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Rexes & Robbers

Page 19

by Kendra Moreno

  “Clem!” Theo shouted, looking frantically though the crowd. “Has anyone seen Clem?”

  Ro clutched at King and Boone in fear.

  “Clem!” she screamed, but her partner didn’t answer.

  White noise filled her ears.


  Ro stared at the thirty-eight new crosses standing tall in the desert, each one behind a freshly dug grave. Thirty-eight coffins sat beside the six-foot deep holes, waiting until they could be lowered down. Some of them were bare except for a name, while others were covered with trinkets. Fifteen of those who had died during the Battle of the Carnivores—that’s what the paper was calling it—were part of her crew. The rest were townspeople. Danny’s cross had been carved from mahogany, the words “Daniel Lee Jones” etched into the symbol. When he’d died, his body had slowly shifted from his Carnosaur back to human, and Ro hadn’t moved from the spot until he did. If it wasn’t for Danny, Les would have snatched her and sprinted off into the desert. If it wasn’t for him, she’d be dead along with far more people.

  “Those that died during the battle were brave heroes. . .”

  Ro tuned out the priest, who was wearing black clothing and standing at the front. He might have known the townsfolk, but he didn’t know her people. Still, if she hoped to bury them anywhere, Embertown was the perfect final resting place for her crew. Here, they could wear their names proudly without judgment.

  When the priest finally stopped talking, said a few prayers and flung holy water across the coffins, Ro watched with her face drawn. A hand slipped into her right palm, and another into her left. Boone and King hadn’t left her side during the grief, and no one questioned it.

  Thinking about the way Les had died, about how he’d attacked Embertown, Ro was convinced he’d never intended to win at all. He’d given up far too easily when she’d pointed her weapon at him. Not once had any of the Band of Misfits attempted to go for the bank. They’d all been intent on capturing her or fighting off those in town.

  Perhaps Les had finally grown weary of the outlaw life, as if his insanity said the only way to stop was to die at her hands.

  Ro had buried his body herself in an unmarked grave outside of town. The other fallen Misfits were buried in the same location. She’d felt odd not marking his grave, but she’d decided that the hundreds or more that he’d murdered had most likely never gotten a grave at all, and that he shouldn’t be marked like a hero.

  When Ro had left his grave, she’d left her red hat six feet under with him, breathing a sigh of relief that he was gone, that she was safe, and that she’d never have to run from him again.

  The thirty-eight coffins were lowered into the ground, and each had a handful of dust sprinkled on top of them before the graves were filled in. Only then did Ro turn and leave, with Boone and King staying close.

  Ro headed directly to the hotel, bypassing wagons and people. She’d expected her room to be empty when she arrived, but she should have known better.

  “Clem,” Ro murmured, but a small smile pulled at her lips.

  Clem had suffered a knife wound during the battle and she’d been in danger of bleeding out when they’d found her. The knife had nicked something important, and if she’d been human, she’d have her own grave outside. Clem was under strict orders not to get out of bed, and she was sticking to that. The problem was, she wasn’t alone in bed. Four working girls sat on the edges of the bed doing various tasks for Clem. One brushed her hair, another wiped her down, while Dolly was simply holding her hand. Besides the four on the bed, three more stood around the room, anxious to help.

  “I’m resting,” Clem croaked, and she did look like she was in heaven. That much was true.

  “Could we limit the ladies in here to two or three please?” Ro asked, even though she hated to ruin Clem’s fun. Clem really did need to rest, though, the massive bandage on her side proof of that. It would take her weeks to be back to herself again.

  Dolly nodded and motioned for all but the woman brushing Clem’s hair to leave. Dolly didn’t move from her spot and Ro appreciated that. It appeared the working girl had a soft spot for her Clem, and she didn’t mind that at all.

  “Thank you, Dolly.” Ro met Clem’s eyes. “They’ve all been laid to rest.”

  Clem scowled. “I wanted to be there.”

  “There was no way to safely move you,” Ro reminded her, but she understood. If she had been bedridden, she would have forced someone to take her out. Problem was, King and Boone had helped ensure no one would offer to take Clem. She’d already broken open her wound once because she’d tried to use the facilities by herself. She couldn’t keep losing blood. “The moment you’re well enough, I’ll take you to the graves.”

  Clem nodded and closed her eyes. “I’m so tired, Ro. I feel like I haven’t slept in ages.”

  “That’s your body trying to recover,” Dolly told her. “You’ll be tired for a while, and that’s okay.”

  “But there are things to do,” Clem mumbled.

  “Shhh. . .”

  “Will you stay with her?” Ro whispered, just in case it disturbed Clem in her sleep.

  “I won’t leave her side,” Dolly promised.

  “You can take my bed. I’ll get another bed for me.”

  Dolly only nodded and looked down at Clem with adoration in her eyes. Ro slipped from the room on silent feet, careful not to make too much sound with her boots. There were others recovering in the hotel, far too many were injured during the battle. Ro didn’t want to add any more crosses to the graveyard, and so everyone was under strict orders not to strain themselves. Unfortunately, Sheriff Boone didn’t agree.

  He’d taken a bullet to the arm from Les, the round going right through muscle and out the other side, but there’d been nothing major nicked. He was lucky the bullet went clean through, because they didn’t have to dig for it. He’d been wrapped up by the doctor and told not to strain it, before Boone immediately went back to work. The Rex never calmed down or took a moment to breathe.

  That’s why Ro knew she’d find him still waiting for her on the porch of the hotel, with his arm cradled against his chest in a sling, and a glass of whiskey in his hand.

  “Should you be drinking that?” Ro asked, eyeing the liquor.

  “Doc prescribed it for pain.” Boone grinned. “Technically, it’s my medicine.”

  Ro rolled her eyes and took a seat next to him. King stood out in the street, making sure everyone had the supplies they needed, and no one else was hiding injuries. A few of the men had tried to hide a wound, making them worse. They couldn’t have any more of those.

  “It doesn’t feel like a win,” Ro whispered, watching King move to and fro. He never strayed too far away from her, and while he was working, he still remained close. “It doesn’t feel like he’s dead.”

  Boone nodded his head. “It probably won’t feel different for some time. You’ll hear a roar and your heart will stop. You’ll see a red hat and wonder. Those kinds of things don’t change overnight.”

  He was right, and Ro clenched her jaw. “I’m not looking forward to the nightmares.”

  The night before, she’d been so exhausted that she’d thankfully been nightmare free, but she knew that would change.

  “We all have nightmares, troublemaker.” He turned and met her gaze. “It’s just a matter of you choosing to stay in those nightmares, or if you shake them free.”

  “You should have been a poet rather than a sheriff,” Ro teased, but he was right again. If she dwelled on them, they’d only haunt her longer.

  “That may be true,” Boone agreed and chuckled, but his smile died far too fast. “Will you leave now?”

  “I can’t do anything until the injured are better.”

  “But, will you leave Embertown?”

  Ro sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I’m not sure yet. The desert is calling me, and maybe I should follow it for a while. I need to make sure my crew are taken care of before I make any perm
anent decisions.”

  Boone nodded. “I figured as much. You’re a free spirit. Ain’t nothing gonna cage you.”

  Ro curled her fingers over his thigh and smiled, appreciating his understanding.

  Who knew that two Rexes would be the reason she wanted to stay?

  Clem was back on her feet in two weeks, and while she still wasn’t at her best, she was strong enough to do most things but carry people.

  “Have you seen Boone?” Ro asked, searching the saloon for the man. The two Rexes had been giving her some space, making sure they didn’t overwhelm her. She hadn’t told them she wasn’t overwhelmed at all or that she preferred having them around. They both had jobs to do about town. She wouldn’t hold them hostage over that.

  “I think I heard him say he was going over to the jail,” Clem answered. “King went with him.”

  “Did he now?” Ro wrinkled her brow, looking toward the doors.

  “You should go,” Clem urged. “Them two have been chompin’ at the bits to get you alone. Go find them.”

  Clem was right, as usual. It seemed she knew best when it came to Ro’s feelings, because Ro nodded her head and left the saloon, taking slow, measured steps toward the jail. Deputy Rogers was nowhere to be found, and honestly, Ro didn’t know when the man ever worked. He’d been one of the men who didn’t fight during the battle. Instead, he was with those who couldn’t fight, protecting them, but besides that, he never actually did the jobs Boone did.

  Ro expected Earl to be in his normal jail cell, but when she pushed open the door, it was empty for once. Ro was so shocked she nearly missed Boone and King sitting inside at the desk, their eyes watching her.

  “What are y’all doin’ hiding in the jail?” she inquired, closing the door behind her. “And where’s Earl?”

  “He’s sober today.” Boone shrugged, standing from his chair. “And we’re waiting on you.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me to meet you here? You might’ve been waiting for hours.”

  “We preferred it this way,” King replied, standing and striding toward her. “This way, you have no idea.”

  “No idea about wha—”

  King’s lips cut her words off as he bent his head and claimed her, his arms going around her waist and pulling her in tight. She moaned against him, tangling her tongue with his, when a soft growl came from her back. King pulled away just enough to spin her, plastering her back with his warm body as she looked up into Boone’s eyes.

  “My turn,” he purred, and dipped his head to take her lips.

  Boone’s kiss was no less demanding, and while he cupped her ass, King’s hands slid up the edge of Ro’s shirt to trace her skin with rough fingers. Boone broke the kiss to trail his lips down her jaw, his tongue flicking out to taste.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on here,” Ro breathed, but she wasn’t complaining. God, she hoped they didn’t stop.

  “You said you had a jail fantasy,” King purred in her ear, leaning down to nip the opposite side of her neck. “Sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  Ro clenched her thighs, her desire swirling low in her belly. She’d never dreamed they’d come up with something like this, never thought they would be willing to share her in such an intimate way. Saying they were okay with each other was one thing, being able to have sex with the same woman was a whole different concept.

  King worked the buttons of her shirt free and spread the material, seizing the opportunity to cup her breasts. Boone made his way down her skin and dropped to his knees. Her breath stuttered as he stripped her of her trousers and boots, dropping more kisses along her thighs.

  “Last time we did this,” Boone murmured, his voice thick with arousal, “I didn’t get to taste you.” He hooked her leg over his shoulder, and King steadied her with his hands before Boone placed his mouth against her core.

  Her legs went liquid, but King held her up, and made sure that she wouldn’t fall as Boone trailed his tongue up her slit and sucked until she was certain she was going to pass out.

  “You’re so beautiful like this,” King whispered, turning her head to press a sharp kiss to her lips. “Pleasure on your face, your inhibitions tossed to the wind.” His teeth were sharp when he smiled. “I can’t wait to make you scream my name.”

  Boone and King worshiped her body with their mouths, and when her first orgasm hit her thanks to Boone’s tongue, they lifted her and kept her upright.

  “Have you ever had two men?” Boone queried, cupping her ass and picking her up. Her core rubbed against his arousal inside his jeans.

  “No,” she breathed.

  “Tell me about this fantasy,” he growled, setting her on the edge of the desk before working on removing his clothes. In the time Boone had taken to carry her to the desk, King had already tossed his clothes aside, standing in all his naked glory beside her.

  “Do you imagine being arrested?” King asked huskily. “Are you strung up in the jail cell at our mercy?”

  Ro’s eyes flashed at his words, the possibilities endless. “I’m a criminal, after all.”

  “Do you want us to treat you like one?” Boone pressed, “or do you trust us?”

  “I trust y’all.” And she did. Ro trusted both men with an intensity that scared her. She didn’t trust so easily, and knowing how she felt about the two Rexes gave her the urge to run. Luckily, neither man seemed inclined to let her push them away.

  “Good.” King lifted Ro and carried her into the clean cell. He kissed her furiously as he walked, somehow not tripping on the uneven wood floor. Boone trailed behind them, and he closed the cell door once he was inside, trapping them all together. Ro leaned back and stared at the door.

  “Please tell me you have the key, or this is gonna be real awkward afterwards.”

  Boone grinned and dangled the key from his fingers before hanging it in the lock for later. “So, troublemaker, what are you in jail for?” he asked, his eyes glittering.

  Ro grinned. “Apparently, I tried to rob the bank but a mean ole Rex stopped me.”

  “I still need to punish you for that,” King growled. “I’m proud of you for having the balls to try, but you did try to steal from me.”

  “I said I was sorry,” Ro groaned, leaning her head back while King nipped at her throat.

  “Sorry doesn’t bring back my bank,” he growled. “But I think payment in flesh will do.”

  Ro clenched her thighs around him. Fuck, these two are really going for it, aren’t they, she thought, grinding herself against him.

  Boone moved against her back, his hands trailing fire over her skin. “I also need my pound of flesh for leaving me in my bed,” he growled, and Ro gulped. Maybe she wasn’t equipped to handle this situation.

  Boone’s hand trailed lower before dipping into her folds and sliding a finger inside, going far too slow for her liking. She tried to ride his hand, but he kept his languorous pace.

  “Should we tie you up?” King mused against her skin.

  “No,” Ro breathed, groaning when Boone added another finger. “No, this is perfect.”

  “Ah, but you’re a criminal,” King teased, grinning. “That means we’ll do what we want with you.”

  But no one pulled out the rope, because Ro had said no. She trusted them, and they respected her trust enough to know when to listen.

  Boone pulled his fingers free, but before she could complain, King lifted her and slid inside, thrusting up hard. She was so wet, it was easy for him to bottom out. They both groaned together even as Boone wrenched her head back and took her lips in a furious kiss. She tasted herself on his tongue, and it only turned her on more as King started to thrust inside her. He leaned down and took her breast in his mouth while he fucked her, careful not to nick her with his teeth. Ro held on for dear life as King slammed inside of her, rocking her back against Boone’s chest, but neither moved, keeping her suspended between them.

  Boone released her lips and snarled, before lifting her from King’s cock to jerk
her hips backwards. King didn’t complain, instead taking her lips with his own as Boone slid inside her from behind, pumping his hips savagely against her, bringing small cries to her throat that King swallowed down.

  “You dare try to steal from us,” Boone growled, keeping with the charade. “You’re gonna regret it.”

  Ro very much doubted that. If anything, she thought it was the best decision she’d ever made.

  Boone used her shoulders as leverage to pump inside of her, and when King released her lips, she bent over by her own choice and took King’s cock inside her mouth.

  “Fuck,” King snarled, fisting a handful of her hair and rocking his hips gently.

  Boone’s thrusts pushed her forward, helping her rhythm as she sucked on him, using her hands to steady herself against his thighs.

  He snarled behind her, slamming inside harder at the sight of her sucking off King. His hand smacked her ass, and she squealed around King’s steel. King picked up the pace, taking over and thrusting gently down her throat. Boone smacked her again and she moaned.

  “Switch,” King snarled, pulling from her lips with a pop, and twisting her around so fast she stumbled. He entered her from behind just as Boone had, not giving her any time to adjust before he slammed inside her core, drawing a cry from her lips. King kept his hand fisted in her hair as he pushed her down until she was level with Boone’s cock. “Open.” She obeyed, and Boone slid his cock past her lips. And then she felt a finger at her backside, probing. She tensed but King never forced, he just paused, and let her adjust as he circled her hole and played.

  “Fuck me,” Boone groaned, thrusting inside her throat, his head thrown back. Ro reached down with one hand to cradle his balls, and he cursed, before pulling free from her lips with one quick motion.

  King gently pulled her backwards, her back arching until Boone could capture her lips. Boone reached down and trailed a finger through her folds, circling her clit while King still pumped inside her furiously, his pace making her breasts bounce with each movement. Ro couldn’t think clearly with how much pleasure she was feeling, and when King pulled out of her only for Boone to wrap her thighs around his hips and enter her again, she thought her eyes might roll back in pleasure. King slipped a finger inside her back door, and she froze at the pressure, but he distracted her with his lips along her shoulders.


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