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Nantucket White Christmas

Page 5

by Pamela M. Kelley


  Angela jumped in the shower when she got home, fed Sam and arrived at Kate’s house at six thirty sharp. Kate introduced her to Jack, who looked miserable. He was laying on the living room sofa, under a blanket, sipping ginger ale and watching TV.

  “Nice to meet you. Glad you could take my spot. You’ll have a good time. It’s always a fun night.”

  Kate brought her into her bedroom and had three cocktail dresses laid out on her bed for Angela to choose from. They were all lovely, but her favorite was a deep burgundy velvet with a scoop neck and long sleeves. She tried it on in the bathroom and twirled around for Kate to see.

  “That looks great on you. It really flatters your dark hair and light skin. And the shoes are perfect.” Angela had brought a pair of simple black patent leather pumps.

  Kate was wearing a pretty black and white dress that was sleeveless and showed off her toned arms.

  “Okay, we’re off. See you later, Jack.”

  “Have fun!”


  Kate drove and when they pulled up to the country club where the event was being held, Angela was surprised to see that the parking lot was already almost completely full.

  “Everyone gets here right when it opens,” Kate explained. “That way, you get to try everything before they run out.”

  After they parked, Angela followed Kate inside and they handed their tickets to the woman checking everyone in. She gave each of them a wine glass and a program that listed all the participants, and also an order form for Bradford’s liquors which sold all the wines. They were offering discounts for the evening for those who bought a case or more.

  “They will sell so much wine tonight,” Kate said as they made their way to one of the wine tables. After a few sips of various pinot noirs, they walked around to see what the different restaurants were offering. There were at least twenty participating and the samples were varied, from lobster rolls and short ribs over mashed potatoes to bite size squares of polenta topped with sautéed mushrooms. There was a lot to try and most of it was delicious.

  “There’s Kristen and Mom,” Kate said as they sampled some cabernet and walked across the room. Lisa smiled when she saw them. She was standing with two other women and introduced Angela.

  “These are my two best friends, Paige and Sue. Paige’s boyfriend, Peter Bradford, owns the liquor store that is selling the wines and is at one of the booths pouring. Be sure to look for Rhett. He has a booth here too and he’s giving out baked scallops and chowder.”

  “Where’s Tyler?” Kate asked her sister.

  “He’s off talking to Philippe about book stuff. I got bored and went looking for Mom and the girls,” Kristen said.

  Angela glanced around the room and saw Philippe talking to a handsome man that she guessed was Kristen’s boyfriend. Philippe looked sharp, too, in a suit and dark purple tie. She smiled as she looked at his hair. It refused to be tamed and was going every which way, but somehow it worked and he looked great.

  “All right, we’re going to keep going. Anyone want to come along?” Kate asked.

  Kristen shook her head. “I’m really not that hungry. I’ll find you guys later.”

  “You go try everything and report back,” Lisa said. “I’m going to find a chair to sit for a bit.”

  Kate immediately looked concerned, but Lisa saw it and smiled. “I’m fine. Just tired. And I have plenty of Advil with me. Go have fun.”

  They made the rounds of the restaurant booths, trying so many delicious things. Rhett’s scallops were as amazing as Lisa had said, and Angela’s favorite was a tuna tartare with avocado from Millie’s, a Mexican restaurant. They stopped to talk to Philippe and Tyler, who hadn’t moved from where Angela first saw them.

  Kate introduced her to Tyler, Kristen’s boyfriend.

  “Nice to meet you. Philippe mentioned that you cleaned his place today and it looks great. I was thinking about having someone come every week or two. Would you have any time for another house?”

  Angela was surprised but quickly recovered. “Sure. Almost any day, late afternoon, is good for me.” They traded cell numbers, and confirmed a day and time for Angela to stop by.

  “I should probably go find Kristen,” Tyler said.

  He wandered off and Kate turned her attention to Philippe. “Did you come with Jessica?”

  Philippe nodded. “Yes. She’s here somewhere. She saw some people she wanted to talk to. Where’s Jack? Did he come with you?”

  “No. He’s home sick. Angela came with me instead.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad.” Philippe grinned. “Good for Angela, though. This is a fun event, especially for someone new to the island. What’s your favorite so far?”

  “Rhett’s was good, but I really loved Millie’s tuna appetizer.”

  Philippe nodded. “Millie’s is great. It’s a favorite with the locals. It’s a little off the beaten track, out by the beach. You should go while you’re here.”

  “I will. What did you like best?”

  “One of the desserts, a lemon-filled pastry. I love anything sweet and lemony.”

  “That sounds good.” Angela was already feeling full, though, and seldom ate desserts.

  “Are your parents coming this year for Christmas?” Kate asked him.

  “They are. Usually I go to them, but they agreed to come here this time.”

  “Where do they live?” Angela asked.

  “Paris. They get over to the states a few times a year, though. They love to come in September. The weather is still nice but it’s not as crowded with tourists.”

  “Are you from France? You don’t really have an accent,” Angela said.

  “I was born there and we stayed until I was in elementary school, and then my father was transferred to the states. They lived here for almost twenty years before he retired and moved home to Paris.”

  “That will be nice for you. Will you cook them something special?” Kate asked.

  Philippe grinned. “You know me better than that. I’m having Gary cook us something. He’s going to drop it off Christmas Eve and we’ll just heat it up. Do you all go to your mom’s?”

  Kate nodded. “We do. We’re going to have a bigger group than ever this year. It should be fun.”

  “Do you have any exciting plans, Angela?” Philippe asked.

  Angela always dreaded when people asked the question, because the answer was always the same. Jane always insisted that she join her family for the holiday and she usually went, but not for long. She just wanted to get through the day as quickly as possible.

  “I don’t make much of a fuss about Christmas,” she said.

  Kate and Philippe both looked at her with questions in their eyes.

  She sighed and tried to explain. “I don’t have any family and grew up in foster homes, so it just wasn’t something I ever looked forward to. Especially as it’s also my birthday.”

  Philippe’s dark brown eyes grew even darker. “I had a friend who was born on Christmas. He hated it. Said he’d get a Christmas gift from someone and they’d get a funny look on their face and quickly say it was for his birthday, too. He knew they’d forgotten. Was it like that for you?”

  “Yes, pretty much. I’ve never really known anything different, though. It’s just not my favorite time of year,” she admitted.

  “Well, that really should change,” Kate said. “Please spend Christmas with us. Mom would love it and we really do it up. Come Christmas Eve, too. That’s when the festivities start.”

  Angela sighed. “Thank you. But I’m used to spending it alone. I’ll be fine.” She didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her or as if they had to invite her.

  “We’ll see about that. I’m going to talk to my mother and she can be very persuasive.” Kate had a twinkle in her eye and Angela had a feeling that she might be spending Christmas with the Hodges after all.

  Lisa Hodges looked around the crowded room as she sipped her glass of wine. She’d tasted a few with the gi
rls, and then just went to the bar and bought a glass of her favorite cabernet. She didn’t feel like fighting the crowds all night. Rhett had taken a break and brought her a plate of appetizers, including the baked scallops that were his restaurant’s signature dish.

  Paige found a table and they were all gathered around it, chatting and people-watching. Lisa was thrilled to see Paige so happy. It had been a long time since her friend had been in a serious relationship, and she and Peter Bradford seemed so well suited. Her friend Sue on the other hand, didn’t look nearly as happy. She was her same, bubbly self, but Lisa sensed that something was bothering her. She hoped she was wrong. But if not, she hoped that Sue would share when she was ready.

  Kate and Angela joined them and when Angela went off to the ladies’ room, Kate leaned over and spoke softly.

  “I invited Angela to join us for Christmas Eve and Christmas. It’s her birthday. She says she doesn’t have any plans and doesn’t want to do anything. I think she needs to experience what a real Christmas is like. But you might need to convince her.”

  “I think I can do that.” Lisa knew from their conversation on the plane that Angela didn’t have family and there was simply no way she was going to allow that girl to be alone. She thought for a bit and had an idea for how she could approach the idea with her.

  When Angela returned to the table, Lisa casually asked if she liked to cook. She remembered that she’d asked her for the recipe for her lobster quiche.

  “I do, actually. It’s just me, and I was always working and going to school, so I never did a lot of cooking, but I do enjoy it. I was planning to try out some new recipes while I’m here, since I have the time now.”

  “I wonder if you might do me a favor?” Lisa began.

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, I have everyone over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and I do all the cooking. We have a marvelous Italian seafood feast Christmas Eve and a prime rib on Christmas Day. We have a bigger group than usual this year and the girls help me, of course, by making pies and bringing them over, but I thought if you don’t have plans, I could use your help around the kitchen, especially putting stuff in the oven and taking it out. It’s the bending that gets me in trouble.”

  Angela hesitated and Lisa knew she totally saw through the request because of course there were other people who could help. She needed a little more pushing.

  “Honestly, I’d just really love to have you join us and it would be a help, if you’re up for it?”

  Angela smiled and nodded. “Sure. I’d be happy to come.”

  “Good. Oh, and we all go to the nine o’clock service at the Episcopal church. I hope you’ll join us for that, too?”

  Angela nodded again. “I haven’t been to church in years.”

  “That’s okay. Everyone is welcome and it’s a lovely service.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Angela saw Philippe walk over. He smiled when he saw Lisa and gave her a big hug.

  “Kate tells me your parents are coming for Christmas this year?”

  “They are. I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.”

  Lisa noticed a look of confusion on Angela’s face.

  “We often get storms on short notice. If they’re particularly bad, the boats stop running and the planes, too. It’s one downfall of living on the island if you really need to go somewhere, or get home.”

  “I never thought about that. We rarely get snow in San Francisco. I wouldn’t mind if we get a little,” she admitted.

  “Me, too,” Lisa agreed. “Just enough to be pretty.”

  It had been a lovely night. Angela tried just about everything, including so many different wines that it was hard to tell them apart after a while. She was full and feeling a little sleepy by the time Kate asked if she was ready to head home. Philippe was by the door as they got their coats and as they said goodnight, a gorgeous blonde girl ran up to Philippe, wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He looked uncomfortable at the display of affection and pulled away. But it didn’t deter her a bit.

  “This has been such a fun night. Before we go, I want to introduce you to someone.” She took hold of his hand to lead him away, but he stopped her and the next thing Angela knew he introduced her to them.

  “Jessica, I’d like you to meet two friends of mine, Kate Hodges and Angela Stark.” Jessica smiled and looked at Angela as if she was trying to place her. To Angela’s horror, she recognized her immediately as the snooty woman from the cashmere shop downtown.

  “You look so familiar. Have we met before?” she asked Angela.

  “No. I’m just visiting from San Francisco.”

  “Oh. Well, nice to meet you both.”

  “Good night,” Philippe said as he walked off with Jessica. Angela watched the two of them go and couldn’t imagine what Philippe saw in her, other than her gorgeous exterior. Maybe that was enough.

  “She’s horrid, isn’t she?” Kate said once they were outside.

  Angela laughed. “She was so rude to me the other day when I stopped into the shop where she works. I couldn’t afford anything there, and she knew it. Philippe seems too nice for her.”

  “He is. But, she sort of fits his type—tall and beautiful. I wouldn’t call him a player, because he’s honest with everyone, but he makes it clear that he doesn’t want anything serious, with anyone.”

  “She’s okay with that?” Jessica looked as though she thought of Philippe as her boyfriend.

  “I doubt it. But she’s such a queen bee here on Nantucket, used to getting whatever she wants, and I imagine she thinks that includes Philippe. She may be in for a surprise if he gets wind of her intentions. He generally ends things if he gets the sense things are shifting.”

  “Well, I think he can do better.”

  Kate looked at her carefully. “I do, too. I told him just the other day that I hoped he’d meet someone that would make him want more, and he insisted that he didn’t think it was possible. He’s very charming, but he is quite serious about not wanting to be serious.” Angela got the sense that Kate was warning her to be cautious. But she didn’t need to. Angela had no intention of falling for anyone on Nantucket as she wasn’t planning to stick around that long.


  It won’t kill me to clean one day a week.” Lisa smiled as she lifted her cup of coffee to take a sip. Angela was having breakfast with Lisa and Rhett a few days after the Taste of the Town event. They’d fallen into a routine of Angela coming by a little after eight to have coffee and sometimes a bite to eat before she went upstairs to clean the rooms. She had to wait for the guests to leave first so there was usually some time to kill, and Lisa insisted that she might as well enjoy a hot meal first.

  Angela looked forward to the morning conversations and whatever Lisa decided to serve for the day. There was always fresh fruit, bagels and cream cheese as well as one hot item, usually a quiche or frittata of the day. She enjoyed talking to Lisa and Rhett usually joined them, too. He was very protective of Lisa.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I’m sure. I’ve seen the chiropractor a few times now and it’s feeling much better. And I’ve started doing more of that online Yoga to strengthen my core.” She looked at Angela. “Have you tried yoga? I’m surprised by how much I like it.”

  “I like it, too. I used to do some of Adriene’s YouTube videos, the beginner ones. I should start doing that again.”

  “Those are the ones I do. She has a series for lower back pain.” She looked at Rhett. “Angela needs at least one day off.”

  “Okay. But if it bothers you, let me know and we can figure it out.”

  “I really don’t mind, if you need me to pick up an extra day—if your back is bothering you,” Angela said. Other than her afternoon cleaning for Philippe and now Tyler, too, she didn’t have any other plans.

  “I’ll let you both know if I need to.” Lisa took a bite of ham a
nd cheese quiche and made a face. “I tried a new recipe for this. I think I like my old one better.”

  Angela looked at her own empty plate and laughed. “I liked it.” She’d quickly inhaled every crumb.

  “No complaints here, either,” Rhett added as he took his last bite.

  “Hm. So, has Chase started on your repairs yet?” Lisa asked.

  “He’s starting today, actually. Said his team would be over this morning. He’s hoping to finish before the holiday.”

  “That’s good. He takes the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve off. I think he and Beth might go up to Killington and ski for a few days. Do you ski?”

  “No. I’d like to some day, though. We don’t really get snow in San Francisco.”

  “If you get a chance, you should really explore New England. Killington, Vermont, where they are going, has the biggest ski area on the East Coast. I took lessons there many years ago.”

  “I would need lots of lessons,” Angela said, and laughed.

  “They do a great job with lessons. There is a bunny slope—several of them, if I recall. That’s where the beginners ski.”

  “That sounds my speed, if I ever go.”

  They all looked up as Kristen walked in. By the look on her face, it was immediately clear that something was wrong.

  “Hi, honey. Is everything okay?” Lisa asked.

  “I just dropped Tyler off at the airport and decided to stop by. I figured you’d all be having breakfast.”

  “Get yourself something to eat and join us,” Lisa said.

  “I’m not really hungry, but I will have some coffee.” Kristen poured herself a cup and sat across from Angela, next to her mother.

  “What’s wrong?” Lisa asked.

  Kristen sighed. “Tyler’s mother just found out that she has brain cancer and it’s stage four. He and Andrew are both flying home today. Andrew’s going later today, once he lines up coverage for the gallery. They’re staying through Christmas, maybe even through New Year’s, depending on how she is.”

  “Oh, how awful. Please give him a hug from me when you see him. Was he very close to his mother?”


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