Book Read Free

Walk on the Wild Side

Page 3

by Donna Kauffman

  His stiff posture relaxed a fraction. “It won’t be the last time I do something foolish because she wants me to.”

  “I’ll make Mama Bennie proud.” And you, she thought, then rapidly backtracked. What he thought of her wasn’t important. “You’re lucky to have a grandmother who loves you so much.”

  He looked at her. “You say that as if you don’t have the same. Your grandmother would be…” He paused, then said, “Frances. Frances Chandler.” He laughed. “Don’t look so startled. I may not have the fancy degree, but I do read the papers.”

  Sunny wished she hadn’t guided the conversation in such a personal direction. She smoothed another loose strand of hair and sat up straighter. Her lower back screamed in protest. She ignored it. Chandlers never let the opposition see their weaknesses. “My grandparents love me very much. It’s just…well, they show it in a different way than yours.”

  She stood as a discouragement to further conversation, then swallowed a groan when the arches of her feet relaxed against the wood floor. No way was she going to be able to get into the heels she’d been wearing. Maybe ever. She’d have to fake it across the back alley to her—

  Car. She had no car. And at one in the morning, getting a cab in this neighborhood wasn’t going to be easy. “Can I use the office phone? It’s a local call.”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment, then relented, sweeping his arm in front of him. “After you.”

  It took all her waning willpower to walk down the hall in front of him without limping. “I’ll get my things from my locker.”

  “I’d rather you make your call first, so I can get back to work.”

  She nodded, too busy trying to figure out where she was going to sleep tonight to argue. One thing she couldn’t argue was that, for all Nick demanded a lot of his employees, he appeared to work just as hard, if not harder.

  He opened the door and ushered her in, flipping on the light as he passed her. She looked around Nick’s cramped office. An antique oak desk piled high with papers, books and file folders dominated the room. The walls were covered with pictures of Nick with family and friends as well as with some local and national celebrities. There were also a couple pictures of an older man who could have been his father or his grandfather.

  “Salvatore D’Angelo,” he said, apparently catching her interest. “My grandfather. Bennie’s husband. He came over from Italy when he was only twenty. Started this restaurant before he turned thirty. He passed away five years ago.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I bet he and Bennie made a great team.”

  Nick came to stand just behind her. He was silent, which was good, since somehow there was less air in the room than moments before.

  She was about to move away when he spoke. “Papa Sal understood people. He knew everyone in this neighborhood by name. He knew when someone was going through a tough time, and he knew before anyone else when a wedding was going to take place. Everyone sought him out for advice. He never turned anyone away. He treated the well known like they were from the neighborhood and the neighborhood people like they were stars. We all miss him terribly.”

  His softly spoken words made her eyes burn. “Being that well-loved is a wonderful reward for a life well lived,” she said. “I’m sure he’ll live a long time in the hearts of those who knew him.”

  “He’d have probably liked you.” She stilled when Nick’s hand landed on her shoulder. Just as quickly, he dropped it. “He was a good one for bucking traditions. He liked to make people reexamine their preconceptions.”

  Feeling oddly exposed, she slid from between him and the wall and faced him. “It must be hard,” she said, “feeling like you have to fill his shoes.” She realized then that they had something in common. The burden of following in their family’s footsteps.

  “It’s a challenge, but one I won’t ever walk away from. My parents died when we were kids. Sal and Bennie raised all of us, but as the oldest, I knew I would run D’Angelo’s. Sal saw to it that I was as ready as I could be before he left us.” He eyed her deliberately, and she figured Mama Bennie had told him her story.

  Well, fine. She was too tired to argue. Let him think what he wanted about her. He didn’t look away, and neither, she discovered, could she. Despite her fatigue and the distraction of her other problems, she felt energy fairly radiating from him. It made her thinly stretched nerves fray a little bit more. There was no denying the man had sex appeal in spades. And then there was his voice. When he talked passionately, as he had moments ago, all sorts of inappropriate things she’d like to hear him say in that same intimate voice sprung to her mind. On top of everything else, sexual tension had no place in her life.

  She broke eye contact and turned toward the desk, intent on finding the phone. She caught sight of herself in a small antique mirror tucked in among the pictures and almost laughed. She looked like a raccoon that had run a marathon. And come in last. Mascara ringed her eyes, her hair was damp and stringy, and her skin was pasty. Except for two pink spots on her cheek and a red nose. From the steam, most likely.

  Oh, yeah, sexual tension was going to be a big problem. Not. And he thought she got by on her good looks. Ha!

  “I guess I should make that call,” she said. It was definitely time to get out of here and go home. Wherever home was going to be tonight. She wasn’t going to Haddon Hall. A fancy suite at the Drake wasn’t right, either. She’d spent the day as a working girl. She should sleep like one, too. But that left her where?


  She jumped at the sound of his voice just behind her. She turned to find him holding the phone. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll leave you to your call.”

  The heat dropped twenty degrees the instant he shut the door behind him. At least it felt that way. She rested limply against his desk, staring at the phone but thinking about her new boss. There was no denying that he intrigued her. Tough enough to run a successful restaurant, soft enough to let his grandmother walk all over him.

  The phone began to beep at her, and she jerked her thoughts to the problem at hand. She pressed the reset button and dialed information. After calling for a cab, she ran down a mental list of possibilities. They were dismally few and generally revolved around her platinum card. The friends she’d made at school were not close. Even if she felt comfortable enough to confide in any of them, which she didn’t, there wasn’t one of them she’d call at this hour of the morning.

  A door banged in the hallway. Seconds later a taller, skinnier and somewhat younger version of Nick D’Angelo filled the doorway. He wore ratty black jeans that molded indecently to his long legs, an almost equally ratty T-shirt and a leather jacket.

  “Now this is a nice if unexpected surprise,” he said. “I was beginning to think old Niccolo was going monkish on me. So, who are you and why is my brother keeping you trapped in his office? I could rescue you, if you like.” He extended his hand. “Joey D’Angelo, knight in black leather.” His grin was infectious.

  Suddenly Sunny didn’t feel quite so exhausted. What was it about D’Angelo men, anyway? She laughed. “I’m afraid my steed is already on its way. But thanks for the kind offer.” She shook his hand.

  He held on to her and bowed deeply. “Anytime, fair maiden.” After pressing a warm kiss on the back of her hand, he released her and straightened. “And your name? My big brother doesn’t ever get around to introducing most of his dates to the family. He has some strange idea that we scare the ladies off. Go figure.”

  “I’m not so certain he’s afraid you’ll scare them off so much as spirit them away.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “A live one. Nice change, brother.” He laughed. It was as engaging as his grin. It made Sunny wonder what Nick would be like if he loosened up a bit. But then, Joey didn’t have the demands on him that Nick did.

  “I like you…what did you say your name was?”

  “I didn’t. It’s Sunny.”

  “Now there’s a woman with int
uitive parents. My folks? Joseph.” He snorted. “Are you kiddin’ me?” He shook his head. His dark hair was so short it didn’t move. Another contrast with his brother. Interesting. She’d have figured Nick for the controlled short hair and Joey for the wilder, messier look. Hmm. But more intrigue she didn’t need. She was not about to get involved with the D’Angelo brothers.

  “I think Joseph is a fine name,” she said. “Very strong.”

  “Biblical. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it all.”

  She laughed. “Somehow I don’t think you’ve let it slow you down all that much.”

  He shot her a mock sly grin. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He moved closer. “So, exactly why are you in Nick’s office?”

  “I’m a new employee here and I was just making arrangements for a ride.”

  “Get out! Nick hired you?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Yes, he did. Why do you ask?”

  “I like it when you get all ice princessy on me. Very nice. I bet that makes Nick nuts.”

  “I don’t think much fazes your brother. And he hired me because you’re leaving early for school.”

  He looked honestly chagrined by the reminder. “I know. But Mama Bennie and Nick understood. I just figured they’d find someone without having to advertise.” He studied her a second. “Unless one of my cousins got married without me knowing, or you’re Italian on your mother’s side about six times removed.”

  She laughed again. “Nope. No Italian in my history.”

  Joey’s grin returned. “Well, then, I guess my brother finally came to his senses.”

  “Actually, it was Mama Bennie who—”

  Nick came into the office. “Sunny, your cab is—Hey, Joey.” He caught his brother in an affectionate bear hug. “I thought you were already headed east.”

  “I was. But then Steve backed out on me.” He turned to Sunny. “What a pal, huh? I mean, he agrees to sublet my apartment, then backs out on me when his girlfriend invites him to move in. I ask you, is that fair?”

  “Perhaps she made a more tantalizing offer,” Sunny teased. Then the light bulb went off in her head. “Hey, maybe I can help you out.”

  Nick stepped between them. “No.” Gone was the easy affection he’d exuded moments ago.

  “What do you mean, no?” Joey moved his brother behind him and pasted on a wide smile. “This is between me and the lady.” He looked over his shoulder. “Unless perhaps you were planning on her stayin’ at your place?”

  “No!” When Sunny and Joey’s eyes widened at his sudden vehemence, Nick frowned and tried again. “I mean, where she stays is none of my concern, as long as she reports to work on time.”

  Joey turned to Sunny. “Perfect. Because it will be hard for her to be late if she’s sleeping right upstairs.” He held out his hand. “Come on, I’ll show you the place and we can talk terms.”

  Sunny blinked. “Upstairs? You live over the restaurant?”

  “You bet. It’s a great place. I even cleaned it up for Steve. The bum. Although I’m thinkin’ now maybe I owe Steve, you know?” He hustled her from the office. Over his shoulder, he said, “Cancel the cab, Nick. She won’t be needing it.”

  Nick responded by grabbing Joey’s arm and dragging them both back to the doorway. “Hold on just a minute. She’s only here short-term. I’ll find someone to rent your place. Just leave me a spare set of keys.”

  “Excuse me,” Sunny said, extracting her arm from Joey’s grip and moving between the two brothers. “I believe this is between Joseph and myself. Even if I don’t remain under your employ, I will need a place to stay.”

  Joey chuckled. “Don’t you just love it when she talks like that?”

  Nick scowled. “Don’t do this, Joey.”

  Joey was totally unaffected by his brother’s demand. He shrugged. “Hey, you’re the one who hired her.”

  Nick turned to Sunny. “Surely a Chandler can do better than renting a one-bedroom walk-up in this part of town.”

  Joey started to say something, but Sunny cut him off. “This Chandler will reside wherever she sees fit. And right at this moment, I think Joey’s place sounds great. So, if you’ll excuse us?”

  Nick swore under his breath. “I knew this was going to be a huge mistake.”

  Joey punched his brother on the arm. “Lighten up, will ya? If she lasted a day with both you and Carlo on her case, she’s already outlasted the first six women you hired for the kitchen. And they were your cousins.”

  Suddenly feeling better than she had all day, Sunny tossed Nick a victorious smile and allowed Joey to lead her to the back stairs.


  SUNNY PRIED OPEN one eyelid, peered at the clock and groaned. It couldn’t be time already. Surely she’d just fallen into bed minutes ago. Then she remembered. It was her day off. Her first in a week. She didn’t have to rush out and run her errands before work. She had all afternoon. She might even put her errands off until evening. The idea of being off her feet for an entire day held an almost orgasmic appeal. She smiled sleepily and snuggled deeper beneath the covers.

  Then shot dead upright when she heard a door banging open and people talking. Inside her apartment. Before she could wet her throat enough to call out, the invaders found her.

  “Up and at ’em, sleepyhead. We need you. Father Sartori needs you. And you know the good father preaches patience better than he practices it.” A tall, striking brunette stopped short in the doorway. “Well, surprise, surprise.”

  Sunny clutched the bedspread to her chest and pushed her hair from her face. “Um, who are you?” Had she been a little more awake, she’d have noticed the resemblance. But when the shorter, plumper woman pushed past the taller one, she knew without a doubt who had come calling. “Nick’s sisters?”

  That stopped the shorter one, who glanced at her taller sister with a speculative look in her eyes. “She said Nick, not Joey.” They both turned their smiles to Sunny, who immediately understood what was going through their minds.

  She shook her head. “No, no, you have it all wrong. I work for Nick. I’m the new kitchen help. Joey sublet me his apartment when his friend backed out. He’s with Mama Bennie until Sunday, then he’s going to school.”

  The taller one nodded approvingly. “Smart, concise and rational.” She and her sister shared a laugh. “Definitely not Nick or Joey’s type.” She stepped forward and held out her hand. “Sorry to intrude on you like this, but since we have, I’m Marina.” She shook Sunny’s hand. “And this is my younger sister Andrea. And I might as well warn you, there are two more of us about to show up. Rachel and B.J., the younger ones, that is, except for Joey. He’s the baby.”

  “In more ways than one,” Andrea added, looking at the various posters on the walls. “I don’t suppose he’ll let you redecorate while you’re here, will he?”

  Sunny smiled. “With all that wonderful food I’m around all day, I figure staring at Heather Locklear and Elle MacPherson every night is a good thing. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.”

  “Definitely not Joey’s type,” Andrea agreed. “Well, we’ll get ourselves out of your bedroom now. We’re all used to tramping in and out of each other’s houses, but had we known—”

  “We’d have at least knocked first,” Marina finished with a smile. “And then barged in anyway.” She wasn’t in any apparent hurry to leave, however. “So, when did you start? Usually the D’Angelo grapevine works better than this, but with school just letting out and Cecelia’s new baby finally home from the hospital and B.J. announcing she’s expecting her second and third one early next year, it’s been, well—”

  “Normal,” Andrea finished with a laugh.

  Sunny felt like she was at a tennis match, her head was going back and forth so often. She wondered if they always completed each other’s sentences. She couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow up with so many siblings. Or any siblings, for that matter. Not for the first time, she felt a little pang of envy. “It must be wonderful to have that kind
of support network.” She didn’t realize she’d spoken out loud until Marina answered.

  “Yes, it is,” she said without hesitation. “Of course, we never had the bathroom to ourselves, Nick and Papa Sal scared off most of our potential dates—it’s a wonder any of us got married—and we had to live with Mama Bennie terrifying the teachers at conference time.” Her smile softened. “But there was always someone to help you with your homework, and splitting the chores was a bit easier.” She studied Sunny with renewed interest. “I take it you didn’t have those problems.”

  Sunny shook her head. “Well, I probably had an even harder time dating. Papa Sal and Nick combined would pale in comparison to my grandfather. But the housekeepers did the chores and my nanny helped me with my homework. And I had plenty of bathroom space.” Her very own bathroom, in fact.

  “Housekeepers and nannies?” Andrea sighed and sank into a chair. “Can I move in with your family? And bring my three kids with me?”

  Marina sat on the end of the bed, making herself right at home. “With all that, why are you here? Since we’re bonding and all,” she added with a grin.

  She really was gorgeous, Sunny thought. And Andrea was bright and pretty, as well. Both had thick, dark hair, shining brown eyes and beautiful skin. The D’Angelo genes were made of powerful stuff. All pale and blond, she should have felt lifeless next to such vibrancy. But somehow she didn’t. There was no phoniness and no pretense with these two. She liked that. She liked that a lot.

  “Actually, living here isn’t that much different from my room at the sorority. Except we had different posters. I’ve adjusted pretty easily, and there’s only one person to clean up after.”

  Marina and Andrea exchanged a look, then laughed. “We wouldn’t know much about that, either. The sorority or only cleaning up after one person.”

  Sunny shrugged, but laughed with them. It had been a good week, better than she’d expected. She was dog tired, but it was a good tired. And she was already in love with the neighborhood. That part was very different from school or home. And she’d discovered she really enjoyed being on her own. Was thriving on it. The people were nice, and everything she needed was within walking distance.


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