Book Read Free

Have a Heart 1

Page 23

by Rachel Burns

  Karen was all smiles as she entered the room. “Hello, Eva. How are y’all doing?”

  “We are all just fine, and everything is tip top with Brianna too. The doctors were very pleased with her,” Eva bragged.

  Scott got himself another glass of water.

  “Brianna, we have missed your smile around here. Perhaps you two should have a sleep over like little girls do. I bet that would be fun. You two could watch movies all night and sleep in the living room.”

  Scott watched Brianna’s face change from a bright smile for his mother to a nervous glance in his direction.

  “That sounds like a lot of fun. Brianna would love something like that.” Eva jumped right into the conversation.

  Scott still had his eyes on her. She was giving her mom another odd look. Their mothers set up a play date, and everything was settled.

  Eva invited them to come over tomorrow and have some cake for Brianna’s 19th Birthday. The look of pride in Eva’s eyes was really clear. She even looked over at Scott and mouthed the words ‘thank you.’

  His heart caught again. Brianna’s birthdays really were a big deal for them.

  Eva was still beaming at Scott. She would never be able to put into words how thankful she was. “Scott, you will come by too won’t you. If it wasn’t for you – It would mean a lot to me.”

  “Of course, ma’am.” He wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.

  Brianna was totally embarrassed now. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  Her mother poked her in her arm.

  “I mean if you have other plans, prior arrangements, I’ll understand.” Brianna was beet red in the meantime.

  “Nope, you can count on me. I’ll be there. What time should we be there?”

  Scott sounded so adult-like. Her parents would probably want to invite him to all of her birthdays now.

  “Two in the afternoon.”

  “Of course. A Saturday birthday.” Scott smiled at Brianna.

  “Brianna you could make cheesecake for Scott. It’s his favorite.” Her mother looked really excited about that idea.

  Brianna nodded.

  “Well then, nothing could keep me away from your house tomorrow. That is the world’s best cheesecake.”

  Brianna grinned at him. Was he teasing her?

  “Would you two like to stay for supper?” Cathy’s mom was really pulling out all the stops.

  “No, thank you. I have to go home and bake a cake.” Brianna gave her a charming smile, but she was being a smart ass.

  Her mother gave her a mean look. “I’m sorry, but she is right we still have lots to do. We just wanted to pick Cathy up.”

  “What’s with our car?” Scott asked.

  “Dad has it in the shop today. Mrs. Banks was kind enough to pick me up.” Cathy smiled at Brianna.

  Brianna smiled back knowing what she was getting at. She wasn’t allowed to say Eva.

  “I guess I’ll go and learn how to make that cheesecake that Scott likes so much.”

  “Cathy, should I pick you up when you’re finished?” Scott asked.

  “No, Dad is. Bye.” She gave him an evil smile. Everything had turned out just the way he wanted it to. He was so lucky. He shouldn’t be allowed to pick her up too.

  Chapter 20 – Happy Birthday

  Again Brianna stood with her parents waiting for their guests.

  They all arrived with gifts for Brianna. Cathy’s parents gave her a gift certificate for the local bookstore. The store also had sheet music. Brianna was really happy; it was something that she could really use. Sharon and Cathy gave her CD’s, and Scott wasn’t with them. He had to go in to work because someone had gotten sick. He would stop by after work.

  Brianna was a little disappointed. Scott had seemed so certain yesterday. He was probably just pretending so he didn’t have to say that he wasn’t really interested. He had been trying not to be rude.

  They had set up tables outside in the garden in the shade of the huge oak tree. Her father had even hung up lights in the tree in case the guests wanted to stay a little longer. Again she helped her mother serve their guests, but because today was so hot, everyone wanted lemonade.

  Her mother was lighting candles on a huge cake with pink and green frosting.

  “I hope that they are close enough together so I at least have a chance to blow then all out.”

  “You’ll do just fine, sweetheart,” her father said. He had is arm around his daughter. He was so proud to be standing here with his daughter on her nineteenth birthday.

  Charles hadn’t truly believed that she would make it this far, and he was so glad that she had. He kissed the top of her head and gave her a push in the direction of her cake.

  She took a deep breath and blew. Not even half of the candles went out. It took her a couple more tries to get them all. She knew that she would be getting worried looks when she turned around. No one had clapped yet.

  Brianna put on a brave smile and turned to look at everyone. They all stared at her shocked. She felt like apologizing.

  Brianna hadn’t been feeling well all day. In fact, it started last night while she was baking that stupid cake, and he didn’t even show up. It was just so hot today again. Just like last night in the kitchen. Sitting in the shade and drinking something cold would be good for her.

  The doorbell rang ending that very embarrassing moment.

  “I’ll just go see who that is.” She took off before anyone could say anything. Her parents were already exchanging worried looks.

  She went in through the house and opened the door. Scott was standing there and he was looking especially good. She had never seen him as being attractive, but it was hard to miss today. He was wearing a pair of beige trousers and a nice shirt and a navy blue blazer. He was holding a rose out to her. “Happy birthday, Brianna.”

  “Thank you.” She took the flower and stepped aside so he could come in.

  “You looked surprised to see me,” he commented.

  “I figured you were kidding yesterday, about coming. I realize that there are lots of other things that you would rather be doing right now. I’m sorry you got roped into this again.”

  He was shocked. She really had no idea. “There is nowhere else I would rather be. I’m happy to be here with you, and no one roped me into this. I’m just sorry that I was late. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I just had to work this morning, but I have lots of time now. Have you gotten to eat your piece of cake already, or did I miss it?”

  She looked up at him surprised. How did he know that this was the one day that she was allowed to have cake?

  “No, but – never mind. Everyone is outside.” She didn’t want to tell him that she was already in trouble. She probably wouldn’t be getting a piece of cake.

  Instead, she would probably end up over her father’s knees because she hadn’t told anyone that she wasn’t feeling well, adding injury to insult.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m just feeling the heat.”

  He looked worried too now.

  Great, she thought, this was shaping up to be a very sad birthday.

  She led him out to the others. They all stopped talking the moment they stepped outside. Brianna was already close to tears, and the heat hit her again.

  Scott said ‘hi’ to everyone, and they all nodded back at him quietly. He looked at Brianna who looked so sad.

  Eva jumped up and got him a piece of cake. She smiled at him and pointed to a chair where he could sit. Of course it was the one next to Brianna’s chair.

  He thanked Mrs. Banks and looked at Brianna who got a fruit salad set in front of her whereas he got a piece of cheesecake.

  Scott looked around wondering what he missed. Cathy and Sharon both lay their fingers over their mouth to hush him.

  Slowly, everyone started talking normally, but their eyes return to Brianna again and again.

  Brianna wished she would have died by now already. What she was d
oing now really wasn’t living. They were all just waiting for her to die anyway. She pushed the food around on her plate and ate very little.

  Scott tapped her leg with his hand. He held it open under the table. She slowly reached out for it. She felt a little bad holding his hand when he had a girlfriend, but he just saw her as his baby sister’s friend.

  Nobody would ever want her. She would probably be sitting here on her thirtieth birthday with her parents. They could celebrate that she was an old maid.

  She pulled her hand away from him and excused herself from the table.

  Scott waited until she was gone. “What happened?”

  “She could hardly blow her candles out. Her parents look really worried.” Sharon whispered back to him.

  Scott got up and went inside after Brianna. They all watched him go in. He found her drinking water in the kitchen. “Brianna, you have had a tough week. If you want to rest a little, we will understand. Maybe if you take a nap now, then you can spend time with everyone later this evening.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” She drank down another glass of water. “I’ll just go out and tell them. I’m really sorry that this had to happen today. I ruined everyone’s day. I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, no one is blaming you. The long car ride up to Minnesota, and then all of those tests, and the car ride back in the heat. That’s really a lot. This is just a case of bad timing. Do you want me to tell them for you?”

  “No, I better do it myself in case I sleep through the rest of my birthday. I’ll say goodbye right away. I don’t want to get into any trouble with my dad.” She wiped the tears away. This was so typical; every time she had a chance to do something fun she got sick.

  He followed her out to the others. She went to the table and laid her hands on the back of her chair. “I’m really sorry that everyone took the time to come here today, but the heat seems to be too much for me. Scott has suggested that I give up for now and just get some rest. I’m sorry that everyone came here for nothing.”

  Brianna stepped away from the table and took a deep breath. It was already so hot, and now she was dizzy too. She turned to Scott; his hand had been on her elbow the entire time. She fell on his chest.

  “I think she passed out. She’s still breathing.” Scott held her upright in her arms.

  Her father pulled out his phone and called an ambulance. Cathy moved a chair so Scott could sit down and still hold her. Eva grabbed her wrist and took her pulse. She shook her head, “Not good.”

  Scott stared at Brianna. He was really scared. He kissed her forehead now and then. When the paramedics arrived, he reluctantly gave her to them. It wasn’t as bad as the last time, and it wasn’t as scary, but it was just terrible. Brianna was in his arms, and then she was gone. He felt so empty.

  Her parents had followed the ambulance. He was still in shock just like last time. His family was staring at him. He jumped to his feet and ran. He wanted to be there when she woke up.

  Brianna could hear her parents arguing even before she opened her eyes. Her father was mad that they just didn’t eat inside. Then he said no more baking in summer.

  Brianna laughed at that. She opened her eyes.

  Scott was holding her hand again. He was smiling at her too.

  “Have they been fighting long?” she asked him.

  “Yep,” he smiled even bigger. He was so glad that she was fine, and she was even smiling. “Happy birthday, Brianna.”

  “Hello, Scott, what happened this time?” She was starting to blush.

  “Heat stroke, it could have happened to anyone.”

  She laughed again. Why was he here? He was being so nice to her. She turned very serious, “I ruined your day off, didn’t I?” She was really sorry.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. In fact, I was thinking about having a heat stroke myself, but then you stole my idea,” he teased her.

  Was he serious? Had he wanted to get out of having to be at her birthday that much that he’d had a thought like that? But then – why was he still here in the hospital with her again?

  “Hey, it was just a joke. I’m kidding. I really was glad that I got invited to your birthday party. I feel really bad that you couldn’t eat any cake, but we can take care of that when we get back to school. I’ll sneak you a piece.” He took her hand in both of his hands.

  She smiled at him lightly. Why was he here again? He should be with his girlfriend and not with his kid sister’s friend. Something wasn’t right here. She decided that she would pull her hand out of his the first chance she got.

  Her mother and father came in.

  Brianna took the chance and pulled her hand free. He let go, and she reached her arms up to her mother for a hug.

  She tried to ignore Scott, but her parents weren’t having any of that. They talked to him like he was a part of the family. A nurse came in and kicked everyone out for the evening.

  Scott stepped forward and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Her father gave her a hug as he smiled at her, and her mother also grinned and hugged her.

  At first, Brianna was just confused. Then she figured it out. Her parents thought that he was interested in her.

  She would explain to them that he had a girlfriend. Maybe her parents would even stop inviting him to their house.

  Scott picked her up from the hospital. You could have knocked her over with a feather when he walked into her room and asked if she was ready.

  “Ready for what?” she asked him. Her forehead wrinkled up a little.

  “I’m driving you home,” he announced.

  Brianna didn’t know what to say. It took her awhile to gather her wits about her. “The doctor still has to sign my release papers. He should be in soon.”

  He sat down to wait. She sat down on her bed and looked at him. Him being on the chair and her on the bed seemed very familiar, but in a bad way.

  “Didn’t my parents have time?”

  He looked surprised. She was right though. Everyone knew that they were a pair except her. Of course she thought this was odd. “I offered.”

  She was quiet for a while, and then she whispered, “Why?”

  He smiled to himself and wondered what the best way of explaining this would be. “I feel responsible for you.”

  “Because of the cake?” Brianna asked, confused.

  He had to think what she could mean by that, but then it hit him. “Well, you did just bake it for me. I feel bad about that.” He had already finished eating it, in fact. It was better than what he remembered it.

  Her parents had brought it and a couple others over to their house because they had too much cake. Rebecca, her husband and their babies had been there so they had eaten it up pretty quickly.

  “You really don’t have to. This was in no way your fault. My dad is already blaming my mom for inviting people over after we just got home. But it was all of ours fault. My mom would say you could put us all in a sack and hit it, and you would always get the right one.”

  Scott was shaking with laughter.

  “It was my fault too. I should have canceled right away in the morning when I realized that I wasn’t feeling well. I’ll never learn, but if I canceled stuff every time I didn’t feel perfect, then I would have to cancel things every other day.”

  The word day made Brianna think about the day. Today was Monday. “Don’t you have to work today?”

  “No, I have the day off because I worked on your birthday.”

  The doctor came in and looked at both of them. He smiled. “Well, Brianna, I never thought I would see the day.” He turned to Scott who had stood up when he came in. “I have been treating her all of her life, and her parents always picked her up from the hospital. Now it’s the boyfriend.” He reached out to shake Scott’s hand.

  Scott beamed at him and shook his hand back.

  Brianna rolled her eyes and didn’t say anything. She wasn’t about to explain what their relationship to each other was.

  The doctor turne
d to her, and she started unbuttoning the top couple of buttons of her blouse. The doctor listened and moved his stethoscope around. Scott watched closely making sure that things stayed on the up and up.

  “You do know the correct way to check her pulse, right?” The doctor asked him.

  “I do know how, but I don’t know what it means all the time.”

  “Come here. I’ll teach you. You two will probably be spending a lot of time together so this is important for you to know.”

  The doctor showed him this and that and told him what to look for.

  Scott enjoyed being able to touch her and learn something that could really help her.

  “I feel like a guinea pig,” Brianna pouted, embarrassed.

  “Brianna,” Scott said, strictly.

  She was quiet after that and observed Scott’s lesson. He even had questions for the doctor. Once the doctor was finished, Scott took her bag and walked her to his car.

  “Thanks for not telling the doctor how we really know each other. It would have embarrassed me if he knew that I go to a school for wayward girls.”

  Scott nodded. He had wondered why she hadn’t corrected the doctor. He had secretly hoped because she liked that the doctor had assumed they were a couple. It didn’t matter. It was best that she didn’t know yet.

  “Have you found a school after you are finished in Texas?”

  “My dad is pushing for Samford. They have a great musical department. They haven’t answered yet, but my dad has been playing a lot of golf. He always gets what he wants. You?”

  “I want to go to Birmingham School of Law.”

  “Same city,” Brianna commented.

  “Yep,” he smiled to himself. He was really starting to love his in-laws. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to get them. They were so understanding.

  It felt right to have Brianna sitting next to him. He dropped her off at home, and she smiled as she thanked him. He smiled back thinking that one day when he took her home it would be to their home. Scott would be the one who was responsible for taking care of her.


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