Captive to the Kiss of a Wicked Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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Captive to the Kiss of a Wicked Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 20

by Scarlett Osborne

  Meredith nodded even though it was clear that his words made little sense. No one should know she was here. Which meant this was not an idle incident but had been done with intent. And they both knew that there were truly people out there that would bring such threats to life. Both their mothers had suffered to bring that into stark reality for them.

  They said nothing for a short while, as if each of them was trying to console themselves within the presence of the other. Heath lifted his eyes to her face, watching the worry skitter over her features.

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Meredith,” he said, drawing her attention. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  The smile she gave him was slow and impossible to look away from. “This seems to be a day of promises. I say that I will protect you and you say you will protect me.”

  “Perhaps I am only stealing your words because I simply do not know what to say to you.”

  She tilted her head to the side, raising her brows. “You jest, but it seems perfectly possible to me.”

  “Are you saying I am unoriginal?”

  “I did not say it,” she said simply. “You did. I am only agreeing.”

  “Ah.” Heath clutched his heart in mock hurt. “Straight through the heart with that one.”

  Meredith giggled and Heath had never heard anything better. It instantly chased away the dark cloud falling over him, putting aside the overbearing questions that ran through his head. Later, he would think about them. Right now, he wanted to enjoy her company. Right now, he simply wanted to be with Meredith in every way he could, because it had been so long since he’d allow himself to be happy like this.

  Chapter 25

  White clouds appeared before Phillip’s face before disappearing into the night. He watched them go before he lifted a bit of snuff between his fingers and inhaled it. It should soothe him, especially since he’d stolen it off a gentleman on the way to the hideout. But he was in too foul a mood to focus on it.

  It was getting colder in here. It upset him to know that the hideout did not provide the warmth it once did. It would have been much better if they had decided to meet at the luxurious London manor Heath resided in, but that couldn’t possibly be done. Not when it would tarnish his reputation among the other uptight members of the gentry Phillip hated.

  Slivers of annoyance rushed through him as he lifted more snuff to his nose. Around him, chatter ensued, but he didn’t wish to partake. He’d been coming here every night for the entire week, hoping Heath would be here after his visit to his manor. But he hadn’t shown and, for some reason, stealing had lost its luster. It wasn’t the same without his partner-in-crime by his side.

  Disgusted suddenly, Phillip put the snuffbox to the side. The moment he did, one of the gang members named Linton, came to his side. “You don’t seem to want that,” Linton pointed out.

  Phillip casted him an ugly glare. “Get your own,” he growled.

  Linton wasn’t afraid of him, which Phillip never liked. The others, except for Victor and Heath, always approached him with a tad of wariness. He was just a little unhinged, a little too excited to cause chaos and carnage wherever he went. Like an explosion waiting to happen, Phillip was not approached lightly, which he enjoyed. It was the sort of status as one of the lasting members of the gang that he wholly enjoyed.

  But Linton was new and he was a bit of a fool. So, he didn’t seem to notice he was walking into a lion’s den when he picked up Phillip’s snuffbox and peeked into it. “It looks to me like this is nearly finished. It wouldn’t hurt to have me take the rest, would it?”

  Phillip didn’t turn his eyes away from him. Moonlight streamed in from the barely boarded up window above his head, showing him that Linton was far too bemused to know the danger that was before him. Phillip felt a sneer come across his features. It was just as well. He had been waiting for someone or something to take his irritation out on, so what did it matter if it was a member of his gang.

  He sat up, his hand itching to clamp around Linton’s throat, when Victor’s voice rang out from behind him. “Linton!”

  Linton jolted at the bark, nearly dropping the snuffbox. He gripped it tighter, looking over Phillip’s head at Victor. “Y-yes?”

  “Over here,” Victor called calmly. Phillip relaxed as Linton scrambled to his feet, returned the snuffbox to its spot, and hurried over. Phillip watched him go then caught Victor’s eyes, triumph shining within them. Phillip’s chuckle was devoid of humor.

  “What do you think, Phillip?” Victor called loudly. The chatter had dimmed now that Victor was taking control of the conversation.

  Phillip spat on the ground. “About what?”

  “About Heath. It’s been a while since anyone has seen him. Have you?”

  The mention of Heath only made his bad mood worse. He’d had Heath with him for over ten years now. They were inseparable. Only days had ever gone by without them together, so to know that a week had gone by without hearing from him made him too angry to think straight.

  “He’s busy,” Phillip muttered. It was clear what was taking up Heath’s time. That prissy little lady.

  “Busy, is he?” Victor didn’t sound upset, only thoughtful, which didn’t surprise Phillip. He was a lenient leader, growing much calmer and easygoing with age. When Phillip had first joined this gang, Victor had been as fiery as he was. Now that he was much older, he no longer cared to act in a hot-headed manner, though his ability to be cruel and ruthless when he needed to was unmatched. It was why he was still so respected not only among the members of his gang, but other gangs they’d come upon throughout London.

  Phillip averted his attention, knowing the others were staring at him. He didn’t care. “Surely, you remember he is a Duke,” Phillip grumbled.

  “How can I forget?” Victor said with a chuckle. “I suppose he is only caught up with his other duties, then. Or does this have anything to do with that Lady Meredith he’d decided to take in. I have not heard much about her since that night. Do you know how she fares, Phillip?”

  The tone was idle, too casual for Phillip to think it was anything but calculated. He slid his glare back to Victor, who stared at him with open interest. “Do you care?” Phillip asked in a low voice.

  “Care?” Victor shook his head. “No. I am only curious. Surely it is natural to wonder about her after the commotion she’d caused.”

  “She’s fine.”

  “That’s good. I wonder if Heath will think to bring her around. It would be quite interesting to have not only a Duke as a member, but a lady too.”

  Phillip picked up the snuffbox and threw it across the room. It clattered loudly on the other side, ground tobacco powder flying into the air. A few of the gang members jumped but Victor didn’t even blink. It angered Phillip even more.

  Phillip didn’t have a thing to say that wouldn’t only be a stream of curses, so he rose. As he was stalking away, Victor said from behind him, “Careful, Phillip. It would be quite a blow to us if you were to hurt yourself.”

  He spat to the side once again, his response to Victor’s warning. And then he left the abandoned building, letting his rage leading him someplace where he could let it all out on someone else.

  Meredith arrived at the dining room much earlier than she should have. She didn’t turn back, however. She went to sit in her usual seat, deciding to wait for Heath’s arrival. Excitement overtook her as she sat down at the long table, the same excitement that she’d been the victim of every day for the past few days. Ever since that kiss, ever since she’d openly told him how much she loved him, Meredith had not felt happier.

  But there was an air of discontent hovering over her that she was trying her best to ignore.

  She knew the reason for it, knew that it had reared its head after one question from Annalise. Her lady’s maid has asked her about her family this morning and, instead of growing sad at the thought of her mother’s death, Meredith had instantly thought of her father.

  She sighed
, playing with the edge of the tablecloth in her silence. She considered herself blessed. After hearing what Heath had been through, knowing that he’d lost both parents and had been so young when he’d had to fend for himself, she was grateful for the little she did have. Her father and Jenny. The two people in her life who had helped her as best they could throughout it all. And she had selfishly ran away from them when she couldn’t handle it any longer.

  Meredith didn’t regret her decision, but now she couldn’t stop thinking about her father. Knowing he must be worried for her, knowing the lengths he must be going to find her, made her heart ache. She didn’t want to return, not yet. It was selfish thought, but she didn’t want to leave Heath’s side knowing very well how badly her father would receive him, childhood friend or no. Yet, for the entire day, Meredith could not get her father off her mind.

  Shaking her head, Meredith cast the thought aside. She lifted a hand to her hair, hoping that everything was still in place. She’d asked Annalise to do her best regarding her hair, especially since there was little she could do about her clothing. She wanted to look her best tonight. She wanted to impress Heath as much as she could before she asked what she’d been wanting to ask for the past few days.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Meredith jumped halfway out of her chair at Heath’s voice by her ear. She gasped at him, noting the questioning look on his face. “You frightened me!” she gasped. “You really should stop sneaking up on me like that.”

  He only chuckled as he straightened and claimed his seat. “If that had been my intention then I would have taken much more pleasure out of it. You were simply much too distracted to notice my approach.”

  “A simple snap or clap or even clearing yours throat would have helped.”

  “Or, you would have jumped just as much.” He was clearly very amused by it, which made Meredith’s irritation melt instantly.

  White soup was served a moment later and as the maids left the room, Meredith picked up her spoon, glancing over at Heath. He’d already begun eating, in a rather hearty and pleasing manner. She grew distracted by the sight, unaware of the fact that her hand was hovering over the bowl.

  “Is there something you would like to say, Meredith?” Heath asked before he lifted his gaze to her.

  A few weeks ago, she would have jolted and averted her eyes. Now, Meredith smiled. “You look so handsome tonight,” she told him.

  “I look handsome every night,” Heath said with a grin.

  Meredith wiped the smile off her face. “I rescind my words. You do not deserve compliments.”

  Heath chuckled. He reached out and took her hand before he lifted the back of it to his lips. Butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach. “You know I only say such things to mask how nervous and happy your words make me,” Heath told her. Meredith rolled her eyes.

  “Such lies will only make it worse,” she said, but she didn’t pull her hand away from his. She was quite enjoying the feel of it.

  “I would never.” Heath kissed her again and her cheeks grew warm. He lifted his eyes back to her. “You look absolutely radiant yourself, Meredith.”

  “Too radiant to remain within the house, don’t you think?”

  Her words surprised him. He lowered their hands but didn’t let go, rubbing his thumb over the back of hers. It was truly amazing how that simple motion could inspire such desperate need within her, could make the base of her belly grow hot with untamed need so fierce that she wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

  “What do you mean?” Heath asked, bringing her back. Somewhat.

  “I would like to leave the manor,” she told him.

  Heath stared at her for a few seconds before shook his head, releasing her hand. “No,” he said, picking back up his spoon. “Absolutely not.”

  Meredith tried not to bristle at his instant dismissal. “And why not?”

  “You received a threatening letter only days ago, Meredith. Do you truly believe I will let you leave the safety of this place?”

  “Well, I have to leave sometime, do I not?”

  “You do not have to think about that for now, I assure you.”

  Meredith’s lips parted in surprise. Heath didn’t look back at her. He continued to eat, as if the conversation was now over and he no longer had to pay her suggestion any mind. Her spoon went slack in her hand as arguments rioted through her head, coming to the tip of her tongue.

  He would expect her to argue, Meredith knew. He was bracing himself for it, even though he seemed quite at ease. Without a doubt, the old Meredith would have hounded and pestered until she got her way—because she was not used to being told no. If she wanted something, either things fell in place for her or she would fight for it to do so. And usually, the Heath she’d once known would have gone along gladly, even if he put up a few words of protest beforehand.

  This Heath would be harder to budge. With a hardened jaw and unmoving temperament, it was both arousing and incredibly frustrating. Meredith didn’t know what to say or do to get him to bend to her will.

  After a moment, she decided it would better to just show him.

  Placing her spoon gently on the table, Meredith pushed away. Heath’s eyes snapped up to her but she paid him no mind as she rose and turned, walking away in a very calm manner.

  She was halfway toward the door before she heard his chair scrape back on the hardwood floor and his footsteps sounding behind her. Meredith tried not to smile victoriously when he grasped her wrist and twirled her around to face him.

  “Where are you going?” he asked a bit exasperated.

  “I will have the footmen prepare a carriage for me,” she said simply. “It may be a bit late, but I would not mind going for a carriage ride.”

  “You know I won’t allow you to do that.” His hold on her wrist didn’t loosen, but it wasn’t tight enough to be painful. If anything, Meredith was struggling to resist the urge to lean into him. Having him so close to her was making enticing thoughts sprout in her mind.

  “Am I a prisoner here?” she asked calmly, with a single blink.

  Heath let out a frustrated breath. Good, she thought. I am breaking through his composure. “Of course, you are not, Meredith. But—”

  “That is all I needed to hear.” Then, Meredith gave him her most winning smile. The same smile that had won the hearts of her parents whenever she had wanted something. The smile that had labeled her a sweetheart, a gentle soul who would grow up to be quite the name amongst the ton. Even though that prophesy had not rung true, Meredith knew she could still wield it just as perfectly as she did back then.

  But it didn’t get the effect she thought it would. Instead of conceding, of stepping back and giving in to the idea of leaving the manor, Heath only grew stiller. His eyes glowed darkly, sending a red-hot jolt through Meredith. Slowly, her smile slipped from her face as her heart began to race. She recognized the look in his eyes, knew exactly what he was thinking the moment his gaze dipped to her lips. She held her breath, desperate now. In a second, he’d somehow taken control again and Meredith was more than willing to let him.

  She let her eye drift shut as Heath dipped his head to hers. The gentle touch of his lips did not reflect the smoldering lust she’d seen in his eyes. But the effect of it was instantaneous. Meredith gripped his sleeve, stepping closer to him, wanting to be as near to his body as she possibly could. Her plan to get him to agree, her wish to leave the manor, faded to the back of her mind as that slow heat consumed her once more. Heath’s hands slid up to her neck, cupping her gently under the chin.

  Reluctance trembling through his body, Heath pulled away. Meredith felt his breath on her cheek as he peered down into her eyes, breathing heavily. “Do you know what you do to me when you look at me like that?”

  Meredith held onto his hands, her heart racing. She wouldn’t have been able to look away from him even if the manor came crashing down around them. She didn’t know what to say, her mind utterly blank. The ability he had t
o erase her every sane thought was far too powerful.

  After a moment, Heath let out a shuddering breath, hanging his head. Then, he stepped away, smiling. “Very well, then. I cannot resist yours wishes any longer. Whatever you want, you may have.”

  Meredith grinned broadly as elation overtook her. Without thinking, she leaned up on her toes and pecked him happily on the lips. Heath blinked in surprise. “Thank you! I am certain you will have as much fun as I.”

  Heath smirked. “It is on one condition, however.”

  “Oh, heavens, what is it?”

  “You must write a letter to your father.”

  Meredith didn’t know what to say for a moment. That wasn’t what she had expected him to say. “My father?”

  Heath brushed idly at the curls framing her face as he said, “The Earl must be quite worried about you. And I know that, though you like to pretend otherwise, you are worried about him as well. You do not have to tell him where you are nor what happened. I believe simply letting him know that you are safe and well should suffice for now.”


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