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The Mystery of the Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows

Page 19

by Laxmi Natraj

Nakul’s hands were tied together on his backside. Then both Nakul and Utkarsh were pulled roughly and were tied tightly to a tree. Then they heard footsteps of a group of people moving away. An eerie silence enveloped them.

  Seconds ticked on. Both Nakul and Utkarsh shook their head violently and restlessly tried to spit the ball from the mouth. Finally, after fifteen minutes of struggle they were able to spit the cotton ball out from their mouth. Then Nakul called out, “Utkarsh where are you?”

  Utkarsh answered, “I am here Sir”. From the direction of sound both of them understood that they were both tied to the same tree on opposite sides.

  Nakul said, “Utkarsh, keep talking and try to move towards me. With the help of your voice, I will also try to move towards you.”

  Using the voice signal, though the ropes tied around them were hurting them deeply, they moved inch by inch near each other. Nakul kicked his leg sidewise and he could hit Utkarsh with his legs. Then he said, “Slip your right shoe off. Then use your toes skillfully and pull out the knife from my socks.”

  Utkarsh followed the instructions perfectly word by word. He started kicking his feet and with a little struggle with the tight ropes running along their knees, he used his other feet and was able to slip off his shoes. Then as he was instructed, he stretched his leg and felt Nakul’s leg. Using his toes he tried to pull the knife from the socks of Nakul. After a number of failed attempts he finally could catch the knife with his toes and pulled it out. And then he said, “Sir I got the knife, now what?”

  Nakul said, “Now once again struggle and with your ropes but move as far from me as possible.”

  Utkarsh inched away from Nakul. The ropes cutting his body he struggled and moved a little away from his boss.

  Nakul said, “Utkarsh, now lift your leg with the knife as high as possible so that knife reaches my tied hands on my back.”

  Utkarsh, with his toes holding the precious knife, lifted his right leg as much as the rope will allow and struggling, finally placed the knife in the tied hands of Nakul.

  Nakul caught the knife quickly with his finger tips and moving it a little up, held it properly. He quickly sawed the rope off from his hand and then within seconds removed his blind fold. In five minutes he removed the ropes of Utkarsh. Both grinned at each other like school boys at their own success.

  Utkarsh said, “Sir, Who could those people be? Could they be terrorists?”

  Nakul shook his head and was thoughtful for a few minutes. He said, “If they were terrorists we won’t be alive now. They would have shot us down immediately. Even after tying us down see these people left our weapons as it is, and did not bother to remove them. So they did not want to kill us. They just wanted to stop us. I feel Shiva was there in that group.”

  Utkarsh said, “Sir, they never spoke a single word. And they caught us so suddenly. How are you saying that Shiva was there?”

  Nakul said, “Utkarsh we are like police dogs. Though we cannot smell like the dogs still we can feel things with our sixth sense. I had interacted with Shiva for a long time in different occasions. So though he was very quiet today, I could feel or even hear his breathing rhythm. He would have only told them not to kill or injure us.”

  They were quiet for some time. Then Utkarsh said, “Sir, from the footsteps I think there were five or six men there. They have gone into the forest. So is it wise for us to go in or shall we go back?”

  Nakul said, “We must follow them. That is the very reason of our coming here. And now since we know that Shiva is one of them I should know what they are up to, though the terrorist angle is not so apt now.”

  Utkarsh said, “Sir, but if we two follow them they may spot us even before we see them.”

  Nakul said with a mischievous grin, “Only if we walk tall in front of them they could spot us. Right?”

  Utkarsh said in a confused voice, “Then, Sir, do you mean that we crawl all the way on our stomach?”

  Nakul, craning his neck looked up at the sprawling trees and then winked at Utkarsh with a wicked smile. Utkarsh said, “No Sir, You mean we would climb the trees! If they spot us and decide to shoot us we won’t even be able to run!”

  Nakul said, “Utkarsh, the point at which we found the goat was very close from here. Those men could be there already. So we cannot walk into their hands a second time. We will climb the trees and move through the branches from one tree to other. Hidden between the branches and leaves we can get an aerial view of the activity of those men and we will be safe also.”

  By using a lower branch they swung their feet and climbed into the main trunk of the sprawling tree. Then, moving through the branch, they started moving in the north direction. Within thirty minutes they neared the spot. Though there was no conversation noise, they could clearly hear a lot of muffled movements now.

  Nakul signalled to Utkarsh to be very careful. Holding their breath they moved like snakes very softly so that the branches wouldn’t make any rustling noise. Now they could see the men standing below at a distance clearly. There was a small plain spot, a cleared area among the trees. The men were standing in there, busily engaged in their activity. One of the men turned towards them and they could see him clearly in the crescent moon light.

  Nakul almost got a heart attack. He was least prepared for what he saw and his eyes bulged out of their sockets in sheer shock. He held the branch tight, lest he would fall down. He wanted to call Utkarsh. But in his shock no noise came out of his mouth.

  Chapter 62

  The Commandos

  The man who turned towards them was in full uniform. It was not a terrorist outfit. But he was wearing the Combat commando’s uniform of the Indian Army. Though the crescent moon light was too faint to see, the features of this man were very well known to Nakul and even in darkness he would have recognized him. He was Shiva. He was no more the simple Purohit doing puja but a coveted Army Commando. Utkarsh moved in a nearby branch and gestured a question mark. Nakul hissed under his breath, “Look there, it is Shiva, a Commando”.

  Equally shocked, Utkarsh, sitting on a high branch, stared with an open mouth at the men standing underneath. Besides Shiva, there were five other men and one woman commando. All of them whom Nakul had so far imagined as terrorists were there in Commando uniform. The two men who were with the goats, the man who brought the coconut water, the doctor of the hospital and finally the lady cook of Acharayaji’s house and one more. All of them were there in commando uniform seriously discussing something with hand gestures.

  Nakul now understood why the Anti-terrorist squad were brushing off their findings as unimportant! That was because the superior Commando force was already stationed in the village, continuously watching for the terrorists. If these men were Commandos, then where are the terrorists? From the way the group was deeply engrossed in some action, Nakul gathered that they had found the spot of the terrorists, and were preparing to attack. They decided to wait and watch the rare opportunity – the action of the commandos live!

  The team first took out a couple of miniature pocket sized laser drilling machines and started drilling at various points on the ground. The machines were fitted with silencers and Nakul couldsee the glow of sparks flying as the machines cut through some metals. Nakul gathered that the terrorists were hiding in an underground tunnel and the entrance was a metal trap door which the Commandos had discovered. After the drilling was over the soldiers now opened another bag and took out a long metal tube of one cm diameter which was neatly wounded around a spool.

  Shiva took the head of the tube and verified its tip for some instrument and checked the connections. Then he took a cell phone sized box and switched it on. With a blue glow a monitor came to life and flickered. One of the Commandos knelt down and inserted the metal tube carefully inside the drilled hole. Then he started pushing the wire more and more inside the hole, while Shiva and another soldier watched the monitor. The two of them, watching the monitor, gave directions to the soldier pushing the wire to turn it to the l
eft or right or advance in the front.

  Nakul whispered to Utkarsh, “Shiva is using a telescopic camera at the tip of the wire which they are pushing in. As they push the wire the camera with its infrared light is able to see what is inside the trench. Probably the terrorists had dug a deep trench underground and are hiding inside.”

  Utkarsh said, “What is the need of a trench under the ground in this forest sir? I thought they were looking for treasure!”

  Nakul said, “There are much more facts here to be unearthed than we could have thought of Utkarsh. If the terrorists only wanted to hide they could have very well hidden themselves in this thick forest. Now, it does not seem that they were looking for treasure. But if they are systematically making a trench under the forest that means it must be a much more serious matter.”

  Nakul’s heart yearned to jump down and join the brave soldiers operating in a dangerous act just a few feet away from him. But he knew that their operation called for special skills and the Commandos were specially trained for it. His interference would only disturb the action. So holding their breath, both of them watched.

  Chapter 63

  The Information

  When Purohitji had sat down thinking about the destruction of the precious Patras that day after the torrential rain, his mind wandered back to the events of 2nd January, when John just entered the village.

  First when John started talking about his quest for a Guru to learn the temple scriptures of Hinduism, the Purohit thought that he might be one of those hundreds of Americans who join the Hare Krishna movements and then get totally involved in Hinduism. But when he mentioned that his name was referred by some Sadhu in America and Banaras he became sceptical. He knew well that he was not that famous and he had so far not interacted with anyone in the US for this mention.

  On that night, he repeatedly thought about John. He could have easily gone to one of the bigger Hindu Matts where many foreign scholars come for studying. He would have got better facilities like huge libraries and many sages who would have willingly taught him about the Hindu Scriptures. But he chose to come to this unknown tiny village and a very simple Purohit. Why? What was his motive? And when he was pleading with the villagers, Purohit could see fear of refusal and the sheer desperation in those eyes. He thought, John as an individual might be good. But he was probably being used by someone as a front. The question was, who and why?

  Purohitji was a very shrewd man. He knew that a military base and a Military research were placed not so far from the village. A desperate foreigner with an unbelievable story to enter and stay in the village could not be taken so lightly at face value. He decided to report to the police about John. Next morning, catching an early bus, Purohitji went to the town. As a strange co-incidence, he knew the assistant commissioner Pramod Kabre, very well. So he walked straight to his room. Hearing his story John’s entrance, Pramod was totally taken aback.

  He said, “Purohitji just two days back, we have got an information from the US intelligent service that there is a likelihood of a terrorist attack in a small village in Maharashtra within the next five or six months. We were just planning to comb each and every tiny village in Maharashtra, and luckily you have come with this news. Definitely this John himself can be a terrorist or is helping the terrorists. As the intelligence says that there will be an attack by a group of men, now the terrorists will enter your village one by one and may be this John will shelter them.”

  Purohitji sat shocked. He said, “Then why not arrest, John straight away Sir?”

  The ACP said, “Purohitji, he is only a pawn. He might not be even aware of the details of the terrorists. So we have to wait and watch. Straight away we have to start watching your village. Please give me a minute.”

  He picked up the telephone and made a number of calls. Then he said “Purohitji, we are going to have an urgent meeting to chart out an action plan immediately. So, you please come with me. We are going to the Anti-terrorist department.”

  They got into the car and moved. They met the head of the Anti- terrorist squad Colonel Manjeet Singh. He welcomed them and shaking hands with Purohitji said, “Sir, you have done a great help to our Nation. Please be seated. I have ordered for lunch. I know you came early in the morning. I had asked a few people to come for the meeting. Meanwhile please have your lunch first.” Purohitji was lead to another room for lunch. He finished his lunch and started waiting. After half an hour a soldier came and called Purohitji.

  As Purohitji entered the next room, he found a group of people sitting there with the ACP and the head of the anti- terrorist group. As he seated himself Colonel Manjeet Singh started talking.

  He said, “Purohitji, this is a National security matter and an absolute secrecy from your end has to be maintained. I am sure you will do that.”

  “Purohitji said, “Of course Sir, I will keep everything very confidential.”

  The Anti- terrorist department head said again, “Since a terrorist attack is expected and since our Military sensitive towns Nasik and Deolali are close to your village, we have decided to take the help of military commandos for this. Now, our Army has formed a special commandos group who will enter the area, in disguise quite in advance, and will carefully watch the terrorist movements. This way we are well prepared for eliminating the terrorists even before they attack us. Here are the seven commandos we have selected for this purpose.”

  Purohit looked at the seven strong army commandos in uniform including a lady Commando. He was in awe about the whole thing. The head started again, “Purohitji, we need your help in this in a big way. We want you to shelter these people in safe places in your village where they can have their meetings and also provide them with facility for communication such as computers and an internet connection. Besides this we would like one of these men to stay with you in your house itself to closely watch John’s movements. Is it possible?”

  Purohitji was silent for a few seconds and then said, “Sir, My adopted son Shiva was in Banaras for past five years studying the pooja and other Purohit rituals. But unfortunately, just last month he drowned in the river. But I did not mention about this sad news to anyone in the village. So no one knows that my son is no more. Hence one of these commandos could stay in my house and I will declare him as my adopted son who has returned.”

  The head was really happy. He said, “Purohitji, you are such a wonderful person. But if you have to declare someone as your son from Banaras, he should have some minimum knowledge of pooja etc. That can be a problem.”

  Out of the seven commandos Shivanandan got up and said, “Sir, I belong to an Iyer family. My grandfather was a Pujari in the temple. Having moved with him I have learnt a lot about pooja etc. The remaining I will learn from the internet. So I can stay in Purohitji’s house as his son.”

  Purohitji smiled and said, “What a co-incidence. My son’s name was also Shiva. So, Shivanandan will not have any difficulty with the name also.”

  They further discussed about the plan. Purohitji promised that he can give hide out places, in his village which were very safe and known only to him. It was also decided that to begin with only four of them will enter the village. Shiva, as Purohit’s son and then the remaining six in various places on some jobs, which would be suitably created by Purohitji, would take up their respective positions. Both the ACP and the head of the Commandos thanked Purohit profusely. Purohit was dropped by a car at the edge of the village from where he walked home around midnight. The next day he announced that his son Shiva from Banaras will be coming back home soon.

  There was a large granary room under the temple hall, not known to anyone. Purohitji called some workers on the pretext of repairing the building and made a trap door exit for the granary room from the outside wall, close to the thick bushes. They brought all computers as cement bundles and Shiva and his friends did all the connections inside this room. The entrance to the granary steps from the inside of the hall on the ground floor was sealed. A new carpet was sprea
d and hammered on the top to hide the mark. One more granary in his own house was also converted into a meeting room ready for the commandos in case they wanted to change their hide out. A small room in Purohitji’s house was also rearranged for the hide out with ready internet connection. The entry was through a shelf in the bathroom. To hide the new fittings the entire bathroom was renovated with new fittings of shower etc. and the whole house was painted fresh.

  Shiva’s well-built muscular body and his brownish skin did raise a few eyebrows in the village. But no one asked anything because of the respect they had for the Purohit. The Purohit thanked Lingeshwar that he had been able to spot the motive in time.

  Chapter 64

  The Battle

  Nakul and Utkarsh, hidden deep among the branches, breathlessly watched the real action of the commandos.

  Shiva looked at David standing beside him, watching the monitor and whispered, “We had gone 2.8 Kilometres. So far, not a single human soul is visible! Wonder where this trench is going to lead us?”

  David, the Commando, who was one of the men spotted by Nakul with the goat, said, “Sir, definitely they are not making a rat hole to hide. This trench will surely lead to some important destination. ”

  Shiva said, “Hope we capture them before they reach the other end. We have wasted a long time in trying to trace this and its origin. Otherwise we could have eradicated them earlier.”

  Abruptly, both of them stiffened, and asked the soldier pushing the wire to stop. They saw some shadow in the monitor. They rotated the wire end of the camera in different angles and watched. The monitor showed shadows at a distance—shadows of men digging the trench at a distance. The group immediately became alert and Shiva breathlessly gestured orders.

  Five of them took position with their guns, standing away from the trench taking cover behind the trees. As Shiva too took position, one of the commandos now brought a heavy rectangular box just like an ice cube box. Many tubes were connected to the box through taps. Now the commando inserted five tubes inside the pre-drilled holes. Then he opened the tap of the tubes one by one. All the Commandos immediately pulled up their facemask and covered themselves and the last commando also now stepped back, and took shelter. There was a dead silence as the seconds ticked on.


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