Pagamino da Monaco, _a roving Pirate on the Seas, caried away thefaire Wife of_ Signior Ricciardo di Chinzica, _who understanding whereshee was, went thither; and falling into friendship with_ Pagamino,_demaunded his Wife of him; whereto he yeelded, provided, that sheewould willingly goe away with him. She denied to part thence withher Husband, and_ Signior Ricciardo _dying; she became the Wife of_Pagamino.
The tenth Novell.
_Wherein olde men are wittily reprehended, that will match themselveswith younger women, then is fit for their yeares and insufficiencie;never considering, what afterward may happen to them._
Every one in this honest and gracious assembly, most highly commendedthe Novell recounted by the Queene: but especially _Dioneus_, whoremained, to finish that dayes pleasure with his owne discourse;and after many praises of the former tale were past, thus he began.Faire Ladies, part of the Queenes Novell, hath made an alterationof my minde, from that which I intended to proceede next withall,and therefore I will report another. I cannot forget the unmanlyindiscretion of _Bernardo_, but much more the base arrogancie of_Ambroginolo_, how justly deserved shame fell upon him; as well itmay happen to all other, that are so vile in their owne opinions, ashe apparantly approved himselfe to be. For, as men wander abroade inthe world, according to their occasions in diversity of Countries, andobservation of the peoples behaviour: so are their humours as variouslytransported. And if they finde women wantonly disposed abroade, thelike judgement they give of their wives at home; as if they had neverknowne their birth and breeding, or made proofe of their loyallcarriage towards them. Wherefore, the Tale that I purpose to relate,will likewise condemne all the like kinde of men; but more especiallysuch, as suppose themselves to be endued with more strength, thenNature ever meant to bestow upon them, foolishly beleeving, that theycan cover and satisfie their owne defects, by fabulous demonstrations;and thinking to fashion other of their owne complexions, that aremeerely strangers to such grosse follies.
Let me tell you then, that there lived in _Pisa_ (about some hundredyeeres before _Tuscanie_ & _Liguria_ came to embrace the ChristianFaith) a Judge better stored with wisdome and ingenuity, then corporallabilities of the body, he being named _Signior Ricciardo di Cinzica_.He being more then halfe perswaded, that he could content a womanwith such satisfaction as he daily bestowed on his studies, being awiddower, and extraordinarily wealthy; laboured (with no meane painesand endeavour) to enjoy a faire and youthfull wife in marriage: bothwhich qualities he should much rather have avoyded, if he could haveministred as good counsell to himselfe, as he did to others, resortingto him for advice.
Upon this his amorous and diligent inquisition, it came so to passe,that a worthy Gentlewoman, called _Bertolomea_, one of the very fairestand choysest young Maides in _Pisa_, whose youth did hardly agree withhis age; but mucke was the motive of this mariage, and no expectationof mutuall contentment. The Judge being maried, and the Bride broughtsolemnly home to his house, we need make no question of brave cheare& banqueting, wel furnished by their friends on either side: othermatters were now hammering in the Judges head, for though he couldplease all his Clyents with counsell; yet now such a sute was commencedagainst himself, and in Beauties Court of continuall requests, that theJudge failing in plea for his owne defence, was often non-suited bylacke of answer; yet he wanted neither good wines, drugges, and allrestauratives, to comfort the heart, and encrease good blood; but allavayled not in this case.
But well fare a good courage, where performance faileth, he couldliberally commend his passed joviall dayes, and make a promise ofas faire felicities yet to come; because his youth would renew itselfe, like to the Eagle, and his vigour in as full force as before.But beside all these idle allegations, he would needs instruct hiswife in an Almanack or Calender, which (long before) he had bought at_Ravenna_, and wherein he plainely shewed her, that there was not anyone day in the yeere, but it was dedicated to some Saint or other. Inreverence of whom, and for their sakes, he approved by divers arguments& reasons, that a man & his wife ought to abstaine from beddingtogether. Hereto he added, that those Saints dayes had their fasts& feasts, beside the foure seasons of the yeere, the vigils of theApostles, and a thousand other holy dayes, with Fridayes, Saturdayes,& Sundayes, in honour of our Lords rest, and all the sacred time ofLent; as also certaine observations of the Moone, & infinite otherexceptions beside; thinking perhaps, that it was as convenient for mento refraine from their wives conversation, as he did often times fromsitting in the Court. These were his daily documents to his young wife,wherewith (poore soule) she became so tired, as nothing could be moreirksome to her; and very carefull he was, lest any other shold teach herwhat belonged to working daies, because he wold have her know none butholidaies.
Afterward it came to passe, that the season waxing extremely hot,_Signior Ricciardo_ would goe recreate himselfe at his house in theCountrey, neere unto the black Mountaine, where for his faire wivesmore contentment, he continued divers dayes together. And for herfurther recreation, he gave order, to have a day of fishing; he goingaboard a small Pinnace among the Fishers, and shee was in another,consorted with divers other Gentlewomen, in whose company shee shewedher selfe very well pleased. Delight made them launch further intothe Sea, then either the Judge was willing they should have done,or agreed with respect of their owne safety. For suddenly a Galliotcame upon them, wherein was one _Pagamino_, a Pyrate very famous inthose dayes, who espying the two Pinnaces, made out presently to them,and seized on that wherein the women were. When he beheld there sofaire a young woman, he coveted after no other purchase; but mountingher into his Galliot, in the sight of _Signior Ricciardo_, who (bythis time) was fearefully landed, he caried her away with him. When_Signior_ Judge had seene this theft (he being so jealous of his wife,as scarcely he would let the ayre breathe on her) it were a needlessedemand, to know whether he was offended, or no. He made complaint at_Pisa_, and in many other places beside, what injury he had sustainedby those Pyrates, in carying his wife thus away from him: but all wasin vaine, he neither (as yet) knew the man, nor whether he had conveyedher from him. _Pagamino_ perceiving what a beautifull woman she was,made the more precious esteeme of his purchase, and being himselfe abachelar, intended to keepe her as his owne; comforting her with kindand pleasing speeches, not using any harsh or uncivill demeanour to her,because shee wept and lamented grievously. But when night came, herhusbands Calendar falling from her girdle, and all the fasts & feastsquite out of her remembrance; she received such curteous consolationsfrom _Pagamino_, that before they could arrive at _Monaco_, the Judge& his Law cases, were almost out of her memory, such was his affablebehaviour to her, and she began to converse with him in more friendlymanner, and he entreating her as honourably, as if shee had beene hisespoused wife.
Within a short while after, report had acquainted _Ricciardo_the Judge, where, & how his wife was kept from him; whereupon hedetermined, not to send any one, but rather to go himselfe in person,& to redeem her from the Pyrate, with what sums of mony he shoulddemand. By Sea he passed to _Monaco_, where he saw his wife, and sheehim, as (soone after) shee made known to _Pagamino_. On the morrowfollowing, _Signior Ricciardo_ meeting with _Pagamino_, made meansto be acquainted with him, & within lesse then an houres space, theygrew into familiar & private conference: _Pagamino_ yet pretending notto know him, but expected what issue this talke would sort to. Whentime served, the Judge discoursed the occasion of his comming thither,desiring him to demand what ransome he pleased, & that he might havehis wife home with him; whereto _Pagamino_ thus answered.
My Lord Judge, you are welcome hither, and to answer you breefelyvery true it is, that I have a yong Gentlewoman in my house, whome Ineither know to be your wife, of any other mans elsee whatsoever: for Iam ignorant both of you and her, albeit she hath remained a while herewith me. If you bee her husband, as you seeme to avouch, I will bringher to you, for you appeare to be a worthy Gentleman, and (questionles)she cannot chuse but know you perfectly. If she do confirme that whichyou have said, an
d be willing to depart hence with you: I shall restwell satisfied, and will have no other recompence for her ransome (inregard of your grave and reverent yeares) but what your selfe shallplease to give me. But if it fall out otherwise, and prove not to beas you have affirmed: you shall offer me great wrong, in seeking toget her from me; because I am a young man, and can as well maintaineso faire a wife, as you, or any man elsee that I know. Beleeve itcertainly, replied the Judge, that she is my wife, and if you pleaseto bring me where she is, you shall soone perceive it: for, she willpresently cast her armes about my neck, and I durst adventure the utterlosse of her, if shee denie to doe it in your presence. Come on then,said _Pagamino_, and let us delay the time no longer.
When they were entred into _Pagaminoes_ house, and sate downe in theHall, he caused her to be called, and shee, being readily prepared forthe purpose, came forth of her Chamber before them both, where friendlythey sate conversing together; never uttering any one word to _SigniorRicciardo_, or knowing him from any other stranger, that _Pagamino_might bring in to the house with him. Which when my Lord the Judgebeheld, (who expected to finde a farre more gracious welcome) he stoodeas a man amazed, saying to himselfe. Perhaps the extraordinary griefeand melancholly, suffered by me since the time of her losse; hath soaltred my wonted complexion, that shee is not able to take knowledgeof me. Wherefore, going neerer to her, hee said. Faire Love, dearelyhave I bought your going on fishing, because never man felt the likeafflictions, as I have done since the day when I lost you: but by thisyour uncivill silence, you seeme as if you did not know me. Why dearestLove, seest thou not that I am thy husband _Ricciardo_, who am come topay what ransome this Gentleman shall demaund, even in the house wherenow we are: so to convay thee home againe, upon his kinde promise ofthy deliverance, after the payment of thy ransome?
_Bertolomea_ turning towards him, and seeming as if shee smiled to herselfe, thus answered. Sir, speake you to me? Advise your selfe well,least you mistake me for some other, because, concerning my selfe,I doe not remember, that ever I did see you till now. How now quoth_Ricciardo_? consider better what you say, looke more circumspectlyon me, and then you will remember, that I am your loving husband, andmy name is _Ricciardo di Cinzica_. You must pardon me Sir, replied_Bertolomea_, I know it not so fitting for a modest woman (though you(perhaps) are so perswaded) to stand gazing in the faces of men: andlet mee looke upon you never so often, certaine I am, that (till thisinstant) I have not seene you.
My Lord Judge conceived in his mind, that thus she denied allknowledge of him, as standing in feare of _Pagamino_, and would notconfesse him in his presence. Wherefore hee entreated of _Pagamino_,to affoord him so much favour, that he might speake alone with her inher Chamber. _Pagamino_ answered, that he was well contented therewith,provided, that he should not kisse her against her will. Then herequested _Bertolomea_, to goe with him alone into her Chamber, thereto heare what he could say, and to answere him as shee found occasion.When they were come into the Chamber, and none there present but heand shee, _Signior Ricciardo_ began in this manner. Heart of my heart,life of my life, the sweetest hope that I have in this world; wiltthou not know thine owne _Ricciardo_, who loveth thee more then hedoth himselfe? Why art thou so strange? Am I so disfigured, that thouknowest me not? Behold me with a more pleasing eye, I pray thee.
_Bertolomea_ smiled to her selfe, and without suffering him to proceedany further in speech, returned him this answere. I would have you tounderstand Sir, that my memory is not so oblivious, but I know you tobe _Signior Ricciardo di Cinzica_, and my husband by name or title;but during the time that I was with you, it very ill appeared that youhad any knowledge of me. For if you had been so wise and considerate,as (in your own judgement) the world reputed you to be, you could notbe voide of so much apprehension, but did apparantly perceive, that Iwas young, fresh, and cheerefully disposed; and so (by consequent) meetto know matters requisite for such young women, beside allowance offood & garments, though bashfulnesse & modesty forbid to utter it. Butif studying the Lawes were more welcome to you then a wife, you oughtnot to have maried, & you loose the worthy reputation of a Judge, whenyou fall from that venerable profession, and make your selfe a commonproclaimer of feasts and fasting dayes, lenten seasons, vigils, &solemnities due to Saints, which prohibite the houshold conversation ofhusbands and wives.
Here am I now with a worthy Gentleman, that entertained mee with veryhonourable respect, and here I live in this chamber, not so muchas hearing of any feasts or fasting daies; for, neither Fridaies,Saturdaies, vigils of Saints, or any lingering Lents, enter at thisdoore: but here is honest and civill conversation, better agreeingwith a youthfull disposition, then those harsh documents wherewithyou tutord me. Wherefore my purpose is to continue here with him, asbeing a place sutable to my mind & youth, referring feasts, vigils, &fasting dayes, to a more mature & stayed time of age, when the body isbetter able to endure them, & the mind may be prepared for such ghostlymeditations: depart therefore at your owne pleasure, and make much ofyour Calender, without enjoying any company of mine, for you heare myresolved determination.
The Judge hearing these words, was overcome with exceeding griefe, &when she was silent, thus he began. Alas deare Love, what an answer isthis? Hast thou no regard of thine owne honour, thy Parents, & friends?Canst thou rather affect to abide here, for the pleasures of this man,and so sin capitally, then to live at _Pisa_ in the state of my wife?Consider deare heart, when this man shall waxe weary of thee, to thyshame & his owne disgrace, he will reject thee. I must and shall lovethee for ever, and when I dye, I leave thee Lady and commandresseof all that is mine. Can an inordinate appetite, cause thee to becarelesse of thine honour, and of him that loves thee as his ownelife? Alas, my fairest hope, say no more so, but returne home with me,and now that I am acquainted with thy inclination; I will endeavourheereafter to give thee better contentment. Wherefore (deare heart) doenot denie me, but change thy minde, and goe with me, for I never sawmerry day since I lost thee.
Sir (quoth she) I desire no body to have care of mine honour, besidemy selfe, because it cannot be here abused. And as for my parents,what respect had they of me, when they made me your wife: if then theycould be so carelesse of mee, what reason have I to regard them now?And whereas you taxe me, that I cannot live here without capitallsin; farre is the thought thereof from me, for, here I am regarded asthe wife of _Pagamino_, but at _Pisa_, you reputed me not worthy yoursociety: because, by the point of the Moone, and the quadratures ofGeomatrie; the Planets held conjunction betweene you and me, whereashere I am subject to no such constellations. You say beside, thathereafter you will strive to give me better contentment then you havedone: surely, in mine opinion it is no way possible, because ourcomplexions are so farre different, as Ice is from fire, or gold fromdrosse. As for your allegation, of this Gentlemans rejecting me, whenhis humour is satisfied; should if it prove to be so (as it is theleast part of my feare) what fortune soever shall betide me, never willI make any meanes to you, what miseries or misadventures may happento me; but the world will affoord me one resting place or other, andmore to my contentment, then if I were with you. Therefore I tell youonce againe, to live secured from all offence to holy Saints, and notto injury their feasts, fasts, vigills, and other ceremonious seasons:here is my demourance, and from hence I purpose not to part.
Our Judge was now in a wofull perplexity, and confessing his folly, inmarying a wife so yong, and far unfit for his age and abilitie: beinghalfe desperate, sad and displeased, he came forth of the Chamber,using divers speeches to _Pagamino_, whereof he made little or noaccount at all, and in the end, without any other successe, left hiswife there, & returned home to _Pisa_. There, further afflictions fellupon him, because the people began to scorne him, demanding dayly ofhim, what was become of his gallant young wife, making hornes, withridiculous pointings at him: whereby his sences became distracted,so that he ran raving about the streetes, and afterward died in verymiserable manner. Which newes came no sooner to the eare of _Pagamino_,but, i
n the honourable affection hee bare to _Bertolomea_, he mariedher, with great solemnity; banishing all Fasts, Vigils, and Lentsfrom his house, and living with her in much felicity. Wherefore(faire Ladies) I am of opinion, that _Bernardo_ of _Geneway_, in hisdisputation with _Ambroginolo_, might have shewne himselfe a greatdeale wiser, and spared his rash proceeding with his wife.
This tale was so merrily entertained among the whole company, thateach one smiling upon another, with one consent commended _Dioneus_,maintaining that he spake nothing but the truth, & condemning_Bernardo_ for his cruelty. Upon a generall silence commanded, theQueene perceiving that the time was now very farre spent, and everyone had delivered their severall Novelse, which likewise gave a periodto her Royalty: shee gave the Crowne to Madam _Neiphila_, pleasantlyspeaking to her in this order. Heereafter, the government of these fewpeople is committed to your trust and care, for with the day concludethmy dominion. Madam _Neiphila_, blushing at the honour done unto her, hercheekes appeared of a vermillion tincture, her eyes glittering withgracefull desires, and sparkling like the morning Starre. And afterthe modest murmure of the Assistants was ceased, and her courage inchearfull manner setled, seating her selfe higher then she did before,thus she spake.
Seeing it is so, that you have elected me your Queene, to variesomewhat from the course observed by them that went before me, whosegovernment you have all so much commended: by approbation of yourcounsell, I am desirous to speake my mind, concerning what I wold haveto be next followed. It is not unknown to you all, that to morrowshal be Friday, and Saturday the next day following, which are daiessomewhat molestuous to the most part of men, for preparation of theirweekly food & sustenance. Moreover, Friday ought to be reverendlyrespected, in remembrance of him, who died to give us life, and enduredhis bitter passion, as on that day; which makes me to hold it fit andexpedient, that wee should mind more weighty matters, and rather attendour prayers & devotions, then the repetition of tales or Novelse. Nowconcerning Saturday, it hath bin a custom observed among women, to bath& wash themselves from such immundicities as the former weekes toilehath imposed on them. Beside, it is a day of fasting, in honour of theensuing Sabath, whereon no labour may be done, but the observation ofholy exercises.
By that which hath bin saide, you may easily conceive, that the coursewhich we have hitherto continued, cannot bee prosecuted, in one andthe same manner: wherefore, I would advice and do hold it an action welperformed by us, to cease for these few dayes, from recounting anyother Novelse. And because we have remained here foure daies already,except we would allow the enlarging of our company, with some otherfriends that may resort unto us: I think it necessary to remove fromhence, & take our pleasure in another place, which is already by medetermined. When we shal be there assembled, and have slept on thediscourses formerly delivered, let our next argument be still themutabilities of Fortune, but especially to concerne such persons, asby their wit and ingenuity, industriously have attained to some matterearnestly desired, or elsee recovered againe, after the losse. Heereonlet us severally study and premeditate, that the hearers may receivebenefit thereby, with the comfortable maintenance of our harmlesserecreations; the priviledge of _Dioneus_ alwayes reserved to himselfe.
Every one commended the Queens deliberation, concluding that it sholdbe accordingly prosecuted: and thereupon, the master of the housholdwas called, to give him order for that evenings Table service, andwhat elsee concerned the time of the Queenes Royalty, wherein he wassufficiently instructed: which being done, the company arose, licensingevery one to doe what they listed. The Ladies and Gentlemen walked tothe Garden, and having sported themselves there a while; when the houreof supper came, they sate downe, and fared very daintily. Being risenfrom the Table, according to the Queenes command, Madam _?milia_ ledthe dance, and the ditty following, was sung by Madam _Pampinea_, beinganswered by all the rest, as a Chorus.
_The Song.
And if not I, what Lady elsee can sing, Of those delights, which kind contentment bring? Come, come, sweet Love, the cause of my chiefe good, Of all my hopes, the firme and full effect; Sing we together, but in no sad moode, Of sighes or teares, which joy doth counterchecke: Stolne pleasures are delightfull in the taste, But yet Loves fire is often times too fierce; Consuming comfort with ore-speedy haste, Which into gentle hearts too far doth pierce. And if not I, &c.
The first day that I felt this fiery heate, So sweete a passion did possesse my soule, That though I found the torment sharpe, and great; Yet still me thought t'was but a sweete controule. Nor could I count it rude, or rigorous, Taking my wound from such a piercing eye: As made the paine most pleasing, gracious, That I desire in such assaults to die. And if not I, &c.
Grant then great God of Love, that I may still Enjoy the benefit of my desire; And honour her with all my deepest skill, That first enflamde my heart with holy fire. To her my bondage is free liberty, My sicknesse health, my tortures sweet repose; Say shee the word, in full felicity, All my extreames joyne in an happy close. Then if not I, what Lover elsee can sing, Of those delights which kind contentment bring._
After this Song was ended, they sung divers other beside, and havinggreat variety of instruments, they played to them as many pleasingdances. But the Queene considering that the meete houre for rest wascome, with their lighted Torches before them they all repaired to theirChambers; sparing the other dayes next succeeding, for those reasons bythe Queene alleaged, and spending the Sunday in solemne devotion.
_The ende of the second Day._
The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 25