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Quaratined With a Billionaire

Page 4

by Sher Dillard

  The heat between them continued to build. Growing hotter and hotter every second until he could hold back no longer. He used his hand to spread her legs then position himself between her knees, his finger caressing her, opening her.

  Jane’s eyes rolled back as she pushed up against his hand. “Please,” she begged.

  Jake bit down to stop from slamming himself into her. Instead, he positioned himself and slowly sank into her silky heat. A long slow push.

  “God, Jane,” he said as he finished filling her. The woman was warm and tight and exactly the most important thing in the world. Pulling back, he watched as her brow furrowed for a moment until he once again filled her.

  “Yes,” she whispered as she arched up to meet his thrust. It was as if they had been made for this. As if they understood each other’s move instantly. Jane pushed up to meet each of his thrusts, their bodies slamming together with more and more force.

  Taking her lips with his he fought to maintain control as he thrust into her over and over. Her legs wrapped around him as her hands raked his back.

  He could feel her getting close as she thrashed her head from side to side, lost in her own world, then without warning, her eyes shot open as her body froze before shuddering with relief. Every muscle quivered as she pulled at him, demanding more.

  Smiling to himself, he became lost in thrusting into her until he felt the pressure build. Demanding release.

  Pushing himself into her one last time as far as he could, he exploded into her.

  Jane wiggled under him then shuddered with his release once again. As if she had been waiting for that moment.

  Jake continued to thrust, over and over, emptying every part of his soul into her.

  “Don’t move,” she screamed as her body shook, Every muscle tensed then finally relaxed as she pulled him down onto her, refusing to let him go.

  Wrapping her into his arms he fell to the side, exhausted, satiated and feeling all was right with the world.


  Jane snuggled in his arms as her body fought to regain some semblance of normalcy. The man had taken her to places she hadn’t known existed. Not like that. Three climaxes, one after the other. And each more intense than anything she had ever known.

  Oh, you poor fool, she thought to herself as she wondered if she would ever experience anything like it ever again. Her heart ached when she thought of what she was going to lose when this ended.

  Shivering with regret, she fought to hold off a tear. Her heart was lost, she realized. At least for now. Maybe someday she would put this behind her. Make it a treasured memory. But now, God the man was the best lover a woman could ever hope to have. Caring, well endowed. To say the least, she thought as her cheeks grew warm. Filled with stamina and the cutest butt in the world.

  Of course, she had lost her heart. What woman wouldn’t

  He’s a sexy billionaire, she reminded herself, used to women throwing themselves at him. After all, he could have his pick. If he hadn’t been locked up with her then this would never have happened. Only by limiting his options had the universe been able to push her into his orbit.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked as his hand trailed down her spine.

  Shivering, she shook her head, refusing to answer, terrified if she said a word it would be the wrong thing, or this new wondrous world might disappear into a mist.

  “You’re cold,” he said as he sat up. “Let’s get under the covers.”

  Jane couldn’t look into his eyes. She’s been so demanding they hadn’t even gotten under the covers. What must he think of her? Then it hit her. If he wanted her under the covers then he didn’t want her to go. He wasn’t kicking her out of his bed and suggesting she return to her room.

  Biting back a smile of happiness she joined him in slipping under the covers then snuggled down into the crook of his shoulder and sank into heaven.

  There was something about being held like this, by a man like this, after sweet glorious sex. She would treasure this memory for the rest of her life. His strong arms around her, the unique scent of Jake, wood smoke, pine, and something else. The rain beating on the window as the world hid behind closed doors.

  A sense of rightness, of safety and security, washed over her. Yes, she thought. This was where she belonged.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?” he asked, and she just knew without looking that the sexy eyebrow had risen.

  “For making the world less frightening.”

  His arm pulled her in for a tight hug. Nothing else. No detailed discussion. A simple hug to let her know that he would never let anything bad happen to her. Sighing, she let her eyes close as she let a wave of safety wash over her and let her rest.

  A cold emptiness woke her the next morning. Loss, absence, a sense of abandonment filled her as her hand reached for him. Finding him gone, her eyes shot open confirming that he had left. “God,” she whined as she fought to push away the emptiness.

  Cursing, she sat up in bed, holding the blanket to her chest. She had slept the night away. Ruined any chance for a repeat. Oh, how she would have loved to make love once again. But no, not her. Instead, she had slept soundly for the first time in forever.

  What now? she wondered. How was she supposed to handle this? Sneak back to her room and avoid him. Was that why he was gone. He was done with her and wanted nothing more to do with her? Was he regretting last night? Now he was trapped in this apartment with her while the world melted around them.

  A sick sinking feeling filled her as she frantically searched for an answer. Some solution that didn’t break her heart. She might very well have cried if the door hadn’t slowly opened with the cutest sexy billionaire edging into the room, a tray in his hands.

  Her heart soared at the sight of him, bare-chested, jeans riding low on his hips, bare feet.

  He smiled at her and nodded down at the tray of scrambled eggs and bacon. “Toast instead of biscuits.”

  My God, he had made her breakfast in bed. Had any man ever been sweeter? It was as if an exclamation point had been added to the sentence describing how much she loved the man. Three days and she was lost.

  She scooted over on the bed to make room for him before he set the tray on her lap. She just wanted him close. His hip touching hers. Being able to caress his arm. Feeling his heat seeping into her.

  Jake smiled at her then reached over to snag a piece of bacon for himself. She frowned up at him, “You should have made enough for yourself.”

  “I’ve already had mine,” he laughed as he took another strip. “But the sooner you finish the sooner we can start making love.”

  Her jaw dropped as she turned to see the gleam in his eye. Suddenly the hunger deep in her stomach was replaced by a new need. “I’m done,” she said as she placed the tray onto the side table then turned and threw herself into his arms.

  Once again, the raging heat built inside of her. This man met every dream she had ever had. And when he entered her, she felt whole. As if she had become the person she needed to be.

  Slowly, ever so slowly he rocked back and forth. Over and over pushing her higher until he could no longer hold back and exploded inside of her. His shuddering body pushed her over the edge and into an explosion of waves and waves of pure pleasure.

  “Oh, Jake,” she screamed as she held on for dear life.

  His weight resting on her felt glorious as she closed her eyes and took it all in. Every sense, every memory. Savoring each aspect.

  Letting out a long breath, he rolled to the side and once again pulled her into his arms. Jane laid her head on his broad chest and listened to his pounding heart. I did that to him she thought with a secret smile. Proud that she could make a man like this become lost. Make him lose himself in her. A feeling a woman could grow to love.

  Chapter Seven

  Once again Jane woke up alone. The afternoon sun peeking through the clouds. This time though she didn’t worry, didn’t fret. The man had ma
de her breakfast in bed. A man didn’t do that if he wanted her gone. No, things had shifted between them. There was none of that next morning awkwardness. None of the prickly tenseness.

  Somehow, he’d made everything so much easier. A simple act of kindness had smoothed out the bumps.

  A sudden wave of worry filled her. She couldn’t expect this to continue. It was as if an unspoken agreement had been reached. For the length of the quarantine and no more. She shouldn’t expect forever. They hadn’t discussed it. But they hadn’t needed to.

  They were young, free, trapped together. Nothing more. She could not, would not allow herself to hope for more. No, she would enjoy this time then let him return to his life while she returned to hers.

  Getting out of bed she glanced down to her rumpled clothes at the foot of the bed. The thought of him seeing her once more in her drab business suit sent a shudder across her shoulders. Instead, she smiled as she retrieved his dress shirt. He wouldn’t be upset. He’d made her breakfast, remember.

  Slipping into the fine cotton shirt she pulled it close and took in his scent, melting inside. A girl could grow to love this she thought as she rolled up the sleeves. The shirt was so large it hung halfway to her knees, reminding her of just how big Jake was.

  The thought made her smile. Big was saying the least of it. A feminine shiver traveled to her very core, making her shiver all over. She turned to leave then turned back to retrieve a small foil packet. You never knew when one might come in handy.

  She hurried down the hall to find him in his office, dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt, looking as delicious as ever. Knocking gently, she poked her head in around the door and smiled.

  He looked up to freeze as his eyes traveled up her body checking out each special spot. A slow smile crossed his lips as he looked into her eyes and said, “There is nothing so sexy as you wearing my shirt.”

  A quick warmth flashed to her cheeks. Taking a quick breath, she turned to examine the office. He was right, it was more library than office with three walls covered in bookcases filled with books and the odd knickknack. Everything from Economic textbooks to science fiction classics. There was no particular system, but she would wager he knew where every book was located.

  A large oak desk with three computer screens sat at the far edge of the room.

  “What you working on?” she asked as she came around to lean on the desk, placing herself between him and his computer. The fact that her shirt rode up exposing more thigh than she should have was purely accidental. At least that was the story she would have told.

  He swallowed hard as his eyes focused on her bare leg then took a deep breath when he glanced up into her eyes. He remained quiet as his eyes took on that hungry look that sent a satisfying tingle through her. She could see the battle in his eyes until he finally surrendered.

  “This,” he said as he stood up, picked her up by the waist and set her on his desk before pushing her legs apart to stand between them. Then he slowly unbuttoned the shirt to remove a breast and slowly suckle.

  Jane felt a bolt of pure pleasure leading to a driving need. Reaching down she quickly opened his pants, she was ready for him now. She needed him as much as the air she breathed.

  He was already hard, just as needy as herself. The realization made her feel all mushy inside. It took every bit of effort to take the time to remove the condom from her shirt pocket and slide it over his huge erection. Once it was secure, she pulled his head away from her breast so that she could look deep into his eyes as she guided him to her opening. Slowly, without looking away, he slid into her. Slowly invading her, still holding her stare. Expanding her until she feared she would surely split wide open.

  Yet, at the same time, it was as if he had always belonged there. The two of them continued to gaze into each other’s eyes until he was fully buried inside of her. At that point, she could hold off no longer and her eyes rolled back as she became lost in the feeling of being filled by this man.

  Pulling back, he held off at the very opening, then again, slowly slid into her. The two of them came together, each drawing out the pleasure. Each pushing the other higher, teasing, pushing, pulling back, kissing and nipping until he could hold back no longer and began to thrust into her like a locomotive. Determined to fill her with everything he had.

  “YES,” she screamed as she leaned back and allowed him to take her hard until they both erupted at the same time.

  “God woman,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Jane felt a sense of pure happiness as she realized the impact she had on him. Granted, this was temporary, but she refused to fear the future. There was only now.

  At last, the energy between them settled as he pulled away. Jane ignored the sense of abandonment and loss. No, he would never see her frown. Never see her needing his attention. Instead, she stood up on wobbly legs and reached up to kiss him on the cheek.

  “I’ll let you get back to work. I’m thinking spaghetti for dinner?”

  He shook his head, obviously having trouble processing her words. Eventually, he smiled and nodded his approval. Jane made sure to wiggle as she walked away. There was no doubt in her mind the man was staring at her butt and she wanted him to have a good show. After all, he deserved it.

  And that was how the next four days went. Either they were making glorious love. Sleeping in each other’s arms or he would work while she used his beautiful kitchen to make them the best meals she could.

  Each would use their alone time to check the news, neither wanting to bring up the subject with the other. It was as admitting there was terror and pain in the world would ruin their time together. But Jane reminded herself. There was nothing they could do to solve the problems of the world. So why shouldn’t they enjoy themselves?

  Occasionally they would sit in the living room and watch a movie, but they rarely got halfway into it before they were going at it like minks in a cage. She couldn’t get enough of the man.

  They ate all their meals either in bed or at the breakfast bar. It had become a sort of a routine, make love, cook, eat, make love, entertain themselves, a puzzle, a board game, something to while away the hours, then make love again.

  Jane had never known it could be like this. Two people enjoying each other. It was as if they were designed to work together. The way their bodies fit, the way their idiosyncrasies didn’t bother each other. He liked to work in his office, she liked to cook. They had enough alone time that coming together was more and more special.

  When they talked, it was of the past, never the future. They shared their life’s stories in detail over a game of strip Stratego. There was something strangely exciting about telling boring facts with your breast exposed. Jake had a habit of staring at her and forgetting the question.

  They spoke about their greatest regrets over a thousand-piece puzzle. The man was a genius at both she realized. Along with just about everything else. He was better read than most college professors yet knew the name and family of the building’s janitor.

  Every day, every moment, she fell deeper and deeper in love. Yet she refused to push him to reveal his feelings. No, she refused to ruin this moment. No strings she kept telling herself. Besides, how could she ever fit into his world? Yet, strangely, she thought he might be able to fit into hers. Her family and friends would love him. Even without all that money. Even if they didn’t know he was rich. They would love him.

  The thought made her feel right inside.

  They were sitting in the living room, a fire blazing, him in jeans and a T-shirt. She was wearing one of his dress shirts. She had worn a different one each day for the four days. He said they were as sexy as hell. That was all the excuse she needed.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked as he moved a piece on the chessboard putting her two moves away from checkmate.

  No, she thought forcefully, she was not going to tell him about imagining her father walking her down the aisle, him waiting for her with a happy smile on his face. No, tha
t would change things between them faster than picking our child names.

  “That playing chess with you had to be one of my more stupid ideas.”

  He laughed then raised that sexy eyebrow. “I’m sure we could find something else to do.”

  She blushed then smiled as she looked at him from beneath her brow. “What took you so long. I’ve been hating this game for the last thirty minutes.”

  He smiled as he pulled her into his arms and took her there on the rug before a blazing fire.

  After, as they lay naked in each other’s arms the fire warmed her back. As she gently rubbed her hand in his chest hair, she became lost in a fantasy world. A rich man’s wife with all the comforts and safety any woman could ever have. But she would gladly give it all up to be this man’s wife. To be the mother of his children. God, if only.

  Chapter Eight

  Jake put down his phone and sighed heavily. He had been dreading this call. The airport manager had called him directly to give him the news.

  A sick feeling of regret was building inside of him. He couldn’t deny it. Couldn’t pretend it wasn’t there. He’d never been able to ignore data. And everything told him he was going to miss Jane when she left.

  Granted, he had an empire to rebuild. Quite a few thousand people depending upon him. He knew his focus had drifted over this last week. Too many times he had found himself staring at numbers or an email and forgetting what he was supposed to be doing.

  Instead, his mind continued to wander to the sexy woman sharing his home. What would this week have been like if she hadn’t been there? The thought sent a cold shiver down his spine. He hated being bored. And one thing about Jane, she was never boring.

  There was her unique way of looking at the world. Aware of danger and mishap but willing to meet it head-on. Or the way she smiled when something pleased her. That was it, he realized, her smiles reached her eyes. That was the difference he had been searching for all week. Jane was different from other women in that when she smiled, you knew it was the truth.


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