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Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set

Page 16

by Dez Burke

  She’d had a cousin who’d fought in Afghanistan who’d not only lost his two legs, but had most of his face torn up by shrapnel. Angela wasn’t the type to be fixated on the outer shell and also felt drawn to what one stood for or offered as a person, not just a face or body.

  She was far from squeamish and though Shane Davis’s scars were appalling it would take more than that to throw her for a loop. No, she was far more disturbed by her reaction to him and the way she felt physically rattled by his searing masculinity that even his scars could not hide.

  No doubt about it; take away that scarred side of his face and this man would be one hell of a distraction to her peace of mind if they were to spend any amount of time around each other.

  Shaking that revealing thought off, she shouldered her purse with a ragged breath. “I’ll still need time to...think about things,” she said through a scratchy throat. She saw his frown and blurted, “I’m sorry but I simply can’t be expected to make a decision immediately. I hope you understand.”

  He nodded curtly, obviously not pleased. But there was nothing he could do about it, was there? She heard him say coolly, “And I hope you understand that this is to remain confidential.”

  “You can count on me,” Angela said with a sincere note. Who would she go telling anyway? Who would care to find out she’d been offered to act as some wealthy recluse’s girlfriend for a few weeks?

  “That’s good to know. You’ll have twenty-four hours to make up your mind,” he said and swiveled to return to his desk.

  Gaping at the broad outline of his back, Angela spluttered. “What?”

  “That’s all the time I can spare, Ms. Neil,” he said, pausing at his desk and turning to give her one expressionless glance. “Speed is of the essence. I’m prepared to consider other alternatives if you choose to dawdle.”

  Angela’s cheeks went hot at his words, wishing she could tell him to jump off a cliff with his attitude.

  But she couldn’t do that...yet. Not until she weighed her options carefully. This would have been some quick, easy money that would keep her from worrying about finances for the next year if she chose. Was that enough to even be considering a fictitious connection with a man like him with no morals who still might expect her to sleep with him as part of a contract?

  Maybe if she knew what kind of man he really was, she could come to the right decision. And heaven knew she couldn’t wait to find out everything she could about Shane Davis.

  Chapter Three

  “Linda! Can you come in here a minute!”

  The assistant hurried into the room. “So, what did you think about her?” she asked, trying to hide a smile. “She’s very pretty.”

  “You knew?” Shane said, more as a statement than a question.

  “Knew what?” she replied, unable to contain her grin now.

  “That she’s the opposite of what I requested. She’s completely different from anyone I’ve ever dated in the past. So you want to tell me how that happened?”

  Linda let out a long sigh and placed the file folder she was holding on the table. “Yes, I knew. Maybe it’s time for a change, Shane. Here’s her file. Seems like a nice girl. Smart, hard-working, takes care of her dad who is in an assisted living facility. I ran a thorough background check on her. She’s behind on a few bills, but that’s the only mark against her. I wouldn’t have brought her in for the interview if I didn’t think she could do the job.”

  Shane reached over and picked up the thick folder.

  “Oh and you can thank me later,” Linda said over her shoulder as she turned and walked out the door.

  Shane flipped through the folder detailing everything a private detective could dig up about Angela Neil. Linda was right. Angela would be perfect for the job.

  He didn’t know what the hell had come over him.

  The part about Angela sharing his bed had never been in the plan. It was supposed to have been a cold-hearted agreement. Strictly business. But then he’d never bargained for wanting her like hell the moment she walked through the door.

  She hadn’t been wearing anything provocative and there’d been nothing to suggest she would be interested in such a proposal.


  So many months of avoiding any kind of female company was finally taking its toll. In fact no woman had switched him on so easily in a long while and it had momentarily freaked him out. He’d hoped the woman he hired for the job could be trusted to stick to the protocol.

  But now sticking to any ‘protocol’ became the farthest thing from his mind.

  Angela Neil embodied a woman in her sexual prime whose gaze, her smile could send heat signals zapping through the veins of any red-blooded adult male. In that somewhat modest dress, her curves had been hinted at with delicious detail.

  Exquisitely feminine, she was well-spoken and had a stimulating personality that made you want to get closer, find out what made her tick. Shane couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to lie with her, peel off each layer of that outfit and find out if that beautiful tanned skin tone was even all over.

  Shane groaned and turned sharply away from the window. It was an hour since she’d left and yet, he could swear a hint of her sexy perfume still remained. He felt like slamming his fist into a wall for how stupidly he’d handled things, blurting out like that about her sharing his bed as part of the contract. He normally had more strategy.

  And normally, before the car wreck that burned off half his face, he could get any woman he wanted.

  Shane could blame his extraordinary reaction to Angela on a lot of things. His long-term celibacy, for one. He’d meant it when he’d told her he’d been away from both female and social company for much too long.

  Ever since he’d returned from hospital after more than a year of treatment for his burns, Shane had found out soon enough that his new appearance would make him less than appealing to the fairer sex – or anyone for that matter.

  Apart from his closest friends who’d known him since childhood or his racing days, everyone else seemed repelled by what he’d become – something of a monster, whose once good looks had become ravaged and scarred.

  At first it had hurt like hell; seeing the rejection and disgust in a woman’s face where there had once been lust and admiration. He’d been so used to women falling easily into his lap – not just because of his money or looks, but for what he knew was his undeniable charm. Now not even those could win him the affection of a woman he wanted.

  And then one day he’d decided, to hell with all of them.

  He didn’t need romance, or to feel the warmth of a woman’s love. But he did have needs like every other man...

  Shane remembered that one time. The high-priced escort. Very practiced, very beautiful. She hadn’t even flinched when she’d seen his face. She’d undressed slowly, beguilingly. Her pale, slender flesh had been perfectly symmetrical, textbook sexy. Pert boobs, smooth-shaven sex and endless legs which she straddled on either side of his laps as he’d sat in his chair, immovable.

  “We could have our very own Beauty and the Beast role-play,” she’d purred, flicking her long auburn tresses over her shoulder as her hands rested on his broad chest, scars tracking down the side of his right pectoral. “I’ve always wanted to be ravished by a man who looks like he could rip my clothes off with his teeth.”

  She had done everything right.

  Her kisses had been wet and tempting. But it didn’t work out in the end. Shane had been indifferent, disappointed with himself. He’d told her quietly to dress and leave.

  “What’s the matter? Did I do anything wrong?”

  “It’s not you. It’s me. I’m sorry to waste your time. You’ll get paid in full and a little extra for the unsatisfying ending on my part,” he’d said, turning sharply away from her and shrugging back into his shirt.

  “Oh, I’m not dissatisfied,” she’d said with a teasing smile. “There’s something about you that’s more than a scarred face. You’ve got a fa
scination...a certain magnetism that will make a woman want to look beyond the surface. I hope one day you’ll find the right one who will.”

  Her words hadn’t held pity, only factuality.

  It had stirred Shane’s imagination as he wondered if it were possible. In this world where appearance was everything and people judged by one’s looks and physical attractiveness; what woman would want to end up with someone that looked like him?

  Shane decided he didn’t want to find out. It would break him if he tried and failed, or was rejected.

  Shane never tried to pay for sex again.

  So why had he acted like such a jackass with Angela? He knew he’d messed up and she probably wanted nothing to do with him or his offer to act as his fake girlfriend for a few weeks.

  He also knew he’d have no sleep until he had her answer. One thing was certain, he wasn’t ready to see the last of Angela Neil just yet.

  ANGELA WAS ACTING DISTRACTED and even her sister knew it.

  They were going to see their father today. After his last stroke he’d required round-the-clock care that neither sister could provide at home. The assisted living facility was well equipped though far from the best they’d have picked for their aging father but since the sisters weren’t exactly swimming in money, they had to make do.

  “He’ll be fine,” Sasha said, squeezing on Angela’s hand as they sat in their father’s room an hour later. He was asleep when they arrived and instead of waking him up, they chose to sit around, and whisper quietly.

  “I know,” Angela said on a sigh. “Though I’m not really happy with the way they’re treating him in this place. I know they do the best they can, but...”

  “We’re trying our best. Dad knows that,” said her supportive sister. “That’s why he never complains.”

  “He wouldn’t,” Angela agreed, staring at the man whose illness had made him far leaner than he used to be, adding years to his once sturdy good looks. In sleep he looked rested but Angela knew how much he suffered due to problems with his heart and other debilitating complications.

  But Cassidy Neil was made of stern stuff and though he was mostly in and out of consciousness and woozy or in pain half the time, he never gave them cause to worry. But they did all the same.

  “Are you okay, sis?” Sasha asked. “You seem a little off today.”

  “I was so sure my career would have taken off by now,” Angela said distantly, her eyes cloudy. “But so far, only one bit part in a feature movie – and simply because I was getting hit on by the director who I ended up dating. Look where that got me. And then one lousy commercial...” She shook her head with a wry smile. “Hardly Hollywood’s finest, am I? I mean, I get offers but not for the kind of roles I want to be in. If I want to continue doing this, I need to move to Los Angeles. There’s no way I can leave Dad though. And now...”

  She shook her head, thinking of yesterday and her strange meeting with the even stranger Shane Davis. She’d spent all of last night reading up on him.

  The internet had everything she needed to know for background information. Shane Davis had been stock car racing’s hottest new star having won the series Championship two years before.

  There were countless photos of Shane in the Winner’s Circle holding up trophy after trophy always with a different big-breasted blonde or two hanging onto his arm. Then sixteen months ago at the Daytona race, Shane and another driver were facing nose-to-nose toward the finish line in the last lap when the other driver’s car bounced off the wall and collided with his.

  Angela had felt physically ill as she watched the online video of the two cars flipping over and over until they both exploded in a horrendous crash and finally slid to a halt. Firetrucks and ambulances immediately rushed to the scene.

  By the time they could extinguish the flames however, the other driver was already dead and Shane was severely injured with third degree burns covering the right side of his face, upper torso, arm and hand.

  He’d spent almost a year undergoing numerous surgeries and extensive rehabilitation at a special burn center in Nashville. Eventually he was released and apparently hadn’t returned to racing since then. She couldn’t find a single news item about him after leaving the hospital. It was if both society and the racing scene had written him off for dead too.

  Angela couldn’t help feeling sorry for the man. No wonder he was so messed up, locking himself away and keeping in shadows. Offering money for sex and companionship. He’d said the ‘job’ she was to do was a set-up to convince his family he was recovering both physically and emotionally.

  She wondered if he really was recovering or if this was a desperate attempt to hold them at bay? No wonder they were worried about him. From what she could tell, they had good reason.

  Angela had stared at his online photos for a long time-Shane Davis in a driver’s suit, popping bottles of celebratory champagne or leaning against a racecar in jeans and a white t-shirt.

  A few photos of him shirtless, peering under the engine of a car, always with some sexy model or groupie hanging around in the background; whoever happened to be flavor of the month for him at that time. But those pictures were all from two years ago, before the accident.

  Since he’d recuperated enough to return home Shane Davis hadn’t shown himself in public; not to the point of getting his photo taken anyway. So Angela was able to see him as he once was: one of Nashville’s top playboys, lover of fast cars and even faster women from the look of things. Now, he stayed hidden behind the dark walls of his mansion.

  Angela had finally switched off the computer in the early hours of the morning. No one deserved to end up looking like that; especially when he’d been such a fantastically fine piece of work.

  She’d never seen such thick, black hair with sinfully thick waves; or eyes so light grey they seemed transparent. And his lips; curved with wicked sensuality, they stayed etched in her mind as she went to sleep beneath her covers.

  What the devil was happening to her? She needed to stay the hell away from that man. No matter the kind of money he’d offered, it was too much of a risk getting involved. Look how he’d gotten under her skin after only one meeting.

  Even his scars didn’t seem the turn-off they should have been but only lent him more of a mystical air. She didn’t need this drama. She’d sworn to stay low key and focus on her career.

  And fake-dating a man like Shane Davis might open them both up to unsavory publicity especially once one considered how ill-matched they were. How could he even imagine this was something they could pull off? That she could pull off?

  “Don’t sweat it, sis,” Sasha was saying, cutting into Angela’s troubled thoughts. Angela hadn’t chosen to confide in her younger sister about the offer she’d received. Only mentioned that there was a job prospect she was wary of taking despite the lofty monetary rewards. Sasha had assured Angela that she was sure Angela would make the right decision in the end.

  Angela really needed someone to talk to but resisted the urge to now burden Sasha with the details. Sasha was just out of college and working odd jobs until she could get something relevant to her chosen field. Solid employment in the work force was as difficult as getting the right acting roles it seemed. She hated the thought of a college trained young lady having to wait tables at clubs just to get by.

  Angela didn’t like it that her twenty-three year old sister was getting exposed to the club life with all her intelligence. Every other night Sasha had to fight off the unwanted attentions of a drunk patron or her boss who owned the club. Sasha hated it just as much as Angela did but what choice did any of them have? Their mother was long gone and they’d been the type of family that scraped by on their father’s modest security job from which he’d been laid off from years ago.

  Life hadn’t really been fair to either of them but Angela had always had big dreams, high hopes and encouraged her sister to do the same. Even now Sasha was doing her best to cheer Angela up, reminding her that her agent had promised t
o fix her up with some promising auditions before the end of the month.

  Angela really hoped it would be soon. She didn’t complain often but they both knew the care their father was receiving was sub-standard at best. They didn’t feel comfortable going even one day without swinging by to check on him. She knew there were better facilities available that would be willing to take him in on a moment’s notice if only she had the money.

  She looked at her frail father while he slept. He seemed to grow weaker every day. If only she could pluck the courage to give in to Shane Davis’s offer...

  There was a knock on the door and one of the nurses appeared loaded down with bunches of beautiful, exotic flowers. Both Sasha and Angela shared surprised looks.

  “Who ordered flowers?” Angela asked and Sasha merely shrugged.

  “These were delivered for Mr. Neil,” said the burly nurse with a smile as she arranged them as best as she could on the nearby table. “They’re really lovely; never seen bouquets so fresh and beautiful. A note came with them.”

  Angela was speechless as she looked down at the card the nurse handed to her. Somehow she guessed who’d sent the flowers. The words were hand-written, bold and black and covering almost every inch of the card.

  He’d known she’d be there; he’d addressed the card to her though the flowers were for her father. This was her regular visiting day and hours whenever she was in town and it shook her up somewhat that Shane Davis knew so much about her.

  The note simply said “Angela, I hope your father will like the flowers. Shane.”

  Angela didn’t know what to think. It really was nice of him to send the bouquets though it also bordered on stalking. This notion felt even firmer when her cellphone suddenly rang and she picked it up slowly to hear his voice on the other end.

  Sasha stared at the flowers and Angela’s face. Her sister looked like she was gearing up to ask some questions. Angela held up a hand to settle Sasha while she rose and made it out the door to take the call.


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