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Siren Song

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by A


  Tor Paranormal Romance Books by

  C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp


  Hunter’s Moon

  Moon’s Web

  Captive Moon

  Howling Moon

  Moon’s Fury

  Timeless Moon

  Cold Moon Rising

  Serpent Moon


  Touch of Evil

  Touch of Madness

  Touch of Darkness


  Magic’s Design

  Blood Song

  Siren Song



  A Tom Doherty Associates Book

  New York

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Copyright © 2010 by C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp

  All rights reserved.

  A Tor Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

  175 Fifth Avenue

  New York, NY 10010

  Tor ® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

  ISBN 978-0-7653-2495-5

  First Edition: October 2010

  Printed in the United States of America

  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


  As always, we would first like to dedicate this book to Cie‘s son, James, and Cathy‘s husband,

  Don, and to our families and friends. Special thanks to Merrilee Heifetz and the staff at Writers

  House, to our wonderful editor, Melissa, and all the other wonderful folks at Tor who have

  helped us so much. A special thank-you to my brother, Timothy Adams, to the folks at the Jim

  Butcher forums, and to K. Segovia, for assistance with research. Thank you so much. You‘re

  the best!


  In our opinion, for the most part, happy families do not make for interesting reading. We don‘t

  know why. They do, however, make for happy writers. But every time a writer creates a

  character with a particularly troubled background (or a kinky sexual bent) it seems that

  somebody in the ―real world‖ assumes that the writer is working from personal experience. So

  allow us to state for the record that Celia Graves‘s background and troubles are all her own.

  They do not reflect any personal experience on the part of either of the authors.

  Part of the fun of writing is research. In order to make the fantasy portions more believable,

  you have to be very careful to get the ―real‖ portions right. Still, inevitably, some glitches slip

  in. The setting of this book is Southern California. We created a fictional city in Santa Maria

  de Luna and slapped it down on the coast between San Juan Capistrano and Oceanside, right

  on top of Camp Pendleton, which obviously doesn‘t exist in this reality (our apologies to the

  Marine Corps). Just as we created our own city, we came up with a university and rehab

  facility. We have used an Egyptian scrying system that is similar to a modern one but have

  given it its own name and made major changes to it. We have also deliberately taken liberty

  with dual citizenship and diplomatic immunity.

  One or two scenes are set in actual locations. While those portions of the book were

  researched heavily, it is possible that errors slipped in. If so, please forgive us.


  Fan Information

  Fans who wish to sign up for our newsletter can contact us at Our

  website is located at



  ―Celia, everything‘s going to be fine. You‘ll see.‖ Dr. Scott gazed at me earnestly in the back

  of the sleek black limo, willing me with every fiber of his being to believe the words.

  Unfortunately, no matter how sincere the assurance of the handsome, dark-skinned

  psychiatrist with slightly silvered hair and a calming demeanor, we both knew he was lying.

  Nothing was ever going to be fine again. A week ago I was an ordinary human bodyguard,

  living a normal life in beautiful California. Now I was part vampire, part siren, and struggling

  to maintain not only my sense of self but also my sense of humor. He wasn‘t helping either one

  with that line.

  I raised my brows at him as I gave him the snort his words deserved. My first meeting with

  him had resulted in my stalking his secretary like a deer—complete with fangs bared and red

  eyes glowing. I‘d even chased the good doctor out of the room in a panic. I hadn‘t been safe to

  talk to until after he locked me inside his office with a full pitcher of barely cooked beef juices,

  which in my sunset-induced predator mode I‘d happily sucked down like a strawberry milk


  I was still trying not to think about what I might have done without that pitcher of bloody

  juice. It had only been a few days ago and dawn was still hours away.

  His expression changed as though he knew what I was thinking. I was aware that Dr. Scott

  was telepathic, but ethics and the law should prevent him from ―peeking‖ outside of official

  therapy sessions. Still, he couldn‘t miss my physical reaction to his statement, and after a

  staring match where he blinked first, he finally had the decency to look chagrined.

  The sound of the driver‘s door of the limo slamming shut shifted my attention away from

  Dr. Scott, giving him the opportunity to fiddle with the buttons on the side panel. Probably

  looking for another stiff drink to bolster him for the start of this adventure. We were on the

  way to Birchwoods, an ultra-private psychiatric facility for the very rich and famous, where I

  was to be evaluated before I had to appear to defend myself against charges of mind


  While I‘m neither rich nor famous, I‘m not poor, either, and it was so worth the money to

  stay in a place that might someday release me. St. Mary‘s Detention Center was the only other

  choice outside of the state facility. But it‘s only licensed for short-term care, and with the

  looming legal problems caused by my newfound physical and psychic abilities I could be

  looking at a very long-term, even permanent, commitment.

  My brow furrowed suddenly, because I felt . . . something. It was similar to the odd, pins-

  and-needles tingling sensation that I was beginning to associate with magical barriers. I‘d

  never been able to get even a hint of the magical before the vampire bite. Now I‘m aware of far

  too much. It was actually getting painful to walk around Los Angeles, since the city is the

  hotbed of magic you‘d expect. The more power magic wielders use to guard mansions, protect

  movie stars, and banish evil forces from public buildings, the more intense it feels to me. This

  one hurt.

  I sat bolt upright in my seat, actually flinching when I heard the automatic locks click with

  what felt like an ominous finality.

  ―What‘s wrong?‖ As a trained observer of human behavior, Dr. Scott didn‘t like the vibe I

  was giving off. He was suddenly very alert and looked completely businesslike.

  ―Maybe nothing,‖ I answered. My voice stayed steady but sounded uneasy. I
t didn‘t feel like

  nothing. I could sense pressure building, making me want to wiggle my jaw like you do in an

  airplane to get your ears to pop. There are protective spells that can be used to keep moving

  objects, including vehicles, from damage. But they‘re hideously expensive, difficult to do, and

  create enough friction when a car is in motion to make any model a gas hog. A limo like this

  one was built like a tank. It shouldn‘t need that kind of a spell. But if it wasn‘t a protection

  spell, then what was it?

  Maybe it was the liquor I‘d just imbibed at the wake for my recently deceased best friend,

  Vicki, that had me feeling slow, but I couldn‘t think of a single reason for the powerful spell

  I‘d sensed. Yes, I‘d gone to college to get a preternatural degree. But at the time, I hadn‘t been

  able to feel magic. It‘s one thing to know that forces like gravity exist and relate the properties

  on a test paper. It‘s another entirely to feel the weight of it on your skin and know something‘s

  not right. Which made me suspicious. Well, more suspicious. I‘ve been a bodyguard so long

  that I‘m always a little bit paranoid. ―Can you sense the driver?‖

  The car moved smoothly away from the curb, fitting nicely in between the pair of police

  cruisers I could see through the window . . . barely. Mostly I just saw my reflection on the

  inside of the glass. The woman I saw was attractive but cold, hard. It was my ―business face.‖ I

  use it a lot. So often that sometimes even I forget the softer me exists.

  ―That would be illegal.‖ Dr. Scott didn‘t bother to hide the disapproval in his voice. It was

  combined with the stern look of an instructor.

  I shook my head. ―No, Doctor. Reading his mind is illegal. Just sensing to see if he‘s ‗there‘

  isn‘t.‖ It was a fine distinction, but I was learning a lot about those as my attorney and I

  prepared for my upcoming trial. I had one of the best defense attorneys in the business. If he

  was successful, I would be a free, if considerably less wealthy, woman. I could live with that.

  If I stayed out of jail or a psychiatric facility, I could always earn more money.

  I pretended not to notice Dr. Scott staring at me, concentrating instead on the scene outside

  the glass. We‘d turned left. It wouldn‘t have been a big deal except for one little detail. We

  were supposed to be heading for Birchwoods, on Ocean View. The nearest exit to Ocean View

  was three blocks down and on the right.

  Dr. Scott‘s eyes locked with mine in the glass. If he was checking my thoughts, I couldn‘t

  tell. At the moment I wouldn‘t even mind. Best for him to find out for himself that I wasn‘t

  joking. I was beginning to suspect we were in very real trouble. I watched his reflection as he

  pursed his lips thoughtfully. As he seemed to reach a decision, his face went distant and blank

  for a few seconds.

  ―That‘s odd. I can‘t sense him at all.‖ He sounded puzzled and not altogether happy.

  I turned to face him. ―Null?‖ I made it a question. Psychic nulls were rare but not unheard

  of. I‘d very briefly been assigned to a shrink who was a null. She was completely immune to

  magic and to psychic manipulation. Which would‘ve made her the perfect doctor for someone

  like me if she hadn‘t also been one of the bad guys. As it was, her drugging me and setting me

  up for murder had started the chain of events leading up to my current legal woes—and did

  absolutely nothing for my trust issues with psychiatrists.

  ―No. It feels more as if I‘m being blocked.‖

  I wouldn‘t have thought I could tense any further, but I did as adrenaline pumped through

  my system. We‘d just taken another left turn. While I couldn‘t be sure, yet, it appeared we

  were en route to the desert, where there was miles and miles of nothing . . . right up until you

  got to the state-run facility for ―rogue‖ monsters and psychics.

  ―Doctor, are you lying to me?‖ There was a growling, hissing tone to my voice and my skin

  had started to glow, giving off a pale, gray-green light that filled the darkened passenger

  compartment like water in a pool. It was decidedly spooky. In just a few days I‘ve grown to

  hate it, but right now it might prove useful in scaring the doctor. If he was scared maybe, just

  maybe, he‘d be honest with me. Of course, getting angry was liable to push the limits of my

  control over the monster in me. But I needed the truth and I didn‘t have a lot of options as to

  how I was going to get it.

  He shrugged but was more interested in concentrating on whatever was pushing him away.

  ―Why would I lie?‖

  I waved my hand in front of his face to grab his attention and then pointed. ―Look out the


  He tried, even going so far as to press his nose to the glass. ―I can barely see through the

  tinting. What am I looking for?‖

  No surprise there. I had the advantage of vampire-style vision. ―Try looking out through the

  sunroof.‖ I toned back on the spookometer. I wasn‘t scaring the doctor so much as pissing him

  off. I couldn‘t be positive, but I was beginning to think he didn‘t know any more about what

  was going on than I did, that maybe his choosing to ride in the limo with me had been an

  unexpected complication for whoever was running this little show.

  He stood up, flattening his hand against the seat to steady himself from the vehicle‘s

  movement and the drinks he‘d had earlier, at the wake. He‘d been Vicki‘s doctor, too. He had

  to push into the invisible barrier surrounding the car and I felt an odd lurch in my stomach as it

  stretched to accommodate his movement. He noticed it, too, and pushed against it, smoothing

  his hands along to test the barrier like a mime on a street corner.

  ―We‘re going the wrong way. We‘re headed toward the desert.‖ He sounded honestly

  shocked, afraid, and more than a little sick.

  ―Yes.‖ My voice could‘ve frosted the glass as I watched the lights of the city become

  swallowed up by the darkness.

  I had to give the man credit. He had brains. ―You think I set you up?‖ There was a hint of

  caution in his voice. Not fear. He was too tough for that. But he was bright enough to not want

  to be locked alone in the back of a limo with an angry monster. Taking me to the state facility

  would most assuredly piss me off.

  ―The thought did occur to me,‖ I admitted.

  I watched as he waved his arm slowly.

  ―What are you doing?‖

  ―We‘ve got a police escort. I‘m trying to get their attention. But they don‘t seem to see me.‖

  I doubted that. More likely they thought he was being cute and drunk. Or they were just

  ignoring him. Whichever.

  He lowered himself carefully onto the seat. Leaning back, he closed his eyes. ―And I can

  assure you that if I‘d intended to turn you over to the state, I would not be stupid enough to

  ride in the car with you. And as I told you before, I wouldn‘t consign a rabid dog to the state


  I gave him a humorless smile. ―I remember that.‖

  ―Oh good.‖ His voice practically dripped sarcasm. ―So now what?‖

  ―Let me try your cell phone.‖

  He blinked at me but reached inside his suit jacket to retrieve it. He was slower on the

  uptake than normal. The result of the liquor, no doubt, but no
t particularly helpful. My own

  inebriation was long gone. There are a few benefits to my partially undead body.

  ―If I‘m just being paranoid, it should work just fine,‖ I explained as he passed the top-of-the-

  line tech toy to me.

  ―And if it doesn‘t?‖

  I punched the number for Alex‘s cell phone. Vicki‘s former lover had been at the wake, so

  she should still be close by. She was also a cop. She could find out if this was legit. If it

  wasn‘t, she could get us help. Assuming I could get a call through.

  He watched expectantly as I waited for the telltale ringing and instead heard only crackling

  static. Damn. I hit the ―end‖ button and flipped the phone closed. The adrenaline that began to

  flow through my muscles was both invigorating and annoying. It wasn‘t just danger that was

  making my body tense. The abrupt rush of fear from Dr. Scott had me alert and watching his

  every movement. Yes, I‘d had my requisite nutrition shakes and no, I wasn‘t hungry. But

  hunting is about more than just feeding and I was getting twitchy.

  When I didn‘t answer, he repeated his question: ―And if it doesn‘t?‖

  It wasn‘t an if anymore—just a statement of fact. ―We‘re screwed.‖


  So, calling for help didn‘t work. No surprise. I passed the phone back to him and he tucked it

  into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, his fingers trembling just the tiniest bit. I could hardly

  blame him, so I did my best to ignore it. Fortunately, now that I realized the situation, years of

  training and therapy kicked in and the dread of an unknown future faded into the background.

  ―We need a plan.‖ My voice was nicely calm. I doubted that the good doctor had any clue just

  how impressive that was.

  He raised a single, eloquent eyebrow.

  ―Dr. Scott, have you ever been kidnapped?‖ My voice was as coldly polite as I could

  manage. I was not hysterical, though I deserved to be. But I‘ve been in life-threatening crises

  before. While you never get used to it, you learn control, to cope. Either that or you lose your

  mind. So far I‘ve hung on to my sanity. Barely.

  ―Of course not!‖ he snapped.

  ―Lucky you. I have.‖ I forced myself not to shudder at memories I prefer to leave in the past.

  I‘d been kidnapped as a child, by men who wanted my little sister to use her talent with the


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