Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings- Living Your Own Truth
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of culture, 93, 128, 253, 304–307, 337
of Earth’s biological experiments, 184, 245, 312, 334
of thoughtmaps, 30–32, 136
exercises and experiments, (This is a book of experiments. These are only a few.)
awareness, xviii, 13, 54, 74, 28, 62–64, 194–195, 196, 248–254, 273–275
build matrix, 96, 318–327; also see: matrix
centering, 86–91, 199–201
feelings, 32, 54, 98, 112, 113–114, 126, 130–133, 153–162, 164–167, 170–172
Gremlin, 77–86
intellectual, 8, 25–26, 33–34, 37–38, 54, 144–146, 212–214, 229–230, 247
physical, 34, 50, 52, 54, 104, 176, 208, 226, 273
Expand The Box, see: trainings
expectations, 8, 11, 48, 56–57, 137, 159, 226–235, 281
experiential reality vs verbal reality, 51, 60–64, 200
externalizing costs, 27–29, 33, 95, 181, 282, 313, 335, 341
fear, 34, 40, 67, 124, 142–146, 149,165, 205, 253, 257–260; also see: feelings conscious
feelings, (also see individual listings)
and action steps, 214–215
adult, 188–190, 243
and archetypes, 209, 243, 244–245, 255–262
authenticating inauthentic feelings (from others), 121
“bad” or “negative”, 75, 97–100, 110, 129, 144, 146, 148, 173, 209, 305
bring more energy, 214
bring more harmony, 212–214
completing incomplete feelings (from the past), 126
communication with, 109–111, 217–221
conscious, 34, 40, 99–106, 130–133, 150–152, 163–165, 167, 181
decisions and, 215–217
different from (incomplete) child emotions, 117, 120–127
different from (inauthentic) parent emotions, 114–120
different from thoughts, 106–109
four, 67, 149, 99–106, 148–150
how to consciously feel, 113
hurting other people’s, 129–130
intensity detector and valve, 165–166
interpreting, 135
low drama and high drama, 209
maturation of, 111–114
mixed, 150–162
are neutral, 129, 133–134
new thoughtmap of, 148–150
old thoughtmap of, 66–67
and pain, 104
Phase 1 and Phase 2, 168–172
purpose of, 173, repressed, xvii, 10, 14, 20, 95
rewiring, 142–146
stellating, 167, 169, 243, 244–245, 248, 250, 253, 255–262, 304–305
stories and, 135, 209
unconscious, 10, 34, 41, 65–69, 75, 86–89
unmixing mixed, 150–162
five phases of embracing change (Elizabeth Kübler-Ross), 320–321
flat world thoughtmap, 25, 30–33, 94, 143, 181–182
four archetypes, see: archetypes
four bodies, 47–64, 95, 106–107, 146, 167, 196, 224–227, 239–240, 261, 293
four feelings, see: feelings
four step learning spiral, see: learning spiral
Fritz, Robert, 288–289
frustration, see: anger
Gallagher, Dennis, 183
gameworld, 77, 86, 184, 241, 296, 298– 299, 303
giving your center away, see: centering
global warming, 1, 183, 313, 325
globalization, xv, 5, 24, 93, 183, 297, 307
going nonlinear, 84, 139–141, 146, 149– 150, 195, 209, 258, 272, 294, 319
Gordon, Thomas, 44, 210, 222
greenhouse gases, 6, 24, 27, 28, 309, 313, 325
boundaries and, 239–242
communication and, 61, 276
conscious use of (putting Gremlin to work), 83–86, 210, 319
detecting a hungry, 202, 203
and disk of nothing, 267
king / queen of your underworld identities, 72
illustration, 78
leader, 86–90
low drama feeding frenzy, 68–77, 116, 201, 213, 228, 281, 321
and modern culture, 296–297, 315, 326
owning, 77–83
psychopathic, 175–179
resentment and, 230
and Shadow Principles (hidden purpose), 256–257, 281, 282, 287– 288, 322
also see: archetypes
grief, see: sadness
grounding cord, 263–267, 270, 271, 274
guilt (a mixed feeling), 81, 98, 151–153, 181, 203, 343
Hawken, Paul, 315
heart, 1–2, 12, 22, 48–52, 98, 101–102, 106–111, 174, 225, 286
hidden purpose, hidden purpose process, 75, 169, 219, 256, 257, 281, 282
hierarchy, 6–8, 92, 174, 184, 304
high drama, 69–70, 83–84, 98, 126, 167–173, 190–191, 204–209, 241–243, 253, 281
Hillesum, Etty, 280
hitting bottom, 175, 178, 203, 210, 232, 234, 235
holding space, see: spaceholding
how to be killed and not die, 263, 276–278
hysteria (a mixed feeling), 2, 98, 150– 153, 179, 203, 213
I (as in, which “I” is speaking now?), 72
I am a bridge to next culture, 325–326
India, 14, 17–18, 29, 95, 313, 315
Inquisition, 75–76, 310
intellectual body, see: four bodies
intelligence, 33, 49, 83, 161, 165, 184– 185, 198, 292, 304–305, 313–314
intention, 28, 40, 48–49, 72–73, 89–91, 121, 149, 159, 169, 322
intersection of worlds (upperworld, middleworld, underworld), v, 322
intimacy, 1–3, 22, 49, 52–55, 109, 177, 196, 228–235, 269, 272
irresponsibility, 28, 66, 75–78, 188, 202– 204, 209, 221, 230, 281, 313
Is-Glue and Is-Glue Dissolver, 135–146, 205, 213, 241, 264, 279
isolation (a mixed feeling), 3, 12, 85, 150–152, 203
Jackson, Andrew, 93
Jackson, Michael, 206
jealousy (a mixed feeling), 54, 98, 150– 153, 203, 273–274
joy, 34, 40, 67, 102–103, 149, 122–123, 124–125, 129–130, 133–134, 279; also see: feelings, conscious
Karpman, Stephen, 69
king, see: archetypes; leader
Köhler, Wolfgang, 48
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 320, 321
laboratories, see: trainings
Lankford, Valerie, 100, 152
law of precession, 254, 294
leader (irresponsible), see: archetypes; Gremlin, leader psychopathic
leader (responsible), see: archetypes; Map of Possibility, responsibility
adolescent, 27–29, 183, 249, 302, 312, 313
archetypal, 88–90, 255, 257, 286, 311
Gremlin, 76, 87–90
and high drama, 209
and joy, 150, 169, 255
next culture, xviii, 128, 316
psychopathic, 6–8, 34, 174–180
learning spiral, 43–46
Ledger, Heath, 206
liquid state, 49, 59, 145–148, 173, 199, 234, 235
looking good, 43–46
in archearchy, 307, 313, 316
archetypal, 273–275
blocked, 22, 59–61
Bright Principle of, 103, 281, 286
communication and, 221
and emotional body, 48
and feeling, 12, 135
as Gremlin food, 75
and high drama, 77, 86
and relationship, 53–54
speed of, 273
and work, 26, 34
lover, see: archetypes
low drama, 68–78, 83–84, 98, 116, 189– 191, 201–209, 213, 241–242, 279, 281
Lozowick, Lee, 36, 212, 281, 321
ainstream culture, see: modern culture
magician, see: archetypes
Malthus, Thomas, 185, 186
map, see: thoughtmap; Appendix A, List of Thoughtmaps
Map of Possibility, 69, 257, (actual map) 281, 282
marshmallow zone, 145; also see: Box
matriarchy, 253, 304–305, 307, 313
matrix (building), 44, 95–97, 128, 199, 207, 249, 322–323, 351
Matus, Don Juan, 251–252
McFastfood, 323
McPizzaKing, 299
Meadows, Donella H., 301
meeting technologies, new, 262–263, 269–271, 271–272, 293, 302, 311, 321, 325–326, 341–342
melancholy (a mixed feeling), 2, 98, 150–153
memes, 319
memetic virus, 313
methane, see: greenhouse gases
microculture, 326
middleworld, see: archetypal worlds
minimizing now, 85, 192, 194–196, 200, 204, 207, 277
mixing feelings, see: feelings mixing
mobbing, 2, 203
modern culture,
and attention, 120
and center of being, 87–89, 91
education, 4, 6–8, 27, 50–51, 53, 66, 159, 173, 183, 249
and emotions, 119–120
and empowering your inner child, 195–199
flat-world thoughtmaps, 182–184
going beyond the limits of, 8, 24–26, 47–48, 50, 128, 213–214, 263, 278–279
and love, 53–54
myths of, 26
and numbness, 1, 4–6, 10, 34, 65–67, 91, 92
and psychopaths, 6–8
responsibility and, 26–29, 181
thoughtmaps of, 33
and verbal reality, 60–64
morphogenetic field, 319, 326
Morris, Desmond, 65
myths, 106
Na’vi, 91
navigating space, see: space navigating
networks, 77, 315, 317
next culture,
and feelings, 40, 98, 129–133, 151– 152, 170
implementation, xviii, 77, 93–94, 99, 111, 127, 248, 302–303, 309–311
rite of passage, 28, 40–41, 57, 98, 130, 146, 169–172, 190, 199, 244–259, 307, 313–314, 351
understanding, xv–xvi
nonlinear, see: going nonlinear
nostalgia (a mixed feeling), 85, 150–152
now, see: minimizing now
nuclear power, 14, 27, 28, 55–56, 313
oil, see: peak oil
Olduvai Theory (about the length of civilization), 16
ostrich, 23
overpopulation, 1, 66, 95, 185, 313
overshoot (population), 185, 186, 309, 337
as authentic remorse, 180, 204, 210
and being killed but not dying, 276–278
and clearing resentment, 233–238
and feelings, 100, 149, 154, 173
flat-world thoughtmaps about, 33–35
four kinds of, 49–53, 103
-free hero, 17, 334
and Gremlin, 69, 72–77, 85, 281
as high drama, 206–209, 210
of joining the patriarchy, 4–6
making stories about, 104
of not being heard, 220
of realization, 35, 40, 70, 300–302, 323–325
redeems your underworld, 210
and suffering, 130, 278–279
paradigm, 6, 307, 309, 313, 315–318
cannot shift, 322–323
parallel culture, see: culture parallel
parent ego state, see: ego state
passionate professionalism, 3
patriarchy, xv, 4, 24, 169, 174, 184, 253, 300, 304–309, 313–315
peak oil, xvi, 14–15, 28, 183, 186, 307, 313, 315, 316, 335
perfection, 34, 40, 135–136, 188, 236, 321–322
persecutor, see: archetypes
personality, see: Box
pharmaceutical industry, 26, 206, 211, 237; also see: drugs
Phase 1 and Phase 2 (of feelings work), xvii, 98, 107, 152, 159, 168–172, 213, 244, 305, 318
phoenix process, 235, 302
physical body, see: four bodies
Pirate (this archetypal term for responsible radical audacity is fully explored in the book Radiant Joy Brilliant Love by Clinton Callahan), 254
Possibility Labs, see: trainings
Possibility Management, xv, 153, 272, 276, 348
Possibility Manager, 48, 169, 216
Possibility Trainer, 148, 256
Prajnanpad, Swami, 39, 281
present moment, see: minimizing now
and archetypes, 281
Bright, 103, 169, 248–249, 253, 271– 272, 280–295, 299, 305, 322, 344
Shadow, 75, 78, 83, 169, 256–257, 281, 322
profit, 5, 26, 29, 170, 181, 206, 211, 282, 313, 326
psychopath, see: leader psychopathic
queen, see: archetypes; leader
radical responsibility, 7, 133, 198, 204, 207, 232; also see: responsibility
rage, see: anger
Ray, Paul, 128, 315
religion, 4, 8, 18, 24, 27, 117, 169
rescuer, see: archetypes
resentment, 4, 12, 126, 202, 204, 227– 238, 281
responsibility (this book is only about taking responsibility; the following are merely a few references), 26–29, 39–41, 57, 69–71, 90, 98, 113, 117, 121, 126, 167, 169, 183
responsible victim, 69–71; also see: low drama
rewiring the feeling of fear, 144–146
Rischard, J. F., 28
rite of passage to adulthood, see: next culture, rite of passage
roadblock, see: communication
sadness, 1–2, 34, 40, 54, 67, 101–102, 110, 122, 149, 323; also see: feelings conscious
schadenfreude (a mixed feeling), 98, 151–152, 203, 213
school, see: modern culture education
security, 11, 12, 25, 88, 89, 135, 170, 226, 296, 307
Second Copernican Revolution, see: Copernican Revolution
sect, see: cult
self-observation, 26, 34–39, 47, 72, 76, 118, 127, 149, 204, 288
self-organizing, 28, 319
self-respect, 22, 288, 292
sentimentality (a mixed feeling), 38, 85, 151–152
Shadow Principles, see: Principles
sheep or sheeple, 12, 115, 237, 312, 324
Simon, Paul, 106
society, see: modern culture
soldier, 4, 20–22, 58, 119, 131, 184, 305, 323
sorcerer, sorceress, see: archetypes
being the space (for Bright Principles), 53, 54, 169, 256, 293, 314, 321, 322
between you and your Box (gap, slack), 40–42, 58, 204
boundaries shape the, 241
cleaning (with black hole), 269–270, 321
creation, 248
cultural, 17, 197, 319
declaring, 92, 241, 264–267, 271–275, 321–322
double spaceholding, 271–275
extraordinary and archetypal, 273–275
giving yourself or others, 55, 94
high drama, 241
(holding) spaceholding, 128, 148, 149, 191, 205, 251, 319
landing distinctions or Principles in, 48, 291, 271–275
of love, 54
moods of, 177
navigating, 53
not your, 177
personal (bubble), 241, 264–267
of possibility, 57, 201, 314
putting your energy into someone else’s, 177–178, 241, 265–266
of relationship, 53, 194
responsibility for, 250
safe, 9, 113, 148, 180, 235
shifts, 63
stage fright, 194, 199–201
Standard Human Institutional Thoughtmaps, 33
star, see: feelings stellating, and archetypes stellating
stellating, see: feelings stellating, and archetypes stellating
and Is-Glue, 135–140, 213
and Is-Glue Dissolver, 140–142
about feelings, 135, 142–145, 209
about pain, 104, 279
for resentment clearing, 233, 235
responsible or victim, 281
stuttering, 199–201
suffering (changing pain into suffering), 278–279
suicide, 2, 5, 20–23, 29, 58, 230, 305, 312, 313
superstitions, 26
survival strategy, see: Box
sustainability, 1, 27–28, 98, 170, 181, 184–186, 247, 300, 304–309, 326
system of influence, 317–319
swarmsource, 302
sword of clarity, 87, 117, 127–128, 202, 240, 276–277
technology, 116, 245–247, 250, 301, 307
technopenuriaphobia TPP (the fear of being without modern technology), 245–247
thoughtmaps (for individual thoughtmaps see: Appendix A: List of Thoughtmaps), 29–33, 47–48, 143, 171, 181, 191
thoughtware, 172–173, 263, 306
tipping points, 1, 6, 315–316
Tonic Gold, 97
tourism, 297–298
Trainer Labs, see: trainings
Expand The Box, 19, 52
New Warrior, 177
Possibility Labs, 48, 257
Trainer Labs, 148
unconscious competence or incompetence, see: learning spiral
unconscious feelings, see: feelings
underworld, see: archetypal worlds unmixing feelings, see: feelings
unmixing upgrading thoughtware, see: thoughtware
upperworld, see: archetypal worlds
verbal reality vs experiential reality, 61
victim, see: archetypes
voice blaster, 81, 192–193, 204
Vonnegut Jr, Kurt, 104, 174, 298, 334
Wal-Bucks, 299
walking at the speed of love, 54, 273, 313
war, 4–5, 18, 28, 58, 138, 184, 220–221, 231–232, 235, 249
warrior, warrioress, see: archetypes
what is, see: accepting what is
what to do, 20, 105, 110, 165, 206–208, 215, 305, 313, 322–326, 337
Wheatley, Margaret J., 28, 317–318
who am I?, 53, 169, 256, 293, 312–315, 322
Windes, Ken, 46
worlds, see: archetypal worlds
worldview, see: Box
I appreciate that you are reading this page. Each further experiment you try has the possibility of cutting new forms of consciousness that others can then more easily follow. This makes you a bridge to next culture. Someone must go first. In this case that someone is you. Please keep making personal efforts and being a bridge for others to do the same. Here are some suggestions:
1. Commit to lowering your numbness bar as part of your rite of passage to adulthood. Then, for the rest of your life, responsibly use whatever feelings come up for you to heal things or handle things.