The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)
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Chynon, _by falling in love, became wise, and by force of Armes,winning his faire Lady_ Iphigenia _on the Seas, was afterwardimprisoned at_ Rhodes. _Being delivered by one named_ Lysimachus, _withhim he recovered his_ Iphigenia _againe, and faire_ Cassandra, _evenin the middest of their mariage. They fled with them into_ Candye,_where after they had married them, they were called home to their ownedwelling._
The first Novell.
_Wherein is approved, that Love (oftentimes) maketh a man both wise andvaliant._
According to the ancient Annales of the _Cypriots_, there sometimelived in _Cyprus_, a Noble Gentleman, who was commonly called_Aristippus_, and exceeded all other of the Countrey in the goodsof Fortune. Divers children he had, but (amongst the rest) aSonne, in whose birth he was more infortunate then any of the rest;and continually greeved, in regard, that having all the compleateperfections of beauty, good forme, and manly parts, surpassing allother youths of his age or stature, yet hee wanted the reall ornamentof the soule, reason and judgement; being (indeed) a meere Ideotor Foole, and no better hope to be expected of him. His true name,according as he receyved it by Baptisme, was _Galesus_, but becauseneyther by the laborious paines of his Tutors, indulgence, and faireendeavour of his parents, or ingenuity of any other, he could beebrought to civility of life, understanding of Letters, or commoncariage of a reasonable creature: by his grosse and deformed kinde ofspeech, his qualities also savouring rather of brutish breeding, thenany way derived from manly education; as an epithite of scorne andderision, generally, they gave him the name of _Chynon_, which in theirnative Countrey language, and divers other beside, signifieth a verySot or Foole, and so was he termed by every one.
This lost kinde of life in him, was no meane burthen of greefe unto hisNoble Father, and all hope being already spent, of any future happyrecovery, he gave command (because he would not alwayes have such asorrow in his sight) that he should live at a Farme of his owne ina Country Village, among his Peazants and Plough-Swaines. Which wasnot any way distastefull to _Chynon_, but well agreed with his ownenaturall disposition; for their rurall qualities, and grosse behaviourpleased him beyond the Cities civility. _Chynon_ living thus at hisFathers Countrey Village, exercising nothing elsee but rurall demeanour,such as then delighted him above all other: it chanced upon a day aboutthe houre of noone, as hee was walking over the fields, with a longStaffe on his necke, which commonly he used to carry; he entred intoa small thicket, reputed the goodliest in all those quarters, and byreason it was then the month of May, the Trees had their leaves fairelyshot forth.
When he had walked thorow the thicket, it came to passe, that (even asif good Fortune guided him) he came into a faire Meadow, on everie sideengirt with Trees, and in one corner thereof stoode a goodly Fountaine,whose current was both coole and cleare. Harde by it, uppon the greenegrasse, he espied a very beautifull yong Damosell, seeming to bee fastasleepe, attired in such fine loose garments, as hidde verie little ofher white body: onely from the girdle downward, shee ware a kirtle madeclose unto her, of interwoven delicate silke, and at her feete lay twoother Damoselse sleeping, and a servant in the same manner. No soonerhadde _Chynon_ fixed his eie upon her, but he stood leaning uppon hisstaffe, and viewed her very advisedly, without speaking a word, andin no mean admiration, as if he had never seene the forme of a womanbefore. He began then to feele in his harsh rurall understanding (whereinto never till now, either by painfull instruction, or all other goodmeanes used to him, any honest civility had power of impression) astrange kinde of humour to awake, which informed his grosse and dullspirite, that this Damosell was the very fairest, which ever anyliving man beheld.
Then he began to distinguish her parts, commending the tresses of hirhaire, which he imagined to be of gold; her forehead, nose, mouth,neck, armes, but (above all) her brests, appearing (as yet) but onelyto shewe themselves, like two little mountainets. So that, of a fieldenclownish lout, he would needs now become a judge of beauty, covetingearnestly in his soule, to see her eyes, which were veiled over withsound sleepe, that kept them fast enclosed together, and onely to lookeon them, hee wished a thousand times, that she would awake. For, inhis judgement, she excelled all the women that ever he had seene, anddoubted, whether she were some Goddesse or no; so strangely was hemetamorphosed from folly, to a sensible apprehension, more then common.And so far did this sodaine knowledge in him extend; that he couldconceive of divine and celestiall things, and that they were more to beadmired & reverenced, then those of humane or terrene consideration;wherefore the more gladly he contented himselfe, to tarry til sheawaked of her owne accord. And although the time of stay seemed tediousto him, yet notwithstanding, he was overcome with such extraordinarycontentment, as hee had no power to depart thence, but stood as if hehad bin glued fast to the ground.
After some indifferent respite of time, it chanced that the youngDamosel (who was named _Iphigenia_) awaked before any of the otherwith her, and lifting up her head, with her eyes wide open, shee saw_Chynon_ standing before her, leaning still on his staffe; whereatmervailing not a little, she saide unto him: _Chynon_, whitherwanderest thou, or what dost thou seeke for in this wood? _Chynon_,who not onely by his countenance, but likewise his folly, Nobility ofbirth, and wealthy possessions of his father, was generally knownethroughout the Countrey, made no answere at all to the demand of_Iphigenia_: but so soone as he beheld her eies open, he began toobserve them with a constant regard, as being perswaded in his soule,that from them flowed such an unutterable singularity, as he had neverfelt til then. Which the yong Gentlewoman well noting, she began towax fearfull, least these stedfast lookes of his, should incite hisrusticity to some attempt, which might redound to her dishonour:wherefore awaking her women and servant, and they all being risen, shesaide. Farewell _Chynon_, I leave thee to thine owne good Fortune;whereto hee presently replyed, saying: I will go with you. Now,although the Gentlewoman refused his company, as dreading some acteof incivility from him: yet could she not devise any way to be rid ofhim, til he had brought her to her owne dwelling, where taking leavemannerly of her, hee went directly home to his Fathers house, saying;Nothing should compel him to live any longer in the muddy Countrey. Andalbeit his Father was much offended heereat, and all the rest of hiskindred and friends: (yet not knowing how to helpe it) they suffered himto continue there still, expecting the cause of this his so sodainealteration, from the course of life, which contented him so highlybefore.
_Chynon_ being now wounded to the heart (where never any civilinstruction could before get entrance) with loves piercing dart, bythe bright beauty of _Iphigenia_, mooved much admiration (falling fromone change to another) in his Father, Kindred, and all elsee that knewhim. For first, he requested of his Father, that he might be habitedand respected like to his other Brethren, whereto right gladly hecondiscended. And frequenting the company of civill youths, observingalso the cariage of Gentlemen, especially such as were amorouslyenclined: he grew to a beginning in short time (to the wonder of everyone) not onely to understande the first instruction of letters, butalso became most skilfull, even amongest them that were best exercisedin Philosophie. And afterward, love to _Iphigenia_ being the soleoccasion of this happy alteration, not only did his harsh and clownishvoyce convert it selfe more mildely, but also hee became a singularMusitian, & could perfectly play on any Instrument. Beside, he tookedelight in the riding and managing of great horses, and findinghimselfe of a strong and able body, he exercised all kinds of MilitaryDisciplines, as wel by sea, as on the land. And, to be breefe, becauseI would not seeme tedious in the repetition of al his vertues, scarslyhad he attained to the fourth yeare, after he was thus falne in love,but hee became generally knowne, to bee the most civil, wise, andworthy Gentleman, as well for all vertues enriching the minde, as anywhatsoever to beautifie the body, that very hardly he could be equalledthroughout the whole kingdome of _Cyprus_.
What shall we say then, (vertuous Ladies) concerning this _Chynon_?Surely nothing elsee, but that those high and divine vertues, infusedinto
his gentle soule, were by envious Fortune bound and shut uppein some small angle of his intellect, which being shaken and set atliberty by love, (as having a farre more potent power then Fortune,in quickning and reviving the dull drowsie spirits); declared hismighty and soveraigne Authority, in setting free so many faire andprecious vertues unjustly detayned, to let the worlds eye behold themtruly, by manifest testimony, from whence he can deliver those spiritssubjected to his power, & guide them (afterward) to the highest degreesof honour. And although _Chynon_ by affecting _Iphigenia_, failed insome particular things; yet notwithstanding, his Father _Aristippus_duely considering, that love had made him a man, whereas (before) hewas no better then a beast: not only endured all patiently, but alsoadvised him therein, to take such courses as best liked himselfe.Neverthelesse, _Chynon_ (who refused to be called _Galesus_, which washis naturall name indeede) remembring that _Iphigenia_ tearmed him_Chynon_, and coveting (under that title) to accomplish the issue ofhis honest amorous desire: made many motions to _Ciph?us_ the Father of_Iphigenia_, that he would be pleased to let him enjoy her in marriage.But _Ciph?us_ told him, that he had already passed his promise forher, to a Gentleman of _Rhodes_, named _Pasimondo_, which promise hereligiously intended to performe.
The time being come, which was concluded on for _Iphigeniaes_ marriage,in regard that the affianced husband had sent for her: _Chynon_ thuscommuned with his owne thoughts. Now is the time (quoth he) to letmy divine Mistresse see, how truly and honourably I doe affect her,because (by her) I am become a man. But if I could bee possessed ofher, I should growe more glorious, then the common condition of amortall man, and have her I will, or loose my life in the adventure.Beeing thus resolved, he prevailed with divers young Gentlemen hisfriends, making them of his faction, and secretly prepared a Shippe,furnished with all things for a Navall fight, setting sodainly forthto sea, and hulling abroad in those parts by which the vessell shouldpasse, that must convey _Iphigenia_ to _Rhodes_ to her husband.After many honours done to them, who were to transport her thence unto_Rhodes_, being imbarked, they set saile uppon their _Bon viaggio_.
_Chynon_, who slept not in a businesse so earnestly importing him, seton them (the day following) with his Ship, and standing aloft on thedecke, cried out to them that had the charge of _Iphigenia_, saying.Strike your sayles, or elsee determine to be sunke in the Sea. Theenemies to _Chynon_, being nothing danted with his words, prepared tostand upon their own defence; which made _Chynon_, after the formerspeeches delivered, and no answer returned, to commaund the graplingIrons to bee cast forth, which tooke such fast hold on the Rhodiansshippe, that (whether they would or no) both the vesselse joyned closetogether. And hee shewing himselfe fierce like a Lyon, not tarrying tobe seconded by any, stepped aboord the Rhodians ship, as if he made norespect at all of them, and having his sword ready drawne in his hand(incited by the vertue of unfaigned love) layed about him on all sidesvery manfully. Which when the men of _Rhodes_ perceyved, calling downetheir weapons, and all of them (as it were) with one voice, yeeldedthemselves his prisoners: whereupon he said.
Honest Friends, neither desire of booty, or hatred to you, did occasionmy departure from _Cyprus_, thus to assaile you with drawne weapons:but that which heereto hath most mooved me, is a matter highlyimporting to me, and very easie for you to graunt, and so enjoy yourpresent peace. I desire to have faire _Iphigenia_ from you, whom I loveabove all other Ladies living, because I could not obtain her of herFather, to make her my lawfull wife in marriage. Love is the ground ofmy instant Conquest, and I must use you as my mortall enemies, if youstand uppon any further tearmes with me, and do not deliver her as mineowne: for your _Pasimondo_, must not enjoy what is my right, first byvertue of my love, & now by conquest: Deliver her therefore, and departhence at your pleasure.
The men of _Rhodes_, being rather constrained thereto, then of anyfree disposition in themselves; with teares in their eyes, delivered_Iphigenia_ to _Chynon_; who beholding her in like manner to weepe,thus spake unto her. Noble Lady, do not any way discomfort your selfe,for I am your _Chynon_, who have more right and true title to you, andmuch better doe deserve to enjoy you, by my long continued affectionto you, then _Pasimondo_ can any way pleade; because you belong tohim but only by promise. So, bringing her aboord his owne ship, wherethe Gentlemen his companions gave her kinde welcome, without touchingany thing elsee belonging to the Rhodians, he gave them free liberty todepart.
_Chynon_ being more joyfull, by the obtaining of his hearts desire,then any other conquest elsee in the world could make him, afterhee had spent some time in comforting _Iphigenia_, who as yet satesadly sighing; he consulted with his companions, who joyned with himin opinion, that their safest course was, by no meanes to returneto _Cyprus_; and therefore all (with one consent) resolved to setsaile for _Candye_, where every one made account, but especially_Chynon_, in regard of ancient and newe combined Kindred, as alsovery intimate friends, to finde very worthy entertainement, and soto continue there safely with _Iphigenia_. But Fortune, who was sofavourable to _Chynon_, in granting him so pleasing a Conquest, toshew her inconstancy, as sodainly changed the inestimable joy of ourjocond Lover, into as heavy sorrow and disaster. For, foure houreswere not fully compleated, since his departure from the Rhodians, butdarke night came upon them, and he sitting conversing with his fayreMistris, in the sweetest solace of his soule; the winds began to blowroughly, the Seas swelled angerly, & a tempest arose impetuously, thatno man could see what his duty was to do, in such a great unexpecteddistresse, nor how to warrant themselves from perishing.
If this accident were displeasing to poore _Chynon_, I thinke thequestion were in vaine demanded: for now it seemed to him, that theGodds had granted his cheefe desire, to the end hee should dye with thegreater anguish, in losing both his love and life together. His friendslikewise, felte the selfesame affliction, but especially _Iphigenia_,who wept and greeved beyond all measure, to see the ship beaten,with such stormy billowes, as threatned her sinking every minute.Impatiently she cursed the love of _Chynon_, greatly blaming hisdesperate boldnesse, and maintaining, that so violent a tempest couldnever happen, but onely by the Gods displeasure, who would not permithim to have a wife against their will; and therefore thus punished hisproud presumption, not only in his unavoidable death, but also that herlife must perish for company.
She continuing in these wofull lamentations, and the Mariners labouringall in vaine, because the violence of the tempest encreased more andmore, so that every moment they expected wracking: they were carried(contrary to their owne knowledge) very neere unto the Isle of_Rhodes_, which they being no way able to avoid, and utterly ignorantof the coast; for safety of their lives, they laboured to land there ifpossibly they might. Wherein Fortune was somewhat furtherous to them,driving them into a small gulfe of the Sea, whereinto (but a littlewhile before) the Rhodians, from whom _Chynon_ had taken Iphigenia,were newly entred with their ship. Nor had they any knowledge eachof other, till the breake of day (which made the heavens to lookemore clearly) gave them discoverie, of being within a flight shootetogether. _Chynon_ looking forth, and espying the same ship whichhe had left the day before, hee grew exceeding sorrowfull, as fearingthat which after followed, and therefore hee willed the Mariners, toget away from her by all their best endeavour, & let fortune afterwarddispose of them as she pleased; for into a worse place they could notcome, nor fall into the like danger.
The Mariners employed their very utmost paines, and all prooved butlosse of time: for the winde was so stern, and the waves so turbulent,that still they drove them the contrary way: so that striving to getfoorth of the gulfe, whether they would or no, they were driven onland, and instantly knowne to the Rhodians, whereof they were not alittle joyful. The men of _Rhodes_ being landed, ran presently toa neere neighbouring Village, where dwelt divers worthy Gentlemen,to whom they reported the arrivall of _Chynon_, what fortune befellthem at Sea, and that _Iphigenia_ might now be recovered againe, withchastisement to _Chynon_ for his bold insolence. They being veryjoyfull o
f these good newes, tooke so many men as they could of thesame Village, and ran immediately to the Sea side, where _Chynon_ beingnewly Landed and his people, intending flight into a neere adjoiningForrest, for defence of himselfe and _Iphigenia_, they were all taken,led thence to the Village, and afterwards to the chiefe City of_Rhodes_.
No sooner were they arrived, but _Pasimondo_, the intended Husband for_Iphigenia_ (who had already heard the tydings) went and complayned tothe Senate, who appointed a Gentleman of _Rhodes_, named _Lysimachus_,and being that yeare soveraigne Magistrate over the Rhodians, to gowell provided for the apprehension of _Chinon_ and all his company,committing them to prison, which accordingly was done. In this manner,the poore unfortunate lover _Chynon_, lost his faire _Iphigenia_,having won her in so short a while before, and scarsely requited withso much as a kisse. But as for _Iphigenia_, she was royally welcommedby many Lords and Ladies of _Rhodes_, who so kindely comforted her,that she soone forgotte all her greefe and trouble on the Sea,remaining in company of those Ladies and Gentlewomen, untill the daydetermined for her mariage.
At the earnest entreaty of divers Rhodian Gentlemen, who were inthe Ship with _Iphigenia_, and had their lives courteously saved by_Chynon_: both he and his friends had their lives likewise spared,although _Pasimondo_ laboured importunately, to have them all put todeath; onely they were condemned to perpetuall imprisonment, which (youmust thinke) was most greevous to them, as being now hopelesse of anydeliverance. But in the meane time, while _Pasimondo_ was ordering hisnuptiall preparation, Fortune seeming to repent the wrongs shee haddone to _Chynon_, prepared a new accident, whereby to comfort him inthis deep distresse, and in such manner as I will relate unto you.
_Pasimondo_ had a Brother, yonger then he in yeares, but not a jotinferiour to him in vertue, whose name was _Hormisda_, and longtime the case had bene in question, for his taking to wife a faireyong Gentlewoman of _Rhodes_, called _Cassandra_; whom _Lysimachus_the Governour loved verie dearly, and hindred her marriage with_Hormisda_, by divers strange accidents. Now _Pasimondo_ perceiving,that his owne Nuptials required much cost and solemnity, hee thoughtit very convenient, that one day might serve for both the Weddinges,which elsee would lanch into more lavish expences, and thereforeconcluded, that his brother _Hormisda_ should marry _Cassandra_, atthe same time as he wedded _Iphigenia_. Heereuppon, he consulted withthe Gentlewomans parents, who liking the motion as well as he, thedetermination was set downe, and one day to effect the duties of both.
When this came to the hearing of _Lysimachus_, it was very greatlydispleasing to him, because now he saw himselfe utterly deprived ofal hope to attaine the issue of his desire, if _Hormisda_ receyved_Cassandra_ in marriage. Yet being a very wise and worthy man, heedissembled his distaste, and began to consider on some apt meanes,whereby to disappoint the marriage once more, which he found impossibleto bee done, except it were by way of rape or stealth. And that didnot appear to him any difficult matter, in regard of his Office andAuthority: onely it wold seeme dishonest in him, by giving such anunfitting example. Neverthelesse, after long deliberation, honour gaveway to love, and resolutely he concluded to steale her away, whatsoeverbecame of it.
Nothing wanted now, but a convenient company to assist him, & the orderhow to have it done. Then he remembred _Chynon_ and his friends, whomhe detained as his prisoners, and perswaded himself, that he could nothave a more faithfull friend in such a busines, then _Chynon_ was.Hereupon, the night following, he sent for him into his Chamber, andbeing alone by themselves, thus he began. _Chynon_ (quoth hee) as theGods are very bountifull, in bestowing their blessings on men, so doethey therein most wisely make proofe of their vertues, and such as theyfinde firme and constant, in all occurrences which may happen, themthey make worthy (as valiant spirits) of the very best and highestmerites. Now, they being willing to have more certain experience ofthy vertues, then those which heeretofore thou hast shewne, withinthe bounds and limits of thy fathers possessions, which I know to besuperabounding: perhaps do intend to present thee other occasions, ofmore important weight and consequence.
For first of all (as I have heard) by the piercing solicitudes of love,of a senselesse creature, they made thee to become a man endued withreason. Afterward, by adverse fortune, and now againe by wearisomeimprisonment, it seemeth that they are desirous to make triall, whetherthy manly courage be changed, or no, from that which heretofore itwas, when thou enjoyedst a matchlesse beautie, and lost her againe inso short a while. Wherefore, if thy vertue be such as it hath bin,the Gods can never give thee any blessing more worthy of acceptance,then she whom they are now minded to bestow on thee: in which respect,to the end that thou mayst re-assume thy wonted heroicke spirit, andbecome more couragious then ever heretofore, I will acquaint theewithall more at large.
Understand then Noble _Chynon_, that _Pasimondo_, the onely glad manof thy misfortune, and diligent sutor after thy death, maketh all hasthee can possibly devise to do, to celebrate his marriage with thy fairemistris: because he would pleade possession of the prey, which Fortune(when she smiled) did first bestow, and (afterward frowning) took fromthee again. Now, that it must needs be very irkesome to thee (at leastif thy love bee such, as I am perswaded it is) I partly can collectfrom my selfe, being intended to be wronged by his brother _Hormisda_,even in the selfsame manner, and on his marriage day, by taking faire_Cassandra_ from me, the onely Jewell of my love and life. For theprevention of two such notorious injuries, I see that Fortune hath leftus no other meanes, but only the vertue of our courages, and the helpeof our right hands, by preparing our selves to Armes, opening a way tothee, by a second rape or stealth; and to me the first, for absolutepossession of our divine Mistresses. Wherefore, if thou art desirous torecover thy losse, I will not onely pronounce liberty to thee (which Ithinke thou dost little care for without her) but dare also assure theeto enjoy _Iphigenia_, so thou wilt assist mee in mine enterprize, andfollow me in my fortune, if the Gods do let them fall into our power.
You may well imagine, that _Chynons_ dismayed soule was not a littlecheared at these speeches; and therefore, without craving any longrespit of time for answer, thus he replyed. Lord _Lysimachus_, in sucha busines as this is, you cannot have a faster friend then my self,at least, if such good hap may betide me, as you have more then halfepromised: & therefore do no more but command what you would have tobe effected by mee, and make no doubt of my courage in the execution:whereon _Lysimachus_ made this answer. Know then _Chynon_ (quoth hee)that three dayes hence, these marriages are to bee celebrated inthe houses of _Pasimondo_ and _Hormisda_, upon which day, thou, thyfriends, and my self (with some others, in whom I repose especialltrust) by the friendly favour of night, will enter into their houses,while they are in the middest of theyr Joviall feasting; and (seizingon the two Brides) beare them thence to a Shippe, which I will have lyein secret, waiting for our comming, and kil all such as shall presumeto impeach us. This direction gave great contentment to _Chynon_, whoremained still in prison, without revealing a word to his owne friends,until the limited time was come.
Upon the Wedding day, performed with great and magnificent Triumph,there was not a corner in the Brethrens houses, but it sung joy in thehighest key. _Lysimachus_, after he had ordered all things as theyought to be, and the houre for dispatch approached neere; he made adivision in three parts, of _Chynon_, his followers, and his ownefriendes, being all well armed under their outward habites. Havingfirst used some encouraging speeches, for more resolute prosecutionof the enterprize, he sent one troope secretly to the Port, thatthey might not be hindred of going aboord the ship, when the urgentnecessity should require it. Passing with the other two traines of_Pasimondo_, he left the one at the doore, that such as were in thehouse might not shut them up fast, and so impeach their passage forth.Then with _Chynon_, and the third band of Confederates, he ascendedthe staires up into the Hall, where he found the Brides with store ofLadies and Gentlewomen, all sitting in comely order at Supper. Rushingin roughly among the attendants, downe they threw the Table
s, and eachof them laying hold of his Mistris, delivered them into the hands oftheir followers, commanding that they should be carried aboord theship, for avoiding of further inconveniences.
This hurrie and amazement beeing in the house, the Brides weeping, theLadies lamenting, and all the servants confusedly wondering; _Chynon_and _Lysimachus_ (with their Friends) having their weapons drawn intheir hands, made all opposers to give them way, and so gayned thestair head for their owne descending. There stoode _Pasimondo_, withan huge long Staffe in his hand, to hinder their passage downe thestayres; but _Chynon_ saluted him so soundly on the head, that it beingcleft in twaine, hee fell dead before his feete. His Brother _Hormisda_came to his rescue, and sped in the selfe-same manner as he had done;so did divers other beside, whom the companions to _Lysimachus_ and_Chynon_, either slew out-right, or wounded.
So they left the house, filled with bloode, teares, and out-cries,going on together, without any hinderance, and so brought both theBrides aboord the shippe, which they rowed away instantly with theyrOares. For, now the shore was full of armed people, who came inrescue of the stolne Ladies: but all in vaine, because they werelanched into the main, and sayled on merrily towardes _Candye_. Wherebeeing arrived, they were worthily entertained by honourable Friendesand Kinsmen, who pacified all unkindnesses betweene them and theirMistresses: And, having accepted them in lawfull marriage, therethey lived in no meane joy and contentment: albeit there was a longand troublesome difference (about these rapes) betweene _Rhodes_ and_Cyprus_.
But yet in the end, by the meanes of Noble Friends and Kindredon either side, labouring to have such discontentment appeased,endangering warre betweene the Kingdomes: after a limited time ofbanishment, _Chynon_ returned joyfully with his _Iphigenia_ home to_Cyprus_, and _Lysimachus_ with his beloved _Cassandra_ unto _Rhodes_,each living in their severall Countries, with much felicity.