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Unraveling the Truth About Love (Sweet with Heat

Page 17

by Addison Cole

  Riley began arranging the clothes, setting up displays, and placing materials for buyers on the counter. Her feet were already killing her. While Mia could wear sky-high heels every day of the week, Riley found that her feet were better suited to cowgirl boots, and she altered her footwear every other day from high heels to lower pumps. The heels Mia had picked out for her were stunning but torturous.

  She reached into her purse to check the time and checked her text messages as well. Still nothing from Josh. She let out a sigh and turned off the ringer, then tucked her purse under the table drape.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a booth look better.”

  Riley spun around. “Mia. What are you doing here?”

  “You don’t think I’d let Claudia leave you high and dry, do you? I saw her locked in a room with Josh, and I got Chantal to take over Josh’s calls and came right down.”

  Locked in a room with Josh? She couldn’t get lost in that garbage, not now, with such a big event moments away.

  “Besides, Josh made it very clear to me to ensure that Claudia does nothing to impede your work.” She shrugged. “I love these things anyway. We’ll have fun.”

  “Mia, you’re a lifesaver. Really, thank you.”

  “Simone’s coming, too. She’ll be here in ten minutes. She was right behind me.”

  “Simone? Claudia’s going to kill me if I have both of you here. She told me that it’s usually just her and an assistant.” Riley was relieved she’d have help, despite how Claudia might feel about it. She couldn’t imagine how she’d run the booth on her own with an expected crowd of at least three thousand.

  “Oh, baloney. That woman has hogwash coming out her eyes.” Mia planted her hands on her hips. “She brings three or four people with her, and if they aren’t there early and they don’t stay late, then she reports them. What a jerk.”

  Riley tried to keep a straight face, but she wanted to do a happy dance, knowing that Mia disliked Claudia. Instead, she rode the safe side of the fine line.

  “Whatever. We’ll do a great job and Josh will be proud. That’s what really matters. Claudia is just competitive. I don’t think she’s evil. She just has tunnel vision toward her goal of being a designer, and from what Jo—” She quickly caught her mistake. “From what I’ve seen, she’s making great strides to produce more original designs.”

  Simone arrived at the booth in a flourish of hellos and carrying an enormous bouquet of flowers. “I brought goodies,” she said with a melodic tune.

  “That is gorgeous, Simone. I can’t believe I forgot a bouquet. In the pictures I saw of the previous booths, most of them had bouquets. I’m so sorry.” Riley groaned.

  “Oh, please. Look at this build out. It’s fabulous. Simone, tell me you didn’t bring food,” Mia said. “The last thing we need are greasy fingerprints on the garments.”

  “No, silly girl, although a hunk of chocolate right about now does sound good.” She set the bouquet on the display table and winked at Riley. “Hey, there’s an idea. We haven’t spent any time with Riley since she started working with JBD. How about a girls’ night after the show?”

  “I’m game,” Mia said.

  “Sure,” Riley said with a forced smile. After the show? She wanted to befriend these two women and was excited to go out and spend time with them, but she also longed to see Josh. She watched them work side by side and laugh at inside jokes. What am I thinking? Josh would be there no matter what time she got home. He loved her. He’ll always be there. But finding time to bond with Mia and Simone—that invitation might come only once, and she wasn’t going to blow her chance.

  From the moment the doors to the show opened, the JBD booth was mobbed. Riley answered questions, suggested accessories and outfits, and she surprised herself at the depth of her knowledge about JBD. Thank goodness Simone and Mia were there, because just as Riley would catch her breath, five more questions were thrown at her.

  “The show ends in half an hour,” Simone said. “I’m ready to blow this joint. My feet hurt and I need a drink. Where shall we go, ladies?”

  “I want to call Jo—” Yikes. “Jade, my friend from Colorado. I told her I’d call her when I was done. Do you mind if I call her quickly and tell her I’ll call to chat tomorrow instead?”

  Mia and Simone exchanged a shrug. “Sure,” they said in unison.

  “Great. I’ll just be a sec.” Riley grabbed her cell phone and headed for the lobby. She had only one text, and it was from Jade.

  Good luck at the show! Xox.

  She texted back. Went great. Will call 2moro. Xox.

  She called Josh’s cell, then remembered that he had a meeting and hung up before it rang. She sent a text instead. Show was awesome. Mind if I go out with Mia and Simone? Home before midnight I think. Luv u. Xox.

  MUSIC BOOMED THROUGH the dimly lit club. Riley, Mia, and Simone sat in a booth by the bar, sipping their drinks and letting the stress of the day roll from their shoulders. Simone had ordered a round of seven and sevens. It was not Riley’s favorite drink, but she could go with the flow for one night.

  She looked around the bar, thinking about how different it was from a night out in Weston. Here everyone looked like they had money. The women had stylish coifs and expensive clothing. They wore sky-high heels, and every motion they made seemed practiced and graceful. The men’s styles looked just as manicured, some with an artsy flare and others in suits that probably cost more than a month’s worth of horse feed back home. Riley could be happy anywhere as long as she was with Josh, but she wondered what Jade would make of New York.

  “That was a killer show. JB is gonna be psyched,” Simone said. She lifted her drink to her lips and threw back her head, taking a hearty gulp. “And that, ladies, is what tonight is all about.” When she smiled, her slim black frames slid down her nose a tad and she set them right back on their perch with her index finger.

  JB? Riley realized that she might hear things about Josh that she would rather avoid. What if they told her they had a crush on him and then they found out she was dating him? Oh no. Or worse, they might dislike something about him and she’d have to pretend to not take offense. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  “Riley, what’s the scoop with you?” Mia asked.

  “The scoop?” Riley asked.

  Simone finished her drink and held up her glass toward the blond waitress. “I swear they should just bring two out at a time.”

  “You know, tell us about yourself. All we know so far is that you’re a killer designer working as a design assistant, and you’re from Josh’s hometown,” Mia said.

  Riley furrowed her brow. “You know where I’m from?”

  “Of course. We know where you worked, about your awards; we even know that you dislike Cruella as much as we do,” Mia said.

  Do you know I’m sleeping with Josh? “I don’t dislike her. She’s okay; she’s just trying to move up.” And using all the wrong tactics.

  “Speaking of moving up, did you guys hear about her and JB?” Simone asked.

  Mia’s eyes opened wide. “No, please don’t tell me he gave in to that snark.”

  Riley bristled.

  “No, but I hear she tried…again. Wella—the night cleaning woman—told Chantal she saw Claudia storm out of his office late one night looking pissed and flustered,” Simone explained.

  “She deserves to be fired, if you ask me,” Mia said.

  “Sexual harassment, that’s what it is. And JB can do so much better,” Simone said.

  Riley swallowed the urge to tell them about her relationship with Josh. She gulped down her drink. They clearly liked him enough to want him to be with a good person, but was she that person in their eyes, or would she be seen just as Claudia was—a career climber using sex to get to the top?

  “I hear he is.” Mia sipped her drink, her eyes on Riley.

  Riley froze. Does she know? “Really?” she managed. The waitress brought another round of drinks, and Riley took another gulp to numb the p
inch that was slowly creeping across the back of her neck.

  “That’s what I hear, too,” Simone said. “He’s got a woman stashed away somewhere. All I can say is that I hope she’s not witchy and backhanded. The guy’s loaded, and you know, I wouldn’t kick that body out of bed for eating crackers.”

  Riley choked on her drink, coughing and fanning her face. “Sorry, sorry,” she said, catching her breath. “Went down the wrong tube or something.”

  “Drink some more. It’ll help.” Simone pushed Riley’s drink toward her. “Anyway, I always thought Mia would hook up with JB.” She flashed a half smile and nudged Mia’s arm, then flagged the waitress for another round.

  “Please.” Mia rolled her eyes. “I’m an excellent assistant, and he values that, but there’s nothing more to it. He’s like an older brother to me more than anything else. Don’t get me wrong. I’d do him if he asked, but I’d never pursue him. I like bad boys. You know that, Simone. Besides, he doesn’t even take home those gorgeous, airheaded, easy-lay models he dates. I think Mr. B. is pretty picky, if you ask me. How about you, Riley? Have a boyfriend?”

  Yes, and you’d do him. Oh no, no, no. She finished her drink and said, “Are you guys hungry? Want to get an appetizer?”

  “Oh, we are so much more clever than your Colorado friends, chickadee. Spill it,” Simone said.

  “Now, now. She’s new to the city. Don’t pressure her. She has morals and values, and—”

  “Really? I’m not some dumb hick, you know,” Riley said. She accepted another drink from the waitress and took a sip.

  “I didn’t mean that,” Mia said. She touched Riley’s arm. “Really, hon. I was just joshin’ with you.”

  Joshin’? Crap. “Okay, yes, I have a boyfriend, and he’s great. I mean, we haven’t been seeing each other that long, but he’s…” She shook her head, thinking of the ways she could describe Josh: caring, loving, sensuous, gorgeous, smart, funny, an incredible lover. Instead she took the safe route. “He’s pretty great.”

  “Does Mr. Great have a name?” Simone asked. She finished her drink and flagged the waitress down again.

  Mia grabbed her arm. “Slow down there, woman. I can’t drink as much as you.”

  “You don’t have to. I’ll drink yours,” Simone said with a wink.

  Riley was glad the conversation had turned away from Josh before she had to come up with a fake name for him. “Did you guys like the gown I designed, or did it pretty much suck?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Mia gave her a stern look.

  “No, I really want to know.” Anything to get away from the subject of Josh.

  “It was about the most original wedding gown I’d ever seen,” Mia said.

  “I’d even consider getting married if I had that gown,” Simone quipped.

  Riley let out a relieved sigh. “Oh, thank goodness. I thought y’all were just being kind in the meeting.”

  “We all were not just being kind,” Simone teased. “Especially Cruella. Did you see the scowl on her face when she saw your design? I thought claws were going to come shooting out from the ends of her fingers. Seriously. What’s up her butt with you? I see how she’s hot and cold with you. Any idea why?”

  Because I’m sleeping with Josh? Riley shrugged. “Don’t ask me. I just do what I’m told.” The buzz of the alcohol was beginning to settle in. She looked around the bar through the haze of alcohol, spying a dance floor she hadn’t seen earlier. She began swaying to the music in her seat. She closed her eyes and imagined Josh there beside her. Oh, what she wouldn’t do to make that come true.

  “Okay, it’s time.” Simone said.

  Riley’s eyes shot open. “What?”

  Simone and Mia climbed from the booth and pulled Riley along with them.

  “Dancing. It gets rid of all the chaos in our minds. Come on, country girl.” Simone tugged her along, and before Riley could protest, she was between Mia and Simone in the middle of the dance floor.

  The more they danced, the fuller the dance floor became, until the three of them were practically squished together. Riley had a definite buzz. She could barely hear past the music. She hummed to the beat, enjoying herself without care of who saw her, and it felt so good.

  Mia tugged her arm. “Come on,” she said, and dragged her back to the booth. “Get your stuff.”

  “Why? What’s happened?”

  Mia showed her the screen of her cell phone. Riley squinted, pulled back, then drew in close again, trying to focus, but she was beyond focusing. “What does it say?”

  Simone pulled her phone from her purse. “Me too. I wonder what went down.”

  Riley scrambled through her purse, fumbling with her phone to read the sole text message. When she did, she was even more confused. Mia peered over her shoulder, and Riley shoved her phone back in her purse.

  “We’ve got to go to the office. Did you get a nine-one-one text from Josh?” Mia asked.

  Riley shook her head, wondering how Mia’s eyes could look so clear when she felt so light-headed.

  “Are you okay to get home on your own?” Simone asked, slipping into her coat.

  “Of course,” Riley said. “Why are you going to the office?”

  “Dunno. But when JB texts nine-one-one, we go. See you tomorrow at the show? I’m sure Claudia will have some excuse not to show up.” Mia threw money on the table, then draped her purse over her shoulder and looped her arm into Simone’s. “Hey, cowgirl, great to hang with you. We’ll fill you in tomorrow if there’s anything worth sharing.”

  Simone shoved two twenties into Riley’s hand, then kissed her cheek. “You’re so cute when you’re shnockered. Be safe.”

  “Thanks. I had a great time.” Riley watched them hurry out of the bar before taking out her phone and rereading the text from Josh.

  We need 2 talk. Home later than expected. J.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  RILEY SHIVERED AS she walked into Josh’s apartment. It was almost one o’clock in the morning and she was still a little light-headed from the alcohol. She’d sobered up a bit on the cab ride over, stewing about what could have happened and worrying about whether someone had caught wind of their relationship. Maybe that wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. Maybe it would be for the best, especially after tonight. It would be easier to fess up to dating Josh right away to Mia and Simone rather than letting the lies linger between them. If someone found out, wouldn’t he have called me first?

  She set her purse down on the table by the door, peeked into the empty living room and dining room, then headed for the kitchen, which was also empty. She walked quietly across the hall to the master bedroom, hoping Josh was there. The bed was empty. She pulled off her heels and flopped onto the bed.

  What on earth is going on? She smoothed the comforter, thinking about their lovemaking and smiling at the thought. Yes, maybe it would be for the best if our relationship was exposed. She hated sneaking around and lying, and although they weren’t being as careful outside of work, she still felt like a thief on parole. She’d seen pictures of Josh in the rag mags over the years and on the cover of the larger publications when his career first began to flourish, and she remembered how her heart had skipped a beat, breathing new life into the crush she’d worked so hard to tamp down. Each time she’d catch sight of one of those articles, she’d buy the magazine and look at it when she was alone at night. Then she’d force those feelings back into the confines of some well deep within her mind. Someplace where they wouldn’t render her unable to think straight, as they had when they’d reconnected. Maybe now he wasn’t quite as much of a reader draw as he once was. Maybe he was overreacting. After all, why would the media care if he was dating her? She was talking herself in circles again. She knew the answer to the relentless question. It wasn’t the media he was worried about. If they took his picture, it would be happenstance, a space filler in some useless magazine in the About Town section. It was Claudia catching wind of that picture that worried him.<
br />
  She slipped out of her clothes, hung them on a hanger to be taken to the cleaners, and ran a warm shower. She had to be at the show the next morning at seven thirty, and she’d get no sleep if she didn’t relax. She pushed away the unsettling feeling in her stomach, writing it off as too much alcohol, and stepped into the shower hoping Josh would come home and join her.

  At one forty-five she climbed into bed, chewing on the possibilities that something worse had happened. With no additional texts from Josh and knowing he’d texted nine-one-one to Mia and Simone, her stomach was doing somersaults. We have 2 talk.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  THE ROOM FELT like it was closing in on him. Josh’s chest constricted, and he broke out in a sweat. What the hell is going on? It wasn’t the room and it wasn’t a heart attack, Josh realized, but the shattering of his heart. He sat behind his desk with his head buried in his hands, rehashing the last few hours and Claudia’s accusations that Riley had stolen the design for Max’s dress from her. Riley? A design thief? Any way he cut it, it would be her word against Riley’s unless he could prove that Claudia was lying.

  The last thing he wanted to do was upset Riley with Claudia’s obscene accusation. He wanted to prove Claudia wrong here and now and go home to Riley without this crap hanging over their heads. He’d get to the bottom of this chaos if it took all night.

  He knew a nine-one-one text would raise all sorts of questions, but tonight, with exhaustion and anger taking over his rational mind, he didn’t care. He hoped that one of the staff could verify that Riley had been designing Max’s dress while she was at work, or that she’d shared her designs with them. Anything to prove that Riley wasn’t the one who had stolen the design. Why would she? She had Josh. Her design skills were flawless. She had it all. Why would she risk everything? Why would she risk our love?


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