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Page 3

by D. R. Grady

  “Have you noticed your center of balance is slightly off?”

  Raene’s eyes widened. “Yes. Now that you mention it, I am noticing a change there. That is likely what has made me hesitant to train.”

  Felicity thought further on the matter. “I believe we can modify your training to accommodate your changing body. You will be able to continue training, but do so safely for your babes.”

  “They need to come first.” Raene’s tone turned fierce.

  “Yes. But you also need to keep yourself in shape. An Aasguard is only as good as her training.” Felicity needed Raene’s priorities to stay aligned. She needed to protect the little ones she was growing but also keep up with the rigors of her own training.

  “How do we modify my exercises?”

  “We shall figure that out as we go.”

  Raene nodded. “Challenging.”


  Rykert watched Felicity speak with Vidar and Lajos and had to force himself to keep from growling. Absurd. Both men were happily married and friends. Nothing in her or their demeanor indicated anything other than friendship and professionalism. None of the three gave off different vibes and Lajos’ wife stood close to him without an ounce of suspicion on her face.

  Stefana showed no signs of jealousy and he wanted a portion of that trust. How did he quell this ugly side? He had no idea he even had this depth of human nature within.

  No one warned him that embarking upon a relationship would create this level of emotional turmoil.

  Felicity did smile at him before she loped down the hall in the opposite direction. Questions erupted as she disappeared down the long corridor. He turned to Vidar with them on his lips.

  “Raene is having some female issues this morning.” Vidar did not elaborate, for which Rykert was grateful.

  “That is more than I need to know.” He raised a hand in the universal stop gesture and snagged a few chuckles from his companions. Stefana rolled her eyes.

  This was amusing to him because he had never seen a queen do so. And this one was raised in royal courts all her life so technically she should refrain. That she felt comfortable enough with them and herself spoke volumes about this woman whom he barely knew.

  He didn’t know Raene or Stefana well, but these small interactions made him aware that he should make more of an effort.

  “We have been stuck in treasuries for far too long.” Lajos voiced his very own thoughts.

  “It is sad.” He shook his head and the others agreed, albeit with a few smothered grins. Rykert expected this. It had proved handy over the years to make people smile rather than draw their swords.

  If they did so, he could take care of himself and any innocents in the vicinity in a matter of seconds. Still. His ability to see the humor in life had helped over the years.


  He reflected on that. While emotions had faded, his ability to laugh had not. Perhaps because he had nurtured that one emotion. Had made certain to keep a tight grip on it so this one had not faded.

  The hall in which they strode turned a corner and Vidar shoved open a door a few paces down. This led to the training yard where they intended to practice this morning. Upon stepping outside the driving rain drenched all four of them.

  None of them appeared to care or notice. Lajos and Stefana had been living in less than royal conditions throughout their marriage. The kingdom they took over had not been what anyone would call prime real estate.

  It had been neglected for so many years that they had been able to simply wipe the slate clean and start all over again. To which they had done. Their kingdom was much improved these days but it would require additional time before it functioned to the level of an established queendom such as Montequirst.

  The land where Raene’s family had reigned for centuries. He had personally known her ancestress Bronwyn, as had many of the Aasguard warriors he counted as friends. Vidar included. He couldn’t remember whether Lajos had known her. Ari’s mate, Kellen, had.

  A rumble of thunder shook the training field. They all set their swords close by, but removed them from their persons. The lightning had not completely dissipated and none of them wished to be caught with a large chunk of metal in their hands or on them if struck.

  While man could not kill an Aasguard, Mother Nature had no such compunction. Therefore, they respected her. The four of them paired to work on their hand-to-hand combat skills. He and Lajos paired, then he and Vidar. Finally, he and Stefana took a turn.

  He was able to instruct her on a few key points, and learned a few things from this session with all three. It always helped to train with others. Rykert cracked jokes as they trained and thought perhaps the others appreciated that.

  Rain dripped into their collars, soaked their tunics and trousers, and cooled their skin. After an intense training session, he appreciated this.

  The entire time they sparred he wondered how Felicity got on. To the point that Stefana scored in an embarrassing way.

  “Pay attention.” Her ability to joke with a new acquaintance made him like her all the more.

  He laughed. “It’s probably easy to tell my mind is not on my training today.”

  “I wonder why.” She said this tongue-in-cheek.

  “She should be here, training with us.”

  Stefana sobered. “I am guessing what she is doing is more important.”

  His eyebrows soared. “What could be more important than training?”

  “Helping someone else train.” Stefana spun in a low circle, graceful and fast, but he countered with ease. “I caught you out once, but I will not do so again, will I?”

  “You should not. And shame on me if you do.”

  By then lightning sizzled close and they all stopped to watch for the next strike, counting. The next one proved even closer and by mutual consent, they exited the training field.

  Stefana frowned up the hall as they mopped the water pooled on the floor under them. “Ari and Kellen didn’t join us.”

  “They already trained with a couple other Aasguards who arrived last evening.” Vidar wrung out a dripping towel.

  “Who arrived?” Lajos asked.

  “I did not hear who they were, but Ari and Kellen both knew of them at least. It appears word of the school has reached many of the remaining Aasguards and they are arriving to inspect the premises and potentially teach while they sort out their new futures.”

  “Do you believe there is still a need for a census?” His heart deflated a tad at Vidar’s announcement. Then what will Felicity and I do? If we don’t seek out others?

  “Yes, there is definitely a need. Some Aasguards are more mobile than others. Those who are mobile would hear, but those who tend to remain in one place for decades will not.” Lajos hung a still sopping towel over a drying bar. He eyed the dripping cloth.

  A caretaker for the school entered the drying area and added the towels to a large basket. It appeared she was already used to them training in all weather. She hefted the wet laundry with no effort and entered a nearby room.

  “Time to change into dry clothes.” Stefana, who would not be as used to dripping wet apparel, announced this and soon headed toward her and Lajos’s rooms.

  He, Lajos, and Vidar exchanged glances. “Coffee?”

  “Absolutely.” Lajos led the way.


  A small knock on the bedchamber door sent Felicity across the room to whisk it open. Stefana stood on the other side. She must have changed because her attire appeared dry. Unless she had mastered increasing her body temperature to dry her clothing.

  “Come in.” Felicity stepped back to allow the other queen to enter Raene’s bed chamber.

  Stefana stepped through the doorway and she made her way across the room to where Raene and she had seated themselves to discuss how best to train Raene now. “Have you made any progress?”

  “We have.” Felicity eyed Stefana. “Do you train expecting human women?” Why this thought had not
already occurred to her thus far she did not know, but it had not.

  Raene and Stefana both gasped. “We do. My brother Lukas has designed a program specifically for them, with the help of several healers.” Stefana’s eyes met Raene’s.

  “But those are human females. Will such training work for me?” Raene asked this with muted emotions. At least Felicity did not detect any.

  “I believe those practices will offer us a guideline on how to structure your training.” Felicity thought about the changes in Raene’s body. “Essentially what we are concerned about is your center of balance.”

  “And you will not fight on the offensive.” Stefana bit her lip. “If you find yourself in battle your focus will be on fighting defensively.”

  “Vidar will annihilate any threat to you before you can even unsheath your sword. We are keeping up your training so that you do not lose ground once your babes arrive. This is merely to maintain your skills.”

  “It is better for my body and my babes for me to keep active. I feel this to my very core.” Raene readjusted her position in the chair.

  “You are uncomfortable.”

  “I am. But that is common. There is much less room than there used to be.” Raene said this in a matter of fact manner.

  Stefana still grimaced. “We have worked wonders in Swiftland, but I am not yet ready to provide an heir.”

  “There is no need. You are both Aasguards. However, when the time is right, it makes itself known. Vidar and I both wished to increase our family at the same time. We both felt it was right. However, we had not taken into account that I am Aasguard now and will likely live far longer.” Raene’s face scrunched.

  “You and Vidar are treading unknown ground. There will be many things you will realize you have never considered.” Felicity did not envy them.

  “If you think on it, we can decide what happens. No one else has ever done this, as far as we are aware. Therefore we make the rules.” Stefana’s nose wrinkled. “I use the term rules lightly.”

  “Understood.” Raene’s tone edged into very dry. “Those haven’t been kind to women in our time.”

  “They have never been kind to women.” Felicity had lived a long time. She had personally witnessed this. As had Ari and the few other female Aasguard warriors they knew.

  “Did I hear that there is another female Aasguard here? Who came because she knew Ari?” Raene moved her hips in a manner that communicated discomfort.

  “Yes. Emma the Petite arrived this morning or late last evening.” Felicity had forgotten that she and Ari were here.

  “Perhaps it would be a good idea to invite them to participate in figuring out the best training for Raene.” Stefana gazed at her friend. “Ari has trained me and has assisted with Raene.”

  “That is a sound notion.” Felicity dug her crystal out of her pocket and made the request to Ari, who she hoped was with Emma.

  “Do you know Emma?” Raene inquired.

  “I have heard of her, but I have never had the pleasure of meeting her. However, every single female Aasguard is amazing.” Felicity shot them both ironic glances. “You have never encountered the ugliness of human men’s minds as an Aasguard, but understand that female Aasguard warriors have not had an easy time.”

  Both of her companions grimaced. A knock sounded at the door and Ari opened the barrier. She took in the situation quickly, Emma right behind her.

  “I received your message.” She lifted an eyebrow to Felicity. Who immediately explained about Raene’s condition and the need for modified training exercises.

  “This is Emma the Petite. Emma, these are our newest female Aasguard warriors, Queen Raene of Montequirst and Queen Stefana of Swiftland.”

  “It is wonderful to meet you.” Emma, in a similar manner to Raene, could not boast to the greatest of heights. She probably stood at average height for a woman—short for an Aasguard. Her body was the same muscular, toned figure of all Aasguards, but she was smaller than typical. She exuded the same air of confidence and competency. And something else that Felicity could not put her finger on.

  Emma sported blonde curls, freckles, and blue eyes. Her sweet smile and calm likely lured many an enemy into underestimating her. She did not look like an Aasguard warrior, but she moved like one, and her sword was every bit as well used as any.

  Suggestions filtered through the room as all of them offered ideas to Raene. Who eventually rose and moved through the exercises as Ari and Felicity helped her modify the motions. Felicity managed to train for the day by doing all the original moves and subsequent modifications for Raene.

  Emma’s long years—they were all shocked to learn she had trained between Lajos and Vidar, so had been a warrior longer than any others in the room—aided them as she explained about the changes in Raene’s body and how to accommodate the growth she could expect.

  It took some time, but by the time all of them were happy with their progress, Raene had trained for the day and felt far more comfortable with the new practice sessions she would need to conduct.

  Ari tilted her head to the side. “I think we should call in Vidar. He needs to know these as well so he can assist you, Raene.”

  Raene bit her lip but she agreed and Ari called Vidar to come. He arrived promptly and they showed him the exercises they had modified for Raene and her condition. He did not look askance at so many female Aasguards in his suite.

  Felicity took a moment to appreciate the experience. She glanced at Ari who nodded and Emma covered her hand with her own while Raene and Vidar finished. “I needed this.”

  “So did I.” She might not know what the future held, but she suspected Rykert the Bold would play a large role. To have this time with other females, who understood without explanation, was not something she would forget any time soon.


  Rykert finished on the training field with the others, had breakfast, and wondered off in the direction of where the dragons rested. This school did have a treasury. A requirement to keep the facility operational. Thus far, Ari and Kellen’s funds were sufficient to maintain the building. Stefana’s father helped them to invest wisely and they shouldn’t need additional funds for eons to come.

  He turned the corner and nearly plowed into Felicity. Rykert grabbed her biceps to keep her on her feet. This woman had been Aasguard for so long she was never at risk of taking a tumble. But he enjoyed holding onto her.

  They stared at each other for long moments and he could not read her intentions due to his own presenting as murky and a little chaotic. Her eyes glowed in the dim sunlight slanting from a nearby window and his hands tightened.

  No force could have prevented him from drawing her into his arms to press her delectable self against him. Or from him bending to take her lips in a kiss she seconded. Her arms circled his neck and tugged him closer.

  Rykert knew a good thing when he had her within his grasp. Knew he needed to kiss Felicity with everything inside him. She rose onto her toes and that placed them at nearly identical height.

  One of them groaned and this snapped them apart. His chest heaved as he gazed at this woman with the power to make all thoughts, all training, all inhibitions flee. Surely they should know better at their advanced ages.

  Her hand fluttered for a brief moment before she wrapped it around the hilt of her sword. An anchoring attempt that they all did. Whenever life spun out of control or felt as though it might, they touched their sword. It served as a reminder of their purpose.

  “Our purpose in life has changed.” His voice sounded thick.

  She released her sword hilt. “Yes.” Her voice echoed the thickness of his. “And that is an aspect of the issues at hand.”

  He could not read anything in her eyes or by the way she stood. His ability to read intentions remained faulty. “Is it a problem?” He had yet to make a determination on the subject.

  Her head tipped to the side. “Probably not in the long term. Right now, yes. Until we Aasguards establish ourselves as
a community.”

  “I like being a part of a community.” That had not existed a year ago.

  “As do I. It is definitely a new age. Where we can expand and explore in a way never opened to us before.”

  Felicity’s violet eyes swirled with mysteries he wanted to explore for the rest of their lives. “What are you thinking?”

  “I have been pondering the money left by our mentors.” She nibbled her bottom lip. His gaze locked there. “But my mind has also been dwelling on dragons.”

  Felicity had paired with Maeze who was blue scaled with yellow eyes. Felix, Rykert’s dragon, was yellow with blue eyes and typically such dragons were mates and love matches. Take Aern and Fricassa, for instance. Aern was Vidar’s massive black dragon with green eyes while Fricassa was Lajos’s former petite green dragon with black eyes. Their complimentary coloring indicated they were mates and they had been attracted to each other over the centuries but it was not until Raene decided to follow her heart rather than logic that everything changed.

  With her marriage to Vidar, Aern and Fricassa had then felt free to mate and both unions had proved immensely successful. Vidar became a king, something unheard of for Aasguards and he excelled in that position. Raene continued to run the nation of Montequirst but Vidar aided her and oversaw the security aspects of the queendom.

  Aern and Fricassa had then been free to travel to Swiftland where they could assist Lajos and Stefana. They had also enjoyed a freedom not known to them previously. They had access to Lajos and Stefana’s collective treasures and also assisted with protection for a neglected nation.

  Rykert wondered if they would produce dragon babies. His familiarity with dragon anatomy and physiology did not extend to reproduction. He glanced at Felicity. “Can dragons like Aern and Fricassa reproduce?”

  “They can. But only if they have steady access to treasure.”

  He abruptly straightened. “Really?”

  “Yes. Maeze’s parents knew that answer. That is why they were able to reproduce. They were not colored the same, but their’s was also a love match, I would venture. They produced Maeze rather quickly. I believe they were both disappointed at only one egg, but Maeze delighted them.”


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