Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 17

by Aileen Wuornos

  Well sis, time to close. I need to write to linda now . . .

  Take Care

  Catch you in the next one





  Dear Dawn,

  Hello! and Goodmorning! Hey Aili, your in a better mood A! Yes! my dear beloved sis. I had my tooth filled and am on penicillin, So the problem is ironing out . . .

  CCR callously told me there’s only a year and ½ in which they have to produce evidence in which to stay an execution. They have no intentions of investigating anything ... They try to get people off death row – only to push for life in prison. Not acquittals! Life in prison., means they seek greater mental and bodily harm on these death row inmates, then to see them executed . . . They don’t give a dam about People! They only give a dam about themselves! . . .

  And let me lastly conclude on CCR. That all the problems here that Ive had and addressed to them. was as if after the visit they went directly to the Superin-tendants office and quoted all I had just reflexed to them of... For everytime I’ve stressed these to CCR. They’ve only managed to turn out thus, “progressed” and not remedial ... Its actually against the law to use grievences in the negative for the purposes of personnel information to boost vendetta . . . Ive up to 42 Informal + Formal Grievances – all denied and done upon me in this fashion . . .

  So all + all as God has spokenly proclaimed within his word – Those who are in Authority – who subjugate and oppress the people, are “Wickeder than the Wicked.” That they are . . .

  —Love always


  Sly + Slick


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Well, I finally got a room change here. Less Acoustics . . . I’m now venturing to a new frame of mind which will take some time to do. A cleansing state. Turning into a monk slowly . . . Itll be as if I already reached the plains of Heaven! The inner Peace of the Power of Jesus will be there inside me. And ō what a blessed feeling this will become. Then the chair will be a warm welcome. Knowing that as soon as the switch is pulled. Dieing instantly – I will depart with Angels waiting as well as jesus – excorting me to the other side where life is . . .

  Untill next time.

  Love always



  * Remember New Address here!


  Dear Dawn,

  Good Mornin!

  Laura wrote. And from what I could see, between the lines. There gig could take too long to come through and then fly out here. So I’m left with no choice but to ask Steve and Arlene, back in my life. I will do it with much kindness and grace., in a very christian filled atmosphere of Love. But, for them to do the same, is truely inconceivable. I need her in – for press coverage. Time is running out for me. Steve for Lawsuits and press coverage on this.! . . . It may sound depressing. But lets wait and see! This go around, the way I intend to do things, may have us all surprized and friendly to one another in a bran new way . . .

  I do hope if Arlene starts calling you at any time. You can try to think on the lines of forgiveness to any strange things she’s ever done, and begin a new found relationship. For I know once she does come back in. It will be permanent, so I can be assured my funneral + body pick-up is finnacially stable . . .

  OK. enough of all this. So now you know whats up. Please maintain your cool if your dissappointed. Find a heart to allow her in. And shun all of yesterdays stuff. Cause it doesnt matter anymore. What matters now – is the truth being told. Before I die. And preparing for my death with support . . .

  Love you Much – Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Arlene wrote. And I’m glad. Ill be needing her strong support ... I need media here, and attorneys. I feel she’ll be there for me all the way. So she’s back in, and I’m fully forgiving her of my conflicts we’ve had.

  . . . my soul will live on. “If” I do God’s will. Not mine! Mine says keep the lie rollin. God’s says come clean . . . So! I must become a part of him by – clearing all the old wrongs.! So that he may wipe my slate clean – and this new road to dieing in “His Name” and life power may overwhelm and seal me from – The Powers of this World . . .

  Well, its time for me to close.... Let me get outta here and watch 48 hours on O.J. As for the dream team. Way to go! Excellent Work.! I also say. Its obvious he was being framed. It’s the big 90(s) thing today in the system . . .



  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  O.J. / On the Today show there was some x – D.A. who ... kept taps on Laws being broken during the trial. He said him and his fellow workers “So far” counted 50. Check it out!!

  “Wake Up!”

  . . . ō my god! I knew it! Only 6 hours it took the jurors to deliverate . . . I hope its – Not Guilty.! So far, the people in the news . . . feel itll be a guilty verdict. Since thee deliberations were so quickly made. But heck they were imprisoned like. All they were thinking about is “Freedom.” Lets hurry up and “Go Home!” So I wasn’t surprized at all . . . They wanted out . . . And personnally I don’t blame them . . .

  The world as a whole certainly got the biggest chance of a life time though in “Witting” how the court can “Decieve” . . . Even more discusting was the realization as to how my defense crossed over to the states side and correlated for a verdict of guilt. This I know was done by either a coercion or for profit . . . But one thing is certain. It wasn’t because the Public Pretenders thought I was guilty anyway . . .

  Well, I’ve gabbed enough. Its time for me to close shop and get a little rest if ya don’t mind. So my dear I’m off to bed . . .

  P.S. It cost the City of Los Angelas 8

  million for the trial. OJ has paid off his

  defense team 500,000 a month.

  WoW!!! Ā!

  I love ya with all my



  As for Los Angelas. I say Bull shit.!

  It was all scammed for (a) gravy train!



  P.SS. I think the World of you too sis, And! you better know it.!,. It’s the “Real thing Buddy!” Love ya utmost. Forever . . . . . .


  Dear Dawn,

  Weeeeee Hooooo! Not Guilty! Alright! I cried a bit for him also when the verdict was read ...

  The visit with Arlene was – OK, but uneasy – since we were making up many area’s of mistrust and wounds that have cut the soul. She also aired her usual possible lie’s.! But I’m going to just entirely overlook it. I havent time to dilly dally on this pettiness ...

  Its unreal. I’ve been looking forward to a resolution of some unfair problems Ive had here at the pen. 3 request I’ve sought – Reinstate the smoking in our rooms as the men on – Death row do . . . (the other 2.) Was get an obnoxious Sargeant off our unit. and pull this tooth out of which the dentist refuse to do. claiming it’s a good one. So only filled it . . . She’s139 been given the message – that if she assists me in these 3 area’s – I’d be more then happy to forget any hard feelings of abussive treatment in illegal area’s I’ve recieved and come clean – with as

  well as putting in a few good words upon an interview for her and this prison in how its being run. Arlene was suppose to call her and do likewise. Well!


  . . . Amazing! Society would love to hear this one A!? An inmate wants to come clean and let you know the real story. And the Superintendant has no interest in assisting in clearing up some unfairness . . . So.... its like. hum., how about a press conferrence on all this ... I’d also like a polygraph taken as I do this gig . . . Well I’m at a loss and a toss! . . .

  So goodnight, Sweet dreams, the kid loves ya . . .

  Untill tomorrow

  I’m off to saw loggs. !!!



>   1 0-24-95

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Yes dear. my nick-name was Apple as a teen . . . Bobby my teen boyfriend – gave me the nick. When I met him he wasn’t in any motorcycle club – but along the way of our datin and partyin in all our puppy lovely stuff – he joined them. Anytime I met a member of – they’d call me – Apple. Bobby ODed on heroin – died – when I was in girls training school. And I was lost in love. My luck always dies out. Doesnt it....

  I was really glad to hear – Nicks film hit Cinemax. Man! Kool! Lets see. How many probably – Now! saw This? 40 million. 150 million watched O.J. Anyway! Personnally I hope it was “Even More!” By the way. . . . Arlene . . . only wrote one letter since the visit. Telling me, she hadn’t the time yet to call the Superintendant . . . So – looks as though. Arlene is history – Once Again! She is so – “Decietfull”. During the visit I was telling her about wanting to change in the Spirit of things ... Like quit swearin – no. #one. Shit! You know what she said.! “God doesnt care if you swear!” FOR REAL DAWN. I said. Arlene! Yes he does.! God isnt both good and evil Arlene. He’s Pure . . .

  So David got his license.! Geez! Glad to hear it! . . . You know I drove from 16 to 20 without one. At 17 I had a license but became suspended in Colorado – after like 2 weeks of ownin it. So I said screw it. I drive good. Ill just carry on untill someday the suspensions over and I really must get one. I was driven a 74 grand prix in colorado. Some dudes car that I was liven with. He had a 38 in the glove box. I was – Whisky drunk. Yeah – One of them! at the time! Ha Ha Ha . . . . . And I was headin home. This car behind me, puts on his brights and is bumper to bumper on me at a red light. So I pulled out the 38 and waved it at him to back off. He had done this for a while before I actually decided to wave the gun at him. It turned out to be a Cop. He followed me to the Apartment. Soon as I pulled in the place, 20 cop cars were all around me. Took a breath alizer at the jail house. It came up like 1.54 / 1.59 Something with 54 or 59 I remember to the darn thing. All the cops were stunned and said. How the hell is she still standin! Then I remember this fat dude sayin – “I mean fat man” – how the hell is she still alive. I cant even hold that kind of liquor. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. And I remember kidden with them and sayin. Heck – I feel fine! whats the big deal . . . I feel great. Then the fat one said. you should be dead. Anyway, some D.A. guy at the court – house gave me an option. 1 year in jail – or 1 year suspended drivers license. I said. Ill take the 2nd. And wound up leavin the station thumbin back. Chuckle, chuckle. Man what a life I lead. Well, good buddy – time to wrap this one up – full of my deepest love. Ill write more tomorrow/OK. Sweet dreams – and Ill see ya then. So untill then.

  Love always



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Say! guess what.! You can now do something for me. Ha Ha Ha. Your always feelin bad. Thinkin you never do. When in all reality Dawn., you always are! Money, stamps, life support letters . . . 4-shore. What it is . . . is I need a package sent for November. It must arrive before the month is up. Not any later, or Ill lose it . . . There’s 6 items on it I need.... Also 15 stamps. God!!!! Anything else, Aileen No . . . Don’t want too seem greedy. Chuckle, Chuckle. Well, really I’m not. Just in need my dear. Alright!

  OK. whats going on is that – after December – Package Permits will no longer exist. There wipen them out, and they’ll be havin inmates go through the Canteen to buy stuff like this . . . Where all getting our Jazz now while the gettins good ... What I need is this.

  4- footies ~ plain white. No other designs on them.

  2- Socks ~ plain white. No other designs on em.

  1- Sunglasses∼ Plastic framed. Tear drop. Dawn – make sure they fit snug on your face. Not bulky and big. They can be wire rimmed – but “Plastic type” No Metal Color – Dark brown (or) blue. Not Super dark. Mirror OK. . . .

  1- Watch – Gitano (or) Timex (Indigo) 5 year battery. Alright. The band – brown or black. / Gold faced and framed watch.

  Now this one here is really important. I need you to get this one absolutely right. OK,

  1 head-set.

  1- Radio. Not to exceed 4" x 5" – have the tape measure with you. I’d like a realistic brand – It has an equalizer built in with it . . . You can pick one up at “Radio Shack”. The head set I need must come separately ...

  Leave Radio in box and head set with adapter leave out of any box it came in and just send with the rest of everything in the package box.

  But! Make sure the Radio Works – head set with adapter on it fits – And batteries are in it. Have the Radio Dude, make sure the whole thing is operating perfect. And that it is 4" X 5". It cant exceed these measurements. Alright . . .

  * Em, Em, Em, Emmm. Love ya!

  Bad! Again Thank-you So Much ...!

  The reason I need you to get all this – is because Apparently Arlene has Cable, as she lied to me she doesnt. saw Nicks film on CNN. And renigged to get me one.... Arlene is to be “HISTORY” in Everything! Also from here on end to the chair – They’ll be “No More Contact” with her . . . She’s out – “TOTALLY.” She proved her rotten fruit this time but good ... So please just drop any contact with her too. OK . . .

  Well, my dearly beloved good buddy, let me get this out to ya . . .

  Love ya Sis



  Boo! Happy Halloween

  Dear Dawn,

  I’m gonna go bayzerk. I’m pretty darn upset right now. So bear with me. Arlene wrote. Finally! She’s still getting me the box. So the recent letter I sent of asking you to get me one. Disregard. OK! I’m Sorry! I also know you more then likely wanted to get me one. But I do need her to get it . . . Since she’s the one who bought me the first radio a realistic. So she knows all about the brand and the rest needed for it. OK. She is also working on a Lawyer for me. Therefore Ill keep the ball rollin and see what gives with her. So disregard all the discust I mentioned to you about her. I neednt burn any bridges – Yet! I really hope I wont have too! ... Again. I’m really Sorry buddy! Forgive me . . . Love ya sis.

  P.S. Ō yeah, Dawn, I do still need

  you to send 15 stamps . . . OK. cringe!

  Don’t be Mad.

  cringe . . . Pleeeeeeeeese!

  Until then,

  Stay Warm

  Love Aileen,

  See ya Soon


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi., . . . and don’t you worry anymore . . . about my tooth. I’m usin self healing techniques and it seems to be workin. Salts the trick, OK. nic, nic . . . Merry Merry Merry Christmas this year! I was going to draw something for ya this year too., but due to health problems., Tooth + Ear ... I had to put off on the idea . . . The month is nearly over AND no package by Arlene yet . . . So buddy! Im Sorry! And I hope you don’t feel pressured in doing this for me. But I need to ask you to – if you would – PLEASE u Sure! what do ya need! ō good, good, good, good, good / goodie. Thanks Sis. OK. What I need for you to get is. A watch, a radio, an adapter for the radio, headphones – footies and socks.... Alright . . .

  List Again is.,

  1 – WATCH - WIND UP . . . TIMEX. Mans OK . . . EASIER TO WIND – (BAND).


  2 – SOCKS - WHITE – thick wool Ankel or Knee / KNEE PERFERR

  “RADIO” – WALKMAN – “Adapter – Separate Stereo “HeadSet” For . . .

  Alright . . . now – “If” Arlene sent a box, and I am just being jet lagged around here. Well then Ill just have them send yours back., and Ā! Merry Christmas! Ha Ha . . .

  Thank-you for always being there. Exspecially when I need you the most . . . 4-now, Love Always / Aileen

  P.S. On the package – when you send out through the Post office. Keep receipt If they don’t give ya one. Ask for one. OK. Very Important.


  Dear Dawn,

  As of now I’m highly upset. Its Arlene. She said she
sent my package. All opposite of what Ive asked for. And it’s a long story. Im to upset to write, so I’m sendin this short kite. Forget Decembers stuff. Buyin me anything. I wont be havin a package permit sent to ya. OK. So need not worry about shippin. Anyway very upset. To many head games and lies. Let me get this out to ya, as I mellow myself out. Tomorrow Ill write more on it. If I’ve even the energy. Between prison and Arlene. Hummm You know. The usual. Too fishy!





  Dear Dawn,

  Hello. New Kite, having just sent out the one about Arlene’s screw up and me needing you to get me a box., for December. I wrote last night not to worry about it. But today after the package arrived for me to see all the goods she got, it was., Shit, now I definetly have to have Dawn get me one. You need to send it priority because it has to arrive before the end of the month . . . I pray as soon as you receive my letter on items you begin shopping . .

  Love ya with all my heart.



  Dear Dawn,

  Hello. And I do sure hope your shoppin . . .

  I had to cool off a couple days from even written, because of Arlenes decietfull move . . .

  Let me tell you her gig. Alright! it all starts at visiting! I tell her over and over and over again what to get. I also write her—having it on paper percisely just what to get . . . Well . . . low & Behold . . . here comes the box . . . The stuff in the box was all opposite. I was like . . . dam you Arlene, you did it again! Full intent . . . Its over.! . . .

  So forgive me for the delay in regular Kite flyin. The witch had me (to) pissed.

  . . . Just finnished rappin to Steve. About a good hour and a ½ in the flesh. “Looks the same.” Anyway he’s goin to start workin on things. Initiating the starting gun. We were thinking on the lines of Oprah Winphrey / first. Maybe – (if he’s) interested Oliver Stone for a movie. Big Time Producer ... All in All the ball is beginning to roll . . .


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