The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)

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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 50

by Giovanni Boccaccio

  _Faire_ Constance _of_ Liparis, _fell in love with_ Martuccio Gomito:_and hearing that he was dead, desperately she entred into a Barke,which being transported by the windes to_ Susa _in_ Barbary, _fromthence she went to_ Thunis, _where she found him to be living. Thereshe made her selfe knowne to him, and he being in great authority, asa privy Counsellor to the King: he married the saide_ Constance, _andreturned richly home with her, to the Island of_ Liparis.

  The second Novell.

  _Wherein is declared the firme loyaltie of a true Lover: And howFortune doth sometime humble men, to raise them afterward to a farrehigher degree._

  When the Queene perceyved, that the Novell recited by _Pamphilus_ wasconcluded, which she graced with especial commendations: she commaundedMadame _?millia_, to take her turne as next in order; whereupon, thusshe began. Me thinkes it is a matter of equity, that every one shouldtake delight in those things, whereby the recompence may be noted,answerable to their owne affection. And because I rather desire towalke along by the paths of pleasure, then dwell on any ceremonious orscrupulous affectation, I shall the more gladly obey our Queen to day,then yesterday I did our melancholly King.

  Understand then (Noble Ladies) that neere to _Sicily_, there is a smallIsland, commonly called _Liparis_, wherein (not long since) lived ayong Damosell, named _Constance_, born of very sufficient parentagein the same Island. There dwelt also a young man, called _MartuccioGomito_, of comely feature, well conditioned, and not unexpert in manyvertuous qualities; affecting _Constance_ in hearty manner: and she soanswerable to him in the same kinde, that to be in his company, washer onely felicity. _Martuccio_ coveting to enjoy her in marriage, madehis intent knowne to her Father: who upbraiding him with poverty, toldehim plainly that hee should not have her. _Martuccio_ greeving to seehimselfe thus despised, because he was poore: made such good meanes,that he was provided of a small Barke; and calling such friends (as hethought fit) to his association, made a solemne vow, that hee wouldnever returne backe to _Liparis_, untill he was rich, and in bettercondition.

  In the nature and course of a Rover or Pirate, so put he thence to sea,coasting all about _Barbarie_, robbing and spoyling such as hee metwith; who were of no greater strength then himselfe: wherein Fortunewas so favourable to him, that he became wealthy in a very short while.But as felicities are not alwayes permanent, so hee and his followers,not contenting themselves with sufficient riches: by greedy seekingto get more, happened to be taken by certaine ships of the Sarazins,and so were robbed themselves of all that they had gotten, yet theyresisted them stoutly a long while together, though it proved tothe losse of many lives among them. When the Sarazens had sunke hisshippe in the Sea, they tooke him with them to _Thunis_, where he wasimprisoned, and lived in extreamest misery.

  Newes came to _Liparis_, not onely by one, but many more beside, thatall those which departed thence in the small Barke with _Martuccio_were drowned in the Sea, and not a man escaped. When _Constance_ heardthese unwelcome tydings (who was exceeding full of greefe, for his sodesperate departure) she wept and lamented extraordinarily, desiringnow rather to dye, then live any longer. Yet shee had not the heart,to lay any violent hand on her selfe, but rather to end her dayes bysome new kinde of necessity. And departing privately from her Fathershouse, shee went to the port or haven, where (by chance) she found asmall Fisher-boate, lying distant from the other vesselse, the ownerswhereof being all gone on shore, and it well furnished with Masts,Sailes, and Oares, she entred into it; and putting forth the Oares,beeing some-what skilfull in sayling, (as generally all the Women ofthat Island are) shee so well guyded the Sailes, Rudder, and Oares,that she was quickly farre off from the Land, and soly remained at themercy of the windes. For thus she had resolved with her selfe, that theBoat being uncharged, and without a guide, wold either be over-whelmedby the windes, or split in peeces against some Rocke; by which meanesshe could not escape although shee would, but (as it was her desire)must needs be drowned.

  In this determination, wrapping a mantle about her head, and lyingdowne weeping in the boats bottome, she hourely expected her finallexpiration: but it fell out otherwise, and contrary to her desperateintention, because the winde turning to the North, and blowing verygently, without disturbing the Seas a jot, they conducted the smallBoat in such sort, that after the night of her entering into it, andthe morowes sailing untill the evening, it came within an hundredleagues of _Thunis_, and to a strond neere a Towne called _Susa_.The young Damosell knew not whether she were on the sea or land; asone, who not by any accident hapning, lifted up her head to look abouther, neither intended ever to doe. Now it came to passe, that as theboate was driven to the shore, a poore woman stood at the Sea side,washing certaine Fishermens Nets; and seeing the boate comming towardsher under saile, without any person appearing in it, she wondredthereat not a little. It being close at the shore, and she thinkingthe Fishermen to be asleepe therein: stept boldly, and looked intothe boate, where she saw not any body, but onely the poore distressedDamosell, whose sorrowes having broght her now into a sound sleepe, thewoman gave many cals before she could awake her, which at the lengthshe did, and looked very strangely about her.

  The poore woman perceyving by her habite that she was a Christian,demanded of her (in speaking Latine) how it was possible for her,beeing all alone in the boate, to arrive there in this manner? When_Constance_ heard her speake the Latine tongue, she began to doubt,least some contrary winde had turned her backe to _Liparis_ againe, andstarting up sodainly, to looke with better advice about her, shee sawher selfe at Land: and not knowing the Countrey, demanded of the poorewoman where she was? Daughter (quoth she) you are heere hard by _Susa_in _Barbarie_. Which _Constance_ hearing, and plainly perceyving, thatdeath had denied to end her miseries, fearing least she should receivesome dishonour, in such a barbarous unkinde Country, and not knowingwhat shold now become of her, she sate downe by the boates side,wringing her hands, & weeping bitterly.

  The good Woman did greatly compassionate her case, and prevailed sowell by gentle speeches, that shee conducted her into her owne poorehabitation; where at length she understoode, by what meanes shee hapnedthither so strangely. And perceyving her to be fasting, shee set suchhomely bread as she had before her, a few small Fishes, and a Crewseof Water, praying her for to accept of that poore entertainement,which meere necessity compelled her to do, and shewed her selfe verythankefull for it.

  _Constance_ hearing that she spake the Latine language so well; desiredto know what she was. Whereto the olde woman thus answered: Gentlewoman(quoth she) I am of _Trapanum_, named _Carapresa_, and am a servantin this Countrey to certaine Christian Fishermen. The yong Maiden(albeit she was very full of sorrow) hearing her name to be _Carapresa_,conceived it as a good augury to her selfe, & that she had heard thename before, although shee knew not what occasion should move her thusto do. Now began her hopes to quicken againe, and yet shee could nottell upon what ground; nor was she so desirous of death as before, butmade more precious estimation of her life, and without any furtherdeclaration of her selfe or countrey, she entreated the good woman(even for charities sake) to take pitty on her youth, and help her withsuch good advice, to prevent all injuries which might happen to her, insuch a solitary wofull condition.

  _Carapresa_ having heard her request, like a good woman as shee was,left _Constance_ in her poore Cottage, and went hastily to leave hernets in safety: which being done, she returned backe againe, andcovering _Constance_ with her Mantle, led her on to _Susa_ with her,where being arrived, the good woman began in this manner. _Constance_,I will bring thee to the house of a very worthy Sarazin Lady, to whomeI have done manie honest services, according as she pleased to commandme. She is an ancient woman, full of charity, and to her I will commendthee as best I may, for I am well assured, that shee will gladlyentertaine thee, and use thee as if thou wert her owne daughter. Now,let it be thy part, during thy time of remaining with her, to employthy utmost diligence in pleasing her, by deserving and gaining hergrace, till heaven shall blesse
thee with better fortune: And as shepromised, so she performed.

  The Sarazine Lady, being well stept into yeares, upon the commendablespeeches delivered by _Carapresa_, did the more seriously fasten hereye on _Constance_, and compassion provoking her to teares, she tookeher by the hand, and (in loving manner) kissed her fore-head. So sheled her further into her house, where dwelt divers other women (but notone man) all exercising themselves in severall labours, as working inall sorts of silke, with Imbroideries of Gold and Silver, and sundryother excellent Arts beside, which in short time were verie familiar to_Constance_, and so pleasing grew her behaviour to the old Lady, andall the rest beside; that they loved and delighted in her wonderfully,and (by little and little) she attained to the speaking of theirlanguage, although it were verie harsh and difficult.

  _Constance_ continuing thus in the old Ladies service at _Susa_, &thought to be dead or lost in her owne Fathers house; it fortuned, thatone reigning then as King of _Thunis_, who named himselfe _Mariabdela_:there was a young Lord of great birth, and very powerfull, who lived asthen in _Granada_, and pleaded that the Kingdome of _Thunis_ belongedto him. In which respect, he mustred together a mighty Army, and cameto assault the King, as hoping to expell him. These newes commingto the eare of _Martuccio Gomito_, who spake the Barbarian Languageperfectly; and hearing it reported, that the King of _Thunis_ madeno meane preparation for his owne defence: he conferred with one ofhis keepers, who had the custody of him, and the rest taken with him,saying: If (quoth hee) I could have meanes to speake with the King, andhe were pleased to allow of my counsell, I can enstruct him in such acourse, as shall assure him to win the honour of the field. The Guardreported these speeches to his master, who presently acquainted theKing therewith, and _Martuccio_ being sent for; he was commanded tospeake his minde: Whereupon he began in this manner.

  My gracious Lord, during the time that I have frequented your countrey,I have heedfully observed, that the Militarie Discipline used in yourfights and battailes, dependeth more upon your Archers, then any othermen imployed in your warre. And therefore, if it could bee so ordered,that this kinde of Artillery might fayle in your Enemies Campe, & yoursbe sufficiently furnished therewith, you neede make no doubt of winningthe battaile: whereto the King thus replyed. Doubtlesse, if such anacte were possible to be done, it would give great hope of successefullprevailing. Sir, said _Martuccio_, if you please it may bee done, andI can quickly resolve you how. Let the strings of your Archers Bowesbee made more soft and gentle, then those which heretofore they haveformerly used; and next, let the nockes of the Arrowes be so provided,as not to receive any other, then those pliant gentle strings. Butthis must be done so secretly, that your enemies may have no knowledgethereof, least they should provide themselves in the same manner. Nowthe reason (Gracious Lord) why thus I counsell you, is to this end.When the Archers on the Enemies side have shot their Arrowes at yourmen, and yours in the like manner at them: it followeth, that (uponmeere constraint) they must gather up your Arrowes, to shoote thembacke againe at you, for so long while as the battell endureth, as nodoubt but your men will do the like to them. But your enemies will findethemselves much deceived, because they can make no use of your peoplesArrowes, in regard that the nockes are too narrow to receive theirboysterous strings. Which will fall out contrary with your followers,for the pliant strings belonging to your Bowes, are as apt for theirenemies great nockt Arrowes, as their owne, and so they shall have freeuse of both, reserving them in plentifull store, when your adversariesmust stand unfurnished of any, but them that they cannot any way use.

  This counsell pleased the King very highly, and hee being a Prince ofgreat understanding, gave order to have it accordingly followed, andthereby valiantly vanquished his enemies. Heereupon, _Martuccio_ cameto be great in his grace, as also consequently rich, and seated in nomeane place of authority. Now, as worthy and commendable actions aresoone spread abroad, in honour of the man by whome they hapned: even sothe fame of this rare got victory, was quickly noysed throughout theCountrey, and came to the hearing of poore _Constance_, that _MartuccioGomito_ (whom she supposed so long since to be dead) was living, and inhonourable condition. The love which formerly she bare unto him, beingnot altogether extinct in her heart; of a small sparke, brake foorthinto a sodaine flame, and so encreased day by day, that her hope (beingbefore almost quite dead) revived againe in chearfull manner.

  Having imparted all her fortunes to the good olde Lady with whome shedwelt; she told her beside, that she had an earnest desire to see_Thunis_, to satisfie her eyes as well as her eares, concerning therumor blazed abroad. The good olde Lady commended her desire, and (evenas if she had bene her mother) tooke her with her aboord a Barke, andso sayled thence to _Thunis_, where both she and _Constance_ foundhonourable welcome, in the house of a kinsman to the Sarazin Lady._Carapresa_ also went along with them thither, and her they sent abroadinto the Citie, to understand the newes of _Martuccio Gomito_. Afterthey knew for a certaintie that hee was living, and in great authorityabout the King, according as the former report went of him. Then thegood old Lady, being desirous to let _Martuccio_ know, that his fairefriend _Constance_ was come thither to see him; went her selfe tothe place of his abiding, and spake unto him in this manner. Noble_Martuccio_, there is a servant of thine in my house, which came from_Liparis_, and requireth to have a little private conference with thee:but because I durst not trust any other with the message, my selfe (ather entreaty) am come to acquaint thee therewith. _Martuccio_ gave herkinde and hearty thankes, and then went along with her to the house.

  No sooner did _Constance_ behold him, but shee was ready to dye withconceite of joy, and being unable to containe her passion: sodainelyshe threw her armes about his necke, and in meere compassion of hermany misfortunes, as also the instant solace of her soule (not beingable to utter one word) the teares trickled abundantly downe hercheekes. _Martuccio_ also seeing his faire friend, was overcome withexceeding admiration, & stood awhile, as not knowing what to say;till venting forth a vehement sighe, thus he spake. My deerest love_Constance_! art thou yet living? It is a tedious long while since Iheard thou wast lost, and never any tydinges knowne of thee in thineowne Fathers house. With which wordes, the teares standing his eyes,most lovingly he embraced her. _Constance_ recounted to him all herfortunes, and what kindnesse she hadde receyved from the Sarazine Lady,since her first houre of comming to her. And after much other discoursepassing betweene them, _Martuccio_ departed from her, and returning tothe King his master, tolde him all the historie of his fortunes, andthose beside of his Love _Constance_, beeing purposely minded (with hisgracious liking) to marry her according to the Christian Law.

  The King was much amazed at so many strange accidents, and sending for_Constance_ to come before him; from her own mouth he heard the wholerelation of her continued affection to _Martuccio_, whereuppon heesaide. Now trust me faire Damosell, thou hast dearly deserved him to bethy husband. Then sending for very costly Jewelse, and rich presents,the one halfe of them he gave to her, and the other to _Martuccio_,graunting them license withall, to marry according to their owne mindes.

  _Martuccio_ did many honours, and gave great giftes to the aged SarazineLady, with whom _Constance_ had lived so kindly respected: whichalthough she had no neede of, neither ever expected any such rewarding;yet (conquered by their urgent importunity, especially _Constance_, whocould not be thankfull enough to her) she was enforced to receive them,and taking her leave of them weeping, sayled backe againe to _Susa_.

  Within a short while after, the King licensing their departure thence,they entred into a small Barke, and _Carapresa_ with them, sailingon with prosperous gales of winde, untill they arrived at _Liparis_,where they were entertained with generall rejoycing. And because theirmarriage was not sufficiently performed at _Thunis_, in regard ofdivers Christian ceremonies there wanting, their Nuptials were againemost honourably solemnized, and they lived (many yeares after) inhealth and much happinesse.


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