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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

Page 4

by Tammi Lynn

  Turning back to the house, I hurriedly get inside, and rush to the bathroom attached to my bedroom. Placing my hands on the sink and turning on the faucet in preparation to splash cold water on my now hot cheeks. Lifting my head up to look in the mirror, I don’t know whether to laugh or scream. Fuuuuck! My hair is everywhere, my dark brown naturally wavy locks giving their all into receiving the best bed head hair ever award. In my rush to stop the noise, I didn’t even think about my unruly hair. Well then, no wonder the fucker was grinning and laughing. Any takers on someone burying ME now?

  After going back to sleep for a few hours, I take a long shower and get dressed in a blue tank and black leggings, deciding to head over to the closest grocery store I could find. Miklo would be getting up soon and would want something for lunch since it was now close to noon. Leaving, I can’t help but look over at the neighbors' house next door.

  I finally find a Safeway on 228th and 8th and rush in to get just the necessities. Have you ever been alone in a store with no kids or anything, and your pace just slows down, and you decide to look at everything? Then pretty soon you’re looking around, you have an overflowing cart, and what you thought has been like twenty minutes has turned into an hour? Yup happens to me every time. Wanting to hurry and get back to Miklo, who miraculously hasn’t called me yet about food, I rush to the checkout and buy what feels like the whole store, load everything into the truck, and leave.

  When I pull into the carport, I open the door to the house and then go back to the truck. I load up as many bags I can get onto each arm, too many years of living in apartments and having to lug groceries upstairs, to lose the habit. I manage to get half of all I bought and take them inside to place on the kitchen island.

  Heading back outside for the rest, I stop up short. Jayson is at my truck and grabbing groceries out of the back. Damn this guy is like a Jayson In The Box. He keeps popping up everywhere. Although unlike Jack, this guy hasn’t scared me yet and I wouldn’t mind jumping right back into that box with him.

  When he turns, he sees me. “Oh hey Mia, I was on my way out and saw you taking in some groceries and thought I’d lend a hand.”

  “Well, thank you, I appreciate it.” I would also appreciate it if we just took a quick, or long would be even better, trip to my bedroom…

  I go and grab the remaining bags and follow him back into the house. We place the bags on the island, and he turns to me. “So how are you guys settling in? Everything going okay?” Gah! This guy is so sweet. Where do men like this come from? Was there a secret ‘perfect man’ machine, I was unaware of? If so I’d like a subscription, please.

  “Yeah, everything's perfect. Jim, my new employer, really set us up, I can’t believe he is letting me rent this place so cheap.”

  “Oh yeah, we met Jim a couple weeks ago, him and this little brunette he seemed cozy with had come over to deliver the couches and we helped out.”

  Wait. What? Cozy with a little brunette? “Was this woman’s hair about shoulder length, and was she wearing a pair of sixties style glasses?”

  “Yeah, do you know her?”

  Ooh, I am definitely calling my aunt as soon as I can. “Yeah, that’s my Aunt Cathy, she helped me get the job and house from Jim. She said he was a good friend.”

  “I’ll say.” See he thinks their together too. “Well I better get going, I only came home for lunch real quick. I’ve gotta head back to the courthouse, have two cases to get to.”

  It was only then I decided to really take in what he was wearing. I had been so into his face as he had been talking to me his clothing hadn’t registered. And oh man I’m not sure how I hadn’t noticed. He was wearing dark grey slacks with a matching coat over a white button-up and maroon tie and did he ever look good in it. I wonder what he does for a living? Lawyer maybe?

  “I’m a family court lawyer. I work for the state and help make sure kids are in the best homes for them.” Knew it! And awe could he get any better? I’m thinking no.

  “Okay, well I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  “Yeah, If you wouldn’t mind I’d like to pop over some time, get to know you a little better, you know since we’re neighbors now and all.”

  Oh fuck, he just added to my inner Jayson In The Box joke and he doesn’t even know it. Do not laugh out loud; you’ll look crazy. Yeah, he can POP on over anytime.

  Giving him a big smile, and containing my laugh, I manage to say. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  “I’ll see you later, Mia, have a great day.”

  After he leaves and I shut the door behind him I go to unpack and put away the groceries. When I’m almost done, Miklo comes out of his room, curly hair a mess on his head and eyes looking like he just woke up. He sits on the barstool, and grabs a bag of potato chips out of a grocery bag, opens them up and takes a few out. I start to make him a sandwich knowing he’s probably starving.

  “I bought soda, but it’s still warm. I got ice too though if you’d like a glass,” I say as I hand him the ham and mustard sandwich, just the way he likes it. No lettuce and no tomato. I know crazy.

  “Yes, please.” He speaks! Yes! I knew he’d come around, and it’s only been two days, my little Momma's boy. I fill up a glass of soda and hand it to him. He continues, “So dad keeps calling and texting. He says he wants to talk to you, but you're not answering, calls go straight to voicemail.”

  I had forgotten I turned my phone off last night after having text Dre, and calling my mom to let her know we had arrived safely. “Oops forgot I turned my phone off last night. I’ll turn it on and call him after I finish with the groceries.”

  He finishes his sandwich, grabs his soda, and stands to go back to his room. When he’s just in the hallway, he turns back to me. “Hey, mom?”

  “Ya Bubbs?”

  “Maybe don’t call him back right away. Make him wait a few days, we just got here.”

  “I think your right baby boy. I will make him wait.”



  I can’t help but smiling and laughing to myself. I went out back to mow early this morning for a reason. I needed to find a way to talk to Mia. The new girl next door. When she pulled up yesterday, she had all of us turning our heads. She’s gorgeous. I can tell she’s shy and while I probably wouldn’t usually, I find it fucking adorable with her. She was trying so hard not to look over at us when she went to first walk in her new home, making herself trip and fall into the door. It was adorable. I would probably keep using that word about her.

  So I figured I’d have to do something to get her attention. Making noise at the crack of dawn ended up being perfect. She had stormed out of the house one hot mess! But really, she looked really hot. A mess. But like the type, I wanted to wake up next to every morning. Her hair was everywhere, and she was wearing a little tank-top, and a tiny pair of shorts that I had caught a glimpse of some red lace panties peeking underneath, where they were struggling to cover her nice round ass.

  Our conversation was short but entertaining, her having trouble speaking to me, and the way she was holding herself around her waist, pushing her tits almost out of her cami? I wanted to grab her and pull her to me right then, run my hands over her curvy body. I wanted to rush home right now because I had a feeling there was a lot of ‘getting to know’ Mia that could be done instead of legal shit.

  I couldn’t get her out of my head all day. My morning cases were rescheduled, so I had been sitting in my office, daydreaming of different ways to get to talk to her again.

  When lunchtime came around, I decided to go home, where I usually would just get something quick from one of the food trucks always around at that time. But I was hoping to catch another sight of Mia.

  I was disappointed when I had first pulled up and saw that her truck was gone. But when I came out to leave, I saw her grabbing grocery bags from her car wearing the tightest leggings that I couldn’t help but love on her. She just kept loading more and more bags to her arms. I couldn’t believe s
he didn’t topple over with the amount she grabbed. So when she went inside, I ran over and started to grab some myself. I figured if I already had them in my hands, she couldn’t tell me no. She seems the stubborn type.

  Talking with her for a few minutes in her kitchen just made me want to talk to her more and more, but I knew I had to get back to the courthouse. She seemed like she was about to start laughing before I left. I would have loved to of known what was going through her head that was so funny. I really liked this girl, and I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

  When I get to the courthouse, I shoot a quick group text to the guys. I know Jesse and Roman seem interested in her, but I wanted to make sure I let them know I was interested too. I mean we’ve shared girls a few times before, and I’m not opposed to sharing Mia with them. Their good guys, I wouldn’t be okay with it with anyone but them, but this girl seems different, this one I might want for keeps, even if they don’t.

  Me: Just got done talking to Mia on my lunch break. I like this girl. I think I’m going to try to spend some more time with her.

  The texts came back quick from Roman and Jesse.

  Roman: Right there with ya brother.

  Jesse: Me too!

  I wasn’t really expecting a reply from Cade, but I got one just before I entered the courtroom.

  Cade: She’s a mess.

  Chapter Four

  Hidy Ho Neighbor

  It’s been a week and Miklo, and I have been settling in nicely. We’ve pretty much-gotten everything unpacked except the pictures and decorations. The week seems to have gone by so fast, unpacking and setting up the house by day, and dreaming of Jayson In The Boxes and angry hotties handing me cats by night. I’ve really gained a new appreciation for the night time if you know what I mean.

  Tomorrow will be my first day of work, and Miklo’s first day of school, on Thursday we had gone and took a tour of the Junior High he will be going to, so he would know where all his classes were and not get lost. He says he isn’t nervous, but I’m worried for him. With a mixture of ADHD and social anxiety making new friends hasn’t always been the easiest for him. It wasn’t until a little over a year ago that he really started coming out of his shell. When we left Phoenix, he had to leave a lot of friends he had made over the past year. It had made it harder for me to make the decision to leave.

  Since today is Sunday, we decided to just relax, veg out, and watch movies on the couch. We’re about halfway through some scary movie I can’t remember the name of when there is a knock on the door. I hate scary movies, and Miklo loves them. He also loves to laugh at me when I scream or jump, much the same as he just started laughing at me when I jumped at the sound of the knock.

  “Door’s for you Miklo, better go answer it,” I say as I glare at him with a smile.

  “Nope, they’ll be strangers, and I’m not supposed to talk to strangers remember? You’re gonna have to get it, mom.” He replies with a smirk. Smart kid. Way too bright.

  “Nice one.” Dropping the blanket I was snuggled in and using for protection against the on-screen slayer, I get up to go answer the door. I quickly look down to make sure I’m dressed presentable. My Black and white panda “Mama Bear” t-shirt and a pair of Dre’s old basketball shorts will have to do. I have no idea who’s at the door, but I’m not changing.

  Looking through the peephole, I immediately run my hands through my hair and wish I did have time to change. That blue-eyed blonde-haired, sexy and tatted neighbor, who if I remember right’s name is Jesse, is outside the door. I see him give a big smile as I take one more look through the peephole, and I jump back. It’s not like he can actually see you, dork.

  Opening the door, I take a deep breath. Just act cool, you’ve got this. “Hidy ho neighbor.” Oh. My. God. I did not just say that! Ok, I am now silently cursing myself for all of those Home Improvement shows I watched when I was younger, but hey I thought JTT was so hot back when I was around Miklo’s age. He’s trying so hard not to laugh at me, I can tell, and I can feel my cheeks getting redder and redder.

  “Well, hidy ho to you too, Wilson.” Okay, now I laugh, which makes him go ahead and laugh too. At least he knew where the saying came from. Giving me a wink, he continues, “I was wondering if I could bother you for a sec?” Anytime baby, anytime. The middle of the nights are especially free for me.

  “Of course, what’s up?”

  “Well, I…” I see a brief flicker in his expression. “I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar?” He seemed unsure of his question as if he was asking me if that is what he needed. “I know cliche neighbor thing to ask right?” That time it sounded as if he was asking himself the question and I’m trying really hard not to laugh again because he is totally bullshitting.

  “Of course, what are you making?” I wanted to catch him up, and his eyes widened a little when I asked the question.

  “Um… Cookies. Roman’s baking cookies, He loves to bake, always making something that one. Has his own apron and everything.” He’s so lying, but it’s hilarious, and now I can’t get the picture of Roman in an apron… and nothing else, out of my head. It’s quite a sexy image.

  “Come inside.” Quit thinking dirty. Turning to cover my grin and to keep myself from laughing, I head to the kitchen cupboards to get the bag of sugar out and decide to keep playing along. “So how many cups does he need?”

  “Oh… Three.” I almost snorted. Now those cookies would have to be the sweetest ones I’ve ever come across if they actually were going to make them.

  I grab a quart Ziploc bag, a measuring cup, and start, scooping sugar into the bag. I can feel his eyes on me, and it’s making me nervous, I know I look a mess. I take a quick look over at Miklo and see him quickly turn his head back toward the movie, from our direction. Zipping the bag and turning to Jesse, he’s leaning against the island, one arm propped on top, which is making his muscle bulge in his colorful bicep. Not wanting to get caught staring, I quickly look up. He’s smirking, I got caught.

  “Here’s your sugar.” I hand it over to him, and he grabs it, running his fingers softly over mine as he does. It sends tingles up my arms, and I shiver. Looking into his bright blue eyes, I want to melt while I’m at it too.

  “Thank you, I’ll make sure we replace it as soon as we get a chance to hit up the store.” I have a very good feeling I’ll be getting back the very same three cups of sugar. Maybe I should charge interest, and he can give me some of his sugar. Ugh! I needed to stop.

  “Your welcome.” I give him a big smile. “Save one for me, will you?”

  He gets a confused look on his face. “Save you what?”

  “A cookie, of course.”

  “Oh! Oh yeah, no problem, I’ll tell Roman for you.”

  He turns to head out, and I follow him to the door. “Later, Jesse.”

  As he starts to leave, he gives me a wink and then says with a chuckle. “Later Wilson”

  I shut the door and head back to the couch. Plopping back down into my spot and wrapping myself back up in my blanket, I notice Miklo looking at me. “What?”

  “Oh, nothing.” He starts laughing and turns back to finish watching the movie. Little brat.


  About an hour later, we are now watching the latest Kevin Hart comedy and waiting on pizza. I know, I know, twice in a week but I just didn’t feel like cooking when we’ve been having such an amazingly lazy day. There’s a knock at the door, and I jump up to answer, grabbing my wallet on the way to get it. I grab a twenty out and open the door. POP! I hear the pop go off in my imagination, my Jayson In The Box is back. A smile instantly comes to my face.


  “Hey.” I don’t really know what to say back. These guys have me speechless.

  “I just thought I’d come over and see how everything is going? Did you get everything set up okay? Do you need help with anything?” Gah, this guy! He’s just the sweetest.

  “Yeah, we got everything set okay. I really love this
house. Thank you for asking, I’ve moved so many times and used to doing everything on my own, so I’ve got it.” I give him a big smile, and he smiles back after a brief frown when I said I’m used to doing everything on my own.

  “Well, that’s good to hear. So what are your plans for the next week?”

  “I start work tomorrow, and Miklo also has his first day of school. I feel like it’s going to be a hectic week.”

  He looks like he wants to ask me something but is hesitating about it. “Well, that’s good. I’m sure you’ll do great, and Miklo will like the school. Cade and I actually went to the same junior high when we were younger, it’s where we met. And then we met Jesse and Roman when we got into high school. Our parents have now all moved to Seattle, but us guys all decided to make Sammamish home.”

  “That’s so cool, I love how close you guys all are. I have a few friends from high school that I’m close with, but it’s the friends I met when I went to college and moved out of my small home town of Bagdad, Arizona who I really stay in contact with the most. I think one of the hardest parts of this move was how much I knew I’d miss them.”

  He’s leaning against the door jam, and I’m standing in front of him. He reaches over and pushes a stray hair out of my face and behind my ear, caressing my cheek as he pulls his hand away. My eyes close in pleasure from the way his hands feel on my skin. I want to reach out and caress his face too. Run my thumb over his full lower lip and feel the stubble on his chin. Down girl! Christ. I was acting like some attention-starved kitten over here. Purr. Come on, Mia! You’re an adult. A grown fucking woman. Act like it. Even if he is so fucking sweet, you can’t handle it.


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