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Mason's Regret

Page 11

by Odessa Lynne

  Mason put his hand out against Five’s shoulder. “We’re not going to be taking things slow, are we?”

  That vibrating growl in Five’s chest started again and he reared up, straddling Mason’s knees. “It’s too late to run. I should tie you to the bed in case you panic. It’s my duty to protect you, even from yourself.”

  Mason dropped his hands to the bed and fisted them in the quilt so tightly his fingers ached. “I don’t want those goddamn ropes anywhere near me. I won’t be tied down for this.”

  Five growled softly at him, but then his head dipped and he rubbed his smooth cheek across Mason’s abdomen. Mason sucked in his stomach so fast it stole his breath.

  Five kept moving across Mason’s body, sniffing deeply at Mason’s groin, his belly, his chest and even his underarms—first one and then the other.

  Maybe this was it, this was when Five would lose the last of his control to the lust craze triggered by human scent.

  But Five raised his head, and even though his eyes glimmered glassy and bright and his every breath sounded ragged and too fast, he only stared at Mason, meeting Mason’s concerned gaze head on.

  “You need to prepare yourself.” Five raised his hand and the sight of long, dark claws sent unease racing through Mason. “My control is slipping.”

  Mason exhaled out a sound of aggravation. “What the fuck am I supposed to do? I don’t know anything about this—”

  Five surged toward Mason.


  Mason tried to block Five with his arm.

  Five shoved Mason’s arm aside, then closed the distance between them and covered Mason’s mouth with his. It was a slow, dry kiss until he nipped at Mason’s bottom lip and said gruffly, “Open your mouth.”

  Mason parted his lips.

  Five deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue inside and toying with Mason, who was breathing heavily through his nose, as if he’d forgotten everything he’d ever known about kissing.

  His hands fisted in the quilt again, until something brushed against his knuckles and he realized Five was tucking something small and warm into his hand. He took the hard little object and closed his fingers around it.

  The slow, deep kiss became more forceful as the moments passed, until Mason was opening wide for it, pausing only long enough to gasp air into his lungs. Five’s thumb dragged across Mason’s nipple, once, twice, then again and again, and Mason wondered wildly if he was having an out of body experience, because it didn’t seem possible that he was so goddamned turned on by a simple kiss.

  By the time Five drew away, eyes heavy with arousal and face tight with something fierce that Mason couldn’t put a name to, Mason had forgotten what it was he was supposed to be doing. Five pushed up on strong arms, muscles bulging, and slipped his knees between Mason’s thighs.

  “Your intoxicating scent is clouding my thoughts. I can’t…” Five’s words trailed off, then, instead of finishing what he’d started to say, Five sat back on his heels, resting his hands on his thighs, his claws extended and his fingers flexing in a way that seemed without thought or conscious control. “I want to fuck you, now, but you have to prepare yourself or I’m going to hurt you.”

  Mason looked down at the object he held. It was a small jar with a lid that had something written on it in the wolves’ language, and it took him a second to realize what it was.

  Lubricant. For his asshole. Because he was about to have a large alien dick shoved up his ass.

  Rather have that tongue again, wouldn’t you?

  That voice in his head was becoming a goddamned nuisance.

  Five stared down at Mason with glittering blue eyes. “Take the lubricant and finger your anus.”

  Do I have to? almost rolled right off his tongue. Luckily, his sense of self-preservation kept his mouth shut.

  Mason was grateful for the distance between him and Five, until he looked down and realized Five was going to witness every awkward moment of Mason’s attempt to slick up his asshole.

  Breathe, he told himself. Breathe and get on with it.

  He took a second to study the small jar in his hands before twisting off the lid and letting it fall to his stomach. He touched the lubricant inside with the tip of his finger, looked at the bulge at Five’s groin, then went back in for a much larger glob. He might not know much about anal sex, but he wasn’t stupid. It was going to take a lot of lube for a dick that big to go in easy.

  Five chose that moment to drag his t-shirt off over his head, exposing strong, clearly defined muscle and a chest covered with dark hair that tapered down his abdomen and disappeared under the waistband of his black trousers. His hips thrust forward as his arms stretched over his head, and the thick outline of his cock was enough to make Mason swallow hard and hope like hell he didn’t regret choosing to submit once that dick was sliding into him.

  The distraction of watching Five toss his shirt aside made it easier to bend his knees and pull his feet up, then slip his hand down between this thighs and search out his asshole. He winced when he felt the cool lube smear across the underside of his balls, but then his finger reached the tight pucker of his anus and he rubbed around a bit before trying to push the tip inside.

  His finger went in easy enough, either courtesy of the lube or the remnants of the saliva Five had left around his asshole. He glanced up from under his lashes to see Five’s gaze riveted to what Mason was doing with his hand.

  The scratch of claws on fabric tugged at Mason’s attention and he glanced down.

  Five had pierced his trousers with his dark claws and was digging their sharp points into his own flesh. Dark red blood gleamed on their shiny surface and had dampened the fabric around them.

  The sight sent a twinge of empathetic pain tingling into Mason’s gut, and he couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of that blood.

  The sight should have terrified him.

  And yet…

  He wasn’t afraid. Not like he should’ve been. Those claws could tear into him in an instant and damage him in ways he didn’t want to even imagine. He was lying naked under Five, for God’s sake, unprotected by even a scrap of clothing. But Five had buried his claws in his own body to stave off his desperate need to fuck rather than force himself on Mason when he wasn’t ready.

  It was a sobering, eye-opening moment and his gaze flickered up.

  Five was still watching Mason finger himself, those eyes a vibrant, shimmering blue under the warm glow of light coming from the ceiling.

  Mason pushed his finger deeper into his ass. He wasn’t sure why he did it; his asshole was as slick as it was going to get. But he couldn’t seem to take his gaze off Five’s expression and seeing those lips part when his finger went knuckle deep set off a strange tremble in his stomach.

  Five’s eyes narrowed on Mason, his breath coming visibly faster, and he bit into his lower lip, showing off his sharp eyeteeth. “Another finger.”

  Mason wasn’t ready for another finger. He dragged in a deep breath and added another finger anyway. His asshole was so slick that both fingers slid right in.

  Five closed his eyes and inhaled raggedly, tilting his head back, exposing the solid, masculine column of his throat. He moved his hands to the fastening of his trousers. His fingers trembled but it was his claws that created the biggest problem. They snagged at the fabric, poking several jagged holes in it. Buttons popped, one snapping loose to ricochet off Mason’s inner thigh.

  “Whoa there. You’re not in a hurry, are you?”

  Five’s eyes snapped open and his gaze zeroed right in on Mason, too glassy, too bright.

  Mason couldn’t move with Five looking at him like that. He had two fingers stuck up his ass and he was staring at Five like a deer caught in a spotlight. He cleared his throat. “It was a joke. Bad timing?”

  “Very bad timing.” But Five sounded calmer than he’d sounded just seconds before and the sudden spark in his eyes made Mason wonder if that small moment of levity had actually helped Five regain
a little of his slipping control.

  He took a chance. “So… do you guys get extra credit when you mate a virgin? Because if we’re talking gay sex, I’m about as virgin as you get.”

  Five blinked slowly at him. “I don’t understand ‘extra credit’.”

  Mason pulled his fingers out of his ass and held them up. “What do I…?”

  Five snagged Mason’s wrist and pulled. Mason sucked in his breath and came half up off the bed into a sitting position. He ended up sitting in front of Five, his legs stretched out on either side of Five’s hips while Five wiped Mason’s lubed fingers off on the visible fabric of Five’s snug underwear.

  Five’s hot, hard penis pressed against Mason’s fingers through the fabric and a soft sound escaped the back of Mason’s throat.

  “Explain extra credit,” Five said.

  Mason cleared his throat and tugged carefully with his hand. Five’s fingers tightened. He pressed Mason’s palm to his cock.

  “Extra credit.” Mason’s voice cracked. “It’s the thing you earn when you do something more than what you have to do and your teacher rewards you for it.”

  Five released Mason’s hand. “I’m interested in this concept of extra credit.”

  Mason quickly drew his hand back and watched Five suspiciously.

  Five’s mouth curved up at one edge, and he leaned back on his arms, bowing his back and thrusting his hips forward. “You can remove my underwear for extra credit.”

  Chapter 14

  Mason looked askance at Five, his gaze slipping down to the bold thrust of Five’s groin. “You want me to remove your underwear.”

  “Yes. Now.”

  Mason shifted until he could get his knees under him. Then, fingers not as steady as he would have liked, he took a firm grip of the waistband of Five’s underwear and shuffled forward. He carefully pulled the elastic over Five’s cock, then had to run his hands around Five’s hips to slide the back down over Five’s taut buttocks.

  And my God, that was one tight ass under his hands.

  He just resisted the urge to squeeze.

  When he moved, Five’s cock bumped his belly and he sucked in his breath. Moisture streaked along his hip as he pulled away, and his throat worked against the tightness trying to choke him.

  What the hell had happened to him? He didn’t understand why he found this so… arousing.

  And he was aroused. He couldn’t even deny it. His own cock bobbed in front of him, fully engorged and leaking from the tip, ready for the finish he’d been denied in the bathtub.

  Five had a long, thick cock and heavy scrotum, so similar to a human male that it was easy to see why everyone believed there had to be a common origin for their species. Mason’s knuckles grazed the dark hair that grew thick around Five’s penis as Mason dragged the underwear down to Five’s heavily muscled thighs.

  “At least I don’t have to worry about being the hairiest man in the room when you’re around.”

  Five surged forward, startling the hell out of Mason, who jerked back and ended up flat on his back. Teeth grazed the skin above his belly button, making his stomach muscles pull tight.

  On hands and knees, Five stalked his way up Mason’s body. Mason tried to relax, but something about the predatory way Five was watching him made it hard to even swallow.

  Five caged Mason to the bed, lowering himself to put his mouth to Mason’s ear. “You have prominent male features. The hair here—”

  He skimmed his knuckles up through the hair on Mason’s chest.

  “—and here—”

  He drew his fingers down to Mason’s groin and through the coarse hair there with just enough claw extended to send Mason’s pulse skyrocketing.

  “—and here—”

  The flat of his palm grazed the upper part of Mason’s thigh.

  “—just makes me want to fuck you more.”

  Then he bit Mason right on the earlobe, not too hard, but hard enough to sting. Mason’s heartbeat thundered in his ears.

  Five growled deep in his chest and moved between Mason’s thighs.

  “I need you.” Dipping his head, he licked a stripe up the center of Mason’s chest, then detoured to one of Mason’s nipples. “Now.”

  At the first touch of Five’s mouth on his nipple, a jolt of pleasure went straight through Mason like an electric shock. He gasped, his toes digging into the quilt under him.

  Five sucked at Mason’s nipple long enough to make Mason whimper, then Five reared up on his knees, fisted his cock, and came with a rough growl all over Mason’s belly and groin.

  The splatter of alien semen shocked Mason. His mouth parted on a gasp and he stared down at the semen pooling in his belly button and streaked across his cock and balls and belly.

  He shouldn’t have been surprised when it happened again, but he was. He let out a startled grunt when Five dropped forward on one thickly veined arm and came again, striping Mason’s cock and scrotum with more of the glossy white semen that started an immediate slide into the crease of Mason’s thigh and groin.

  “Pull up your legs.”


  Five didn’t give the order again. He just pushed Mason’s knees toward his chest. “Don’t tense up.”

  Of course Mason was going to tense after that. His asshole clenched as Five pressed the head of his cock against Mason’s hole, and Mason had time to grunt and that was it.

  Five began a slow, unyielding thrust into Mason’s body.

  “Unnhh…” He wasn’t ready, not in the least. He grabbed onto the quilt beneath him and tried to relax, but nothing he did seemed to help and the enormous pressure just seemed to get worse and then a cold sweat swept over him and his vision narrowed—

  Five slapped the outside of Mason’s thigh. Hard.

  The breath Mason hadn’t even realized he’d been holding whooshed out of him.

  “It’s done. I’ll let you adjust for as long as I can.” Teeth flashed and a low growl rose out of Five’s chest. “It won’t be long.”

  Mason closed his eyes and took a deep breath—which wasn’t that deep with his goddamn knees halfway to his throat—but breathing helped. A lot.

  When he looked up, Five was watching him with something approaching concern in those ocean-deep eyes of his.

  Mason forced himself to relax his hands on the quilt. Then he looked down. He had Five’s cock buried in his ass—and goddamn if the sight of it wasn’t almost as arousing as the memory of Five’s tongue working over his asshole.

  He dropped his head back against the bed, letting out a soft groan.

  He would never forget what it had felt like to have Five licking at his hole like that, not for the rest of his life. Then again, he didn’t think he’d ever forget the stretch of having Five’s cock breaching his asshole either, but the one memory was nothing like the other.

  Then Five started to move, and Mason couldn’t help it, he clutched his knees around Five’s hips and clenched his fingers around those strong arms.

  “Wait! Just a—”

  Five growled at him, a sudden, harsh sound that raised every hair on Mason’s body.

  Mason snapped his mouth closed, breathing furiously through his nose.

  Five took his time pulling out, sweat gleaming on his furrowed brow, eyes locked on Mason’s face, the muscle and veins of his chest and arms bulging, and it felt okay. He wasn’t dying. He wasn’t even in pain. He was just stuffed uncomfortably full of cock, and then he wasn’t, until Five thrust his hips forward and slid deep again, all at once.

  A sudden rush of sensation lit up Mason’s nerves and he gasped. He tried to lower one leg but Five caught Mason’s knee in the crook of his elbow and thrust again.

  The motion jarred through Mason.

  And then Five thrust again, heavy, forceful, and too goddamn soon—but whatever he’d done, however he’d changed his angle, something inside Mason sparked off a bright, hot streak of pleasure that burned through him with all the subtlety of a shot of sour mas
h whiskey.

  “Oh fuck,” he gasped. “Fuck…”

  For the next several minutes, Five fucked him like that, each stroke bringing with it a jolt of unexpected pleasure that Mason couldn’t seem to anticipate no matter how many times Five thrust into him. Needy, desperate sounds kept escaping his throat no matter how hard he tried to hold them back, and his body thrummed with the first hints of an orgasm he wanted more than he wanted anything in the world at that moment.

  He reached down for his cock.

  Five caught his hand and pushed it away.

  Mason reached up and grasped the back of Five’s head, dragging him close. “I need that fucking… orgasm. Either give it to me, or I’m… taking it.”

  Five reared up on his muscled arms, snarling.

  Mason jammed his heel into the back of Five’s knee for leverage, forcing Five’s cock to slide deep again.

  Five rested his sweaty forehead on Mason’s shoulder, his breath coming fast and shallow.

  “Mine,” Five said in the wolves’ language, and then again, with more of a growl to it, “Mine.”

  Then he thrust his cock deep once more and came. Mason knew exactly when it happened, because he felt the warm spurt of alien semen filling his ass, and it was a hell of a weird sensation but not bad. Not bad at all.

  When Five’s rutting slowed and he made a soft sound against Mason’s collarbone, Mason found himself petting at the back of Five’s head in much the same way Five had done him just that morning in the woods. He wasn’t even sure why he did it, but Five calmed against him and stopped trying to push his cock deeper into Mason’s ass, giving him a few minutes to breathe without feeling like his lungs were being shoved up into his throat.

  “Why don’t you want me to jerk off?” Mason asked.

  Five dragged his nose and mouth along Mason’s skin, breathing deeply. “I want you to get as much pleasure from our mating as possible.”

  Mason clenched his fingers in Five’s hair. “So you’re not just trying to show me who’s in charge?”

  Five spoke quietly into Mason’s ear. “Your prostate could become painfully sensitive after you come.”


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