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Her First Dungeon

Page 2

by Tamsin Baker

  I pushed my right hand down my body and beneath the fabric of my panties. My middle finger slipped over my swollen clit and I gasped as pleasure pulsed through my core. I was so sensitive and ready! I was going to come in about thirty seconds if I kept this pressure going. My pussy was throbbing inside, aching and empty.

  I slid my finger between the swollen lips and stickiness coated my middle digit. God, I wanted to plunge my finger deep inside my pussy to try to get some relief. It wouldn’t take long... but I resisted.

  What I was doing was already bad enough. I had to keep my corrupt behavior to a minimum, if that were at all possible.

  Mark took my exit off the freeway, made two turns, and pulled up outside my house.

  Damn, that was too short a drive.

  I withdrew my shaking hand, trying hard not to wipe away any of the juice. I would analyze where I got the courage to do this, later.

  Now, I needed to follow my instincts and try not to chicken out.

  “You may not like it. You know, no one has ever been that interested in my ...” Mark looked at me with such a look of hunger just then, that I instantly stopped talking.

  “Okay...” He leaned forward with his mouth parted and I pushed my middle finger in through his lips.

  I moaned aloud when he sucked hard and pulled my finger into his mouth, his tongue cupping the skin up to the knuckle.

  Mark groaned loudly, a noise that made my belly tighten and clench. Hard.

  I tried to extract my finger again but he held it fast, shaking his head as his eyes stayed fixed on my face. I moaned again and pulled hard this time, my finger sliding out from between his lips.

  I closed my eyes, squeezed them tight. I wanted Mark to drag me out of the car, and press my face down on the hood.

  My pussy throbbed in response to my fantasy and I began to pant for breath. Mark wasn’t letting go of my finger, so I continued to torture myself further and imagined him lifting my skirt, pushing my wet panties aside, and thrusting his long, hard cock into me.

  I’d always wanted to be taken, hard. In a way that screamed I need you.

  Want. Desire. All those base feelings that people hid because they were afraid it exposed too much of themselves.

  The images in my mind radiated through my body. Mark would take me hard and fast, like no one ever had. He would possess me, make me feel wanted and wanton.

  I would love every second of being with him, I knew it.

  “Thank you,” he said as he finally released my finger.

  He looked straight at me and smiled, but I could see the tension in his face. Our friendship was too important to me. Had we just risked it all for a few moments of desire?

  I wanted to kiss him so badly. In truth I wanted to fuck him, but most of all I wanted to tell him that I was in love with him. And I always had been.

  But as the moment ticked by, I didn’t. And then the moment was gone and I looked away. I was a coward.

  I grabbed my purse from the space next to my feet and pushed open the car door, rather than waiting for Mark to open it.

  When I got out, I stood on shaky legs on the footpath. I couldn’t leave it like this. I couldn’t! I’d always regret it if I did.

  I bent over and stuck my head back into the car and asked, “Do you want to come in?”

  Mark leveled me with the intensity of his eyes. I could see he wanted me, desperately. “Baby, if I come inside, I’ll be coming inside you. So, you better think again about that invitation.”

  I swallowed hard, guilt and embarrassment flooding me. “I’m sorry.”

  Mark shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. You taste better than anything or anyone, ever. Just give me a few days to calm down and things will go back to normal. Okay?”

  I nodded, a flood of longing sweeping through my lower body. Unshed tears tingled in my eyes, but I blinked them away. This was my fault. I’d pushed him and I wasn’t ready.

  I had some hard decisions to make because I didn’t know if I wanted things to go back to how they had been before. “Thank you for taking me to Lily’s tonight, Mark.”

  He smiled, some of the tension easing from his face. “Any time.”

  He waited until I had opened my front door and stepped through, then revved the car’s engine and drove away.

  A gentleman, always.

  As I closed my front door, my knees gave out and I sank to the floor of my living room. Resting my back against the door, I slipped my fingers onto my clit and rubbed.

  I closed my eyes and imagined Mark with his face buried between my legs, licking, sucking, and pulling at my aching flesh.

  I screamed out as pleasure flooded over me. My belly tightened and my pussy came hard. I convulsed on the floor, tingles coursing all over my body.

  I slumped against the door and opened my eyes once again.

  Wow, orgasm denial does heighten one’s response.

  I moaned and stroked my pussy once more. I’d needed that release so badly, and now that it was done, I could think straight.

  Although I hadn’t made the conscious decision to end my current relationship, I began to make plans as though I already had.

  Lily’s dungeon was open every Friday night. Perhaps I would ask Mark to take me again next week. By then, one thing... one major thing would be different and our night could end the way it should have ended tonight. Together.

  Chapter Three.


  I made sure I arrived at work early on Monday morning and I went straight to Mark’s desk.

  I tried to look casual as a few of the early staff waved to me as I walked into his office. Most coworkers wouldn’t find it unusual for me to be there, as I was always in Mark’s office.

  I took a quick breath in, my nerve abandoning me as adrenaline surged in my muscles, making everything shiver.

  Pulling my black panties from my pocket, my hands shook as I opened the top drawer and placed them inside.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  I wanted to run. To hide. To get out of here as fast as possible. But that would look suspicious, so I moved slowly away from the desk once again.

  The panties were the same pair I’d worn on Friday night and I hadn’t washed them.

  I wonder if he’ll understand right away?

  I hurried back to my cube and turned on my computer. I had about an hour before Mark usually came in, so I may as well get some work done.

  When Mark finally arrived, I was at my desk trying very hard to appear to everyone in the office that I was working hard.

  He smiled and waved at me in his familiar way, then went straight into his office. He usually greeted me personally, but I could understand his reluctance to come over and see me this morning. He’d said he needed a couple of days... and that was obviously not today.

  In a strange way, I was relieved to get a few more minutes alone to calm down. My breath kept hitching when I inhaled, and my stomach was in knots. I rubbed the sweaty palms of my hands down the sides of my skirt.

  Five minutes later, Mark stepped out of his office, his face flushed, and looking straight at me. Heat pooled between my legs. I knew that look. I’d seen it Friday night.

  He walked up to my cube and stood in the opening, leaning against the divider as though it were any other Monday morning.

  “Nice weekend, Angie?” Mark’s voice cracked slightly on my name and I bit the inside of my cheek in an attempt not to smile. His pupils were dilated and his cheeks were still rosy from the obvious discovery of my panties. It was time to break the pertinent news.

  “Not really. I broke up with Steve on Saturday, so I had a bit of a crappy weekend, actually. How about you? Do anything interesting?”

  Mark’s nostrils flared and his eyes widened almost comically. I pressed my knees together as my pussy clamped down in anticipation. I wanted him, now.

  The walls were down, the barriers were burned. Now was our time.

  Mark cleared his throat again with a rough cough. “I
’m sorry to hear that, Angie. You okay?”

  He moved and shifted again. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the news. Time to put him out of his misery, or maybe cause more of it. Either way, I was one-hundred percent in.

  “Oh, I’m okay. But I was wondering if you would take me back to Lily’s on Friday?”

  Mark had been glancing around the room while I was talking, trying not to look directly at me, but his gaze now swung straight back to me.

  “Ah ... of course ... If you want to.” He swallowed hard and it was obvious I’d unsettled him, probably from what I inferred I wanted to do this weekend.

  He was stammering like an idiot and my boss was the most eloquent man I knew. Or he had been, before this moment.

  “Yes, please,” I said.

  Mark nodded once before he turned and walked quickly back to his office, shutting the door.

  A slightly hysterical giggle burst from my lips as I gasped for air. I’d done it! Now all I had to do was get ready for Friday night.

  Chapter Four.


  Mark and I barely spoke all week, which only heightened the tension between us at work. I’d stayed away so that I wouldn’t literally mount him in his office, and I had to assume he felt the same.

  I had plans for both Lily’s “party” and for after. My preparation during the week had consisted of waxing almost every hair off my body and I even went to the hairdressers straight after work on Friday for a blowout.

  Mark had seen me in every state imaginable. From done up to the nines for parties, down to sweatpants at home, make-up free. However, all this preparation wasn’t just for him, it was for me as well.

  When Mark pulled up outside my house on Friday night, fifteen minutes earlier than we’d planned, I raced outside, barely taking the time to lock my front door.

  He stepped out of the car and turned to watch me run down the sidewalk, his smile dazzling when he saw my new black dress. “I hope they don’t mistake you for someone who wants to play.”

  I looked down at the dress that exposed my ample breasts and the well-shaped figure I worked hard to maintain. “I have a wrap in my bag in case I’m showing too much skin. Would you mind if I did play with one of the Doms tonight?”

  He growled. Actually growled! “If you think I’m sharing you tonight, you have another think coming.”

  My knees wobbled as he opened the car door for me. “Let’s get going, then.”

  They climbed in and Mark threw his car into gear, taking off like a shot. I laughed, exhilarated with the enthusiasm he was showing for our night.

  “I hope you don’t want your panties back, Ange.”

  I gasped and turned to face him. He had his eyes on the road, clearly refusing to look at me.

  “No, I don’t. They were for you.”

  He groaned as though in pain, the sound low and deep. “Good.”

  We didn’t speak for the rest of the ride over to Lily’s.

  The suspense and anticipation of what was to come was the very best torture. I was so excited and aroused, but petrified as well.

  If this—whatever it was—didn’t work out, then my life would be changed forever. I would probably lose a job I loved and a friend I loved more.

  As though sensing my inner turmoil, Mark reached over and wrapped his hand around my bare knee. His touch was electric and my body’s response was instant. His hand didn’t move, but he caressed the inside part of my knee with his fingers and I moaned. The orgasm awaiting my body tonight already frightened me.

  I had never felt like this before.

  We pulled up in front of the same house as the previous week. It looked the same, but for me, everything had changed. I’d always wondered if Mark felt what I did for him.

  There had been moments, of course, when I’d believed it to be the case. Glances over the years that told the story of an interest, but nothing had ever been said or done about it.

  Now, I was risking everything for the greatest possible reward.

  Mark squeezed my knee and pulled me back into the present. “Shall we?”

  He got out of his side and I waited for him to do what he always did. He didn’t disappoint. He opened the passenger door and I slid out of the car, wishing now that I’d left my panties off.

  I stood up on heels that were too high and fell straight into his arms. Mark was only a few inches taller than me, and with the heels on I could look straight into his eyes.

  He inhaled sharply as I deliberately wet my lower lip with my tongue and suddenly his mouth was on mine, kissing me like I’d always imagined.

  I moaned and wrapped my arms around Mark’s neck, threading my fingers through his thick, black hair. Mark’s tongue slipped into my mouth and I sucked on it, desperate to get closer. I ground my pelvis into the cock that was hardening between us.

  Mark pulled back abruptly, grasping my waist when I would have fallen forwards. Fuck, I was dizzy.

  “Let’s get inside.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door before either of us could change our minds.

  Mark was breathing heavy, his chest rising and falling fast. My body was feeling wobbly, jelly-like. If he was a charged lightning bolt, I was the soft ground waiting for him to strike.

  The gorgeous bodyguard from our previous visit opened the door and smiled at us, his grin turning salacious as he took in our ruffled, flushed state.

  Mark put his hand on my lower back and guided me through the open door. “Go in, baby, I’m right behind you.”

  I walked through the door, pleasure spreading through my body like a ripple in a pond. I loved hearing him call me that, especially as a way of showing ownership.

  It had been young lady, Angie, or Angela for five years. Now times were changing and I was ecstatic to hear it.

  I groped my way along the wall until warm, strong hands came around my waist, making me jump a little in surprise. “It’s just me, baby girl. Hold tight, it sounds like we’re in for a true roller coaster tonight.”

  Did he mean at the dungeon? Or when we got home? I decided not to ask.

  Mark’s hand found mine and he interlaced our fingers together. I looked up as we stepped into a well-lit room and my core melted when I saw his smile.

  God, I love this man.

  The first room was half full of people watching a caning scene. A Japanese Domme had her male sub on his back with his feet up in the air. The Domme was working the cane across his feet and down his legs. It looked kind of strange, but the pleasure emanating from both the participants was palpable. My nipples hardened in response to the sounds both people were making.

  “Next room?” Mark asked, leading me out of the first room and into the second.

  The next scene was very overpowering. A huge, dark-skinned Dom had his male sub over what looked like a vaulting horse, his wrists tied to his ankles. The sub was moaning continuously, thrashing as his Dom used a gloved finger on him, stopping every few minutes to apply more lube and spank his sub’s ass.

  I loved this part. The care, the trust, and the obvious pleasure shared between the two participants. My lower belly tightened again and a gush of warmth slicked the place between my legs.

  I shifted from foot to foot and Mark moved behind me. “Come to the back with me.”

  “Okay.” I followed where Mark led and found myself in a corner of the room, Mark at my back, his stiff cock digging into my soft behind.

  “Are you wet, young lady?” Mark asked as he pulled the back of my black dress up and slipped his hand between my legs.

  I gasped and tried not to crush his hand by squeezing my legs together, but as his words registered, I shuddered with need.

  We were in a room full of people and he was touching me like this for the first time. I knew I should have been disgusted by it, should have been turned off... I wasn’t. Not at all.

  “Yes,” I gasped again as Mark slipped his fingers under the crotch of my panties.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he whisp
ered into my ear.

  The command from my soon-to-be-lover made me moan as I opened my legs as he ordered.

  When I did, he twisted his wrist and inserted two long fingers deep inside me. I moaned loudly and reached back to grab him as my legs turned to jelly. His other hand came around my waist, giving me an anchor in the darkness.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes as his fingers swept the pleasure centers inside me.

  “Fuck, baby, you are so ready to come, aren’t you?”

  I nodded, moaning in my throat as I turned my head to kiss him. My lips clung to his as I began to see spots at the periphery of my vision. Mark kissed me harder and found my g-spot with his curled fingers, rubbing it over and over again.


  I opened my eyes and did something I’d never done before—forced myself to keep my eyes open and let Mark see the depth of my pleasure.

  I came hard, my pussy clenching down onto Mark’s still-moving fingers. I began moaning again, shaking and convulsing in his arms. Watching his face as he gave me pleasure was a revelation. The wonder and love I saw in the brown depths of his eyes was truly incredible.

  Mark kissed me gently on the nose and cheeks, bringing me down from the pinnacle slowly.

  I collapsed back on to him as he carefully withdrew his fingers and brought them to his mouth. He closed his eyes in bliss as he sucked my essence off them. I’d never seen anyone look happier... or sexier. His eyes snapped open again and he looked at me with more desire than I’d ever seen on anyone’s face.

  The male sub cried out and I turned my head to watch his orgasm, his body bowing in a strange way due to his position. White ropes of cum covered his belly, his cock twitching and moving as though it had a mind of its own.


  “I need to get you home.” Mark whispered into my ear.

  Oh, yes.

  I looked at Mark, my lover, my best friend, my boss. His face was strained and he shifted uncomfortably behind me. In my pleasure, I’d totally forgotten how frustrated Mark must be feeling.

  He had kissed me, touched me, and held me while I came in his arms. Frustrated probably didn’t even come close. There was only one place for us to be now, and it wasn’t here.


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