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Gateway To Heaven

Page 19

by Maggy Diak


  S: You wrote somewhere that seven Habsburg souls, those that were meant to rule over Europe, are going to enter human bodies at the same time in seven different places. Six of them are going to give up the throne on behalf of the seventh, the Called and the Elected one. Sir, let me read the passage: The first soul will die as a baby. The second will choose its parents in a Stone Age surrounding. The third will deliberately choose to be mentally handicapped not to develop, to remain on the level of a child. The fourth will choose to be an invalid. The fifth will choose to become too early an old man or old woman. The sixth will deliberately become a victim and the seventh will be the Habsburg, the ‘to Egypt called son’ (end of quotation). Is that correct, Sir?

  P: Of course it is.

  S: But didn’t you write somewhere that the new European ruler will be a woman?

  P: I did.

  S: So it can’t be Otto of Habsburg? I mean, he cannot be the ‘To Egypt called Son', can he’?

  P: Of course not! Europe is waiting for a woman. Son has the meaning of a person, male or female. In this case it is female. S: Something else bothers me. You are saying that the new European ruler will be a Meroving, respectively a Habsburg, aren’t you?

  P: That’s right.

  S: And she will be a reincarnation of Marat, who lived in the time of the French revolution?

  P: Yes.

  S: But, sir, Marat wasn’t in any way connected to the Merovings or Habsburgs. How can then the new ruler be a Meroving, respectively a Habsburg?

  P: Young lady, Marat is closer to the Merovings than you might expect. Etymological research tells us that the name Marat is connected to the name Meroveh, who was the first Merovingian king. So to say, Merovech is the pre-adequate of Marat, giving Marat the possibility to become the king, respectively the ruler. Nevertheless, in the veins of the new European ruler must flow Merovingian blood as well. To conclude, Marat whose connection to the Merovings is based on his name, in fact, lacks the blood connection to the Merovings to become the new ruler. That’s why he, respectively she must be born as a Habsburg, for Habsburgs are the only descendants of the Merovings. By blood, I mean. Through this birth and being born as a woman, Marat will fulfill all the demands for the new ruler.

  S: But Sir, I still do not understand how Marat, being a murderer, as we know, can be an adequate of the Merovings, so to say, of one in whose veins flows Jesus' blood. Sacred blood. A murderer cannot be an adequate of Meroveh, or of Jesus!

  P: History, or rather the period he lived in, did not see him as a murderer. On the contrary! He was worshipped like Jesus. And he was buried with the words of one of the speakers: “Like Jesus, Marat ardently loved the people, and only the people; like Jesus, Marat detested nobles, priests, and rogues, “etc. In Bougeart, vol. ii. pp. 284 sqq, you can read: Whatever may be said as to Marat's connection with the summary executions which took place during the first week in September 1792, nothing is more certain as a matter of fact that he was neither directly nor indirectly responsible for a single one of the executions by the guillotine which occurred between that time and the date of his death. (Wikipedia)

  S: But he helped making lists of names of the people who ought to be killed! Thousands of them!

  P: Not according to the French writer Alfred Bougeart, as you've just heard.

  S: Do reincarnations and adequates act in the same way, as did their incarnations and pre-adequates?

  P: Not necessarily. The heritage of their incarnations and pre- adequates is in fact put into their cradle just like the heritage of our ancestors is put into our cradles. But it is up to them and it depends on the surrounding and the period they were born in which part of this heritage they will use.

  S: Merovech did not become the king on the basis of succession, but was chosen, wasn't he?

  P: You are right. Merovech or Merovius lived in the 5th Century AD. He was a Frankish ruler and grandfather of Clovis. He fought Attila the Hun and gave his name to the Merovingian dynasty.

  S: Merovech and Marat do not belong to any trinities, which you described yesterday. Where do they belong? Besides, is the fact that they do not belong to any trinities bad for the new European Marat?

  P: No, no, not at all! You have to understand that trinities are not the only group of people who influence a period. There can be a group of four people, five, six, seven etc. And all of them have their adequates in later periods. I have tried to find ten leading persons in each period and their later adequates, but because of the shortage of time, I intend to explain only the trinities. Three people, whose influence is the strongest, which, of course, doesn't mean that the influence of other people is unimportant. I found out that the trinities influence the course of events in the world, while the importance of other people is limited to a certain place. Marat, for example, played an important role in France, the new European ruler will play it in Europe.

  S: Who is Marat's and Merovech's pre-adequate? I mean, whose adequate are Marat and Merovech?

  P: Adequates of Joseph of Egypt, Abraham's grandson. As an example that not only trinities are important in each period but also other people, I will list ten names of Abraham's period only. You already know the first three: Abraham, Lot and Sarah. Then follow Bethuel (Abraham's nephew), Laban, (Bethuel's son), Joseph of Egypt, Azazel, Eliazar (Abraham's farmhand), Ishmael (Abraham's son), Hagar and Rebekah (Bethuel's daughter). All of these people have adequates in later periods.

  S: Can you tell us who they are?

  P: As I have mentioned we don't have time for that. But I am ready to tell you after the lecture if you are interested. Nevertheless, I'll give you some examples. In our period, Bethuel's adequate is somebody who will play a big role, a very important one. Sorry to say, I still don't know who he is, I call him Atlantes. Hitler and Stalin were Atlanteses of their time, for example. Who will have most negative, destructive role in the future is not clear yet. All I can say is that a Meroving will fight against him.

  The adequate of Laban is Antichrist. He is on his way already, but again I don't know who he is.

  The adequate of Joseph Egyptian is the Habsburg, who will sit on the European throne. It will be a woman as I have already told you.

  S: Can Atlantes and Antichrist be dangerous to the European ruler?

  P: Sure they can.

  S: Will you find them? I mean, will you discover who they are?

  P: I'm sure I will.

  S: Has the new European ruler already been born?

  P: She might have been.

  S: Which will be the undisputed signs that she is the right person?

  P: Hm … One of the signs will be her name. It will be connected to the Merovings etymologically and arrchetonically. The second will be a general resemblance to Marat.

  S: Marat was a recluse. He was a physician, which means highly educated and he suffered an unpleasant skin disease. Will the new European ruler have to be like that?

  P: Considering that she will be a reincarnation and not only an adequate, I would say yes. Although not necessarily on a physical level. It could happen symbolically. I, personally, would describe her like that: probably a recluse, educated and with a disturbing deficiency in her life. It may not necessarily be bad health. Something hidden. Something in her mind. Soul.

  S: Do you have any idea what deficiency?

  P: No, I don't. But I think it will bother her and make her feel uncomfortable among people.

  S: Marat was murdered by a woman, wasn't he?

  P: Yes. He was murdered by Charlotte Corday.

  S: Why?

  P: She believed he was responsible for the murders of many and that she would save the country only if she killed him. She was beheaded because of that.

  S: Will the new European ruler be threatened by another woman? Another Charlotte Corday?

  P: Undoubtedly.

  S: If Marat is going to be a woman, does that mean that Charlotte Corday will be reborn as a man?

  P: I think so.
But now, miss, let me finish my theory of the adequates of the first ten of people of the first period. To continue, the sixth is Joseph Egyptian, the next most important beside the trinity. The seventh is Azazel, whose adequate is Princess Diana's Egyptian.

  S: Sir, who exactly was Azazel?

  P: According to some sources he was the leader of the fallen angels, who came to the Earth and married women. He is supposed to have taught the men how to make weapons, women how to use makeup, he taught them the secrets of witchcraft and corrupted their manners, leading them into wickedness and impurity. Because of all this the angry God ordered the angels to tie him up and take him into the desert, named Dudael, where he was to stay until the great Day of Judgment, when he was to be cast into the fire to be consumed forever.

  According to other legends, Azazel is the name of the Scapegoat. By drawing lots, they chose two goats. One was sacrificed to God, the other was sent off into the wilderness to carry the sins of the village people away. (Wikipedia)

  Eliazar's adequate is Diana's unborn child …

  S: Excuse me sir, but the newest studies show that Diana was not pregnant!

  P: I'm not interested in those studies! I have my own. I can guarantee you that Diana was Ishmael's adequate. Hagar's (Ishmael’s mother) adequate, is the Jew whom the soldiers of Rome wanted to force to help Jesus carry the cross, but he refused and ran away. From then on, he is on the run and is seen here and there. They call him the Eternal Jew.

  Rebecca, Bethuel's daughter and Laban's sister is the tenth in the group of ten people of the period. Her adequate of today was Tenagneworq, the princess of the Ethiopian dynasty, who has died recently. The tradition of this dynasty can be traced as far back as the time of Noah.

  A few days ago, I added to this group the elfth. Melkizedek, mentioned by the Old as well as the New Testament as the one who is 'beginningless and endless'. An eternal priest. He was both. The king and the priest, who pre-announced in a way the coming of Jesus. His adequate in our time is Sai Baba.


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