The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)

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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 52

by Giovanni Boccaccio

  Ricciardo Manardy, _was found by_ Messer Lizio da Valbonna, _as he satefast asleepe at his Daughters Chamber window, having his hand fast inhers, and shee sleeping in the same manner. Whereupon, they were joynedtogether in marriage, and their long loyall love mutually recompenced._

  The fourth Novell.

  _Declaring the discreete providence of Parents, in care of theirChildrens love and their owne credit, to cut off inconveniences, beforethey doe proceede too farre._

  Madam _Eliza_ having ended her Tale, and heard what commendations thewhole company gave thereof; the Queene commanded _Philostratus_, totell a Novell agreeing with his owne minde, who smiling thereat, thusreplyed. Faire Ladies, I have beene so often checkt & snapt, for myyester dayes matter and argument of discoursing, which was both tediousand offensive to you; that if I intended to make you any amends, Ishould now undertake to tell such a Tale, as might put you into amirthfull humour. Which I am determined to doe, in relating a briefeand pleasant Novell, not any way offensive (as I trust) but exemplaryfor some good notes of observation.

  Not long since, there lived in _Romania_, a Knight, a very honestGentleman, and well qualified, whose name was _Messer Lizio daValbonna_, to whom it fortuned, that (at his entrance into age) by hisLady and wife, called _Jaquemina_, he had a Daughter, the very choycestand goodliest gentlewoman in all those parts. Now because such a happyblessing (in their olde yeeres) was not a little comfortable to them;they thought themselves the more bound in duty, to be circumspect ofher education, by keeping her out of over-frequent companies, butonely such as agreed best with their gravity, & might give the leastill example to their Daughter, who was named _Catharina_; as making nodoubt, but by this their provident and wary respect, to match her inmariage answerable to their liking. There was also a young Gentleman,in the very flourishing estate of his youthfull time, descended fromthe Family of the _Manardy da Brettinoro_, named _Messer Ricciardo_,who oftentimes frequented the House of _Messer Lizio_, and was acontinuall welcome guest to his Table, _Messer Lizio_ and his wifemaking the like account of him, even as if he had beene their owneSonne.

  This young Gallant, perceiving the Maiden to be very beautifull, ofsingular behaviour, and of such yeeres as was fit for mariage, becameexceedingly enamoured of her, yet concealed his affection so closely ashe could; which was not so covertly caried, but that she perceived it,and grew in as good liking of him. Many times he had an earnest desireto have conference with her, which yet still he deferred, as fearing todisplease her; till at the length he lighted on an apt opportunity, andboldly spake to her in this manner. Faire _Catharina_, I hope thou wiltnot let me die for thy love? _Signior Ricciardo_ (replyed shee suddenlyagaine) I hope you will extend the like mercy to me, as you desirethat I should shew to you. This answere was so pleasing to _MesserRicciardo_, that presently he saide. Alas deare Love, I have dedicatedall my fairest fortunes onely to thy service, so that it remainethsoly in thy power, to dispose of me as best shall please thee, and toappoint such times of private conversation, as may yeeld more comfortto my poore afflicted soule.

  _Catherina_ standing musing awhile, at last returned him this answere._Signior Ricciardo_, quoth shee, you see what a restraint is set on myliberty, how short I am kept from conversing with any one, that I holdthis our enterparlance now almost miraculous. But if you could deviseany convenient meanes, to admit us more familiar freedome, without anyprejudice to mine honour, or the least distaste of my Parents; doe butenstruct it, and I will adventure it. _Ricciardo_ having consideredon many wayes and meanes, thought one to be the fittest of all; andtherefore thus replyed. _Catharina_ (quoth he) the onely place for ourmore private talking together, I conceive to be the Gallery over yourFathers Garden. If you can winne your Mother to let you lodge there,I will make meanes to climbe over the wall, and at the goodly gazingwindow, we may discourse so long as we please. Now trust me deare Love(answered _Catharina_) no place can be more convenient for our purpose,there shall we heare the sweete Birds sing, especially the Nightingale,which I have heard singing there all the night long; I will breake thematter to my Mother, and how I speede, you shall heare further from me.So, with divers parting kisses, they brake off conference, till theirnext meeting.

  On the day following, which was towards the ending of the moneth of_May, Catharina_ began to complaine to her Mother, that the seasonwas over-hot and tedious, to be still lodged in her Mothers Chamber,because it was an hinderance to her sleeping; and wanting rest, itwould be an empairing of her health. Why Daughter (quoth the Mother)the weather (as yet) is not so hot, but (in my minde) you may very wellendure it. Alas Mother, said shee, aged people, as you and my Fatherare, doe not feele the heates of youthfull bloud, by reason of yourfarre colder complexion, which is not to be measured by younger yeeres.I know that well Daughter, replyed the Mother; but is it in my power,to make the weather warme or coole, as thou perhaps wouldst have it?Seasons are to be suffered, according to their severall qualities; andthough the last night might seeme hot, this next ensuing may be cooler,and then thy rest will be the better. No Mother, quoth _Catherina_,that cannot be; for as Summer proceedeth on, so the heate encreaseth,and no expectation can be of temperate weather, untill it groweth toWinter againe. Why Daughter, saide the Mother, what wouldest thou haveme to doe? Mother (quoth shee) if it might stand with my Fathers goodliking and yours, I would be lodged in the Garden Gallery, which is agreat deale more coole, and temperate. There shall I heare the sweeteNightingale sing, as every night shee useth to doe, and many otherpretty Birds beside, which I cannot doe, lodging in your Chamber.

  The Mother loving her Daughter dearely, as being some-what over-fond ofher, and very willing to give her contentment; promised to impart herminde to her Father, not doubting but to compasse what shee requested.When shee had moved the matter to _Messer Lizio_, whose age made himsomewhat froward and teasty; angerly he said to his wife. Why how nowwoman? Cannot our Daughter sleepe, except shee heare the Nightingalesing? Let there be a bed made for her in the Oven, and there let theCrickets make her melody. When _Catharina_ heard this answere fromher Father, and saw her desire to be disappointed; not onely couldshee not take any rest the night following, but also complained moreof the heate then before, not suffering her Mother to take any rest,which made her goe angerly to her Husband in the morning, saying. WhyHusband, have we but one onely Daughter, whom you pretend to loveright dearely, and yet can you be so carelesse of her, as to denie hera request, which is no more then reason? What matter is it to you orme, to let her lodge in the Garden Gallery? Is her young bloud to becompared with ours? Can our weake and crazie bodies, feele the frolicketemper of hers? Alas, shee is hardly (as yet) out of her childishyeeres, and Children have many desires farre differing from ours: thesinging of Birds is rare musicke to them, and chiefly the Nightingale;whose sweete notes will provoke them to rest, when neither art orphysicke can doe it.

  Is it even so Wife? answered _Messer Lizio_. Must your will and mine begoverned by our Daughter? Well be it so then, let her bed be made inthe Garden Gallerie, but I will have the keeping of the key, both tolocke her in at night, and set her at libertie every morning. Woman,woman, young wenches are wily, many wanton crochets are busie in theirbraines, and to us that are aged, they sing like Lapwings, telling usone thing, and intending another; talking of Nightingales, when theirmindes run on Cocke-Sparrowes. Seeing Wife, shee must needes haveher minde, let yet your care and mine extend so farre, to keepe herchastity uncorrupted, and our credulity from being abused. _Catharina_having thus prevailed with her Mother, her bed made in the GardenGallery, and secret intelligence given to _Ricciardo_, for preparinghis meanes of accesse to her window; old provident _Lizio_ lockes thedoore to bed-ward, and gives her liberty to come forth in the morning,for his owne lodging was neere to the same Gallery.

  In the dead and silent time of night, when all (but Lovers) take theirrest; _Ricciardo_ having provided a Ladder of Ropes, with graplinghookes to take hold above and below, according as he had occasion touse it. By helpe thereof
, first he mounted over the Garden wall, andthen climbde up to the Gallery window, before which (as is every wherein _Italie_) was a little round engirting Tarras, onely for a man tostand upon, for making cleane the window, or otherwise repairing it.Many nights (in this manner) enjoyed they their meetings, entermixingtheir amorous conference with infinite kisses and kinde embraces, asthe window gave leave, he sitting in the Tarras, and departing alwayesbefore breake of day, for feare of being discovered by any.

  But, as excesse of delight is the Nurse to negligence, and begettethsuch an over-presuming boldnesse, as afterward proveth to be saucedwith repentance: so came it to passe with our over-fond Lovers, inbeing taken tardy through their owne folly. After they had many timesmet in this manner, the nights (according to the season) growingshorter and shorter, which their stolne delight made them lesserespective of, then was requisite in an adventure so dangerous: itfortuned, that their amorous pleasure had so farre transported them,and dulled their sences in such sort, by these their continued nightlywatchings; that they both fell fast asleepe, he having his hand closedin hers, and shee one arme folded about his body, and thus theyslept till broade day light. Old _Messer Lizio_, who continually wasthe morning Cocke to the whole House, going foorth into his Garden,saw how his Daughter and _Ricciardo_ were seated at the window. Inhe went againe, and going to his wives Chamber, saide to her. Risequickly wife, and you shall see, what made our Daughter so desirous tolodge in the Garden Gallery. I perceive that shee loved to heare theNightingale, for shee hath caught one, and holds him fast in her hand.Is it possible, saide the Mother, that our Daughter should catch alive Nightingale in the darke? You shall see that your selfe, answered_Messer Lizio_, if you will make haste, and goe with me.

  Shee, putting on her garments in great haste, followed her Husband,and being come to the Gallery doore, he opened it very softly, andgoing to the window, shewed her how they both sate fast asleepe,and in such manner as hath been before declared: whereupon, sheeperceiving how _Ricciardo_ and _Catharina_ had both deceived her,would have made an outcry, but that _Messer Lizio_ spake thus to her.Wife, as you love me, speake not a word, neither make any noyse: for,seeing shee hath loved _Ricciardo_ without our knowledge, and theyhave had their private meetings in this manner, yet free from anyblamefull imputation; he shall enjoy her, and shee him. _Ricciardo_is a Gentleman, well derived, and of rich possessions, it can be nodisparagement to us, that _Catharina_ match with him in mariage,which he neither shall, or dare denie to doe, in regard of our Lawesseverity; for climbing up to my window with his Ladder of Ropes,whereby his life is forfeited to the Law, except our Daughter please tospare it, as it remaineth in her power to doe, by accepting him as herhusband, or yeelding his life up to the Law, which surely shee will notsuffer, their love agreeing together in such mutuall manner, and headventuring so dangerously for her.

  Madam _Jaquemina_, perceiving that her husband spake very reasonably,and was no more offended at the matter; stept aside with him behindethe drawne Curtaines, untill they should awake of themselves. At thelast, _Ricciardo_ awaked, and seeing it was so farre in the day,thought himselfe halfe dead, and calling to _Catharina_, saide. Alasdeare Love! what shall we doe? we have slept too long, and shall betaken here. At which words, _Messer Lizio_ stept forth from behind theCurtaines, saying. Nay, _Signior Ricciardo_, seeing you have foundsuch an unbefitting way hither, we will provide you a better for yourbacke returning. When _Ricciardo_ saw the Father and Mother both therepresent, he could not devise what to doe or say, his sences became sostrangely confounded; yet knowing how hainously hee had offended, ifthe strictnesse of Law should be challenged against him, falling onhis knees, he saide. Alas _Messer Lizio_, I humbly crave your mercy,confessing my selfe well worthy of death, that knowing the sharperigour of the Law, I would presume so audaciously to breake it. Butpardon me worthy Sir, my loyall and unfeined love to your Daughter_Catharina_, hath beene the onely cause of my transgressing.

  _Ricciardo_ (replyed _Messer Lizio_) the love I beare thee, and thehonest confidence I doe repose in thee, step up (in some measure) topleade thine excuse, especially in the regard of my Daughter, whom Iblame thee not for loving, but for this unlawfull way of presumingto her. Neverthelesse, perceiving how the case now standeth, andconsidering withall, that youth and affection were the ground of thineoffence: to free thee from death, and my selfe from dishonour, beforethou departest hence, thou shalt espouse my Daughter _Catharina_, tomake her thy lawfull wife in mariage, and wipe off all scandall tomy House and me. All this while was poore _Catharina_ on her kneeslikewise to her Mother, who (notwithstanding this her bold adventure)made earnest suite to her Husband to remit all, because _Ricciardo_right gladly condiscended, as it being the maine issue of his hopeand desire; to accept his _Catharina_ in mariage, whereto shee was aswilling as he. _Messer Lizio_ presently called for the Confessour ofhis House, and borrowing one of his Wives Rings, before they went outof the Gallery; _Ricciardo_ and _Catharina_ were espoused together, totheir no little joy and contentment.

  Now had they more leasure for further conference, with the Parents andkindred to _Ricciardo_, who being no way discontented with this suddenmatch, but applauding it in the highest degree; they were publikelymaried againe in the Cathedrall Church, and very honourable triumphesperformed at the nuptials, living long after in happy prosperity.


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