Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 18

by Aileen Wuornos

  Ō my goodness! I just remembered I still have to write Arlene. Should I wait 5 more months. Chuckle Chuckle. at Least Steve agree’s with me. “She’s crazy !” . . .

  Stay Warm




  Dear Dawn,

  Whats going on here. I’ve heard nothing from you on this permit. I sent it out November 30th to be sent out to you. Did you get it. Did you get the stuff. Did you remember to tape the permit to the outside of the box in route to me. Was it sent priority. Whats up!? Let me know immediately. If something isnt right here. Call Steve and tell him what the heck is happening. This is our last package. I need not the hassle of games being played over on it. I’ve had enough problems the prison has been giving me of which has all been addressed to him. So fill me in. This is going to be a shorty. I recieved your drawing and a letter sent out by you dated the 15th. The drawing is precious. Its in my files to perserve. Thank-you so much. Taking the time out with M.S. I know took some time. Thank-you sis. Love it. Its cute as a button and good work. Great artist.! If you didnt have M.S. I KNOW you could probably do some darn Awesome jazz. Well, Ill write more, later this week. Just need to get this Kite out today. OK.

  See ya then.

  Merry Christmas




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Thank-you for having shopped for me buddy! I am very grateful . . . Havent recieved a gift for Christmas since 13 years of age. I know your sayin. What about Toni? She always went home for christmas, and we really didnt celebrate it together. What about Ty? For Christmas she always went home. All the money for gifts went for plane fair. ō we bought a few things. Like games and booze. That was about it. So this will be quite special coming from you Dawn! Big hugs and Kiss’s. Love ya Sis. . . .

  Say by the way – On Steve – and the conversation with you. I told him – If a book or Movie or both is made, you are to receive around 100,000. So whats this shit he ran on you . . . Maybe he’s going to help the cops keep me quite and from doing this number, as he plays along as if he’s on my side. Why? Because if I do this new gig – they will be exposed ... Imagine how pissed the family members will be hearing that I was going to fill everybody in the World including them of what happened . . . Surely they of all people would like to know how they died. Quick – slow. What? I’m here willing to help them know and in return to say / the only way I can / I’m Sorry – by letting them know and hoping for a new book and /or Movie is made / Really by me. this time Not by the Cops . . . They ripped the families off, and used my name + the families good name to rake in. This dirt and all of the rest must be disclosed . . . So I’m interested what kind of ace Steve has up his sleeve now. He doesnt produce and the B.S. is over ... I hope you and your Family have a very Beautiful Christmas and New Years . . . Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Its New Years Eve. Happy New Year! To You and your Family! Have a Good One.! . . .

  I havent received the box yet. Its here . . . but were all on a list so once our name is reached on it she’ll bring it. Sargeant James runs property Room. OK. . . .

  Did you have a special Christmas Dinner!? Emm If so, sure wish I couldve been there with ya’s. Good Fun and Food would of been great. They had Omlettes or Ham for Christmas. I had an Omellette. Then there was biscuits, one little piece of corn on the cob, vegeies. This was about it. But the Omellette was – GOOD! So I aint complainin . . .

  I see in your letter about visiting me. Please hold off on this for awhile. The Visiting area canteen is closed – there doing some construction and to visit without any soda’s would really be cotton mounthy. Ha Ha Ha. This Summer by then its to re-open . . . You know I want to see you again. Real Bad! . . . But my concern is Finnacial obligations too and the crime rate out here ... Its so risky, Dawn. It really is. Lets please hold off on this idea for awhile OK....


  Love always



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Phyllis hasnt written back to me yet. Geez! Another Steve and Arlene I suppose. If there isn’t anything in for her. Its OK off Lee and in the meantime “pretend” to everyone, every where – I’m back in touch and fully concerned – right!? ...

  Thank-you for the Valentines Card . . . Baby Ha Ha Ha Ha. Have you excepted my proposal yet!?

  Answer Cheeeeeehhhh. Ha Ha OK OK Ill quit. but couldn’t resist . . . , you turn me on, honey! whistlin, So whatta ya say.! huh!? u Aileen! What? quit it. Cheeeechhh OK. OK. Couldn’t resist clownin.

  . . . Love ya. 4-now The Kid on the Row / me


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi. Happy New Year.! Dont forget to put 96 now on every thing! And I finally received your box. Thank you Buddy! I couldn’t keep the radio. Has to be a Sony! And the head phone cord was to long. So I sent back with my L.A. Gears – which has my name on them signed – “Busted in”. and P.J.(s) Red ones were the ass is ripped out. Please sow them up if you keep them. Also I sent my first Dake Bible to ya!. . . . The one that’s out lined throughout its entirety that Arlene sent me when I was in VCBJ awaiting the first trial ... A Good idea in preserving it would be to wrap it in celephane then put it in a small type box. By wrapping it in celephane will keep it throughout years from the pages from turning yellow. The shoes – Are souveniors . . . those shoes are part of this whole gig – because I was busted in em . . .

  I’m gonna go ahead and sign off here. Football will be coming up. Since there’s a white out in Philadelphia – the game may be a good snow ball one. Weeeee hoooo . . . Thank you again for the box ...


  Untill Next Time




  Dear Dawn,

  Hi . . . So Phyllis called again Ā. I have no idea what she means by an agreement, but I can guess she’s talking about signing upon a dotted line of one of her made up quicky contracts . . . to make money off of one like all the rest have, and not even attempt to care if I need any in here for necessities or for funding of my funneral someday ... You still didnt tell her . . . that CCR . . . said they’d “Help me Waive off to the Chair.” Which all very well means they’d just as much would like to murder me in that chair as the hooded avenger of blood will. Anyway! Ill just give her the scoop when she contacts me . . .

  Ō yeah, another thing on Phyllis and her stallin to write back A.S.A.P. She knows there’s no such thing as special visits ... So dont let her fool ya. I even hesistate to get involved with her. But it appears . . . I need to bring someone in . . . And she’s magnified in it. Known around the World, and is involved in many organizations for Women. She’s an editor of a magazine, as well as has written many of her own books. Steve and Arlene / ardent foe’s “begged” me to get rid of her . . . She’s the one that had 10 professionals ready to support me on my behalf at Mallorys trial. Connections are a cinch with her . . . So as we can see. Steve and Arlene must be “Cop Material” . . .

  Well. time to close er up . . .

  4-now / Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . You were saying here in response to me feeling that if I died right now—I’d probably go to hell. And you feeling here for a surety I wouldn’t. Well ... With of-course all the injustice regardless ... I did kill 7 men. This! my dear Buddy! Causes me to cuss in the evilest way “too Myself” . . . and hate Everything nearly “Too Myself.” I cannot die like this. For the Spirit of God “WILL NOT DWELL (NOR) SEAL SUCH A SOUL..!” . . . The Past must completely – go – Bye Bye. All the wicked things – and tongue – and all . . . And while it is – Love must come back in. And ALL hatred and Malice must be forgive and forgotten ...




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . My shoes – Well Buddy – those babies didnt walk as many miles as the ones I threw away. Dick Mill
s who I met and stayed with only 4 days ... had bought those for his girl-friend. I was in need of shoes real bad. He first decided to give them to me. Cause him + his girlfriend broke up. Then as I was about to leave his place he changed his mind. So.... I ripped them off. Ha Ha Ha . . . So there’s not many miles on em ... Now the ones I threw out! They had some royal miles put on! 1,000(s)! All of Florida was my turf. So the ones I threw out were ragged and torn royal ... Your probably thinking – Why didnt you get a new pair. Well, because I was to busy hussselin – and to lazy too . . . Just eat – work – party – sleep. I didnt much care about anything else. Only tyria’s happiness – and stuff for her. When she had to split. Then, I really didnt care about., “Anything!” at all! Needless to say. Life Sucks. Find yourself true Love and happiness – then eventually it slips away. The World is a wasted place. Lucifer has caused it to serve – no purpose. And that’s why my friend – I cant wait to be where Christ is – where life there (is) all full of meaning.

  Love Always

  Remember Call Phyllis!



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . as I begin to Celebrate my Birthday! I want to also begin to Celebrate yours! Happy Happy Birthday DAWN! . . . One of my presents – One of em I say – Cause you’d have tons by me. Would be a car. You guys need a car so bad! How about a luxury van. T.V. an all. Or would you perferr a 4x4. Whatever! . . . Its yours! ... Next I guess would be a house. Good solid Brick house with a fire place. Nice huge ski resort one. And then some trip tickets. Like carribeans or Hawaii! . . . Like some Hilton or Radisson resort. An you’d have tons more gift wrapped presents by thee ol’ hippy here. You mean so much to me Dawn, I’d have to shower you full of affection of the utmost kind, so you’d know it . . .

  Say if Phyllis ever calls back! Let her know you’ve the Carbon Copy140 and fully agree with me. Then hang up on her. She’s full of shit . . .

  By the way. No letter from Nick yet. For the Record . . .

  Thank-you for letting me know I need not worry about Money in the future for needed necessities or funneral. I Love you dearly from the friendship we acquired as kids . . . Exspecially Thank-you for taking care of Keith in his last leg of the Cancer he had. Did he ever talk about me to you.? . . .

  Check this out! I hitch hiked to Cal. to see him . . . When I was there . . . He said. Aileen I know you hooken to survive out there on the road . . . he said. You need to get off the road., one of these days your gonna wind up killin about 9 of these guys.! ... Wasnt 9 – Just 7 but close. Geez! So my brother quoted my future., fate.

  I was at Flagler. No Port Orange ... I told ty. If we dont move up North and get outta Florida. So I can find a factory Job and quit hooken. / . . . I said if we dont move I’m gonna wind up back in prison. Who Knows maybe for good. Even I quoted my fate. Yet had not a thought in mind to Killin – like this. I was thinking on the lines of maybe one who assaults and I succeed in self-defense.

  So WOW! Ā.... Life is a trip. Indeed. Well let me close up here ...

  Love Always / Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Steve wrote. All lies – all Cover-ups. Same B.S. like everyone else does . . . He’s out – Forever – and good riddens.

  You messed up when Phyllis called. You told her CCR (is) representing me. Do you really read my letters? ... here you went and told Phyllis CCR was on my cases and like all was A-OK. NO its NOT. Nothing is OK.! OK Dawn! Theres mega problems going on in all area’s . . . Ill be seeking my execution as soon as I can. Bottom Line.

  . . . Yo! Sis! I still Love ya! . . . Only wish you’d remember more often as to what I write you. Now phyllis thinks CCR is a green light and doing me some excellent quality service for me. Of which is completely opposite.




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Im munchin down – here in my room – celebratin yours and my Birthdays. Radio’s on – as I write ya. This ones beginning to feel very mellow. Best one Ive had since Ive hit the skids and wound up on the Row throughout it all. Its about time Ā! . . . So Im in a happy state for once. Great.! . . . Steve has written twice since I told him to FK off. He cant read to well can he ... Steve never sent me any Birthday Cards. Said he had 4141 too, ta send me. Is this Suppose to be a hint . . . Ive 4 more years. Then there going to execute me. Who Knows.! All I know is the guy is totally deranged ...

  OK. I’m off to a Bar now and pool hussel while I suck up some suds for this 40th Ha Ha Ha. Just dont pack a gun with the stick right.!? Ō my god.! May become Hosa Queer vō. Chhhhhheeeech. Alright I’m outta here.

  To Day Dream like Crazy!

  Take Care Sis.

  Love ya With all my heart


  Off to Party!



  Enclosed Booklet


  “Extravagant Love”

  Dear Dawn,

  Good Mornin! And hows thee ol’ hippy doin!? Good, Good, Good, Good, Good I hope. Ā! Theres a new song out I’m blown away in love with. Its been out sometime now . . . , but had forgotten to mention it to ya. You can add this one

  to funneral songs if you’d like. “Its called Carnavel by Madelly Merchant ..., Cool Tune.” Ty and I met some carnies in Homassassa florida from Illinois. Hip chicks boy. This song reminds me of them and there carnie stories, plus I just love the cut. These gals lived in a 20 ft trailer – had a 6 axle truck to pull it with, and traveled all over America with the carnies – as vendors and game hosts . . . , for. What was extrodinary about them is there animals that traveled with em. Lets see if I can remember all there pets! They had a Turtle – Couple of – Couple of Parrots – Finches – around 3 or 4 cats – 3 dogs – a snake – a hamster. And all these animals traveled all around Buddy with them chicks in that 20 ft. trailer. We were Amazed! All the critters looked – well groomed, well fed, quite happy! But how they acted up in the trailer while under tow of traveling is beyond me. I’m sure it swayed along the highway! Ha Ha Ha Ha. The girls made good in the buisness. Anywhere from 700 to 1500 a week. Yep! a week! They kept tellin Ty and I – if we’d set up some wheels – we could hook up our 18 ft trailer and follow em up to the main office in Indiana – they’d teach us the carnie life and lead us into the buisness where we could make out as they were at 700 to 1500 a week. Of-course we never did get the wheels we needed and they rolled on up north some 6 weeks later. This was in 87. Cool chicks. And from the stories of there carnavel life . . . , so were the carnies they worked with . . .

  Happy up-coming Easter Sis! Hope you have a sweet one. Ill be eatin easter eggs. Ha Ha. Ordered tem from Canteen. Cool Ā! Emmmm . . . Love ya Gal. With all my heart.! 4-now



  Still cuttin the Breeze with ya.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . yep! Still Studyin – whenever I’m not written a letter basically to you I write. then Its back in the Word. So Sooooothing! Emmm. So Pooowwwwerfulll! Amen. Ā. I hardly even Watch T.V. Only Jag, Unsolved Mysteries, or when anything cool is on ... Cartoons I watch 2. Pinky and the Brain. then any Warner Brother ones. Otherwise my thoughts are entirely stuck in studies. I’m so comforted when I’m lost in the Bible.

  Mr. Alexander142 called [you] Again! Geez! He needs to contact me like this.! I need him or colleages to come on over here and visit me in a Bad Way. So please let him know this. Okee doke! Aww ...

  First Day of Spring! I know your happy as a lark now! Out here today it was 80. But! felt like 95. Hot, Hot, Hot, Man, Whew! If you ever get oddles of money some day, move down here, you’ll love it. But make sure you’ve got plenty of bread. There’s no work. Its just retirees . . .

  Love always


  Just Shootin the Breeze


  Dear Dawn,

  Whats this! A Chest Cold! Aww Haw haw haw. . . . Heres some flowers to cheer ya up!
And a card.! It says. Yooo! Roses are Red, Violets are blue, Get well quick Before I Bōp You! think you could do this for “S”. Good, Good, Good, Good, Good . . . I Love you Dearly! Buddy! ...

  50 Bucks for 6 pills. Geez! Drugs have really gone up havent they since we were kids! It use to be only 50¢ a hit remember.!? Ha Ha. . . . and speed for a quarter. Chhhchhch.

  Did you ever cruise with me to 10 mile and woodward to the Zoo ... I use to once in a Blue Moon back then., go there and sell. It was easy . . . Just hittin the pave and cat callin drugs for Sale. Ha Ha Ha . . . , The Woodstock days and early 70(s) were a trip.! I miss the hell outta our teens.! But now that I’ve found the true meaning of this worlds division of Good and Evil. I would love to walk through my teens, Same family – place – people – everything! but just much more cleaned up . . .

  Say do you remember a boyfriend I had back then that use to hang with me at the pit. / Bobby Rowland. / He had Beattle styled hair blond, blondish red like mustache.? Curious. He was my first. While I was at Adrian he O.D.ed on Herion. Died . . . My 2ND boyfriend was Gene Lewis. Bass player for a group he was in called “The Brothers, later changed to the Concrete Birds.” Then my 3rd was in my 20(s). Mick Loder – who I shot myself over. Geez! What a waste of time. He joined the Coast Guards and turned fag. UK! Ā! Ha Ha Ha Like I’ve room to talk. I started the gay scene at 28. though There was other guys before 28 off and on in my life I was with for awhile. But these (3) were the only ones I “Really Loved.”


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