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Fools Like Us

Page 7

by B L Morticia

“Mmhm.” I kissed his head, bringing him close. “Let’s lay here a while.” I tried catching my breath. “Are you hungry?”

  “Not yet. How am I going to keep up with you, Daddy? You wear me out.” Courtney chuckled.

  “Likewise.” I laughed and stared at the ceiling, knowing I was a goner. Being a Daddy with a boy thousands of miles away would be a bigger problem than I’d realized.

  How the hell would I be able to focus with Courtney so far away?

  When I asked Courtney to marry me, I thought it would be enough knowing he’d taken my last name, but now, it was so much more complicated. I had to have my husband close to take care of him as I had promised.

  The possessive side was ready to take over. Who would’ve thought it would rear its ugly head so fast?


  As my body cooled down, I traced Chancellor’s inked chest with my fingertips. The sheen of sweat on his chest made his tattoos shine under the soft light in our suite.


  I was mesmerized by him. How he could be single was a mystery within itself. Not anymore though since we’d just gotten married.

  Although exhausted, my body tingled from our first sex as a married couple. Several parts of me ached, but in a good way. Still caught in the afterglow, I kissed the top of his tattoo, then buried my head into the crook of his neck. “That was amazing.”

  “It was.” Chancellor said, sounding a little distant. He dragged his fingers over my back muscles. “Apparently, fucking you has already become my favorite thing.”

  I snorted and licked his neck before lightly biting it. “Already got you under my spell?”

  “You certainly do. I’m a little scared I won’t wanna let go.” Chancellor hugged me closer and pecked my temple.

  “Mhmm. I know. I don’t want you to. Why don’t you just come back with me? I don’t have much of an apartment, but perhaps we can find a place together.”

  “I can’t. I’ve got to finish this client’s job first. The faster I get to it, the quicker I can meet you there.”

  I pouted, knowing Chancellor was right. Why was it fair of me to think he could drop everything to follow me if I couldn’t stay here?

  Despite knowing that, I couldn’t help the pain in my heart. Call it stupid, but I was falling for Chancellor. Too early to call it love. Maybe it did have a lot to do with the amazing sex. Regardless, I enjoyed being around him in any capacity I could get it.

  “Courtney? I wish I could, baby.”

  “I know.” I rose to meet his hazel gaze and kiss him. “If only things were a little different, hmm?”

  “Yes. It’s what’s we signed up for though. Believe you me, this is difficult knowing I gotta put you on that plane. Where exactly in Illinois is home?”

  “Carrollton. A dinky little college town close to Chicago. I was born and raised in a neighboring suburb, so it was easy to take the job there.”

  “Mhmm. You don’t seem like a suburbanite.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I’m not. My parents still don’t get my fascination with women’s clothing or the fact I like wearing makeup.”

  “But they’re okay with you being gay?”

  “Bisexual actually. And they don’t have a choice. When they tried pushing back when I came out, I told them I’d move. They learned to deal really quick after that.”


  “Is my bisexuality a problem?” I had to ask, because with some gay men it was a turn off.

  “Not at all.” Chancellor grinned and brought me in for another embrace. We lazily tangled tongues, nibbling on each other’s, trying to gain power over the other. My breaths caught in my chest, enjoying this lip lock that seemed to carry on for an eternity.

  Chancellor pulled back, tracing my face with his fingers. Our gazes met in a heated stare that made me melt. “We… we should talk more, but I want more of you. I can’t get enough.”

  “Me neither.” I uttered into our embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I don’t have enough energy yet though. Wanna take me on my back this time?”

  “Not…not quite ready yet.” Chancellor said through hampered breaths, holding me close. “I’m not a young guy anymore.”

  “You keep saying that, but the way you fuck says otherwise.” I laughed and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Doesn’t matter though. Whenever you’re ready, babe. I will be. Always.”

  Chancellor smiled and brought me in for another kiss. “Good to hear. My dick might be ready, but the rest of me isn’t.”

  I giggled and leaned on his chest. I toyed with his skin, drawing lazy circles around his nipples. “Perhaps a small nap, then? I wanna relish this so when I go home, I won’t feel as lonely.” Despite saying that, I wasn’t sure if that would actually work. The pillows or sheets wouldn’t smell like Chancellor until he laid in them.

  “Anything you want, baby boy. As long as we’re together.” Chancellor gripped my sides and lifted me, so our bodies were level.

  “Mhmm. Together.” As we continued laying there, I watched Chancellor sleep. We’d only been married for a few hours, but the way my heart wrenched at the thought of separating, you wouldn’t have known it.

  If only we would’ve met years ago…

  Even if it was earlier in the trip to have more time to enjoy the honeymoon.

  When did I become such a softie?

  I laughed under my breath and settled in, holding him close. I inhaled Chancellor’s scent to remember it even when we were apart.

  There must’ve been something behind what one of my friends about someone who’d sweep me off my feet. Chancellor had done that in a short period of time.

  Chapter Eight


  Apparently, sleeping with Courtney was like melatonin. It had been awhile since I’d had an undisturbed rest without tossing and turning, waking up to think about my business. With him in my arms I was completely comfortable, satiated, and relaxed. If only we had another few days, we’d make more plans.

  Careful not to wake him, I turned my head slightly and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. The display read six thirty a.m., meaning we hadn’t moved in about seven hours. I thought we’d wake up to start round two, but I suppose all the excitement tired us out.

  “Mmm. Chancellor, what time is it?” Courtney lifted his head off my chest, eyes half lidded. He wiped his mouth. “Sorry I slobbered on you a little.”

  “No worries. I expect nothing less. And it’s after six thirty. We slept through dinner.”

  “Oh.” Courtney snuggled up to me again, laying underneath my chin. “No wonder I’m starving.”

  “I am too. Is there anything special you want for breakfast?”


  I chuckled and caressed his bare back. “To eat.”

  “Eggs, pancakes, some bacon, with a side of you to wash it down.”

  “Hm. I think I can help with that last part once they drop off our meal.” I reached over for the menu and opened it above his head.

  “Or before.” Courtney slid down so my shaft would poke his ass crack.

  I hissed and nibbled on my bottom lip. My cock was hard as nails, but I’d refrain from sex for now. “Behave, sweetheart. Let’s get some breakfast, then we’ll continue with round two. I’m thinking we’ll need it for fuel.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that.” Courtney slid back up and wrapped his arms around my neck. “Maybe we could shower too?”

  “Sure. I’d love to soap you up for our first shower together.” I flipped the menu card around to check for drinks. “How about mimosas?”

  “Ooh, sounds good. All though the champagne will go right to my head.”

  “Mine too, but we should have that first toast. We were so ready to fuck last night we didn’t take advantage of the honeymoon suite’s amenities.”

  “Oh? Like what?”

  “The hot tub, the iced champagne which I’m sure is warm now. Then there’s the view I wanted to take advantage of.”

  “I was so wrapped up in you I didn’t notice.” Courtney lifted his head and glanced out the window.

  “Hold on.” I picked up the remote, aiming it at the curtains to make them open.”

  “Wow. This is so much better than my room.” Courtney kissed my chin and got out of bed to look out the glass.

  While I watched him, I flicked the card back on the nightstand and picked up the phone. “I’m ordering a little of everything, all right? I don’t eat like this regularly, but since we’re on our honeymoon I’m gonna take advantage.”

  “Same here. I’m on vacation!” Courtney raised his arms and wiggled his butt.

  “Uh uh. Don’t do that. Not right before I get on the phone anyway. Save the sexy dancing for later.”

  “Pssh. I’ll probably be too full.” Courtney laughed. “I’ll dance for you after we shower. And… fuck, I don’t have my body wash.”

  “The hotel has some special stuff in there I’m sure.”

  Courtney pouted. “And I probably can’t use it. My skin is uber sensitive. I like all the smell good stuff, but it breaks me out.”

  “What do you use? Is it something I can send for?”

  “It’s not that important, Chancellor. Our shower isn’t really to get clean, it’s more for fun.”

  “True, but if you want something else…”

  Courtney held his hand up. “I’m good, babe. I’m more concerned about eating. If we’re doing mimosas, I like freshly squeezed juice. I don’t do the concentrated stuff. And oh, I need some coffee. Plenty of sugar.”

  “Of course.” I dialed the number, waiting for someone to pick up. I rattled off everything, making the lady on the other end laugh, then ask if we were feeding more people.”

  “Nope. Just the two of us ma’am.”

  Courtney chuckled. “Just two hungry men with big appetites. Or, we could save some for throughout the day.”

  I hung up and put the phone back on the nightstand. “I was thinking that too, unless you want something else.”

  “Nah. I can eat breakfast anytime. Like, really. Pancakes, French Toast, eggs, meat, oh man. Lemme stop talking because it’s making me hungrier.”

  “We’re one of the first to place orders so hopefully it won’t be long. I’m with you on the breakfast though. It’s the best meal of the day.”

  “Right? When in doubt of what to eat, just have that. I do it at home too.”

  “Mhmm.” I got up and yanked the sheet off the bed and strolled to where he stood. “What else do you do at home?”

  “Not much. I go out sometimes, but… I know that will all change now being a married man.”

  “Yes, it will. Does that bother you?” I dropped my voice an octave and placed a light kiss on his shoulder. I wrapped the sheet around him and myself to cover his nakedness from the rest of the world. If only I could keep him here in this room at least another week. Who was I kidding? I’d want longer than that.

  The moment my shaft made contact with his ass cheeks, I bit back a moan. Holding off until after we ate would be an exercise in restraint for sure.

  “Mmm. Dang, Chancellor.” Courtney shivered, obviously feeling the same. “No… well, not really. I’ll be honest with you, I’m not exactly a wallflower.”

  I laughed and clasped his chest, yanking him in closer. “That doesn’t surprise me. When you stepped up on that bar, I immediately figured you weren’t the kind of person that held up the corner at a club.”

  Courtney inhaled sharply and placed his hands atop mine. “Nope. Does that bother you, though? I mean, I can’t change who I was before yesterday.”

  “No, you can’t, but you can make some adjustments.”

  “Yes.” Courtney shifted and curled his arms around my body. “I know and I’m willing to do that. It’ll be hard with us being apart, but I can do it. I’ll just remind myself it’s for a short time.”

  “Yes, it is.” I pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Only two to three months. I’ll come visit you every weekend though.”

  “I can come out here too. I mean, it’s a substitute position, so who knows when they’ll find someone.”

  “Oh, you don’t think they’ll hire you permanently?”

  “No. My age and lack of experience rule me out. I’ve only been out of graduate school two years, so I have to teach the bullshit classes.”

  “Well that sucks.”

  Courtney shrugged. “Well, I have to deal with it since I don’t want to teach small kids. I’ve considered trying high school positions, but nothing lower than that.”

  “Not a fan of babies I take it?”

  “Yes, and no. As long as they aren’t mine, but I have sort of a temper that might get in trouble with parents. At least if I talk shit to young adults closer to my age or even continuing education students, there won’t be too many problems.”

  “Hothead, huh?” I caressed his back.

  “Irish and Polish mix. What can I say?”

  “I see. Well, there’s always an alternative if you don’t want to deal with all that.”

  “Which is?”

  “Not work at all, and let your husband take care of you.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’d go stir crazy. I love teaching, too. Molding young minds and getting them ready for the world is exciting.”

  “And where did this love come from?”

  “I don’t know, really. I had a couple of favorite teachers in high school and I figured since I was smart as shit, I could do it too. It’s a rewarding career to help someone learn.”

  “It is.”

  “And I’m a people person.” Courtney smirked. “Well, grown people, anyway.”

  I snickered. “No babies in our future then, huh?”

  “Do you want kids?”

  “I’ve thought about it from time to time. I have two brothers and both are married. One has twins. A boy and girl.”

  “Ohhh. So, you have a little baby lust?” Courtney raised an eyebrow and held my shoulders.

  “Not really. I kind of like not having to share you with anyone. The moment you have them the focus shifts from your happiness as a couple to their happiness and wellbeing. I’m a little too selfish for that.”

  “Oh my Goddess, yes!” Courtney practically leapt into my arms and kissed my head.

  I chuckled and balanced myself to stay upright. “What?”

  “What you just said. That’s why kids haven’t been on my radar. I’m an only child too, so, I’m not good at sharing.”

  “Ah, that’s where that wanting to be pampered comes from.”

  “Yes, and…” Courtney stopped and looked down at his feet.

  I cupped his chin and lifted it. “What, babe? You know you can tell me anything.”

  Courtney shrugged. “Well, when my father found out I wasn’t going to be a baseball player, our relationship soured. I know he didn’t stop loving me, but let’s just say the minute he caught me in the bathroom putting on makeup, things went to shit.”

  “Mhmm. I hear you. My father hated I wouldn’t date girls too. Always saying, I couldn’t have been raised by him and be a… you know.”

  “Yeah. What about your mom.”

  “Loves me no matter what. She doesn’t understand it, but she supports me and that’s all that matters.”

  “That’s cool. Both of mine don’t like it and they make sure I know it each time we talk.”

  I brought Courtney in close and kissed the side of his head. “Well, just like you told me yesterday, they’ll have to deal then.”

  Courtney relaxed against me and exhaled, binding us together with his arms. “Yep. I don’t live for them. Never have and I won’t start now.”


  Chancellor wasn’t kidding when he mentioned ordering a little of everything. Our breakfast spread that took up the whole coffee table was delicious. Only thing left was a couple pieces of French toast and some fruit. After this large of a meal, we might not need anything else.

  “That food was a
mazing.” I wiped my mouth and leaned back in the chair. So, we could enjoy the great view, Chancellor asked the waiter to help us move everything into the bedroom.

  “It was. The Espire’s restaurant is one of the best on the strip.”

  “You’ve stayed here before?”

  “Yeah. While I was having my house built, I stayed here.”

  “Whoa. That had to be pricy. This place is super expensive.”

  “Not really. It was in its ending stages and I wanted to be close in case things went wrong.”

  “We’re you born here?”

  “Nope. Dallas actually.”

  “Why did you pick Vegas?”

  “I love the weather, and the glitz. Plus, my business partner wanted it here, so it was kind of an easy decision.”

  “Ah.” I took another sip of the mimosa, enjoying the bitterness of the champagne. The orange juice gave it a small tang, but I believe when Chancellor made it, he might’ve gone a little heavy on the bubbly. “So, when you said you worked from home, did you mean you build the cars at your house?”

  Chancellor laughed. “No. I have a garage with a small staff. I do the designing, and some of the heavy lifting. We also do major body jobs and trick out cars for everyday people. The celebrity part starts with me.”

  “How did you get into that? Building cars, I mean.”

  “I worked for a major car company as a supervisor. From the time I was nine all the way through adulthood, I’ve worked on cars. When I got the job, it was one of the best days of my life. But, the longer I worked there, I realized as much as I enjoy fixing them, I loved creating them. Since I had an eye for design and the knack for measurements, my buddy Tarik and I decided to go into business together. That was like fourteen years ago and here we are. We started with a small garage and like three guys who shared the same passion. Now, we have twenty-two happy employees who enjoy what they do. Or I should say me, since Tarik ran off and got married. He left me with the company.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome. So, that makes me ask you, with all those people that do things…”

  Chancellor smiled and poured himself another mimosa. “Yes, but a lot of the celebs pay for my personal touch. Believe me, Courtney, if I could leave this to my guys and girls, I would.”


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