. “I suppose they just assumed you would know.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Allie looked uncomfortable. “I didn’t realize you were in special education.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t at first, but I started taking some courses a few years ago.” Eleanor smiled at Dougie. “We have a great grade one classroom. I’m sure that you’ll love it.” She looked at Allie. “We’ll get together closer to the end of summer to discuss a program.”

  “Sure. I mean, yes, that would be great.” She looked at her watch. “Well, it was nice bumping into you, but…”

  “Oh, yes. Don’t let me keep you.” She threw up her hands in mock distress. “Oh my…where is my head? I almost forgot the whole reason I wanted to talk to you.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a small envelope. “I wanted to give you this. We’re having a small gathering on the weekend for Duncan. It’s his seventy-fifth birthday. Nothing big, mind you. Just a few friends and family.”

  “Oh, I…” Allie looked surprised. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  Eleanor chuckled and grabbed Allie’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “Why of course it is, dear. You’re family after all.” She pushed the small envelope into Allie’s hand. “And please invite your aunt and uncle for me as well.” Without waiting for a reply, she hurried off down the sidewalk, leaving a stunned Allie staring at her retreating form.


  “Wow! Look at you!” Allie gave Becky a warm hug and then stepped back to give her the once-over. Becky’s shirt strained over her very pregnant belly. She looked even bigger than the last time Allie saw her, if that was possible.

  “Look at me? Look at you! You look like a poster for battered women.” Becky frowned. “Holy crap, Allie. Brian said you got,” she air quoted, “a bit banged up. He didn’t mention that your face had been used as a punching bag.” Becky shook her head. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Allie grimaced. “It looks worse than it is.” She shrugged. “You know me, I bruise easily.” She laughed trying to make light of it, hoping to deflect her friend’s worried concern.

  “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.” Dougie ran up to Allie and tugged on her arm. “Can I go in the pool now? Can I? Can I?”

  Allie laughed, relieved to have a distraction. “Sure little man. First you have to get your suit on.”

  “Okay, okay.” Dougie shouted over his shoulder as he ran to Becky’s main floor powder room.

  “And don’t forget to shut the door!” Allie called after him, shaking her head. “The little exhibitionist.”

  Becky laughed. “Mine too. Parading around in their birthday suits. It’s all I can do to get them to keep their bathing suits on.”

  “Must take after their father.” Allie looked at Becky and they shared a laugh. “Remember that time Brian went skinny dipping?”

  Becky chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Do I ever. No one should have skin that white. Talk about a full moon.” She grabbed Allie’s arm. “Come on. Let’s get your boy suited up and head out back where we can chat. Brian’s niece Alyssa is here to ride herd on the boys and act as lifeguard.”

  The two friends spent a lazy hour or so relaxing by the pool watching the boys splash and play; Becky in the shade and Allie, wearing a skimpy bikini borrowed from Becky’s ‘pre-whale’ days, sprawled in a lounge chair in the sun. Alyssa, a shy, gangly fourteen year old, proved to be great with the boys and even managed to coax Dougie, who was still a bit leery about the whole idea of actually swimming – he was more a wader than a swimmer – out of the shallow end to dog paddle across the pool.

  “Look at me Mommy, I’m swimming! I’m swimming!”

  “Yay! Way to go Super D,” Allie cheered.

  “I’m not Super D, Mommy. I’m a shark. Rrr-Arrr!” He growled and gnashed his teeth.

  Allie shook her head, a smile on her face. “Of course you are. Silly me.”


  “Let’s get this party staarr-ted!”

  “Daddy, daddy!” Becky’s boys scrambled from the pool. Brian stood in the doorway, a big grin on his face. The boys rushed him, throwing dripping arms around his legs.

  “Watch your father’s uniform,” Becky shouted and shook her head, a smile on her face. “You’re both soaking wet.”

  Allie smiled and swallowed the tiny bit of envy she felt as she watched the happy scene in front of her. She looked over at Dougie, who was still splashing in the pool with Alyssa and sighed.

  “Well, look who’s here.” Becky nudged Allie in the arm with a laugh, diverting her melancholy thoughts. Allie looked up to see Mike smiling behind Brian, who had crouched down to hug his boys. Mike’s eyes met hers and her stomach fluttered.

  Brian peeled the boys off and tossed them one by one into the pool amid gales of laughter. He hitched up his belt and then sauntered over to where the two friends were lounging, bending down to give Becky a ki
ss. “Look who I found. Mike just got back from Ballard, so I invited him along for a soak in the pool to cool off.” He winked at Allie who rolled her eyes and then shook her head. “Everyone’s a matchmaker,” she muttered. She turned and smiled up at Mike who had come to stand beside her chair.

  “Hey Kitten. How’s the face?” Mike reached down to brush a strand of hair off her cheek. He looked over his shoulder to see Dougie busy chattering with the boys before bending down to give her a kiss. Allie’s heart pounded a little faster and her body flushed with heat. She grabbed him by the shirt and where he would have given her a quick, chaste kiss, she deepened it hungrily. Mike’s eyes widened, but he returned the passion, placing a hand on the back of Allie’s neck to hold her head to his.

  “Okay. Wow! I guess that answers that question.” Becky laughed.

  Allie pulled away from the kiss, a blush rushing to her cheeks. Mike eyes trailed down her scantily clad body, making her heat rise even more.

  “Come on, man.” Brian gestured to Mike to follow him. “You can grab a spare suit from the pool house. Let’s take a swim before I fire up the barbeque.”


  “Cannonball!” Brian crashed into the pool with a huge splash, accompanied by the giggles of the little boys.

  “Again, again!” Dougie’s voice cried out. “Mommy, Mommy. Come swim.”

  “Not yet, a few more minutes.” Allie cracked an eye open squinting at the bright light. She had shifted positions on her chair and was now lying on her stomach soaking up the sun. Dougie was sitting on the stairs in the shallow end, a fleet of boats surrounding him. Brian and his boys were jumping off the side of the pool and the water lapped over the sides, splashing the deck like a mini tsunami. She craned her head and found Mike sitting at the side of the pool, dangling his legs in the water. The sun glistened off his skin, the tiny drops of moisture on his wet chest catching and reflecting the light. Allie growled appreciatively.

  “That man of yours sure looks mighty fine.” Becky echoed her thoughts.

  “He’s not my man.” Allie hissed at her friend.

  Becky laughed. “Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

  “We’re…well, we’re…” Allie shrugged. “It’s…”

  “Complicated.” Becky laughed and shook her head. “So what, you’re just friends with benefits? Fuck-buddies?”

  “Becky! Shhh!” Allie sat up and frowned at her friend. “Quiet. Someone might hear you.”

  “Not with all that racket going on.” Becky tipped her head, pointing to her husband and sons splashing in the pool.

  “Still. I am not having this conversation with you right now.”

  “But you have slept together, right?” Becky leaned forward, a gleam in her eye. “I want the deets girl, the details. Is he an animal in bed?”

  Allie huffed in exasperation and tossed a towel at her friend. “You are such a pain.” She smiled, taking the sting from her words. “I just have three words for you.” She looked over her shoulder at the pool then leaned toward Becky and whispered, “Best. Sex. Ever.”

  “I knew it! I knew it!” Becky clapped her hands gleefully.

  “Geez, Becky. Take a pill already.” Allie laughed and shook her head. She lay back down on her chair and rested her head in her arms.


  “Mommy, Mommy. Come on,” Dougie pleaded a few minutes later.

  “In a minute.” Allie answered, not taking her head from her arms. The hot sun felt wonderful on her back and she sighed contentedly.

  When a cold drop of water splattered against her skin, Allie groaned. “ Dougie …Oh!” she gasped in surprised when a pair of strong, wet arms slid between her and the chair and scooped her up. “Mike! What the..?” Her eyes widened as he took a step towards the pool. She looked at his grinning face. “Oh no. Put me down.” She kicked with her legs trying to wiggle from his grasp.

  “Yay, Dr. Mike!” Dougie chortled.

  “Mike…Mike.” Allie looked over her shoulder to find herself at the edge of the pool. She clasped her arms around his neck determined not to let go. “Michael Finn, don’t you dare drop me.” She tried to use her best ‘stern-mom’ voice, but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  “Okay. I promise I won’t drop you.” Mike laughed then took a step off the edge of the pool. They landed in the water with a splash; Allie came up spluttering and laughing. She swatted Mike on the arm. “I thought you said you wouldn’t drop me?”

  “I didn’t. I held you in my arms all the way down.” Mike winked at her. Allie splashed him then jumped up in the water, coming down with her hands on his shoulders pushing him under. They tussled underwater for a minute before coming up for air, laughing.

  “Mommy, Mommy!”

  Allie splashed Mike one last time, then threw a grin over her shoulder at him as she swam towards Dougie and the shallow end. “Come on little man. Swim to me. Let’s see what you’ve got.”


  Allie pulled her car into the farmyard, a few hours and several hot dogs later, a tuckered out little boy fast asleep in the back. Mike pulled his Harley up behind her.

  She opened the back door and leaned in to unfasten Dougie’s seat belt. Mike came to stand beside her and smiled down at the sleeping boy. “He’s really out.”

  “Yeah, play hard, sleep hard. That’s his motto.” She smiled affectionately down at Dougie.

  “Here. Let me get him.”

  “I can…” Allie smirked, rolling her eyes as she shook her head. “Sure. Thanks.”

  Mike chuckled. “Beautiful and smart. Lethal combination, Kitten.” He reached in and gently lifted Dougie from his seat, cradling the boy against his chest. Dougie mumbled in his sleep and snuggled up to Mike.


  Later, Allie and Mike sat together in the veranda. Mike stretched out on the old sofa and sipped a beer, his legs resting on the battered coffee table. Allie snuggled up beside him, a glass of wine forgotten on the table beside her.

  After explaining about the map, she had outlined her theory to Mike. “Sounds like you may be onto something. But Brian is right,” Mike frowned down at the top of her head where it lay against his chest, “You should leave the investigating to him.” He grabbed her hand from where it lay on his thigh and brought it to his lips. “I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

  “Hmm. Yeah. I guess.” Allie shrugged. “I just wonder what it’s all about. Sure the Badlands may give them easy access to the properties, but what’s the point? Is it really just kids pulling some pranks?” She sat up and shook her head. “It has to be more than that. There has to be more to it.”

  Mike sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her back down to lie across his chest. He looked her in the eye. “You’re not going to let it go, are you?” He tapped her nose with his finger. “Haven’t you heard what curiosity did to the cat, Kitten?”

  Allie grimaced then sat up beside him again. “I’m not a child you know. I can take care of myself.”

  Mike sat up and put his feet on the floor. “I know that Allie. I never said you couldn’t.” He reached out and pushed the hair from her face. “I just want you to be careful.” He gently touched her bruised cheek. “Don’t you think you’ve taken enough knocks over this?”

  Allie reached up and put her hand over his. “I’ll be careful. I can be discreet you know.” She pulled away from him and sat back on the sofa with a sigh. “Besides, it’s not like I’m planning on listening to some jerk’s threats to leave town, so he’s going to be pissed off at me no matter what I do.”

  Mike frowned. “Well, from now on either Sal will walk you to your car or I’ll be there at closing time.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Mike turned and leaned over her, placing an arm on either side of her to hold his weight. “I prefer to think of it as bodyguard.” He wiggled his eye
brows. “And what a body.” He nuzzled in against her neck, his whiskers tickling her tender skin. He slid an arm behind her back and pulled her close, his body covering hers as he kissed and nipped his way up her neck to grab her mouth with his. He kissed her hungrily until Allie tore her mouth from his. She laughed and playfully slapped his back.

  “I think I need protection from you.”

  Mike grinned. “Not tonight. It’s late and we’re both tired.” He grabbed her hips and with a quick tug, pulled her down the sofa so that she was lying flat. Allie let out a little yelp in surprise. “Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.”

  He leaned over her and captured her mouth with his. The kiss was urgent and deep, his tongue exploring her mouth. His hand found its way under her shirt to cup her breast, his thumb rubbing roughly across the lace of her bra. Allie moaned as he squeezed her breast and kissed his way down her neck to her collarbone. She trailed her hand down his chest and slipped it between their two bodies, finding his hard erection where it pressed against the juncture of her thighs. It was Mike’s turn to moan as she rubbed her hand over the front of his jeans. “Uh-uh, Kitten. None of that.”

  He clutched her hands, pulling them above her head, pinning them there. Allie let out a little mew of protest, but it quickly turned to a moan when Mike sucked on the hollow of her throat and then licked up the side of her neck to her chin. He kissed his way along her jaw line until he reached her earlobe and grabbed it gently with his teeth. Shuffling her hands so that he had them both pinned in one hand, he reached down with the other to cup her breast. He caught Allie’s gasp of surprise with his mouth on hers, as he pinched and tugged on her nipple. Allie squirmed underneath him.

  When they came up for air a few minutes later, Allie was practically exploding with need. Mike looked down at her passion-swollen lips and smiled smugly. “I should go.”


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