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His Human Nanny

Page 6

by Michele Mills

  I gaze into Loge’s dark eyes. Kari shifts and shoves a fist into her mouth. They seem content. I smile at the both of them, loving their weight, warmth and even their sweet smell. It’s been like that since the day they arrived, an instant connection. I love these two babies with all my heart. My only great loss is that they weren’t birthed from a female I was legally bound to, therefore I was denied the pleasure of witnessing their growth and their birth. I blink, surprised at my own thoughts, because I can easily imagine Riley swollen with my offspring.

  “I’m back,” she chirps as she reenters the room. She immediately opens her arms, requesting to take back Kari.

  I gaze up at my beautiful human nanny. What would it be like to have half-human, half-Hyrrokin offspring? Would they inherit my Touchstone flames and my female’s sparkling blue eyes?

  “Time for lunch,” she announces. “You need to come downstairs to eat and these babies need a bottle. It’ll be good for you to take a break.”

  She’s right. I turn and quickly shut down my screens and my vid com. I stand with Loge in one arm and my other claw goes to the small of her back as we walk downstairs, each with a baby in our arms.

  “Would you like to try some New Earth food?” she says. “I’m going to eat something called chicken quesadilla. Want to try it too?”

  “Sure,” I answer. She’s already had me try sooshee, cheezburgrrr and something called peetzuh, all of which I loved. “But only if you agree to eat Urikanic eggs with black blood sauce tonight.”

  “Okay,” she grimaces. “I promise I’ll try.”

  I laugh. She’ll hate it.

  We eventually settle down at the kitchen table and I take a bite of this cheeeken kehsawdeeyuh. And she’s right, it’s delicious. Human food is wonderful. This species is caring and also, they’re amazing cooks. I’m quickly forming an attachment to that warm drink of hers she calls “coffee.”

  I glance at Riley and catch her giving my flicking tail wide berth as she moves to the table. She has that same frightened look on her face from when I met her in the transporter room.

  “Why did you scream with fright when I first met you?” I ask.

  “What?” She looks up at me as she sits. “Why did I scream? Oh. I um, I thought you were the devil?”

  “The devil? What does that mean?”

  “Well, basically, it’s a beast or monster in my culture that represents all evil. It’s usually depicted as red-skinned, with black horns and fangs and a barbed tail.”

  I flick my tail. Her eyes widen and I throw back my head and let out a hearty laugh. “You took one look at me and thought I was the stuff of your nightmares? A monster?”


  “And then you saw there were more of us in the transporter room and they all look like me too, and that continued to scare you?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “And my offspring?”

  “I was completely freaked out when they were breathing fire because that’s something else that Satan does.”


  “Satan, the devil, those words are synonyms.”

  “And what do you think of my offspring now?”

  She grins. “I think they’re adorable.” And then she holds up Loge’s empty bottle. “Look,” she says with pride, “Loge drank more this time. He’s getting bigger. Good job, baby boy,” she praises. Then she drapes a towel over herself, places Loge on her shoulder and pats his tiny back. My son lets out a belch, and a puff of black smoke floats over our heads.

  I smile back at her. I think she’s adorable too. But I can’t say that. I wish I could, but I can’t.

  She reaches for Kari too and now she’s holding one baby in each arm. “Look, I’m already getting stronger,” she says.

  “You are,” I agree with a husky voice. I love how she’s now wearing our traditional female-wear. She looks sexy in her pink Hyrrokin shirt that shows off her perfectly plump arms and the curves of her generous breasts and the nip of her thick waist. She’s tenderly holding both of my babies and I want to fuck her right now.

  The way she’s staring at me, I know she’s remembering last night. How I pressed my hard cock against her stomach.

  A growl rumbles in my chest. My control is slipping. I grab my plate and stand back from the table.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I need to get back to work,” I snarl.

  She looks hurt.

  I feel like shit, but I’ve got to go, or I’ll dishonor us both.

  Hours later I walk downstairs and I see the reason why I need this human in my life.

  A loud thumping fills the domicile, accompanied with high-pitched voices, unlike any I’ve ever heard before, so I suspect it’s some sort of human music. And I’m right, because I turn a corner and there Riley is, with Kari in her arms and Loge watching from his bouncer with a happy smile on his fierce little face. Riley’s doing some kind of undulating movements that seem to be in time with the sounds. It’s mesmerizing. And so, so very sexy.

  She turns and sees me watching her. “Oh,” she exclaims, stumbling to a stop, her cheeks growing pink again. She pauses, seems to come to some sort of decision, then she rushes back to the counter, taps her glass tablet and the music starts over. She bends down and grabs Loge with her other arm and steps forward, passing him to me. Now we each have a baby in our arms. The strange music starts again. “We’ll dance together,” she shouts.

  What? “Hyrrokin don’t dance.”

  “You do now.”

  And she’s right, because between the thumping sound and the movements she’s making—bumping her hip against mine—it’s infectious. I can’t stand still. I find myself watching what she does, trying to copy her steps and her moves. It’s fun. I laugh out loud as she turns in a full circle with Kari in her arms and I do the same and both babies are gurgling with delight. I flick my tail along to the beat and then wrap it around her waist. We dance to one fast song, then we sway to a slower song and finally with the third song we finish on some sort of anthem Riley keeps shouting out loud again and again. She’s magnificent.

  The song comes to a close and she yells out, breathless. “Stop music.”

  “Music complete,” the AI replies.

  I’m still swaying, holding Loge in my arms and swishing my tail. I can’t seem to stand still.

  “Wait,” she says, “Let me get a picture of that.”

  I shake my head. She’s always saying that.

  And then she’s taking a whole series of pictures of me, with one baby, then with both babies in my arms. I manage to pry the tablet from her and click a few pictures of her holding the babies too, and then a selfie of the four of us together.

  “I wish I could post these of you,” she says wistfully.

  “You can.”

  “Nooo. I can’t post them to my personal account, that would be weird. But I could send these to you and you could post the ones of you and the babies onto your own account.”

  “I don’t have an account,” I admit. Or at least a personal one. I hire someone to manage my vid channel media for my client base to access.

  She looks completely horrified. “You don’t? But don’t you want to post pictures of the babies for your friends and family to see?”

  I shrug. Really, I could care less.

  “That’s terrible… How about I start an account for you? I can post your pictures for you,” she offers.

  “Okay. If it makes you happy, then go ahead and do that.”

  She smiles at me and suddenly I want so, so badly to grab her hand, pull her close again and have her in my arms and my tongue in her mouth. I want it so much it hurts.

  She must see the heat in my eyes because she clears her throat and steps back. And there’s ice-cold space between us again.


  She turns and walks into the kitchen and I take a deep breath, willing my cock down.

  Later, after we’ve eaten dinner and finished feeding the babies, I stand with Riley to go u

  “What are you doing?” she asks, with panic in her voice.

  “I’m going with you to get the babies ready for bed.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “No. That’s my job. That’s why you hired me. You worked all day. You can rest now. If you want, you can even start going out with your friends again at night, or invite people over. This is your house.”

  Why would I want any of that? “But I told you I’d help you put the babies down each night.”

  “No, you were doing that at the beginning to help me out, but I’m better at this now and if you want, I can do this alone. You can rest. This is what you’re paying me for.”

  A growl rumbles in my chest. I take Loge from her arms and now I’ve got both babies and I deliberately start up the stairs to the nursery.

  “Aegir,” she hisses from behind me, “maybe it isn’t the best idea for us to spend so much time together. There’s only so much of this proximity I can handle.”

  I turn and look back at her. Aaah. Now I understand.

  “You can go out,” she swallows, “out with other Hyrrokin.”

  I find I hate being reminded that she’s an employee. And I also hate that she thinks I’m a single Hyrrokin looking for a mate. “I don’t go out,” I tell her, then I turn back and continue to the babies’ room.

  “Of course you do.”

  “No. I don’t. I rarely leave. I have my food shipped here. This is why my house is large and comfortable and why I like having a guard at the front gate. No one can get in unannounced and it’s easy to keep track of my deliveries.” I bump open the door to the nursery and I hand over Kari to Riley.

  “Why do you live like this, so closed off?”

  “I don’t like most beings, so I avoid them.”

  “But don’t you have to talk and work with other Hyrrokin for your business?”

  “I am willing to talk with some of them,” I concede. “For work. And then when work ends and I’m done talking, I require quiet time in order to recharge and become ready to deal with other Hyrrokin again.”

  “So you won’t ever go out on dates with other females while I’m here?”

  “No. This will never occur.”

  “Never occur? Okay.” She lets out a throaty laugh that causes my cock to thicken yet again. “Can I ask you something?” she says.

  “Hmm?” I answer as I change my son’s diaper. I lift Loge’s tiny feet to pull off his soiled diaper and toss it into the incinerator. He gurgles with delight at the face I make at his smelly mess. It’s amazing how quickly I’ve become acclimated to this task. I can now change diapers in a matter of minutes. But having Riley in the room with me, her working on Kari at the same time—it causes my heart to squeeze and my chest to tighten. It’s nice to not be alone in this anymore. I’m happy to unburden my mother and brother too.

  “How is it you’re able to live with me then? Don’t I drive you crazy?”

  “Yes, you drive me crazy,” I admit.

  She gasps. “I was just joking. Aegir! If I really do bother you, then why keep me here? If you feel we’re not a good fit, all you have to do is call the agency and ask for a replacement.”

  “Human, why do you speak such foolishness?”

  Riley turns toward me. “But you said…”

  She’s holding Kari close and my baby girl is already dozing off in her arms. I don’t blame her, I want to be in Riley’s arms too.

  “I said you drive me crazy, I didn’t say how.”

  Her eyes drop down to my chest and finally to my crotch, where I’m certain she sees the outline of my semi-hard cock. It’s always like that nowadays.


  She quickly turns and places Kari down to sleep in her crib. She wraps the baby up tightly and props her on her side. And I do the same for Loge, just like Riley taught me yesterday. She says it’s “best practices” for getting Hyrrokin babies to sleep. All I care is that it works. They really are sleeping deeper and better than ever before.

  I turn on Loge’s mobile. It swirls above his head and plays comforting Hyrrokin fire chants. My son looks content and his tiny black eyes flutter closed. We both exit the room and quietly shut the door behind us.

  “Maybe this isn’t the best idea,” she whispers to me in the hallway, “you and I working together so close.”

  My voice deepens. “You’re not leaving.”

  “Aegir,” she tries to explain, “I don’t want to leave, but we have this thing between us… but we can’t do anything about it. And to top it off, you’re my boss. Do you realize how unprofessional it is for me to have these feelings for you? You hired me to take care of your babies. That’s all I should be doing. I’m sure the agency can find someone else who would be a better match. I could stay on until they send the new being, so the transition is smooth then—”

  “Stop,” I snarl. Smoke curls from my nostrils.

  Her eyes widen and she takes a step back.

  I gentle my tone. “I haven’t touched you,” I remind her. “I haven’t. And I deserve a medal for my restraint.”

  “And I haven’t touched you either,” she reminds me. “And I also deserve a medal.”

  A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. “We can make this work. The most important thing is that you stay. You are good for my offspring. They like you. I like you. My mother and brother also like you. You fit in well and I do not want someone else in my home, only you.”

  Her luminous eyes look wet. “Oh Aegir. Okay, I’ll stay.”

  And then for the second evening in a row I turn and march alone to my bedroom and shut the door firmly behind me.

  It’s late and I can’t fall asleep. I’m wide awake and my body is on fire, ready to mate and breed but unable to touch the female of my dreams.

  She’s in the room next to mine. That large ass that will perfectly fit in the palm of my claw. The thick thighs and the tiny waist. The colorless hair on her head is an unusual feature, but I’ve learned to enjoy how it moves over her shoulders and shines in the light. I imagine grabbing it in my claws as I take her from behind.


  How can I sleep with these images bombarding my mind and body?

  I try to watch a vid show on military history, then I read an e-book on Hyrrokin finance. Doesn’t work, still thinking of her.

  I eat a snack. I run on the treadmill, then I take a hot cleansing shower and still…my damn cock is hard as rock. Nothing can dampen the unrelenting need.

  The house is quiet, everyone else is in bed but me. Both my offspring are asleep in their nursery. My human is in her bedroom, but I want her here with me.

  I’ve never felt this way before for anyone. These intense sexual urges are new. I admire beautiful females and I sometimes feel a twitch in my cock, but never enough to actually act on my urges. Only drink and unusual circumstances have caused me to pleasure mate, and even then, I want nothing more than to leave first thing in the morning. But this human is in my domicile, tending to my offspring, and chatting with me daily and…I love it.

  I’m stunned at the way she’s entered my life and caused my sex drive to awaken. I’ve turned into a sexual beast who wants nothing more than to mate the human he senses. Even her smell drives me crazy.

  I step out of my room and wander around the house, checking the locks. Of course no Hyrrokin can get in, but because I have such precious beings here, I can’t be careful enough. Finally, I return to my room and sit restless, on the edge of my bed.

  I spread my legs and imagine what it would be like if she were mine.

  Do I want this human as a pleasure mate or as my bound? Can a human mate with a Hyrrokin? It’s never happened before. Humans are not common on this side of the four sectors. I’d never seen one in real life before meeting Riley. I’ve learned that she does not have a mate or offspring, in fact she’s a virgin. If I took her, I’d be her first.

  I groan at this reminder and lower my pajama pants and pull out my cock. It’s painfully hard and
deep red. I can’t sleep in this state. I’m going to have to masturbate in order to find relief. It won’t be as good as her pussy. Nothing could be as good as Riley’s pussy. I touch my claw along my thick length, imagining sliding into her wet heat. Am I so different from the males of her species? Will she be able to take me, or will I cause her pain?

  I finally admit to myself that my feelings, my urges are more than simple pleasure mating instincts. Riley isn’t a human I want as a short-term pleasure mate. This is a female who I want as my bound. “Mine,” I growl.

  I want to push apart those thighs and explore the differences between our species. I continue to touch myself, stroking my cock. Will she be the same as a Hyrrokin female? Will she have hair there too, as she does on her head? I want her virgin pussy on my dick.

  Seed leaks out of the slit at the crown of my red shaft, making my cock slick. I wrap my fingers tight and I lean forward and start in on it with fast, mean strokes. I’m panting, my chest heaving. I keep up the steady pace, my hand moving faster. My balls are filling with seed and growing tight. All I can imagine is my female, her hands on me. Touching her sweet body. Sucking on her nipples. Sinking my cock in her hot wet…

  “Riley.” I throw my head back and groan out her name as my cum jets all over my claws. It keeps going on and on, the pleasure almost makes me pass out. I wish I was planting my seed in my female, covering her with my scent.

  I have it bad.

  Afterwards I go to the restroom and clean up. I turn and see that I left the door open a crack. I frown at this oversight. Good thing everyone was asleep. I close the bedroom door, turn out the lights, fall onto the bed and finally, finally I’m able to get some sleep.



  Last night I watched Aegir masturbate through an open crack in his bedroom door.

  He said my name as he came.

  I still can’t believe it happened.

  I’m obsessed with this Hyrrokin with the silver-tipped claws and couldn’t sleep to save my life, so of course I heard his heavy footsteps as he paced the hall. I opened my door and padded over to his room to investigate. What had I planned on saying if I ran into him? Who knows? I was wearing a flimsy tank top and pajama shorts that barely covered my ass, so I definitely wasn’t up to any good. But I didn’t expect…that.


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