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Clara and Ezra

Page 2

by Lindsey Richardson

  He killed for me… I thought, realizing Ezra had just saved my life. Both him and Lukas had killed for me, to protect me, and I stood in a room, surrounded by death and blood, without a single kill to my name. I did not know what it was to take a life.

  Though I was certain this was not Ezra’s first kill, my mind wandered to dark places. It could not be his first, yet I could not stop thinking about what he had done. The dagger to the throat, the blood, the life he had taken.

  “Are you alright, sweetheart?” Lukas asked.

  I shook my head and moved away from him, feeling confident enough that I could stand on my own.

  I stared at Lukas, remembering Claire’s request. I owed these men my life, but I did not know what it was like to kill for another. I had never seen someone I loved kill for me. I cared for Lukas and Ezra, but blood tainted their hands.

  “I never should have left you,” Lukas said, though Ezra and I both knew I had chosen to go into the room alone. Because of me these men had gained an advantage on us.

  The other one…

  I turned to stare at the wall. It was covered in purple markings, but the other man was gone. I had hit him with my magic but not enough to kill him. I glanced to the window, which appeared slightly cracked.

  “The other one escaped! He must have gone through the window,” I whispered.

  I thought my voice to be too quiet, but the men immediately searched the room and the hallway. Lukas opened the window the remainder of the way and stuck his head outside, but he shook his head and returned with no answers.

  I looked outside the window as well, but the night was late and we had given the man plenty of time to escape. Instead I stared at the moon, trying to distract myself from the corpse we shared the room with.

  In a room with a dead body and blood my mind wandered to Ezra. Would I lose him to the darkness like I had lost Isaak and perhaps even my own mother?

  Rajoor had brought out the worst in us. A killer in Ezra and an unreliable mage in me. I had not been able to control my magic on this night. A dangerous man escaped because of me.



  Ezra examined the scratches on my neck. He had found a cloth and water bowl in the room and gently patted it against the markings on my skin. I winced each time he touched me, remembering how it felt when my attacker’s nails had sunk into me.

  I already wanted to return to Ninomay. Rajoor was uglier than I remembered. This place, the people —none of it was how I had remembered it.

  “Ouch,” I groaned as he patted my neck again.

  “Sorry, love,” Ezra whispered softly. In a firmer tone, he said, “We will find who is responsible for this.”

  I took a step back from him.

  “We should be going after the man who escaped. We can’t let him leave this island! He must have known me. Why else would he have attacked me?” I asked, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

  Lukas shook his head and chimed in.

  “Watchers are on the way. They will go on the manhunt. You, on the other hand, are not leaving our sight,” he said.

  I stared at the corpse and then at Ezra again.

  “And what about him? Why did you kill that man?”

  Ezra crossed his arms, throwing aside the wet cloth.

  “What would you have me do, Clara? Let him kill you? I would kill any man who tries to take your life. Do not think I take pride in ending a man’s life.”

  I bit down on my lip, glancing over at Lukas, who stared at us. I accused Ezra of mistakes, but I was none the wiser tonight. He might not have seen it, but I did not have a solid connection with my magic when my life depended on it. I had allowed emotions and fear get the better of me. It was my fault the other man escaped.

  “I’m… I’m sorry,” I said, “The fight got out of hand, and you saved my life. I’m forever grateful for that. I only wish we had some kind of lead, to know what to do next. The first man seemed familiar with Stefan, but he attacked me.”

  “Makes you wonder what kind of man Stefan is…” Ezra replied.

  I stepped forward and embraced Ezra, not caring what Lukas might think. I was grateful for his loyalty. We could not undo the mistakes we had made tonight, and if nothing else I was grateful after such a heated fight we remained standing.

  Lukas cleared his throat, and I released Ezra and backed away again.

  It was time to come to terms with the dead corpse in the room. This was the second dead body to lay in front of me in a matter of days. Nothing about this was something I wanted to become familiar with. Another dead body meant paying the consequences. I feared how that might affect Ezra.

  Lukas stepped forward, rubbing his chin. “Well, being who we are, we have no choice but to reveal our identity. The Watchers will help us clean us this mess.”

  I took some comfort in knowing the Watchers would report back to the Council. However, that also meant Claire would know how close we had been to death on a mission she had already been uncertain about. Our first night here we had already been attacked. How would Claire and Father react to this news?

  “Perhaps the Council can look into the man’s records and offer some answers?” I asked, shrugging.

  “And you’re certain you’ve never seen these men before? Seems lucky they took the only vacant room—our room—to lure you in,” Lukas said.

  I shuddered. I had not expected to spend our night like this. Now we were left with no choice but to wait for a Watcher and report the attack. Word would probably get back to Ninomay quickly, which meant we now worked against a time restraint. I doubted Claire would tolerate us staying in Rajoor for much longer. I needed to find Mother quickly before Claire or the other councilors tried to stop me.

  I had taken the Kanelos name, but I had not realized the changes that would come with it. My life held more value now, and clearly Elias was not the only enemy of mine. I would need to be more cautious if I planned on surviving. If nothing else I would not make the mistake of speaking Stefan’s name to a stranger.

  “And for the record,” Lukas said, “I agree with Ezra. If anyone threatens you, I will show them no mercy.”

  But I don’t want you to be a killer. I thought, staring at him in awe. I knew he still carried feelings for Claire, but I was not her. I did not even play her role anymore. Did he think because of his relationship with Claire he owed me something? I did not know whether his loyalty came out of friendship or hope of rekindling what he had with Claire. The friends I had growing up in Rajoor had come and gone as quickly as my mother would for her travels.

  The Watchers arrived, and I accepted the questions consuming my thoughts would be placed on hold. We had to take charge of this situation before it got any more out of hand.

  One of the female Watchers, who introduced herself as Jessalin, took down my account of events that transpired. I advised the man who escaped had a scar on his left eye. The detail seemed so small I wondered if it would even matter when we had no name or location to tie to the man, but the scar was the only unique marking on him. If nothing else it might help narrow down the search.

  “Report to the Council immediately. Tell them Ezra and I will remain close to Clara and ensure her safety. Send word if you find out who was responsible for this,” Lukas said, directing his full attention to the Watchers.

  Jessalin nodded. She waited as her men wrapped the corpse up in a blanket and carried him out of the room. Jessalin left with them, and another Watcher entered to clean up the mess the body had left behind.

  We stepped out into the hallway. Others had left the bar area to see what the commotion was about. Everyone seemed to be staring at me, as if knowing me to be an imposter. I did not belong in Rajoor anymore. I was more of an outsider here than I had ever been in Ninomay. For once I knew the secrets this island held, and it continued to reveal more.

  I scanned the faces in the hallway in hopes that my mother would be amongst them. She was not here, and none of the others looked familiar to me.
For this being a “homecoming” I was in foreign territory.

  One face emerged from the crowd that I did recognize, and it was the bartender we had spoken to earlier. He watched in horror as the Watchers carried the corpse past him and out of the tavern. He shook his head in disbelief, and whispered to those around them, seemingly trying to comfort them.

  The bartender seemed the best person for us to question about tonight’s events, but I was squished between Ezra and Lukas, who seemed closer to me than ever. Now did not seem like the appropriate time to interview anyone.

  “Someone will answer for this,” Lukas whispered.

  His words sent a chill up my spine. I glanced up at him, remembering I carried his secret too. While Claire undoubtedly planned for her wedding he had been sent away. Claire had warned me to watch over him, but did she have other reasons behind her actions? Was she testing him to see if his love for her still blinded him?

  The male Watcher exited our room, stating his work was done.

  I returned to the room with the men following closely behind me. Any hope of having a moment alone was gone now. The men feared for my life and their own, and now I shared their concerns. Dying in Rajoor was still a likely possibility.

  Ezra, being the last one to step inside, closed the door.

  “Looks like new,” he said, staring at the floor.

  I looked down at the wooden floor. The Watcher had done an excellent job of cleaning up the blood. It was almost enough to forget someone had died in this room tonight.

  “I’ll take the first watch. Clara, take the bed,” Lukas said, nodding to me.

  I looked to Ezra, but he also insisted I take the only bed in the room.

  Ezra searched the cupboard and found spare blankets, handing one to Lukas, and then setting one out on the floor for himself. It was going to be a long night, and no matter the Watcher’s cleaning job, I doubted any of us could forget about the dead man.

  Hesitantly I lay in the bed. I stared up at the ceiling and wondered how I would ever fall asleep tonight. Someone blew out the candle, and the moon’s light illuminated the otherwise dark room.

  I turned my body to face the men. Lukas sat up, staring at the door, while Ezra laid on a blanket closest to me. Both men kept their weapons nearby.

  For three grown adults sleeping in a tiny room, we were like lightening bugs crammed in a jar. The bed was just large enough to fit two people and no more, and it seemed silly I had the bed to myself.

  I closed my eyes. I tried to disregard the endless questions that filled my thoughts. I had come here for answers, and now it seemed I might leave without any.

  My hand caressed over the dried blood on my neck. I felt my pulse, thinking tonight my life had been spared, but I might not be so lucky next time. Next time Ezra might not be there to save me.

  I silently prayed to Circe for her protection. I did not want to wake up to another attack. Another incident like tonight’s, and I would have no choice but to leave Rajoor.


  I opened my eyes to a new day. The sunlight filled the room completely. Lukas remained sound asleep, wrapped up in blankets and facing away from the sun’s direction. Meanwhile Ezra was awake, focusing on the door and unaware of my consciousness.

  I sat up in the bed and cleared my throat. Ezra’s head turned quickly, but his body eased at the sight of me.

  It occurred to me I had not thought to ask about his welfare during this trip. The memories he had of Rajoor were not pleasant ones. He had lost his parents here, and my search did not overshadow that.

  Cautiously I slid out of bed, avoiding Lukas, and approached Ezra. He glanced up at me, and I sat down beside him silently.

  In a whisper I said, “Thank you for coming with me. This place… holds bitter memories for the both of us.”

  “Less bitter with you here,” he replied, offering a weak smile.

  Lukas stirred, and I accepted we would need to refocus our attention on the mission. I had told Claire and Declan I would be no more than three days. A week at most. Our first day here had been a complete failure. I could only hope today would offer something more.

  Someone knocked on the door, and Lukas immediately jumped up. Ezra stood as well, advancing toward the door slowly. With one hand he gripped onto his staff and with the other he opened the door.

  Jessalin appeared in the doorway, and Ezra released the grip on his staff.

  Everyone gathered together as Jessalin stepped further into the room. I remained convinced the only reason someone from the Council had not come was because of Jhase’s illness. Without Elias or Alesia they were already short on councilors.

  “I bring news from Ninomay,” she said. She paused, waiting as Ezra closed the door.

  “The dead man was Jasper Manikas. We were able to identify him because he once lived in Ninomay and applied for a position on the Council,” she explained.

  “And he was never selected,” Lukas said, wincing.

  Jessalin turned to me.

  “It seems Jasper might have known about your true identity. Claire has ordered me to ensure your safe return to Ninomay,” she said.

  I bit down on my lip. I glanced from Ezra and Lukas, though their eyes avoided mine. I hated the thought of Claire benign Ninomay, overwhelmed with fear for our survival. However, I was not ready to walk way, even knowing Jasper had not worked alone. I was willing to risk my life if it meant bringing closure for both me and Claire.

  “Thank you. Might we have a moment alone?” I asked.

  Jessalin nodded and left. The room fell silent, and I was at a loss of words. Claire would not approve if I disobeyed a direct order. She had sent the Watcher with these demands to ensure I followed them.

  Pacing in front of the men, I asked, “Why was Jasper denied a position?”

  Lukas shrugged. “Countless mages apply for the position, but it is the head councilor who selects them. We’ve also made the selection process quite brutal. There are tests they need to pass, fights they need to win —the process usually changes each year. Perhaps Jasper took the rejection personally?”

  I stopped and stared at him. “There is no fighting Claire on this, is there?”

  “I would not test her patience, sweetheart. She gave direct orders. We have no choice but to follow them. I’ll inquire about our departure,” Lukas replied.

  He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

  Ezra and I remained alone, standing inches apart from each other. His head lowered. This mission was a failure for the three of us. The men might not have felt it to the degree I did, but they understood its importance.

  “I never properly thanked you for saving me,” I said, stepping closer to him.

  He glanced up and smiled. I thought back tot he party and the words he had said to me.

  “I love you.”

  I still had yet to say those three words to him. Neither of us had spoken about it since then. Instead I had dragged him to an island with more death and blood than I remembered. Perhaps this would be the ultimate test for our relationship. If we could survive this we could survive whatever our future held.

  Ezra caressed my lips with his finger.

  “I will always be there to save you,” he whispered, leaning in closer to me.

  He cocked his head and leaned forward.

  Footsteps entered the room, and we broke apart from each other. I blushed while Lukas grinned widely at the realization of what he had walked in on. It seemed childish to hide our relationship from him, but I did not forget the feelings he carried for Claire. I wondered how strange it must be for him to see someone who looked exactly like Claire kissing another man.

  “We need to leave now,” Lukas said.

  His words wiped the grin off his face, and he stared at me with somber eyes.

  Jessalin re-appeared in the doorway, and the men followed her lead. I was the last to exit the room, glancing back at it once more, looking from the spot where Jasper died to the window where the other m
an escaped.

  The Watchers may have cleaned the room of any blood, but the marks from my magic remained on the wall as a tragic reminder of a fight that had not been won. A reminder that I had failed.

  Now you’re keeping secrets. I thought as I exited the room.

  In a crucial moment I had been too overwhelmed to properly defend myself. I was the reason Jasper’s accomplice escaped. Another mistake like that could get us killed.


  One Night in Rajoor

  What if Mother was lost to me forever? I could not wrap my head around the idea of her being too far gone to ever come back. Why had she raised me for years on her own only to abandon me?

  She abandoned Claire… Now you know how it feels. I thought, gulping as we reached the end of the hallway.

  The bartender glanced up as we entered into the main lobby. The tavern was quieter this morning. It seemed most of its occupants had left, but those who remained sat at tables, whispering quietly amongst each other. Their eyes avoided us as if we did not exist at all.

  The stage we had seen last night was now empty. One of the employees approached it with a mop and bucket of water to clean up the blood.

  Despite Claire’s orders, I still had unfinished business in this tavern before we could leave. This was my one and only chance with the bartender.

  I approached the bar and sat down, gesturing for the man to come over. My companions sat on other side of me while Jessalin remained standing watch, not letting us out of her sight.

  “Are you the owner of this tavern?” I asked, looking to the bartender.

  “Yes, ma’am, Caspian Leon at your service,” he replied, offering a weary smile.

  “Can you tell me, did you know Jasper Manikas, the man who died last night?”

  He wiped the bar with a rag.

  “Can’t say I do, but a lot of folks come this way for the duels. I hope his death doesn’t scare away business. I’ve built my whole life here in this very tavern,” Caspian said.


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