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Home Again

Page 22

by Lisa Emme

  At the familiar sound of a motorcycle, she turned to watch as Mike’s Harley roared up the road in the distance. She smiled mischievously. Well, maybe there was something better than having the place all to herself.

  As Mike drew nearer, she lost sight of him behind the house, but she heard his bike rumble up the driveway. She sighed happily. Everything was okay between them now. In fact, it was better than ever since they had cleared the air between them. Mike had been true to his word and shared everything about his life that she could think to ask and then some, even coming clean on his disastrous relationship with Madeleine Pundyk. Although she was still uncomfortable with the idea that Mike was actually ‘loaded’ as Becky so crassly put it, she wasn’t going to hold it against him. Besides, Mike was one of the most down-to-earth guys she had ever met and certainly didn’t act like he had come from a life of privilege. Unlike Rowdy, her stuck up, stick up his ass, cousin. She laughed at the thought and then realized that Mike’s bike had come to a stop, so she popped her head around the corner and shouted, “I’m back here.”

  She frowned looking at the Harley. Mike was nowhere in sight. He must have already gone to the door. She turned to toss the now folded sheet into the laundry basket, coming up short when she smacked into a solid body. Strong arms wrapped around her and she let out a little squeak in surprise. “Mike!” She whacked him on the arm. “You’re always sneaking up on me.”

  Mike hugged her tightly, lifting her right off the ground. “Sorry Kitten.” His lips found hers and he gave her a quick kiss. He set her on her feet and then pulled her close up against him with a hand on her back. “Mmmm, that was nice. Give us another.” He slid his other hand through her hair to the back of her head, guiding her mouth back to his.

  This time the kiss was deep and full of heat. Allie moaned and put her hands on his shoulders, then slid them down to grip his arms and pull him closer. Their bodies melded together and desire coursed through her, dampening her panties. Mike slid his hand down her spine to rest on her ass. He pulled her against him, grinding his erection into her and then, without breaking the kiss, backed her up against the house. His body pressing hers against the wall, he slid his hands up under her t-shirt and then chuckled, tearing his mouth from hers.

  “Mmmmm, no bra. I think I like wash day,” he said.

  He cupped her breasts and squeezed them, his thumbs rubbing her nipples. Allie groaned, but then grabbed his hands, holding them still. “Hey. Cut that out. Someone will see.”

  “No they won’t. There isn’t anybody around to see us right now, is there?”

  Allie frowned. “How’d you know that?” She looked at him suspiciously.

  Mike grinned. “Well, I just happened to bump into your aunt at the Post Office this morning and she mentioned they were heading into the city for the day and wouldn’t be back until after dinner.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “Uh-huh. And, she mentioned that Dougie is spending the day out at the Circle D as well?”

  “Yep. He is.” She arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Well, then. I’ll repeat my question.” He leaned in and nuzzled her neck, then gave her earlobe a playful nip. “There isn’t anybody around to see us right now, is there?” He nipped her again. “So if I were to, hmmm, let’s say do this.” He tugged at the button on her shorts and then unzipped the fly. Allie let out a little gasp. “Or this.” He pushed her back against the wall with a hand on her breast and grabbed her mouth with his, nipping at her lips. He slid his other hand down the front of her shorts and slipped it into her damp underwear. Allie moaned and Mike continued, “Or even this.” He slid his finger between the folds of her pussy, brushing the erect nub of her clitoris. Allie moaned again and clutched at his arms. “No one will see, but you and me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her cheekily and rubbed her clit. Allie let out a slow breath and her eyes fluttered shut. She groaned. “Oh. No…I suppose you’re right.”

  Mike’s mouth found hers again and he parted her lips with his tongue, his finger and tongue thrusting in time together. Allie felt her climax build, her body quivered in anticipation. Suddenly Mike stopped and pulled away with a grin. “But maybe you’re right. Maybe we shouldn’t do this here.”

  Allie groaned in frustration. “You are such a brat.” She gave him another shot on the arm, but then grinned at him. “You had lunch yet?”

  “Nope. Came straight here as soon as I could manage.”

  “Well, come on then. The laundry can wait.” She turned towards the house and then looked back over her shoulder at him. “I’m sure I can find you something to eat.”

  Mike growled and chased her inside.


  Allie stood in front of the open fridge. “I’ve got ham, leftover meatloaf, soup…” She turned to look back at Mike. “What do you want?”

  Mike quirked an eyebrow and walked towards her, his eyes locked on hers. “I see what I want.” His voice was husky and full of heat.

  Allie closed the fridge and turned to look at him, eyebrows arched. “You sure you don’t want some lunch first? You know, keep your strength up?” She shrugged dramatically and grinned. “I know you old guys - ”

  “Hey. Watch it with the old comments…” Mike closed the distance between them and gave her a playful swat on the ass.

  “Ouch. Hey! No need to get abusive, you old geezer.” Allie shouted the last over her shoulder as she scampered away out of reach. Mike cocked his head and looked at her, eyes narrowed, and then suddenly dodged for her. Allie jumped back, a grin on her face as Mike came up with a handful of air. “Ooooh. So close and yet so far.” She sidled around the kitchen island, keeping it between her and Mike.

  Mike made a ‘bring it on’ gesture. “Oh yeah. Come on then. Let’s add a little excitement to the game.”

  “Yeah? How?”

  “I was thinking a little wager.”

  “Go on.” Allie was intrigued.

  “Well, if you can make it to your room without me catching you, you can call the shots in bed. But if I catch you, we play it my way.”

  “And what exactly is your way?”

  “Nuh-uh. Not telling. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “So let me get this straight. When I make it upstairs without you catching me, I get to use you like my personal love slave? But if I don’t, I still get to have kinky sex with you?”

  Mike shrugged. “Basically.”

  “Don’t you have to go back to work after lunch?”

  “Nope. It’s a slow day today and Doc can handle things. So we have the rest of the day to ourselves.”

  “Huh. Well. It’s win-win all around.” She smiled. “Okay. Game on, Old Timer.”

  Mike snorted. “You know, I’m beginning to regret disclosing the fact that I’m eight years older than you.”

  “Why? Does it make you feel like a cradle robber? A dirty old man? A…yikes!” She shouted in surprise as Mike lunged for her. She ran around the island keeping Mike at a distance. Unfortunately that left her on the inner side between the sink and the island. There was really only one way to run, out past the fridge and into the living room. She dodged back towards the back door and then quickly changed directions and ran through to the living room. Laughing, she zipped through the room, leaping over the footstool, heading for the stairs with Mike in hot pursuit.

  She was almost to the top of the stairs when she felt a hand grab her ankle.

  “Crap!” She tripped and landed on her hands and knees at the top of the stairs. Thankfully, the hall was carpeted. She turned to see Mike grinning, hand wrapped around her ankle. He gave a little tug and yanked her down a step so she was sitting on the stair closest to the top. “Not bad for an old man, I guess,” he gloated, leaning over her to kiss her soundly.

  “ Mmmmm…” Allie agreed.

  Mike pressed her back against the stai
rs, his hand trailed up and under her shirt. He pushed it up out of the way and latched on to her bare nipple with his teeth. Allie gasped. Mike suckled and nipped at her breast and then paused, grabbed her shirt and yanked it off over her head, before turning his attention to her other breast. After giving it the same attention he had given the first, he worked his way up across her chest to her collarbone and then up the side of her neck, raining little nips and kisses all the way up to her earlobe.

  “Show me your room,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

  Allie nodded her head slowly and Mike stood up and pulled her to her feet. She ended up on the stair above him, his face level with her chest. Mike grinned mischievously and grabbed a breast in each hand. He squeezed her breasts together then roughly suckled one then the other, drawing another groan from Allie. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her stomach. “I can’t get enough of you,” he rasped. He slipped his hand into her shorts, groaning when he found her wet and ready. With a growl, he grabbed her around her thighs and tossed her over his shoulder, carrying her up the last step, fireman-style.

  “Mike!” Allie yelped in surprise. “Put me down before you kill yourself.”

  “Which one’s your room?” asked Mike, ignoring her order. He strode down the hall giving her a swat on the ass. “Which door?”

  Allie laughed. “Last door on the right.”

  Mike stopped in front of her door and set her down on her feet. He captured her face in his hands and kissed her soundly.

  Breathless, Allie looked at him expectantly. “Well, I guess you won. I’m all yours.” She ran her fingers down his chest, feeling his nipples through his shirt. She gave them a playful tweak and then looked back up at Mike. “So what did you have in mind?”

  Mike grabbed her hands and held them still. “First things first, show me your room.” Allie shrugged, but turned and opened the door with a gesture for Mike to precede her into the room.

  Her room hadn’t changed much over the years. Sparsely furnished with an old brass four-poster double bed, the room was stark white – white walls, white trim, white sheets, white duvet. Only the bare, darkened plank floor wasn’t white. She had a tall dresser, also painted white, along the wall opposite the bed. Two ratty old (white!) wicker stools performed duty as bedside tables and she had a beaten up old chair, covered in a, what else, white slip cloth, in the corner. The chair held a multitude of discarded clothes, a colourful contrast to the white; and there were stacks of books on the floor and dresser; and more clothes on the bed.

  But that wasn’t to say there was no colour in the room. On the contrary, each wall was lined haphazardly with colourful paintings of various shapes and sizes, encompassing a variety of subjects and techniques. Oils, watercolours, landscapes, abstracts - it was like walking into an art gallery.

  Mike stopped just inside the doorway and gaped. “Wow!” he said, as he turned a full circle, taking it all in.

  Allie hustled past him into the room and started gathering clothes up off the bed and chair. “Yeah, it’s sort of a mess. Sorry. Wasn’t expecting company.”

  “No, it’s fine, it’s fine,” Mike replied, distracted. “It’s incredible.” He took a step towards one wall his eyes gliding over the paintings. “Are these all yours?” He gestured around the room to the paintings on the wall. On the far wall there were stacks of paintings leaning up, one against the other. Altogether there must have been thirty or forty paintings.

  “Uh, yeah. Except for yours, I’ve never tried to sell anything.”

  Mike walked over to a stack of paintings and started to flip through them. “Why not? These are great!” He turned to look at her. “You’re really talented, you know.”

  Allie shrugged and looked away. “I never really thought about it. It was just something I did for me.” She sat on the bed and looked around. “It’s kind of crazy, I know, but I could just never part with any of them before…”

  “And now?” Mike walked over and stood beside her.

  She shrugged again. “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time.” She shifted uncomfortably holding a discarded shirt in front of her naked chest.

  Mike noticed her gesture and raised an eyebrow. He grabbed the shirt and pulled it away from her slowly. Allie started to cover herself but then frowned and put her arms at her sides. She looked up at Mike defiantly.

  Mike laughed and reached out to brush the hair from her face. “That’s my Kitten. Show me your fire. Rrrrowrr!” His eyes trailed down her body and he licked his lips. “Mmmm-mmmm, Kitten. You have nothing to be shy about. You’re absolutely perfect.”

  Allie snorted, not believing him, but leaned back on her elbows, her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. “Well, you won the race, so I guess that means I’m all yours. Just what did you have in mind for me now?”

  “Mmmm, I like the sound of that.” Mike leaned down over her and took her mouth with his. The kiss was quick but filled with heat. “You’re mine. All mine.” He began to stand up, trailing his hands down her thighs to her bare legs. They were smooth and silky – Allie was glad she let Becky talk her into getting them waxed – and browned by the summer sun. He lifted one leg, his hand at her ankle and kissed along her inner calf. Allie squirmed, as he tickled his way with kisses up to her knee. Mike chuckled and then reached over and thumbed open the button on her shorts. “For starters, you have way too many clothes on.” He unzipped her fly, grabbed the bottom of her shorts, and gave them a tug.

  Allie yelped and then laughed. The shorts were stuck under her ass. “Here. Let me help you with that.” She sat up and pushed Mike away. He took a step back as she slid off the bed to stand in front of him. With her eyes on his, she slowly shimmied the shorts down her hips until they fell unencumbered to the floor. She stepped out of one leg and then lifted her foot; the shorts dangled from the end of her toes. She gave a little flick and they flew through the air to land on the floor in the middle of the room. She shrugged and then waited for his next instruction.

  Mike looked her up and down as she stood in front of him wearing nothing now but a tiny pair of black panties. “Nice. Very nice.” He reached out and ran his fingers up her arm. “I think I’d like to start with you on your knees.” He put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a little push. Allie arched her eyebrows at him, but kneeled on the floor in front of him with a shrug. She looked at his bulging crotch and then back up at his face. His eyes were full of lust. Mmmm , this was going to be fun.

  Mike slowly undid the buckle on his belt, his eyes never leaving hers. He pulled the belt out, loop-by-loop, and tossed it on the bed. Next, he pulled open the buttons on his button-fly jeans, one at a time. Allie’s eyes left his, straying down to watch his hands. She licked her lips unconsciously and Mike chuckled. “Do you want this?” he asked cupping his hard-on through his underwear. Allie looked up at him and nodded slowly. “Good, because that’s exactly what you’re going to get.” He pushed his underwear down, freeing his erection, and took a step towards her. He ran a hand through her hair, tugging her head into position and then took his cock in the other hand, brushing it against her lips. “Open up, Kitten. Swallow me down.”

  “Mmmmm…okay.” Allie replied with a mischievous smile. “If you insist.” She opened her mouth and let the tip of his cock slip inside, brushing across it with her tongue. Mike groaned as she sucked him farther in, but when she reached up with her hands to cup his balls, he shook his head. “Uh-uh. No hands.” Allie frowned. Mike pulled away and stepped up to the bed. When he turned back he had his belt in his hands. “Grasp your hands behind your back.”


  “Come on, Kitten. Trust me.”

  Allie looked pensive for a moment but then shrugged, clasping her hands together behind her back. Mike wrapped the worn leather belt around her wrists. “Not too tight?”

sp; “Uh, no. It’s okay, I guess.” Allie sounded a little unsure of herself.

  “Don’t worry, Kitten. I would never do anything to hurt you or make you do anything you didn’t want to do.” Mike reached out and gently touched her cheek.

  Allie leaned into his touch. “I know. I trust you.”


  At Allie’s words, Mike felt his heart almost burst with joy. After the whole Madeleine disaster, he had begun to wonder if she would ever trust him again. He looked down at her, kneeling in front of him, her hands tied behind her back. God, she looked so sexy. It took every ounce of will power he had to not pick her up and toss her on the bed and fuck her brains out. He chuckled and shook his head. How could he feel so protective of her one second and want to ravish her like an animal the next?

  He ran his hand through her hair a bit more roughly than he intended and positioned her head so he could angle his cock to her lips. She winced as he tugged her hair, but she opened her mouth eagerly, her tongue flickering out to lick the drop of pre-cum pearling on the tip. Mike growled and pushed his cock further into her mouth. Allie sucked him in until his length brushed the back of her throat.

  “That’s it, Allie. Swallow me down.” He pushed himself in further. Allie gagged and then swallowed. Mike eased back for a second to let her catch her breath, and then pushed forward again. This time Allie swallowed, breathing through her nose, allowing him deeper access. Mike groaned as he felt her tongue and throat muscles push against his throbbing length. He pulled back again, and then began to thrust in and out. It felt incredible, too incredible in fact; he was going to come way too fast. He eased back but that only made Allie suck harder, rubbing her tongue up and down his cock.

  “Oh God. Stop. I’m going to come.” Mike groaned and pulled out of her mouth, but it was too late. The orgasm crashed over him and he came in spurts, splattering Allie’s chest. Allie laughed and grabbed his pulsing cock with her mouth, catching the last of his orgasm, sucking and swallowing him down.


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