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Faking it with #41

Page 11

by Piper Rayne

  “Let’s go,” I say.

  Aiden allows me to go first, and we all cheer our captain on when he joins us in the hallway and we head toward the ice.

  On the ice, Aiden skates toward me. “One thing you need to do is get her ass to your games. She needs to be here, cheering you on.”

  I nod. He’s right. If we’re supposed to be in love, she should be here, but I hate asking her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. Hell, I know what that feels like because it’s practically been my entire life with my father. But if we’re going to own this, we have to sell it.

  I drop my bag in the foyer when I get home. Annabelle’s babysitter, Rylee, is on the couch with the monitor next to her.

  “Hey, Rylee, how was she?”

  She stands, and since she’s only seventeen, she always looks intimidated when I arrive home. I’ve been dragging my feet on having in-house help because there’s no way I can hire someone who could report I’m in a sham of an engagement.

  “Great as usual, although she didn’t want the bottle, so Miss Boyd came down and she got her to take the bottle before bed.”

  I nod. “Okay, thanks.” I dig out cash for her and walk her to the door. “I have a game tomorrow night. You available?”

  She nods. “I’ll be here at the same time.”

  “Perfect. Thanks.”

  As I shut the door, the stairs creak and I don’t have to turn around to know she’s standing there. I turn around and there she is on the stairs in a pair of sweats and a half shirt that shows her stomach. Her nipples poke through the fabric and my mouth salivates at the thought of her nipple on my tongue.

  “Hey, wifey.” I walk across the room and put my bag in the closet.

  “Did Rylee tell you about Annabelle? The bottle?”

  She joins me in the kitchen, and the open floor plan does nothing to diminish the sexual tension. I loosen my tie, but I still feel as if I’m suffocating.

  “She did. Thank you for your help, but you don’t need to do that.”

  “I want to,” she says, and something in her tone has me looking her way.

  “Maybe we should establish some rules,” I mumble, my eyes diverting to her flattened stomach. I shrug off my jacket and place it on the counter, folded in half.

  “Rules? What are you going to say? I can’t come down when Rylee is here? The fact that she comes at all when I’m home is already offensive enough, just so you know. Rylee probably thinks I’m some bitch who won’t take care of your baby.”

  The anger in her voice surprises me. I was giving her an out.

  “You don’t have to take care of my baby because you’re not really my fiancée.”

  “Aren’t you always saying we have to sell it? Well, we aren’t selling it to Rylee, and just so you know, a seventeen-year-old girl has a shit ton of power on social media.” She goes to the fridge and takes out the leftover Thai food she got delivered last night.

  “Well, you’re not coming to my games.” I sound like a whining seven-year-old complaining to his parents about them not coming to see me play.

  She stops with the silverware drawer half open. “Do you want me to come to your games?”

  “I’m just suggesting that you should be with the wives and girlfriends.”

  She shuts the drawer and puts the takeout container on the counter, along with a fork. “Answer the question, Ford.”

  I stare at her, distracted because of how much I want to see those pink lips swollen red from my kiss. I blink. “I can’t.”

  I step away, taking off my tie and unbuttoning the top few buttons of my shirt. There’s no fucking air in here.

  “Can’t what? Be civil? I knew this would be hard because we don’t see eye to eye on much, but am I that unbearable to live with? To be around, so that you have to always be gone with Annabelle?” She raises her hands and I’m rewarded with a glimpse of her underboob.

  “I’m not used to it, okay? Give me some time.”

  Her shoulders fall and she stares at me until I have no choice but to look at her. “Maybe we should scrap this whole thing. Your dad can find someone else. Someone you’d rather—”

  “No,” I bite out.

  Her hands go up in the air, and once again, underboob is all I can focus on. “Then what do you want? I can’t live like this anymore.”

  “I want to fuck you, okay!” I sit in the chair, staring at the monitor on the table for a moment to make sure I didn’t wake Annabelle. “I can’t see straight when you’re around.” I nearly whisper the words.

  “Oh. I thought you hated me.”

  I glance up. “My dick definitely doesn’t hate you.”

  She bites her lip and her eyes squint as though she’s thinking. Just one of her many habits that turns me on so fucking bad. “Well, we can’t.”

  “I know that. And stop biting your lip.”

  She frees her lip, and her eyes widen. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize,” I say.

  “Okay, I take it back.”

  “Good. Fine.” I stand. “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”

  “Okay,” she says, her hands locked behind her on the counter, her tits pushed out almost as an offering.

  I close my eyes briefly so I can get my jacket. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Ford,” she whispers. I hear her staggered breathing when I lean around her to get my jacket and tie. “It was a good game.”

  “It was a shit game. I played like a fucking rookie.” All I could think about was her and what it would be like if she were there with Annabelle in her arms. To look up and see someone was there for me.

  “I thought you played well.”

  “You watched?” I ask, pausing in front of her.

  She leans back and our eyes lock. She bites her lip again and nods.

  “What did I say about the lip?”

  Releasing it, she’s quick to say, “I’m sorry.”

  We stay like that for a moment, my willpower draining with every second. “God, I want you so bad.”

  “It’s only because I’m the one thing you can’t have,” she says.

  It’s like someone has sliced me open. “What?”

  “It’s easy to figure out why you want me.” She slides away from me—whether it’s from the displeasure I’m sure is flaring in my eyes or she just needs space, I can’t say. “You can’t have me, so you want me. It’s going to eat away at you. But we’ll get through it. Want me to tell you a million bad things about myself? Your desire will wane, I promise.”

  I lean my hip along the edge of the counter. “Is that what you think? That I want you only because I can’t have you?”

  She shrugs and picks up her Thai food. “Name one other thing you’ve never been able to have?” She sits on the couch, crosses her legs, and buries her head in the noodles.

  For fuck’s sake, she’s right. That must be it. “Okay, tell me something bad about yourself.”

  She laughs, but there’s something in her eyes that I can’t read—disappointment, maybe. “I rarely shave my legs in the winter. As soon as cold weather hits, I don’t bother unless I have a date, which is hardly ever.”

  “But you’d shave if you were dating someone?” I ask, sitting on the chair.

  “Sure, but not my armpits.” She laughs, giving away that she’s kidding.

  I shake my head, but maybe this will help me get her out of my system. She’s just the carrot hanging in front of a bunny, or the steak in front of a dog. I have to avoid temptation until someone comes around who I can have. This is easy. I got this.

  Based on the other night, Ford wants me to attend his game. So I pay Rylee for her time after she arrives—since I don’t have her contact information—grab Annabelle, and bundle her up in her car seat with her ear protectors. Once I’ve packed her bottle and snacks, along with a few stuffed animals, we head out to the arena.

  Thankfully, Paisley and Saige were willing to help me out by getting me tickets.

  By the time I r
each the seats with Paisley and Saige, my arm is on fire. They introduce me to Saige’s best friend, Tedi, who I’ve heard a lot about but haven’t met yet.

  Once I set the carrier on the seat beside me, I let my arm sag in relief. “How do moms do this?”

  I look at the two of them. They both shrug because they’re not moms.

  “I think moms have superhuman strength,” Tedi says. “I’m one of five and my mom made us walk behind her with a rope and each of us had a handle to hold on to.”

  “That explains your fuck-it bucket list,” Saige jokes with her friend-slash-assistant. She nods to me when I look surprised. “But the joke is on her. She screwed Tweetie as part of her fuck-it bucket list and now they’re the hottest couple… well, besides you and Ford.”

  A few heads turn in my direction. The other wives and girlfriends. A few whisper or smile with a knowing look like I won’t be here long. They’re right, I’ll be here for about a year.

  “Shut up. We aren’t serious.” Tedi shakes her head and waves Saige off.

  “Says the woman in the girlfriend and wives section.” Paisley is giving her shit now. Then she puts her hand on Tedi’s shoulder. “I’m totally kidding. God knows I never thought I’d be here.”

  “Me either,” Saige agrees.

  “So I’m not the only one then? How many women has Ford had sit here?” I eye the women in front of us.

  Saige waves me off. “Don’t worry about it. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. But since I’ve been coming, just Britney, and all she did was hand Annabelle to Paisley.”

  They all give me reassuring smiles, and I reach into the carrier to check on Annabelle. She’s still asleep. I’m nervous about Ford’s reaction when he finds out I’m here. I really hope this is a good surprise.

  Tedi announces that she’s heading up to the concession stand, and as soon as she’s out of earshot, the other two women turn in my direction.

  “So tell us what’s going on with you guys,” Paisley says.

  A few rows separate us from the other wives and girlfriends. Because of my circumstances growing up, I never had a girlfriend I trusted to have my back. But these women know the truth of my situation and are with the men Ford trusts with every fiber of his being. Surely they’ll understand if I tell them about last night.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I look around again and they huddle together. “Ford told me last night that he wants to sleep with me,” I whisper.

  “Oh.” Paisley nods. Clearly her psychology degree gives her some insight I don’t have.

  “And?” Saige asks.

  “I said that he only wanted to sleep with me because I’m the one thing he can’t have.”

  Paisley smiles.

  “Do you think I was right?” I ask her.

  “I think that it’s your choice. But I understand why you would think that. This is a long-term arrangement, you don’t want to mess it up.”

  Saige is quiet, so I set my eyes on her. “What?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Come on. I’m dying to figure this out, and other than Imogen and Morgan, you two are the only women I can talk to who might understand. And they’re his sisters so…”

  Saige exhales. “It’s just… I’m a lot like you. I was terrified of crossing the line and getting hurt. God knows I’m not sure there’s a woman who would vouch for Ford Jacobs, but I held myself back from Aiden for a long time, and now I think to myself… why?”

  “I’m sure you had reasons,” Paisley says.

  “I had fear. Fear ruled my decisions. And when it didn’t, things worked out. We’re really happy. But what if it hadn’t worked out?”

  “You could have been hurt?” I fill in.

  She nods. “True. But I see now that I would have healed. Eventually. Never ever would I ever date any professional athlete after that, but I would’ve recovered.” She straightens and leans closer. “The two of you are in unusual circumstances. Neither of you can sleep with anyone else while you’re pretending, so why not have fun? One thing I’m almost certain of is that Ford is good in bed.” She holds up her hands. “Not from personal experience. At some point, Ford is going to fall for someone, and who’s to say that woman can’t be you?” She places her hand on my knee. “Maybe there’s something underneath the lust. But you’ll never discover it if you don’t quench the lust first.”

  I blow out a breath and the lights dim in the arena.

  “It’s a big decision. Good thing you have a year to make it.” Paisley tilts her head supportively. “Just make sure you’re clear about what you want from it and your expectations afterward if you do cross that line. That should help keep anyone from getting hurt. Communication is key.”

  Everything they’ve said makes sense, but my biggest concern isn’t being hurt. I am concerned, but more than that, I don’t want to live uncomfortably for the rest of the year. I thought maybe we’d develop a friendship, but clearly if we keep dodging one another because we’re lusting for each other, we’ll never even get there.

  When the announcer introduces the players, I get up from my seat. I see Ford notice me and he stops skating for a moment, a slow smile spreading across his lips.

  Yeah, who am I kidding? This has gone way beyond lust for me.

  Figuring I should stop and talk to Ford after the game, I wait with the other puck bunnies outside once again. At least Saige, Paisley, and Tedi are with me this time. Annabelle did awesome throughout the game, but right now she’s in Saige’s arms because she needs to get to bed and found comfort there. Saige is very maternal, so I understand why.

  This time, no one talks to us, and when the players emerge from the arena, Tweetie comes out first. Tedi runs up to him, jumps in his arms, and kisses him as though it’s the end of a movie. She’s really staking her claim. Everyone in her life except her seems to know those two will have marriage bells one day.

  “Great score in the second,” she says.

  “Thanks, babe.” He lowers her to the ground, taking her hand and winding through the throngs of fans over to us. He bows his head in greeting. “Ladies.”

  “Tweetie,” we all say in unison.

  “Have a good night.”

  “Try not to break anything tonight,” Saige says, and we all laugh.

  “Don’t be jealous. Tell Shamrock to up his game if you’re not breaking furniture,” he calls behind us.

  “Hey, my woman is satisfied.” Aiden sneaks out and moves to capture Saige in a hug, stopping cold. “What did I miss?”

  “I had a baby while you were playing.” She offers him Annabelle and he stares at her for a moment.

  Moving in close, he whispers loud enough for us to hear, “Three goals. You know what that means.” He winks.

  “Ew,” Paisley says. “Give me the baby. Innocent ears.”

  Saige hands Annabelle to Paisley. “See you guys later.”

  They leave, which means it’s just Paisley and me.

  “Ever wonder what takes them so long?” she asks, rocking Annabelle.

  “Gossip,” I say.

  She chuckles. “Probably.”

  Annabelle grows fussy, so I offer my arms and Paisley hands her over before digging into the bag for one of her pacifiers. It truly takes a village to handle her while Ford can do it all himself.

  “Fuck that.” Ford’s voice pulls my attention away.

  I look up to see him and Maksim coming our way. Ford glances up from the ground and stops in his tracks. Our gazes fix on one another and I think adoration fills his.

  “Come on, kotik, let’s leave the happy couple alone,” Maksim says to Paisley.

  “Bye, Lena.” Paisley squeezes my shoulder, then they leave.

  One of the puck bunnies comes up to Ford’s side, but he steps forward, his eyes on me. He bends down and kisses Annabelle’s forehead. “Is she okay?”

  I nod. “Just cranky and past her bedtime. I hope—”

  “It’s great. I’m glad you came.”

/>   I’ve never seen Ford so earnest. So willing not to crack a joke about how I invited myself along. Another sign that things are turning, our road maneuvering into foreign territory.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he whispers before his lips press to mine.

  It’s only a quick peck on the lips, but I feel as if I licked the end of a battery. I’m tingling everywhere. I love this look when he’s in his suit, but his hair is still slightly damp and he smells like clean sheets. It’s hard not to get lost in him.

  “Let’s go home.” He raises his voice so the people around us can hear.

  Maybe that was all part of the act. Maybe I just can’t figure out what’s real and pretend anymore. I suppose a kiss gives the appearance that we’re a couple, but he could have taken my hand or even grabbed Annabelle.

  He picks up her carrier and we walk toward his Mercedes. “Did you bring a car?”

  “I had an Uber drive us.” Which I will never again do with the car seat situation. Not having a base to snap it into is beyond annoying.

  “Next time I’ll get you a car service, okay? We should get you a car while you’re here.”

  I wave him off. “The Bronco is fine. I just know how you feel about Annabelle riding in it.”

  He turns with the back passenger door open, holding his arms out for Annabelle. I pass her over, and he nuzzles his head into her neck. It’s the most tender moment I’ve seen him share with her. He gets her in the carrier and snaps it into place.

  After shutting the door quietly, he opens the passenger door for me. “It really means a lot to me that you came.”

  “I got the idea you wanted us here. I would’ve come to earlier games, but I didn’t want to step on toes.”

  He blows out a breath. No sharp comebacks on his tongue. “Never.”

  Something about the way he says it has me leaning forward to press my lips to his and slide my tongue into his mouth. His hand wraps around my head, holding me to him. Our tongues slide and graze, and moans erupt from deep in our throats. The kiss is consuming and intense and a throbbing pulse lands right between my legs. I want this man.


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