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Page 9

by D. R. Grady

  Dry land fighting remained her preference. The consolation was she dove with others. Two dragons and two Aasguards should be capable of combating any trouble they encountered.

  Felix and Rykert disappeared suddenly, and while she gasped, Maeze didn’t seem fazed. She kept on their course, speed never altering. Within seconds they also entered the same tube that expanded as soon as Maeze’s bulk reached it.

  They remained in water for several meters and passed through vegetation into a world Felicity had never encountered. She gaped. One moment they were in the water and the next on a solid rock surface.

  Crystals sparkled from the ceiling and lit the rock formations that made up the floor, walls, and ceiling of the cavern. It resembled the chamber where Aasguards lived in Montequirst, yet retained its own uniqueness. Here everything sparkled. Not from a glass ceiling, but from the embedded crystals that appeared lit from inside.

  Rykert had already dismounted Felix and now he helped her.

  “What causes the crystals to be lit?”

  “We have no idea.” Rykert sounded cheerful.

  Felix headed straight for the towering treasure that covered the vast expanse of floor. He invited Maeze to join him over his shoulder. She skipped in her eagerness.

  Felicity smiled. “She is so cute.”

  “She is.” They watched the two dragons enjoy their proximity to treasure. “Did she receive the treasure signal or whatever it is that makes Felix aware of nearby treasure?”

  “She did. Do you believe all dragons have the ability?”

  “I expect so. Since it improves their health I imagine it is innate in all of them.” Rykert inspected the place. “It looks much the same as the last time we were here.”

  “This is vast enough for another treasure or two, but it would not accommodate multiple treasures.” She turned in a full circle to take in the space.

  “I agree. Although it could probably be expanded.”

  “Yes. Although it is not overly deep. No Aasguard would touch it, but humans could eventually reach this depth.”

  “Back when Fergus likely carved this space out for his treasure, humans had no hope of reaching these depths. It would be incredibly rare, even now, but with crystals doing what they can do, the times are changing. A human might eventually be able to locate this treasure.”

  “I agree. Do we move it to one of our treasuries?” This conversation reminded her she had not visited hers in ages.

  “I imagine it is safe for now. Until we determine a better place for it. I am feeling that Atlas is our best solution.”

  “It is deep enough that it might be difficult for us to reach that island and city.” She was leery of the nerve-racking plunge.

  “That means it will remain safe.”


  Rykert felt Felicity’s trepidation. He enveloped her in his arms and was heartened when she nestled closer.

  “I can almost feel Fergus here, even though I never met him.”

  He thought about her subdued statement. “That might be why I enjoy visiting here. You can feel his essence here. Everything about this space speaks of him.”

  “We have to move on to the next treasure do we not?”

  The heat they generated helped to dry them. Both dragons had sloughed off the wet but his and Felicity’s clothes remained damp. They could raise their body temperature to dry the clothing faster if needed.

  “We should. It will take time to dive to the next one. We shall have to take a break while diving to Atlas.”

  “I have never understood how we can breathe while underwater. I just know that I can.”

  A good point. “I could not as a human, so it must have something to do with our change to Aasguard.”

  “There is a lurking, irrational fear in the back of my mind that I will not be able to breathe once I am under the water.”

  “If it has not failed you in the last millennia, I imagine you are safe.” He teased her but also hugged her tight.

  She laughed softly. “I agree.” Then they parted so they could continue with the next stop.

  Maeze shook off the treasure she had buried herself in and galloped around Felicity in anticipation. Felicity spoke with her for a few moments and he caught that she made certain the young dragon was okay with the sea.

  While Felicity spoke with her, he turned to Felix. They ascertained that the next treasure was close, at least by air. It would take some time on a ship, but for dragons it proved a short jaunt.

  Felix remembered the location of the next treasure and Rykert felt he could find it himself if need be. The females joined them and soon they left the chamber of Fergus the First’s treasure and entered the ocean depths again.

  While dark at these depths, all four of them could see. Before he had fully enjoyed their adventure in the ocean, Felix rose to the top where they made certain no one was about. A dragon and rider erupting from the sea might cause panic to any nearby fishermen or people on ships.

  Once they assessed that no one was about, Felix surged into the air, climbing to above the clouds again. Maeze followed him as though they had done this numerous times in the past. He and Felicity kept watch but nothing stirred.

  The flight to the second treasury took half an hour and soon they plunged into the water again. This time Maeze detected the nearby treasure at the same time as Felix. The same excitement that usually gripped Felix overtook her as well.

  She didn’t try to take the lead, which he appreciated as Felix was larger and a warrior in his own right. And he and Felix had visited this treasury before. A cranky octopus lived near the opening and those creatures enjoyed dining upon anything they could capture. A dragon might be a stretch for most octopi, but this monstrous one might be able to manage Maeze.

  He conveyed this information to Felicity who straightened herself in preparation for an upcoming battle. He also entered the battle calm and kept watch as they dove deeper and deeper.

  Their bodies adjusted as they swam deeper and deeper. Holding onto a dragon with one’s leg muscles required a different position in water but again, his body adjusted without much thought.

  Felicity had not mentioned noticing the difference, despite not having been on a treasure hunting expedition before. He counted that as a good sign. This trip took longer than the previous hunt. The water here was clear and contained far more life.

  Part of the problem for him was he wanted to see everything around them and watch the creatures swimming by. They lost interest in Felix and Maeze early on once they ascertained both were higher on the food chain. Both dragons conveyed this and the creatures passed them by.

  Many of these he had no knowledge of. A sad state of being for them and him. The magnificence of many of the swimming creatures made him breathless. The size of others made him ponder whether the dragons and Aasguards were perched at the top of the food chain. Yet none of the sea predators bothered them. As had happened before.

  The entrance to the chamber drew near, this one an unassuming ledge with a crevice at the seam. Felix slowed as he approached the crevasse but they saw no sign of the octopus who patrolled these waters. They remained alert in the event they did encounter him.

  Felix did not plow through the opening as they had learned their lesson on that front. Rykert eased off his back. The opening widened but it would not allow for both of them at the same time.

  Felicity copied his movements with Maeze, and he ushered them single-file after Felix so he could take the rear. Better for him to watch their backs as he had met the octopus before.

  For all they knew, something even bigger might have eaten the octopus. Not a particularly comforting notion.

  Once they entered the pool beyond the opening, they needed to surface. Felix was already in the process of doing so. Rykert watched closely but his dragon encountered no issues. Maeze followed with the trust of youth. Felicity kept watch of everything, the mark of a great warrior.

  They all surfaced and Felix heaved himself onto
the ledge that offered access to the cavern beyond where the treasure was located. He tested it before helping Maeze to clamber up from the pool. Felicity hoisted herself with an agility he admired. Her warrior garb plastered to her body and he enjoyed watching her muscles contract and pull as she straightened to take in the chamber.


  “Yes, this one is impressive too.” He launched himself out of the water and joined her. Water sluiced off them as the dragons immediately made for this treasure as well.

  Of a similar size and expanse as Fergus’s the impressiveness here might stem from the chamber itself. Formed out of a rock he had never witnessed before, it shone in shades of green, blue, and white. Not marble or granite, but some other type of stone that nature had made.

  “This treasure is also sizable.” Felicity took in everything as her long braid dripped. “Do you know whose this treasure might have been?”

  “I have not been able to determine this one. My guess is I did not know him or her.”

  At him saying her, Felicity’s head cocked. “This feels feminine.”

  He paused. “That might be why I could not determine who this belonged to.”

  She knelt by several necklaces. They all had been paid in this sort of jewel before but these were far more delicate than many he owned. Not that he had any desire to wear any of his own jewels.

  None of them did. Yet it made sense that a monarch or wealthy individual would have paid a female Aasguard in jewelry they felt she might prefer. Felicity’s notion that this treasury belonged to a female made sense.

  “Is this Aasguard dead?” At Felicity’s statement he started.

  “Why do you ask that?”

  “It feels like…” Before she answered a new chest formed and coins spilled into it.

  “Oh. This belongs to a living female Aasguard.”

  “I believe I know who she is.” Felicity glanced around the chamber. “If this belongs to who I believe, it makes sense. Lucy the Lucky loves the water. We used to tease her about being a mermaid. It makes complete sense that she would have her chamber here, deep in the ocean.”

  “Felix.” He called to his dragon. “This treasury belongs to someone who is still living.”

  Felix and Maeze joined them again. “That means we must respect her treasury. Although I am certain she would not mind in the least that we are here.” Felicity patted Maeze.

  “It is nice to have a few moments with treasure. Especially before we determine whether we can reach Atlas.” Felix flicked water off his tail.

  “We shall need to stop in the middle to give our bodies time to adjust.” Rykert warned his dragon, but mostly spoke for Maeze’s sake. Her behavior thus far indicated she would copy exactly what they all did, but he believed in communication.

  Felicity’s hand tucked into his. “Well, here goes.”


  The sense of peace and belonging that surrounded her in Lucy’s treasury made Felicity reluctant to leave. A smidgen of her trepidation might also be due to the more arduous journey to Atlas. Flying would provide the only enjoyable part.

  The depths at which the entire island sank is what concerned her.

  Would her and Maeze’s bodies adapt to the pressures of the water? She had no notion whether Rykert and Felix had gone this deep either. Maybe that would have been a viable question to ask before they embarked on this. And they still needed to rise to the surface.

  She frowned at Rykert. He must have read her thoughts, or guessed. “We will leave here now. There is land not far from Atlas where we can spend the night. Then in the morning we shall be fresh to dive.”

  “That answers one pertinent question. Have you and Felix ever gone as deep as Atlas?”

  Rykert and Felix stared at each other. Felix pursed his lips. His scales pulled. “Not this deep, no. But we have gone close to nine hundred and fifty feet before. It did not seem to be a problem.”

  A shrugging dragon always amused her and with Felix’s bright yellow scales it proved even better. “That is reassuring.” She looked to Rykert. “You experienced no problems?”

  “My body adjusted, just as it always does. So did Felix’s. We went slow and steady and took a break.”

  Ah. “You were sensible about the dive.”

  “We were. Unfortunately, we did not locate a treasure during that dive.” Rykert glanced at Felix.

  “It is there. We simply could not locate it.” Disgruntlement lined Felix’s statement. He huffed and a burst of dragonfyre nearly charred Rykert’s trouser hem.

  Neither male seemed bothered by this. One could always tell when a pair like this had been together a long time. She hoped she and Maeze reached that point as well. Affection rose for her dragon, who bumped her with her scaly blue head.

  “We should go before it grows dark. Making camp in the dark is not enjoyable.” Rykert herded them all to the exit. They entered the pool and soon landed on the sea ledge. Still no sign of that octopus Rykert had mentioned for which she breathed a little easier.

  They headed for the surface. None of them hurried as that had proved to be catastrophic in the past.

  At the surface they again made certain no one was about. The fading light was in their favor.

  It took mere seconds for the dragons to burst from the waves and soon they were airborne again. Felicity raised her temperature to dry her clothes. The higher body temp also helped in the chilly altitudes they flew.

  She kept watch with Rykert as the dragons soared in the direction Rykert pointed. Felix knew of the place Rykert had mentioned and they headed there now.

  They would need to find food and make a temporary camp. Neither would take long.

  Once they settled, Felicity was surprised that they did so on the edge of a town. “Really? We are going to spend the night in a town?”

  “Yes. It is much nicer to have a real bed and someone else to make our dinner. Felix and Maeze can bunk down in a nearby cave and hunt for their meals.”

  Maeze’s tail moved in a way that indicated she relished the idea of hunting. She had taken to it as a hatchling and had become a very adept hunter.

  “I could hunt for us while Maeze makes the cave cozy.” Felix offered but Maeze snorted. The dragonfyre didn’t harm him, a fellow dragon.

  “Maeze is probably a better hunter than you.” Felicity said this as delicately as possible.

  Rykert laughed. “She is right. You have never been that great a hunter. Your yellow scales give you away every time.”

  “I am an accomplished hunter and I enjoy it.” Maeze preened ever so slightly.

  “Oh good. I shall see to the cave then.” Which Felicity took to mean Felix would drive out anything they did not wish to share the space with and make certain they had a water source nearby.

  They left the dragons who appeared eager to bunk down for the night. Dragons enjoyed adventures but they also needed more sleep than an Aasguard. Without their chaperons, Felicity struggled to know what to do with herself. Her rumbling stomach offered an obvious direction.

  Rykert reached for her hand, something an Aasguard should never do, and headed into town. The sleepy town appeared perfect for their needs. He made for a pub with a flapping wooden sign and she spotted that they also had rooms for rent.

  Her sack was waterproof, something all Aasguards made certain of during training and maintained. Their money and change of clothing would be dry. Both of them had retrieved their bags before saying goodnight to the dragons.

  Now she reveled in holding Rykert’s hand as they headed for the pub.

  A few minutes later they had secured rooms and were seated at a table in the corner awaiting supper. The looks they received contained interested respect. If people recognized their Aasguard status they tended to be welcoming. An Aasguard always defended a town if in residence.

  If they did not recognize their Aasguard status they did read that she and Rykert were high warriors and not to be bothered. A drunk might miss the signs, but t
heir buddies typically hustled them out of the establishment.

  No one approached but she expected that. These people had also come to enjoy the evening meal. They likely intended to find their beds soon after as well. The sun had gone down by now and many must be local or they had secured a room in the pub.

  The management soon placed steaming platters in front of them. She and Rykert enjoyed the fare and their conversation.

  And Felicity realized she would enjoy living this way for years to come. Not beholden to anyone. With a purpose ahead of them but looking out for others in a manner that would benefit many—not a single family. She appreciated the casualness of their new life and the way the man across the table looked at her.

  Yes, she anticipated wonderful years ahead of them. Provided tomorrow went well.


  The next morning Rykert took to the stairs, pack in hand to reconvene with Felicity. She had already left her room so he missed her upstairs. Perhaps that was for the better. He had been reluctant to part ways last night but it had been the right decision. They both knew right now was too soon.

  He stole a kiss and thought she appreciated their quick embrace last evening and this morning.

  Now he took in her violet eyes and gleaming dark hair and could not believe his luck in his mate. This woman epitomized everything he wanted in a wife and companion. Felix might be cheerful and fun but he was a dragon. They required treasure and naps.

  On the other hand, Felicity was his kind, boasted his exact same skills, yet brought a femininity that had been missing for all of his days. She completed the parts of his life that had been lacking. His lessened emotions all these years had blinded him to this fact.

  In the wake of these emerging emotions he could appreciate things all over again as he never had before. He traced a quick caress across her cheek as other guests dotted the dining area. They ordered breakfast and it arrived before the dawn.

  “Are you nervous about our travels today?” He sipped coffee and waited for her response.

  “Yes and no.” She set her own mug down. “I am looking forward to seeing Atlas and determining whether it will work for us, but I am also concerned about the trip down.” Pleats formed across her forehead.


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