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Have a Heart 1

Page 8

by Rachel Burns

  As they approached the little campus church, Brianna stepped forward. “Good morning, Pastor Summers.” She shook his hand. “I brought a couple of friends with this week.”

  Scott watched all the girls shake the Pastor’s hand and say good morning.

  Jennifer saw what was happening. “I’m outta here.” She turned and went towards the school pond.

  Scott saw her sit down on a bench. She looked like she was waiting for them.

  He went in last, after his herd. His floor seemed to fill the church. He sat in the last row so he could watch over them. They seemed to be sitting around Brianna, like they were protecting her.

  The Dean sat down next to him. “Good morning, Scott.”

  Scott sat up a little straighter. “Good morning, sir.”

  “I see Brianna isn’t alone this week. I think that it is great that she is making friends.”

  The service started. Scott had never heard the Dean worry about the girls having friends.

  Did he have a soft spot for her because they had met at church last week?

  He knew that the Dean went every week. He also knew that the Dean usually was alone every week. Scott went to church every week back home, but here he had to watch the girls.

  Everyone stood. They sang the opening song. One of the girls could sing especially well. He went through the service, asking himself what they were up to.

  After church, all the other girls went to Jennifer who was still sitting on the bench. They all went for a walk together. Brianna came over to him. He was still talking to the Dean.

  “Good morning, Brianna.” The Dean had a twinkle in his eye.

  Scott wanted to roll his eyes.

  “Good morning, sir.” Brianna gave him a nice smile.

  “I trust your father made it home safely.”

  The blood drained out of her face. She had forgotten that her father had wanted to visit him too. “I’m really sorry for whatever my father may have said or– done? He tends to overreact a bit.”

  “Yes, I know. Have you two worked out how you plan to continue with the punishment?”

  “She is going to finish up right now.”

  “Good then everything is settled. Have a nice day.” The Dean whistled as he went away.

  Scott walked with Brianna back to the dorms. She was quiet now. “Did he tell you want my father said?”

  “Nope, but you didn’t get kicked out of school. That’s always a good sign.”

  She was nervous. He liked that. They arrived at the garden. Brianna started picking up the plants and placing them where she wanted them to go.

  “Aren’t you going to go change?” he asked her.

  “My things are in the wash.”

  “What does that mean?” By the way she said that, he figured that something good was going to come now.

  “My father took my wash with him when he left.”

  “You only have one pair of jeans?” Her parents really were strict.

  “No, he just took everything with that could be used for garden work.”

  Scott laughed then. That man thought of everything. “Umm Brianna, there is a plan where the plants go. Look here.”

  “Yes, I saw it, but it isn’t quite right.”

  “Brianna.” His patience was wearing thin. “A real gardener planned this little patch. I figure that they know better what they are doing than you do.”

  Brianna straightened up. She pulled a couple of the tags of the plants. “Whoever planned this patch didn’t realize that it couldn’t be seen from the back. They didn’t know that it was directly besides the building. These plants can’t be seen in the back. Higher plants are in front of them.” He looked at the plans and saw she was right.

  “Good, fix it then.”

  She finished placing all the plants. She picked up the shovel and started digging. The other girls showed up and a few of them had already gotten shovels. They had all changed. They all stood there, watching Brianna planting the tree in the middle of the patch. The girls were looking at their watches.

  “Two more minutes,” one of them called out.

  Brianna was very carefully planting the tree in her church clothes. She watered it before she threw dirt on top. He knew that was the right way to do it from his grandfather. They had planted a tree together when each of his younger sisters were born.

  “Time.” The girls all moved forward. Stephanie grabbed the shovel out of Brianna’s hand.

  “The plants are right where they need to be planted. What you do is remove the plant from the pot. If it won’t come out, dunk it in the pail of water. Turn it upside down and squeeze.” Brianna demonstrated.

  The others listened to her. They were finished quickly. Brianna evened out the dirt. The girls looked at their work. They were all pleased. Scott was surprised to see that Jennifer and Brianna got along so well, the church-goer and the cult girl.

  Was Brianna hypnotizing them?

  “We have to water everything again this evening.”

  Scott was waiting for the girls to call Brianna bossy, but they didn’t. How was she doing that?

  The girls all went to lunch together. He watched the other floors. They weren’t as close as the girls on his floor.

  Chapter 7 – Messing Up

  Things settled down after that. All the girls were working hard. His year was turning out better than Scott had hoped. His job was getting easier.

  He hadn’t had to spank anyone in six weeks. The record had been around three. The girls had, for the most part, stopped going to church. Except Brianna she went without fail.

  Today was Friday. He went to pick up the grade reports from the teachers. He saw Brianna going over to the music rooms like she did each and every day. You could set a watch by her, he thought to himself.

  He looked at his watch. Today she was late. The lady there had said something about her coming later on Tuesdays and Fridays. What did she do during that time? He remembered that she had left lunch at the same time as the other girls did.

  He could ask her this evening when he gave her the weekly evaluation.

  Scott looked through his reports. They were a quick read. All the girls were doing great. The Dean had even singled him out to praise him. He shuffled his reports together and started his rounds. He left his hairbrush in the drawer again this week.

  First, he visited all the second years, and then he moved on to the first years. It was Brianna’s turn. He knocked on her door. No answer, perhaps she was in the bathroom. He went on to the next girl.

  When he was finished with Maureen, he tried Brianna’s door again. Still, he received no answer.

  He jumped to the next girl again, and then he only had Brianna left. Scott knocked on her door again, but there was still no answer.

  He asked Paris who was out in the hall to check in the bathroom if she was in there.

  Paris came back out and shook her head no. Paris admitted that Brianna hadn’t been at supper either.

  Scott nodded and took off. He went to the last place he had seen her. Sure enough the lights were on in the building. He went into the building and found the pianos.

  He could see Brianna sitting at one. She was writing and playing and then she wrote something again. She lined up her music and started again. He opened the door as quietly as he could. He wanted to scare her. She was singing and playing. She was really good.

  Scott just stood in the door, listening to her. Her fingers flew over the keys. The lady had told him that she was a gifted pianist. Scott could see that for himself.

  He would have liked to listen to her some more, but his job was quite clear. He cleared his throat, and she jumped. She turned and looked at him and then at the clock above the piano.

  He looked at the clock too. It was seven thirty. She was more than just a little late. It was clear what this meant.

  Brianna swallowed hard and nodded. She packed up her stuff and stood to go with him silently.

  He kept his eyes on her. Did he th
ink that she would run, she thought?

  Scott watched her biting her lips as they walked. Would this go easy or hard? He hoped that it just got over with fast and without involving the Dean, or whatever else was running through her head.

  She had to go to the bathroom. Was she allowed to ask if she could? She wasn’t sure, but an accident would be extremely embarrassing.

  She wished she could just call her father to do it. Brianna knew that she would move her hand back. That would mean a spanking the next day, where she would do it again, then another spanking. This would end up as a vicious circle with her getting a lot of spankings.

  He opened the door to the dorm for her. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He nodded at her. She was probably close to tears. Well, he wouldn’t be as rough on her as her father had been. That is if she didn’t play games.

  He opened the door to their floor. She thanked him again. Her shoulders were slumped as she unlocked her door.

  “I’ll be back in five minutes.” He went in the direction of his room. She got rid of her bag and hurried across the hall to go to the bathroom. At least, one of her worries was gone.

  She was sitting on her bed when the knock finally came ten minutes later. “Come in,” she called out.

  He came in and locked her door. She focused on the hairbrush in his hand. That would be new for her. Her father either used his hand or his belt. Scott had a whole list of things he could use. He was more creative than her father was, she supposed.

  Scott grabbed the chair from her desk and sat down.

  He thought about how he heard the other girls whispering that she was back. They all seemed relieved. He had even heard a ‘hopefully he doesn’t hurt her too bad.’ She seemed to be the little sister to the whole floor.

  He knew he felt that way about her too. She reminded him a lot of his youngest sister, Catherine. Cathy, as they called her, was shy and very polite too. She could sing, not as well as Brianna, but apparently, Brianna practiced every day.

  “First, I would like to talk to you about your grades for this week. You are doing very well in all of your classes. I was especially glad to see that you got an ‘A+’ on your Math test. There were none of your typical little mistakes this time. I would like you to keep up with that.” He looked her in her eyes.

  She dropped hers and nodded.

  “Do you have any questions?” he asked her. Now would be the time for her to say something hair brained. He waited for it. It didn’t come.

  “No, sir.” She was sitting with her hands folded on her lap. This man does this kind of thing professionally, she thought. This is no big deal to him, and it shouldn’t be to her either. She was giving herself a pep talk.

  “Okay, then we can move on to your punishment. Come to my right side.” He too was giving himself a pep talk. Scott told himself that Brianna was a lot like Cathy, but when Cathy had needed it, he had taken her over his knees too. He had done it for her own good. This was also for Brianna’s own good. The whole floor had worried about her.

  “May I say something quick?”

  No, don’t do it Brianna. Don’t do anything to make this any worse, he thought. “Go ahead,” he said.

  “I umm – I can never – I mean – I always –”

  “Either spit it out or come to my right side now,” he scolded her.

  “I always reach back, always.” There it was out now. She had made her confession.

  “Well, you better not tonight, or this will be repeated until you can do it.”

  “I realize that, but like I said, always. It’s been eighteen years, and I probably won’t ever be able to do it, and you look so disappointed when someone does and –”

  “I look so disappointed?” An eyebrow went up.

  “With Paris, in the lounge. Well, what I am trying to say is that my father always holds my hand to my back.”

  “That’s very nice of him, but we do things differently here.” He wondered if this was just a game to delay things.

  “It’s just that I’m right-handed. I’ll need my hand to do my homework.” She blushed at him.

  “Then I suggest you grab onto the chair and practice a little self control. Plus I have never hit a students’ hand before, and I don’t appreciate being accused of it before we have even started.”

  “No, sir, I wasn’t trying to accuse you of anything or make you mad. Certainly not. The trick with holding on to the chair, we tried that already too. It didn’t work. My father just gave up after a while. I guess I just don’t have any self-control in that direction.”

  He was trying hard not to laugh now. This was the oddest conversation he had ever had before a spanking. “Brianna, now.” He had to get her over his knees before she saw him laughing.

  She stood and went to his right side. She was wearing a long flowing skirt as she usually did. Scott decided to let her get away with one little thing. He was required to make her lower her panties and raise her skirt. He would only make her raise it in the back.

  “Lower your panties.” She did right away. She had promised that she wouldn’t fuss, and it wasn’t his fault that she hadn’t thought to look up at the clock directly over her head. Brianna glanced at the clock on her desk. It was a quarter to eight now. This was costing him a lot of time.

  He was pleased that this seemed to be moving along now. “Raise up your skirt in the back and lay over my knees.”

  She started shaking, but she did as she was told. His arm shot up to help her into position. She let go of the skirt, and her hands reached out in front of her.

  Brianna felt blood rushing to her chest and then moving on to her head and down her arms to her fingertips. She got that tingling sensations that heart patients know so well. Her fingertips felt warm and then the warmth turned into painful heat and after that came the thousand needle pricks. She figured that was one of the reasons why she just couldn’t keep her hand down. She already longed to move it back.

  “Good girl. We can begin now.” He held her tightly in place. She was a lot lighter than the other girls. Maybe she should eat more candy? He would watch her plate in the next couple of weeks to see how much she was eating. That was part of his job too, recognizing eating disorders. That would fit the bill in her case. She was a little too thin.

  “My father says my hand can move faster than lightning.” She decided to try for a last-ditch attempt.

  Scott swallowed hard and looked to the ceiling. He slowly breathed out. He had managed not to laugh outright. “I’ll watch for that then. I would like to remind you that you promised that you wouldn’t fuss. If you disturb this spanking one more time, I will use the strap on you too. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” She was so disappointed in herself already.

  She relaxed. Normally, the girls tensed up making it worse on themselves. She really did have a lot of experience in this department. Her upbringing had probably been stricter than his own father. Why was she here?

  Scott concentrated on what needed to be done. There was no backing out now. He brought the brush down on her backside and saw her elbow shoot up, but her hand stayed down. He continued on as he always would. Scott concentrated on the routine of it.

  He had given her twenty smacks when her hand was suddenly on her backside. He hardly could stop, but he managed it with great difficultly. She was right he hadn’t seen it coming.

  He sighed. “Remove your hand, Miss Banks.”

  “I’m sorry. I am trying.” She slowly moved her hand away. The painful tingling was worse than before. The blood rushing to her fingertips was excruciating. She sobbed as the feeling of the needle pricks came back.

  Scott continued thrashing her bottom. He was getting ticked that she was back to playing games with him.

  He got in twenty more before her hand appeared out of nowhere again. She didn’t cover her bottom. Her hand was on her lower back.

  “Miss Banks, this game that you are playing with me is getting on my nerves. Remove your han
d this instant.” His voice was so cold.

  “I’m so sorry that I am disappointing you, but I honestly can’t help it.” She removed her hand and gave it a good shake before she set it back on the floor.

  She was sobbing now. He could feel her body moving in little jerks. She had sounded so sincere when she apologized.

  He spanked her harder. He wanted to get this over with now. Scott brought the brush down, and he got her hand. She pulled it to her chest. She whimpered as if she was trying not to cry. “Brianna, give me your hand.”

  She brought it back up behind her back. Scott took it and held it to her lower back before he continued. First stopping when she lay limp over his knees. He was tired too. It had taken a lot to get her that far.

  “You can get up now. Straighten yourself up.” He helped her to standing. She obeyed him to the letter. She stayed by his side waiting to be dismissed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow evening.” He said as coldly as he could. He was testing her again.

  She nodded but didn’t meet his eye.

  He rose up from the chair. “Good evening, Brianna.”

  “I really am sorry, sir.” She still couldn’t meet his eye.

  He nodded and left. He went back to his room, closed his door and sat down on his bed, needing a moment to collect himself.

  Why had that been so difficult? Tomorrow he had to do it again.

  Brianna studied all day. She even decided to give herself an extra punishment. She wouldn’t let herself go to the music room until she could leave her hand down.

  The other girls had all come by to check on her.

  She told them that she was fine.

  They asked about how she felt about him seeing her. She had tried to avoid it, she had answered them, but it had been her own fault.

  Hannah suggested they all get matching T-shirts the said: Scott spanked me. Everyone laughed at that. Brianna laughed so hard that she had to reach into her drawer and get out a tablet.

  The others all quieted down as she did that. She had a whole drawer filled with different pills. She had a pill dispenser like an old grandmother would that had the days of the weeks on it.


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