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Gateway To Heaven

Page 8

by Maggy Diak


  P: I am going to talk about 'adequates'. Yes, you've heard right: 'adequates’, the word which is used as a noun not an adjective as you are used to. Adequates are my invention and so are the trinities, about which I have already given you some information. I must stress that you can always choose more than three persons in a period and study them. I choose ten. But nevertheless, the most important are the trinities. Trinities are three persons having only one spirit, carrying one message. There are trinities everywhere around us. Even a person himself is a trinity. He is composed of three levels: the head, the heart and the sex. Just as a trinity of a period, each of the man's trinity can gain independence and as such be able to go against the other two and compete with them.

  A man outside who does not belong to a trinity is an empty space and therefore a tempting war field for astral parasites. I presume the same is true for a period of time. If it doesn’t belong to a trinity, it is a war field.

  As you know, my starting point was biblical trinity consisting of Abraham, Lot and Sarah. This trinity was acting the central role of its period. I concluded that each new historical period had its own trinity regulating its social life and in post-Abraham periods political life as well. There was no politics in Abraham’s time.

  So I came to the conclusion that each trinity is in a way similar to the first trinity that I call pre-trinity. Meaning original trinity. The objects of my research till now have been, besides the period of Abraham, the periods of David, Jesus, Attila and the French revolution. And of course, the period of today. In each period, I was looking for persons who would by the role, they were playing in their society and by their interaction with two other persons, resemble Abraham, Lot and Sarah. After having found them, I checked if their names have the same etymological and arrhetonical roots. I have to stress that I included a person to a trinity after I had got proofs that it matched the person of pre-trinity by its role in the society, by at least one of the characteristics necessary for a leading person, by its interaction with the other two members of the trinity and by their name. Only then I knew I had the right person of the new trinity, respectively the adequate of the pre-trinity.


  S: Sir, are you saying you have found the reincarnations of Abraham, Lot and Sarah?

  P: Reincarnation is limited to living beings, adaquates can be found among places, events and things. Besides, reincarnation is an exact copy of the reincarnated person, an adequate is connected with a pre-person, the original person, by characteristics I have just mentioned, that is, by their role in society and interaction with the other two adequates. He or she can differ in their character, the way of thinking, emotiveness and even in their actions.

  Let's take the period of Jesus. According to my calculations, Jesus is the adequate of Abraham, Pilates the adequate of Lot, Iscariot the adequate of Sarah. Why? Jesus is the Son of God. He unconditionally obeyed God. Abraham who communicated with God obeyed him unconditionally as well. This is a bond between Abraham and Jesus on the human level. Abraham is the first in the trinity of his time, Jesus is his adequate and the first in the trinity of the historical period he lived in. The other two members are Pilates and Iscariot, as already mentioned.

  So much about Abraham and Jesus. Their mutual characteristic is the ability to communicate with God.

  Let's look closer at Pilates and Lot. What is their link?

  Well, the links are their names. Pilates – contains the word lat which is Lot. The consonants l and t are important. Actually, etymological studies of a language take into consideration only consonants. Vowels are ignored. The reason is that in the beginning words did not have vowels. They were invented later and they may mislead us.

  There is another link between Pilates and Lot: a dispute or better to say a disagreement. It's known that Abraham and Lot separated because of some disagreement, and it was the disagreement between

  Jesus and Pilates that finally led to Jesus' execution. Yet there was no hatred between Abraham and Lot and consequently there was no hatred between Pilates and Jesus. Pilates, being a fan of esoteric doctrine, recognized a king in Jesus, which is revealed by his question: “Are you the King or am I?” Pilates, in fact, tried in a way to save Jesus but was unable to do so.

  Lot and Abraham were relatives. Lot was Abraham's nephew. The bonds between Pilates and Jesus existed on spiritual, esoteric level. The third in the Abraham-Lot-Sarah trinity, Sarah, is also linked to the third in the trinity Jesus-Pilates-Iscariot – to Iscariot. She's linked to him by her name. The name Iscariot contains the syllable carsar in Sarah's name. By adding the vowel, a we get cara = sara. All of you probably know the Centum-Satem rule, the changing of the consonant c (k)) into s. However, Sarah and Iscariot are not linked only by their names, they are linked by treason as well.

  Iscariot betrayed Jesus, Sarah betrayed Abraham. First she forced him to take another wife because she was sterile and could not bear him children, after having a child of her own, she chased his second wife Hagar and her son Ishmael, who was Abraham's son as well, out into the desert. That is a betrayal for me. Besides Sarah sinned against God by uttering a mocking laugh after he had told her she would conceive. She should have unconditionally believed in God and his words.

  S: You have said there is a trinity in our time too. Can you tell us who they are?

  P: Of course I can. They are Bush jr., the former president of the USA, the former British Prime Minister Blair and/or Bin Laden and the Queen Elisabeth.


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