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One Night Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 3)

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by Victoria Snow

  A sour taste crept into my mouth and I swallowed. That’s right, I told myself, taking a sip of my tea in a desperate attempt to calm my beating heart. You’ve only been here a few weeks, and you’re already breaking all the rules and attracting the wrong kind of attention.

  Why, oh why, did my new boss have to be the same guy who took my virginity?

  And why couldn’t I stay away from him?


  Andy – Saturday, several weeks earlier

  As I sat in a church pew in Ames, Iowa, I craned my neck and looked around for anyone I knew. A pang of guilt hit me right in the chest: it had been so long since I’d been back to my hometown that I didn’t recognize anyone except for immediate family. The organ played softly at the front of the church and I kept looking around, wondering if I was going to see any old friends.

  I knew it sounded stupid: I was only twenty-six years old, but sometimes I felt like an old man. I’d thrown my entire life into work, first college, then my MBA program, and now my job.

  I was starting to wonder if maybe, that hadn’t been the best decision.

  The bells of the church chimed and I straightened up in my seat as the processional music began. My younger cousin, Darla, had invited me to her wedding and I’d made sure to get the time off work.

  To be honest, it was the only time in years that I’d taken a vacation. I’d even thought about missing it and just sending a gift, but I’d known that Darla and her fiancé, Greg, would have been so disappointed that I would have felt like the biggest asshole in the world.

  Not everything is about work, I told myself as I looked around the church one more time. You have to make time for other people, idiot.

  My decision had been validated when, the night before at the rehearsal dinner, I’d caught a few moments alone with Darla and Greg.

  “Andy, I’m so glad you could make it,” Darla had cried before throwing herself into my arms and kissing my cheek. “I totally didn’t think I’d see you here – Mom’s always talking about how hard you work.”

  A pang of guilt had flashed through me, but I’d pushed it aside and smiled at her.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” I told her.

  Darla had eyed me and smiled. “I want you to meet Greg,” she’d told me, reaching for her fiance’s arm and bringing him over to join us.

  “Nice to meet you,” Greg said. We’d shaken hands and sized each other up – even though Greg and Darla had been high-school sweethearts, I hadn’t seen my cousin in so long that it was hard to believe she was about to get married. Now, the day of the wedding, I was truly glad that I’d come.

  Even if business was weighing on my mind, at least I could take a couple of days in Iowa and relax. I’d recently been promoted to the department head at my corporate job, and to be honest, I’d been struggling a little. Not with the job itself or the responsibility, which I enjoyed.

  But it was my new direct supervisor, Amanda, who had a way of always making me uncomfortable. Everyone else in the company seemed to really like and respect her. She’d been incredibly friendly to me from the very beginning ... almost too friendly, and now I had spent days wondering if there was something I could do to get her to back off. Office politics had always been so complicated: sometimes, I didn’t think that I was cut out to do anything with so many soft skills, and with the current political climate, I worried about doing or saying anything that could make its way back to HR.

  Amanda, though, hadn’t taken the hint. She’d brought me little gifts almost every day and kept an on me, almost like I was her student and she was my teacher. She couldn’t have been much older than me, but she acted like a weird combination of a babysitter and a maternal figure.

  Well, a maternal figure who made no secret of checking out my package whenever she and I were alone together.

  God, just thinking about it now was enough to put me in a bad mood. As the organist sat down at the organ and began to play, I shoved all thoughts of work out of my head. This is just what I need, I told myself. A few days away from the office and my responsibilities and Amanda ... maybe when I get back, I’ll figure out that she was just exaggerating, or something.

  I’d spent so much time dwelling on work that I’d completely missed the procession: now, everyone was gathered around the altar, with the minister about to put Darla’s hands in Greg’s. I glanced over the wedding party, the cute little flower girl and ring bearer, the bridesmaids, and Darla’s mother, my aunt.

  When my eyes landed on the maid of honor, my mouth went dry and I froze. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen: spectacularly round and curvy, with a silk dress that clung to her body in all the right (or wrong) ways. Just looking at her made me start to sweat, and I wiped my palms on my thighs. Her red hair was curled loosely, flowing over her shoulders, and even from where I sat, I could see a saucy sparkle in her blue eyes. Her pale skin made her look like an angel, but her curves made her look like she could drag me all the way to hell with a single glance.

  I’d never had this kind of reaction to a woman before – working as hard as I did left little room for anything else. And if I was being completely honest with myself, I’d never really thought too much about all of the fun I was missing out on by working.

  But god, the things I’d do just for a night alone with this temptress. She looked out over the seated audience, still smiling sweetly and holding Darla’s bouquet in addition to her own. Even though I could tell that she was trying for demure, she still looked like sex on heels. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined being alone with her, kissing that ripe mouth that looked like a little smudge of strawberry jam. I imagined the way she’d moan into my mouth, the way her magnificent tits would push against my body.

  My cock went hard and my eyes flew open. You’re in a church, for god’s sake, I told myself sternly. Watching your little cousin get married, what the fuck is wrong with you?!

  It was nearly impossible, but I tore my eyes away from the auburn beauty and forced myself to focus on the ceremony. Sweet Darla was crying softly as she said her vows and Greg reached in with a handkerchief to wipe her tears. It was so pure, so touching that for a moment I forgot all about the sultry redhead and the animalistic desires that had ripped through my brain just a second ago.

  Then, Darla and Greg kissed for the first time as husband and wife. They walked down the aisle, hand in hand, smiling joyfully. I stayed glued to the pew as the other members of the bridal party followed, all giggling and laughing.

  Except for the maid of honor.

  She wasn’t giggling, she was smiling coyly like she knew a delicious secret about everyone in the room. As she walked down the aisle, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the jiggle of her hips and chest in that ludicrous silk dress that made her look practically naked. God, something like that: so thin, so soft ... there was no way she could be wearing panties underneath. Just as she passed by the row where I was seated, I closed my eyes and pictured her perfect little pussy: petal-soft and soaking wet, with a small thatch of auburn hair demurely covering the lips. My cock throbbed and I opened my eyes.

  Just in time to see her pass by my pew.

  And wink.

  After the ceremony, Darla and Greg had arranged for a shuttle bus to take all of the wedding guests to the reception, which was in the event room of the nicest hotel in Ames, the Jackson Hotel. I still hadn’t found anyone that I knew – or even recognized – and while I wanted nothing more than to speak to that redhead, as a member of the bridal party I figured it would be at least an hour before they were all done with photos. I milled around and walked over to the bar, where I ordered a scotch and soda and sat down sipping it. Little kids ran and played – there was even a couple in the corner pretending to be getting married – and I sat down at a table in the back and wondered why I hadn’t made the effort to come home more often.

  Growing up, Darla and I had been close. Her mother, Suzy, had practically raised me as I’d spent so much time ov
er at their house. In fact, Darla and I had been a lot more like siblings than cousins. I’d always wanted the best for her, and even though she was just one year younger than me, I felt a touch of paternal pride at the thought of her getting married and being happy and starting her life with a man who would treat her right.


  At the sound of my name, I turned around and grinned.

  “Hi, Aunt Suzy,” I said, getting to my feet and kissing my aunt on the cheek. She was a head shorter than I, and looked remarkably like her daughter with a sweet, serious gaze in her eyes. She blinked away a tear.

  “You look so handsome, sweetheart,” Suzy said. “I’m so glad you could make it back for the wedding. I thought that, well, with all the work you do ...” She trailed off and raised an eyebrow at me.

  If I had been younger, I probably would have blushed.

  “I’m busy,” I said nonchalantly. “But it’s not like Cleveland is far. If anything, I’m a little embarrassed that I haven’t made it back before now.”

  Aunt Suzy nodded. “Well, I can tell you – Darla’s just thrilled to bits that you’re here,” she said. I took a sip of my drink as Aunt Suzy threaded her arm through mine. We walked through the ballroom together, and I felt my attention drift away from my aunt and back towards the redhead. Surely, the photos couldn’t take that much longer, could they? I felt like I’d already been waiting an eternity.

  “And all of the flowers, we did those to save money,” Aunt Suzy said. “You know, Darla had her heart set on getting married at the chapel at Iowa State, but those things have long wait lists!”

  “Sure,” I said, nodding.

  “And then she said, Mom, maybe we should get married up in Cedar Rapids? But it’s not like we have much family around there, and I wanted to make sure everyone could come, and oh, Andy, are you all right?”

  The sound of my name brought me crashing back to reality and I nodded quickly.

  “Sure,” I said. “I’m sorry – I’m just tired.”

  Aunt Suzy gave me an indulgent smile. She took her arm from mine and patted my hand. “You do work so hard,” she said proudly. “You know, you’re the first one in this family with an MBA? I couldn’t be prouder of you if you were my own son,” she declared.

  I smiled awkwardly. As hard as I’d worked to get where I was, I still found talking about myself – and my accomplishments – really uncomfortable, almost like it bordered on the edge of boasting.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Now, how are you doing? Tell me about you.”

  Aunt Suzy ignored me. “Now, if only we could get you settled down like my Darla,” she continued on. “That way, I just know you’d be home for the holidays every year.”

  Just then, there was a loud burst of music from the DJ and I looked up to see Darla and Greg waltzing into the ballroom, holding hands with their arms over their heads and grinning. They broke out into a little dance routine, and the rest of the bridal party followed close behind.

  Aunt Suzy clapped and cheered. “She’s so beautiful,” she gushed to me. “Just think, this the happiest day of her life!”

  I loved my aunt, but as soon as I saw the redhead in the provocative silk dress, my attention was immediately drawn to her. I wanted to talk to her, but what the fuck was I going to say? Oh, hi, you’re insanely gorgeous and I want to fuck the daylights out of you?


  That wasn’t very gentlemanly.

  Especially not at my little cousin’s wedding.

  Aunt Suzy rambled, nabbing my Uncle Steve and roping him into the conversation. Uncle Steve was a man of few words, and between him and myself, Aunt Suzy was steering the conversation like it was a doomed ship.

  “Excuse me,” I finally told her, when she was taking a sip of her champagne. “I’ll be right back.”

  I walked across the room to the bar where I refilled my drink. Greg was off talking to the groomsmen, and I watched as Darla and the stunning curvaceous redhead laughed and talked, smiling and joking with each other. Just watching her filled me with an insane warmth, and I felt my balls ache with passionate lust as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other.

  Clearly, she was a good person – Darla had always been an excellent judge of character, and it was obvious from just watching them that the two of them were close. While it was true that I’d never seen my little cousin look so beautiful – or so happy – it almost seemed unfair that her best friend was so gorgeous. I’d always heard that a bride should outshine everyone else in the room on the day of her wedding ... and with that stunning minx beside her, Darla practically blended into the floral arrangements.

  Just as I was about to go over and introduce myself, there was a clink of a spoon against a glass and the room gradually fell silent. The wedding planner came over the PA system with a bright, cheery voice and asked all of the guests to please find their seats as dinner was about to be served.

  Damnit, I thought as I checked where I was sitting – table six, with some of my other cousins, Aunt Suzy, and her husband, my uncle Patrick.

  “Andy,” Patrick boomed, clapping me on the shoulder. “Good to see you! How’s that PhD program going?”

  “Patrick,” Aunt Suzy said, making eye contact with me from behind his back and rolling her eyes. “Andy has an MBA. You know that.”

  “Course I do!” Patrick said, and I caught the scent of whiskey on his breath. “I’m just breaking his balls!” He clapped my shoulder again. “Kid’s always been too serious for his own good,” he added, raising an eyebrow at me. “You should be out there, tomcatting around,” he said. “You’re only young the once, you know.”

  “Patrick,” my aunt said, sounding slightly less amused. “We’re at your daughter’s wedding, for god’s sake!”

  I was relieved when the room fell silent again and the best man began to give his toast – telling the story of the night when Greg had come to him with the news that he’d bought a ring and decided to propose to Darla. It was a nice speech, not too vulgar or embarrassing to Darla.

  As he handed off the microphone to the gorgeous redhead for her maid of honor speech, I held my breath. Every single man in the room was staring at her, clearly lusting after her curves the same way that I was, and I felt an irrational sting of jealousy. I didn’t even know this woman – why the fuck was I getting so worked up over her?

  Then, she sauntered into the middle of the room and I knew why. She clearly wasn’t just comfortable with her lush body: she owned it. She knew the power that she held over men and she enjoyed it, it was clear from the look in her sapphire-blue eyes.

  God, what I wouldn’t have given just to have those eyes on me all night long.

  The redhead twirled the microphone in her hand and gazed out at the seated crowd with a smile on her face. On anyone else, it would have looked angelic. But on her, it looked almost lascivious, like she was silently flirting with all of us and she knew it. She stepped forward, jutting her hip out to the side and the folds of silk shimmered and twirled at her ankles.

  “As some of you may know, Darla and I go way back,” she said, tossing her fiery curls. There was a smattering of laughter in the ballroom, and I saw the redhead’s eyes sparkle.

  I felt like I was losing control of my body as I watched her speak, watched her sway from side to side as she held the room in the palm of her hand. It was insane – I had no idea where straight and serious Andy Greene had gone ... but I had to admit, I didn’t miss him all that much.

  Not with this curvaceous goddess to tempt me, anyway.

  “We were Girl Scouts – well Brownies, really – together,” the woman continued. “Darla, I’m still really sorry about that whole Kool-Aid incident back when we were kids, but at least I’m more coordinated now than I used to be.” She paused, eyeing the room and holding up a flute of champagne. “Or maybe that’s why you didn’t go with red wine for the wedding.”

  The room burst into laughter and the woman’s blue eyes sparkled. She continued talki
ng, giving a speech that was both sweet and humorous and filled with character. It was clear from the stories she told that she and my cousin had known each other and been best friends for years, and I could see it. Like me, Darla had always been serious and quiet – this girl must have been the one who pulled her out of her shell. The redhead had a way of talking that made me feel like I knew her deeply, even though we’d never spoken.

  But I was going to fix that.

  After her speech, dinner was served. I could barely focus on the filet of beef in front of me as I shifted my weight in my chair and waited for the dancing to begin. My cousins chattered and drank, laughed and talked, and as much as I tried to participate in the conversation, I couldn’t manage to stay focused. All I could think about was getting the chance to talk to that redheaded goddess ... preferably before any other man in the room got the same chance.

  It felt like an eternity before Darla and Greg had their first dance, then opened up the floor to everyone. I practically leapt up from the table and made my way through the crowd, where the redheaded maid of honor was laughing and throwing her head back.

  “Excuse me,” I said, holding my hand out. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

  Her blue eyes turned to me, sparkling and filled with charm. “Sure,” she said. It was just one little word, but coming from her pouty lips it sounded like the most beautiful poetry I’d ever heard. She touched my hand and I felt a sharp bolt of lust shoot through my body.

  And based on the startled expression she was wearing, she’d just experienced the exact same thing.


  Sasha – Saturday

  It was so crazy – I’d just met this guy, and yet I couldn’t deny that there was an instantaneous connection between us. It didn’t hurt that he was gorgeous – dark blonde hair swept back over his forehead, sparkling hazel eyes, a toned, muscular body, and a crooked smile that made my heart thud in my chest.


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