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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)

Page 32

by Giovanni Boccaccio

  Ricciardo Minutolo _fell in love with the Wife of_ PhilippelloFighinolfi, _and knowing her to be very jealous of her Husband, gaveher to understand, that he was greatly enamoured of his wife, and hadappointed to meete her privately in a Bathing house, on the next dayfollowing: Where she hoping to take him tardie with his close compactedMistresse, found herselfe to be deceived by the said_ Ricciardo.

  The sixth Novell.

  _Declaring, how much perseverance, and a couragious spirit isavaileable in love._

  No more remained to be spoken by Madame _Eliza_, but the cunning ofthe _Magnifico_, being much commended by all the company: the Queenecommanded Madame _Fiammetta_, to succeede next in order with one of herNovelse, who (smilingly) made answere that she would, and began thus.Gracious Ladies, me thinkes wee have spoken enough already, concerningour owne Citie, which as it aboundeth copiously in all commodities,so is it an example also to every convenient purpose. And as Madam_Eliza_ hath done, by recounting occasions happening in another World,so must we now leape a little further off, even so farre as _Naples_,to see how one of those Saint-like Dames, that nicely seemes to shunLoves allurings, was guided by the good spirit to a friend of hers,and tasted of the fruite, before shee knew the flowers. A sufficientwarning for you, to apprehend before hand, what may follow after; andto let you see beside, that when an error is committed, how to bediscreete in keeping it from publike knowledge.

  In the City of _Naples_, it being of great antiquity, and (perhaps)as pleasantly scituated, as any other City in all _Italie_, theredwelt sometime a young Gentleman, of noble parentage, and wellknowne to be wealthy, named _Ricciardo Minutolo_, who, although heehad a Gentlewoman (of excellent beauty, and worthy the very kindestaffecting) to his wife; yet his gadding eye gazed elsee-where, and hebecame enamoured of another, which (in generall opinion) surpassed allthe _Neapolitane_ women elsee, in feature, favour, and the choysestperfections, shee being named Madam _Catulla_, wife to as gallant ayoung Gentleman, called _Philippello Fighinolfi_, who most dearely heloved beyond all other, for her vertue and admired chastity.

  _Ricciardo_ loving this Madam _Catulla_, and using all such meanes,whereby the grace and liking of a Lady might be obtained; found it yeta matter beyond possibility, to compasse the height of his desire: sothat many desperate and dangerous resolutions beleagred his braine,seeming so intricate, and unlikely to affoord any hopefull issue, as hewished for nothing more then death. And death (as yet) being deafe toall his earnest imprecations, delayed him on in lingering afflictions,and continuing still in such an extreame condition, he was advised bysome of his best friends, utterly to abstaine from this fond pursuite,because his hopes were meerely in vaine, and Madam _Catulla_ prizednothing more precious to her in the World, then unstayned loyaltie toher Husband; and yet shee lived in such extreme jealousie of him, asfearing least some bird flying in the Ayre, should snatch him from her.

  _Ricciardo_ not unacquainted with this her jealous humour, as wellby credible hearing thereof, as also by daily observation; began toconsider with himselfe, that it were best for him, to dissemble amorousaffection in some other place, and (hence-forward) to set aside allhope, of ever enjoying the love of Madam _Catulla_, because he wasnow become the servant to another Gentlewoman, pretending (in herhonour) to performe many worthy actions of Armes, Jousts, Tournaments,and all such like noble exercises, as he was wont to doe for Madam_Catulla_. So that almost all the people of _Naples_, but especiallyMadam _Catulla_, became verily perswaded, that his former fruitlesselove to her was quite changed, and the new elected Lady had all theglory of his best endeavours, persevering so long in this opinion, asnow it passed absolutely for currant. Thus seemed he now as a meereStranger to her, whose house before he familiarly frequented; yet (as aneighbour) gave her the dayes salutations, according as he chanced tosee her, or meete her.

  It came to passe, that it being now the delightfull Summer season,when all Gentlemen and Gentlewomen used to meete together (accordingto a custome long observed in that Countrey) sporting along on theSea Coast, dining and supping there very often. _Ricciardo Minutolo_happened to heare, that Madam _Catulla_ (with a company of her friends)intended also to be present there among them, at which time, consortedwith a seemely traine of his confederates, he resorted thither, andwas graciously welcommed by Madam _Catulla_, where he pretended nowilling long time of tarrying; but that _Catulla_ and the other Ladieswere faine to entreate him, discoursing of his love to his new electedMistresse: which _Minutolo_ graced with so solemne a countenance, asit ministred much more matter of conference, all coveting to know whatshee was.

  So farre they walked, and held on this kinde of discoursing, as everyLady and Gentlewoman, waxing weary of too long a continued argument,began to separate her selfe with such an associate as shee best liked,and as in such walking women are wont to doe; so that Madam _Catulla_having few females left with her, stayed behind with _Minutolo_, whosuddenly shot foorth a word, concerning her husband _Philippello_, &of his loving another woman beside her selfe. She that was overmuchjealous before, became so suddenly set on fire, to know what shee wasof whom _Minutolo_ spake; as shee sate silent a long while, till beingable to containe no longer, shee entreated _Ricciardo_, even for theLadies sake, whose love he had so devoutly embraced, to resolve hercertainely, in this strange alteration of her Husband; whereunto thushe answered.

  Madam, you have so straitly conjured me, by urging the remembrance ofher; for whose sake I am not able to denie any thing you can demand, asI am ready therein to pleasure you. But first you must promise me, thatneither you, or any other person for you, shall at any time discloseit to your Husband, untill you have seene by effect, that which I havetolde you proveth to be true: and when you please, I will instruct youhow your selfe shall see it. The Lady was not a little joyfull, to bethus satisfied in her Husbands follie, and constantly crediting hiswords to be true, shee sware a solemne oath, that no one alive shouldever know it. So stepping a little further aside, because no listeningeare should heare him, thus he beganne.

  Lady, if I did love you now so effectually, as heretofore I have done,I should be very circumspect, in uttering any thing which I imaginedmight distaste you. I know not whether your Husband _Philippello_,were at any time offended; because I affected you, or beleeved, that Ireceived any kindnesse from you: but whether it were so or no, I couldnever discerne it by any outward apparance. But now awaiting for theopportunity of time, which he conceived should affoord me the leastsuspition; he seekes to compasse that, which (I doubt) he feares Iwould have done to him, in plaine termes Madam, to have his pleasureof my wife. And as by some carriages I have observed, within few dayespast, he hath solicited and pursued his purpose very secretly, by manyAmbassages, and other meanes, as (indeede) I have learned from herselfe, and alwayes shee hath returned in such answers, as shee receivedby my direction.

  And no longer agoe Madam, then this very morning, before my comminghither, I found a woman messenger in my House, in very close conferencewith my Wife, when growing doubtfull of that which was true indeede,I called my Wife, enquiring, what the woman would have with her; andshee tolde me it was another pursuite of _Philippello Fighinolfi_,who (quoth shee) upon such answers as you have caused me to send himfrom time to time, perhaps doth gather some hope of prevailing in theende, which maketh him still to importune me as he doth. And now headventureth so farre, as to understand my finall intention, having thusordered his complot, that when I please, I must meete him secretly inan house of this City, where he hath prepared a Bath ready for me,and hopeth to enjoy the ende of his desire, as very earnestly he hathsolicited me thereto. But if you had not commanded me, to hold him insuspence with so many frivolous answers; I would (long ere this) havesent him such a message, as should have beene little to his liking.

  With patience (Madam) I endured all before, but now (me thinkes)he proceedeth too farre, which is not any way to be suffered; andtherefore I intended to let you know it, whereby you may perceive, howwell you are rewarded, for the faithfull and loy
all love you beare him,and for which I was even at the doore of death. Now, because you may bethe surer of my speeches, not to be any lies or fables, and that youmay (if you be so pleased) approve the trueth by your owne experience:I caused my Wife to send him word, that shee would meete him to morrow,at the Bathing-house appointed, about the houre of noone-day, whenpeople repose themselves, in regard of the heates violence; with whichanswere the woman returned very jocondly. Let me now tell you Lady, Ihope you have better opinion of my wit, then any meaning in me, to sendmy wife thither; I rather did it to this ende, that having acquaintedyou with his treacherous intent, you should supply my wives place, bysaving both his reputation and your owne, and frustrating his unkindpurpose to me. Moreover, upon the view of his owne delusion, wrought bymy wife in meere love to you, he shall see his foule shame, and yourmost noble care, to keepe the rites of marriage betweene you stillunstained.

  Madame _Catulla_, having heard this long and unpleasing report; withoutany consideration, either what he was that tolde the tale, or what atreason he intended against her: immediatly (as jealous persons use todoe) she gave faith to his forgerie, and began to discourse many thingsto him, which imagination had often misguided her in, against herhonest minded husband, and enflamed with rage, suddenly replied; thatshee would doe according as he had advised her, as being a matter of nodifficulty. But if he came, she would so shame and dishonour him, as nowoman whatsoever should better schoole him. _Ricciardo_ highly pleasedherewith; & being perswaded, that his purpose would take the fulleffect: confirmed the Lady in her determination with many words more;yet putting her in memory, to keepe her faithfull promise made, withoutrevealing the matter to any living person, as shee had sworne upon herfaith.

  On the morrow morning, _Ricciardo_ went to an auncient woman of hisacquaintance, who was the Mistresse of a Bathing-house, and there wherehe had appointed Madame _Catulla_, that the Bath should be prepared forher, giving her to understand the whole businesse, and desiring her tobe favourable therein to him. The woman, who had beene much beholdingto him in other matters, promised very willingly to fulfill hisrequest, concluding with him, both what should be done and said. Shehad in her house a very darke Chamber, without any window to affoordit the least light, which Chamber shee had made ready, according to_Ricciardoes_ direction, with a rich Bed therein, so soft and delicateas possible could be, wherein he entred so soone as he had dined, toattend the arrivall of Madame _Catulla_. On the same day, as she hadheard the speeches of _Ricciardo_, and gave more credit to them thenbecame her; shee returned home to her house in wonderfull impatience.And _Philippello_ her husband came home discontentedly too, whose headbeing busied about some worldly affaires, perhaps he looked not sopleasantly, neither used her so kindly, as he was wont to doe. Which_Catulla_ perceiving, shee was ten times more suspicious then before,saying to herselfe. Now apparant trueth doth disclose it selfe, myhusbands head is troubled now with nothing elsee, but _Ricciardoes_wife, with whom (to morrow) he purposeth his meeting; wherein he shallbe disappointed, if I live; taking no rest at all the whole night, forthinking how to handle her husband.

  What shall I say more? On the morrow, at the houre of mid-day,accompanied onely with her Chamber-mayde, and without any otheralteration in opinion; shee went to the house where the Bath waspromised; and meeting there with the olde woman, demaunded of her, if_Philippello_ were come thither as yet or no? The woman, being wellinstructed by _Ricciardo_, answered: Are you shee that should meete himheere. Yes, replied _Catulla_. Goe in then to him (quoth the woman) forhe is not farre off before you.

  Madame _Catulla_, who went to seeke that which she would not finde,being brought vailed into the darke Chamber where _Ricciardo_ was,entred into the Bath, hoping to finde none other there but herhusband, and the custome of the Countrey, never disallowed suchmeetings of men with their wives, but held them to be good andcommendable. In a counterfeit voyce he bad her welcome, and she, notseeming to be any other then she was indeed, entertained his embracingsin as loving manner; yet not daring to speake, least he should knowher, but suffered him to proceede in his owne error.

  Let passe the wanton follies passing betweene them, and come to Madame_Catulla_, who finding it a fit and convenient time, to vent forth thetempest of her spleene, began in this manner. Alas! how mighty arethe misfortunes of women, and how ill requited is the loyall love,of many wives to their husbands? I, a poore miserable Lady, who, forthe space of eight yeares now fully compleated, have loved thee moredearely then mine owne life, finde now (to my hearts endlesse griefe)how thou wastest and consumest thy desires, to delight them with astrange woman, like a most vile and wicked man as thou art. With whomdoest thou now imagine thy selfe to be? Thou art with her, whom thouhast long time deluded by false blandishments, feigning to affecther, when thou doatest in thy desires elsee-where. I am thine owne_Catulla_, and not the wife of _Ricciardo_, trayterous and unfaithfullman, as thou art. I am sure thou knowest my voyce, and I thinke it athousand yeares, untill wee may see each other in the light, to doethee such dishonour as thou justly deserveth, dogged, disdainefull,and villainous wretch. By conceiving to have another woman in thywanton embraces, thou hast declared more joviall disposition, anddemonstrations of farre greater kindnesse, then domesticke familiarity.At home thou lookest sower, sullen or surly, often froward, and sildomewell pleased. But the best is, whereas thou intendest this husbandriefor another mans ground, thou hast (against thy will) bestowed it onthine owne, and the water hath runne a contrary course, quite from thecurrent where thou meantst it.

  What answere canst thou make, devill, and no man? What, have my wordssmitten thee dumbe? Thou mayest (with shame enough) hold thy peace, forwith the face of a man, and love of an husband to his wife, thou artnot able to make any answere.

  _Ricciardo_ durst not speake one word, but still expressed his affablebehaviour towards her, bestowing infinite embraces and kisses on her:which so much the more augmented her rage and anger, continuing on herchiding thus. If by these flatteries and idle follies, thou hopest tocomfort or pacifie me, thou runnest quite byas from thy reckoning: forI shall never imagine my selfe halfe satisfied, untill in the presenceof my parents, friends, and neighbours, I have revealed thy basebehaviour. Tell mee, treacherous man, am not I as faire, as the wifeof _Ricciardo_? Am I not as good a Gentlewoman borne, as shee is? Whatcanst thou more respect in her, then is in mee? Villaine, monster, whydoest thou not answere mee? I will send to _Ricciardo_, who loveth meebeyond all other women in _Naples_, and yet could never vaunt, that Igave him so much as a friendly looke: he shall know, what a dishonourthou hadst intended towards him; which both he and his friends willrevenge soundly upon thee.

  The exclamations of the Lady were so tedious and irksome, that_Ricciardo_ perceiving, if she continued longer in these complaints,worse would ensue thereon, then could be easily remedied: resolvedto make himselfe knowne to her, to reclaime her out of this violentextasie, and holding her somewhat strictly, to prevent her escapingfrom him, he said. Madam, afflict your selfe no further, for, what Icould not obtaine by simply loving you, subtilty hath better taught me,and I am your _Ricciardo_, which she hearing, and perfectly knowing himby his voyce; shee would have leapt out of the Bath, but shee couldnot, and to avoyde her crying out, he layde his hand on her mouth,saying. Lady, what is done, cannot now be undone, albeit you criedout all your lifetime. If you exclaime, or make this knowne openly byany meanes; two unavoydable dangers must needes ensue thereon. Theone (which you ought more carefully to respect) is the wounding ofyour good renowne and honour, because, when you shall say, that bytreacherie I drew you hither: I will boldly maintaine the contrary,avouching, that having corrupted you with gold, and not giving youso much as covetously you desired; you grew offended, and thereonmade the out-cry, and you are not to learne, that the world is moreeasily induced to beleeve the worst, then any goodnesse, be it neverso manifest. Next unto this, mortall hatred must arise betweene yourhusband and me, and (perhaps) I shall as soone kill him, as he mee;whereby you can hardly li
ve in any true contentment after. Wherefore,joy of my life, doe not in one moment, both shame your selfe, and causesuch perill betweene your husband and me: for you are not the first,neither can be the last, that shall be deceived. I have not beguiledyou, to take any honour from you, but onely declared, the faithfullaffection I beare you, and so shall doe for ever, as being your boundenand most obedient servant; and as it is a long time agoe, since Idedicated my selfe and all mine to your service, so hence-forth mustI remaine for ever. You are wise enough (I know) in all other things;then shew your selfe not to be silly or simple in this.

  _Ricciardo_ uttered these words, teares streaming aboundantly downe hischeekes, and Madame _Catulla_ (all the while) likewise showred forthher sorrowes equally to his, now, although she was exceedingly troubledin minde, and saw what her owne jealous folly had now brought her to,a shame beyond all other whatsoever: in the midst of her tormentingpassions, she considered on the words of _Ricciardo_, found good reasonin them, in regard of the unavoydable evils, whereupon shee thusspake. _Ricciardo_, I know not how to beare the horrible injurie, andnotorious treason used by thee against me, grace and goodnesse havingso forsaken me, to let me fall in so foule a manner. Nor becommeth itme, to make any noyse or out-cry heere, whereto simplicity, or ratherdevillish jealousie, did conduct me. But certaine I am of one thing,that I shall never see any one joyfull day, till (by one meanes orother) I be revenged on thee. Thou hast glutted thy desire with mydisgrace, let me therefore goe from thee, never more to looke upon mywronged husband, or let any honest woman ever see my face.

  _Ricciardo_ perceiving the extremity of her perplexed minde, usedall manly and milde perswasions, which possibly he could devise todoe, to turne the torrent of this high tide, to a calmer course; asby outward shew shee made apparance of, untill (in frightfull fearesshunning every one shee met withall, as arguments of her guiltinesse)shee recovered her owne house, where remorse so tortured her distressedsoule, that shee fell into so fierce a melancholy, as never left hertill shee died. Upon the report whereof, _Ricciardo_ becomming likewisea widdower, and grieving extraordinarily for his haynous transgression,penitently betooke himselfe to live in a wildernesse, where (not longafter) he ended his dayes.


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