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Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology

Page 53

by Rie Warren

  Fuck. Probably needed to put the protective cup in the thing, too.

  But I wouldn’t complain too much if Jade decided to cop a feel while we went at.

  “This is what I wear.” Returning to face her I spread my arms wide.

  Her eyes narrowed into a glittering green glare, but there was no mistaking the pink splashes across the skin of her high cheekbones. “Going full Native on me?”

  The corner of my mouth lifted. “Not quite.” My thumb pulled down the band settled along my pelvic muscle. “Can if you want.”

  “Distraction tactics?” One of her slim black eyebrows rose.

  “I didn’t think you noticed that sort of thing, Jade.”

  “Oh, I noticed,” she muttered.

  I loped forward to the center of the room. “Here’s the deal, if I win, we fuck.”

  “If I win, you’re dead.” She flashed a challenging grin at me, getting into combat stance.

  “Bring it.” I curled my fingers in her direction.

  I usually didn’t hit chicks, but the truth was I couldn’t wait to get physical with this woman anyway I could.

  We stalked briefly around one another, balancing on the balls of our bare feet, lunging and snaking away before any strikes landed on flesh.

  The heat in the room multiplied by a million degrees when Jade whipped off her hoodie, revealing a tight black tank top that showed off the sleek sinews of her arms and shoulders.

  My low wolf whistle seemed to really set her off.


  With a high shriek, she leaped across the air. Coming down, she planted her heel in my solar plexus. Before I could recoil, her hand captured my braid, and she cuffed me across the face.

  I thrust her away with my knee at her chest so she stumbled a few steps.

  “Nice move.” I swiped the blood from my mouth.

  “I learned it from watching you. You fight like a girl.”

  “And you got a big mouth. Hope you can back it up.”

  Jade grunted, pouncing forward. I ducked the blow she aimed at my ribs then rose behind her. Cinching her wrists in my fist, I held her hands immobile at the base of her spine.

  I pulled her against me. Sweat drizzled between my chest and her back. The muscles in my arms and shoulders bunched with restraint.

  Her ass moved almost imperceptibly against my steel-hard cock, and she gasped before growling.

  Squeezing her fingers together into a tight funnel, she cranked her head back against my throat. She slipped free while I bent over, taking in deep draws of O2.

  Whirling on me, Jade bit out, “Come on, baby. Hit me. You’re the one who suggested a fight.”

  “Actually, I was angling for a fuck.” I reeled away from her incoming roundhouse kick before she made contact. “But what can I say? Lady’s choice.”

  “Then you actually have to fight me to get it.” Her tits rose and fell with the harsh breaths in and out of her lungs. “Your rules.”

  I growled and lowered down on my haunches, prowling in a circle around her. “That what it takes to get you going, Jade?”

  “You don’t have what it takes.”

  Charging forward, I struck fast. I grabbed the back of her neck and hauled her against me.

  My other hand moved to the front of her neck, and her breath left in a sharp exhale.

  I squeezed until the pumping of her blood through her arteries beat against my palm.

  Releasing my hand on her neck, I skimmed down her arm, skating my fingertips against her flesh in a ghost of a caress. My breath washed across her panting mouth.

  “I. Am. Not. Hitting. You.”

  She screamed holy hell, ripping away from me. “What do you want? What do you want from me?”

  When I shook my head, standing in front of her, every instinct in my body pulling me in opposite directions, she flew at me. Punching, kicking, meting out blows like her life depended on it. She still fought with finesse but there was a more personal, vicious force behind it.

  I let her land one more strike—a hard bash to my ribs—before I locked my arms around her. “Only way I’m hitting you is when you’re riding my cock and I’m slapping your ass.”

  She struggled and swore, attempting to break free.

  “Hold fucking still!”

  “Make me,” she spat at me.

  “Goddamn you, Jade.” A sneer formed on my lips.

  I felt the lethal animal inside me coming to life.

  I shoved her away, and she landed on her hands and knees. Grasping her hair, I yanked her to her feet. Forming a fist, I slammed it into her sternum with much less force than I’d ever use on the field.

  She gasped and dropped back.

  I was just about to apologize when Jade shot up with a violent glare. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Tensing all over my body, I reined in the beast trying to come to life.

  My chin dropped. I balled my fists.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I hashed out.

  Damp hair clung to her face as she drew herself up in front of me. “You couldn’t if you tried.”

  I dove for her, driving into her stomach and sending her sailing through the air. She rolled into a somersault, landing on one knee.

  I stood, one big ball of badass and seriously pissed off, on the opposite side of the room. “This what you want from me?”


  We met in the middle, digging in. We were both highly trained professionals, but this was something . . . else.

  Her hits came hard and fast. I deflected and spun out of her way as much as possible, which only made her angrier.

  The next time I captured her, I pinned her onto the floor on her back.

  Her disheveled hair—dampened, black and wine-red—tangled in my fingers as I swept if from her forehead. Beads of sweat clung to her temples. Mine dripped down my body. Her top was crooked, my jockstrap loose, and our legs twined together as I held her contorted beneath me.

  “I want you in my bed,” I croaked out. “Want you on my cock.”

  Her knee swung toward my groin, but I spread-eagled her firmly between my thighs.

  “Want my mouth on your cunt. Now.”

  Her rage eclipsed anything I’d ever witnessed before. Somehow she slithered from beneath me. She howled, landing on my back.

  I snapped my teeth in her direction, almost tossing her off as I bucked up, but she clamped both hands into my hair and bounced my head off the cement floor.

  “Fuuuck.” Starbursts went dynamite-bright in my eyes.

  Wrapping my legs back through hers, I hefted up and over. She scuttled away before I mashed her between the floor and my body.

  Dizzy from the head-plant move, I momentarily lost my bearings.

  Everything came screaming back into painful focus when Jade snuck up behind me. She jerked my left arm in one direction, my shoulder in the other.

  The loud twang of my shoulder joint popping out of the socket hit my ears moments before burning pain jolted through the left side of my body. I squeezed my eyes shut, biting down on my tongue.

  Disbelief ran through me as I looked at my dislocated shoulder.

  Jade jumped up in front of me.

  Her face turned white. “Oh my God! Shit, shit, bloody hell. I didn’t mean to . . .”

  I breathed out through my nose, willfully shaking off the agonizing pain radiating from my arm. “Fuck, Jade! You really need an off button.”

  Maybe Justice could add one to his super-fucking-duper control pad.

  I almost laughed until Jade kneeled beside me, gingerly inspecting the damage she’d done.

  “I can’t believe I refused to hit a woman.”

  “You hit me.”

  “I didn’t frigging do major damage.”

  “You’ll live.”

  I peered at her, and her face was still chalk white.

  “No thanks to you. You’re a machine, not a female.”

  At that, she stretched out my arm and snapped
the joint into place with no goddamn warning at all.

  Standing slowly, I shook off the queasies and the bone-deep ache in my shoulder. I’d survived worse. I was sure she had, too.

  Helping her up with the one good arm, I grinned like I’d just been on the best vacation of my life.

  Jesus. No doubt about it. I was one twisted motherfucker.

  “You know what they say. All’s fair in love and war.” Her posh accent hit all the right notes, and her smile was—for once—completely unguarded.

  I snatched her to me. “So is this love—or war?”

  Jade laughed, a lighter sound than I’d ever heard, curiously wholesome and sweet as if she’d found some kind of relief from letting it all out.

  On me.

  Almost all of it out, anyway.

  Not remarkably, I was still fucking hard as a pole.

  Yup. So messed up, getting turned on by a woman who beat the crap out of me.

  “That depends.” Her honey voice skipped chills up my back.

  We were bloody, sweaty, and out of breath.

  Nothing had ever been hotter.

  “On what?” I snuck down to trace my tongue up the length of her neck.

  “Whose side you’re on.” Her voice dipped with my tongue, which dragged into the small scallop of her collarbone.

  “Your side. Always your side now.” Slanting her head, I bent over her and slipped my tongue into her mouth for one lunging taste.

  I reached down, grabbing her ass. “And I’m definitely into your backside.”

  “You didn’t win!”

  “I don’t give a shit.” Groaning, I trapped her hair around my fist to pull her to me. “Need to fuck you, Jade. Jesus.”

  “I don’t want you.” Her hands whisked down my chest to land on my hard-packed abs.

  My body bucked in response.

  “Bullshit to that.” I picked her up in my arms, being careful to favor the left side. “You’re mine, and you know it, Jade Huntington.”


  No Pain, No Gain

  “IS THAT WHAT YOU think, Walker?” Jade tossed her hair back then attacked me with her teeth biting into the sinews at the juncture of my neck and shoulder.

  “Fuck.” I almost dropped her as a tight tremor worked its way through my entire frame.

  She lapped and sucked the mark, laughing in her smoky voice. “Maybe it’s you who belong to me.”

  I took long strides as her hands roamed all over my torso, stopping to twist the flat brown discs of my nipples. She laughed again when I growled from deep within my chest.

  Once I got her behind the screen that sectioned off our corner of the room, I slid her down the front of my body. Her breath hitched when she felt my cock jutting hard against her belly.

  I had the tank top and bra off her in two seconds. It didn’t take long for her jeans to follow. Left only in a pair of tiny black panties, she took my goddamn breath away.

  Raising my right arm—the one she hadn’t fucked up and popped back into joint—I slowly trailed a lone finger down the center of her body, through the ravine of her firm cleavage. Her silky skin glowed faintly golden, and I dowsed the tip of my finger lightly into her small belly button. Her knees buckled before she braced herself, reaching out to grasp my forearm.

  I watched chills cascade over the flesh of her flat stomach. She was toned everywhere, her athletic body built to last and outrun. But this time she wouldn’t be running from me.

  Snagging the waist of her panties, I slipped a fingertip just inside. Whisking it from one hipbone to the other.

  My palm whispered down the material of her panties, and she expelled a harsh moan.

  Kneeling, I smiled against the skin of her belly. Then I started at the bottom, tracing a slight touch from her ankles up her calves and to the sensitive hollows behind her knees.


  I pressed a kiss to her stomach and trailed my lips down to the top of her panties. “Shh. I’m just getting started here.”

  She wedged her fingers into my hair and gripped hard.

  I fucking liked it.

  Laying my rough palms on the soft flesh of her thighs, I crouched back. “God. Your legs are fucking endless, Jade.”

  She whimpered when I tickled up the insides of her thighs.

  I tucked my fingers into her panties and teased them down. First the dart of hair was revealed. Then the shallows, where her legs met what I knew was going to be a lush, hot pussy.

  Her panties wet, they clung briefly before I dragged them down.

  Leaving her standing with the fabric stretched between her thighs, I rubbed a hand over my mouth. I kissed around her beckoning flesh, lightly nipped her with my teeth.

  “Goddamn it.” I laved my tongue across her tummy, looking up at her. “You really are gonna kill me.”

  Her head dropped back and her hands twisted in my hair.

  “Walker . . .” My name skipped from her throat.

  I whipped the panties the rest of the way off then leaned forward, catching a lungful of her fresh moist scent.

  That silky puff of jet black hair ended just above the tiny pink peak of her clit. Her pussy—smooth and bare—looked swollen and tender, already glistening below. A sweet, sexy shell hiding everything inside.

  “I still think this is a bad idea.” Jade trembled in front of me, her muscles strung tight as a knot.

  “I think it’s the best goddamn idea we ever had.” I took one lick. Just one.


  Her wet heat melted on my tongue. I craved more. I wanted to spend hours with my face between her legs, eating her until she creamed all over my mouth. Until her voice gave out and she was one trembling mess of thoroughly satisfied woman.

  Before she could say another word, I shoved her none too gently onto the bed.

  Climbing to my feet, I ripped off my jockstrap. I flung it aside. For all I knew it landed halfway across the room. My cock throbbed, full mast and stiff against my abs.

  Jade rose to her elbows, pushing out her succulent tits and highlighting her cunt, which was about to become my feast. “Maybe we should stop.”

  “Not possible.” Dropping my knees onto the bed, I advanced.

  She crawled backward. “This is definitely not following protocol.”

  “I’m no good with rules anyway.” With both hands wrapped around her ankles, I slid her to me until she lay flat on her back.

  I reclined over her, every single part of us coming into hot, sweaty, hard-soft contact.

  A deep grunt rolled from my throat at the feel of her skin, her slick pussy, her pebbled tits crushed against my bigger body.

  Jade’s head fell back and her lips parted with a whoosh of breath.

  Her arms looping around me, she dawdled one foot up the back of my leg. Her heel settled on my ass and she used the leverage to grind my cock even harder against her.

  Licking across the small piercing above her lip, I pulled up on one forearm. I growled, sealing my mouth to hers and tasting every moist surface inside. I ran my tongue around her little earlobes until she shivered. Taking precise bites of her neck—listening to her soft pants and moans—I moved to her collarbone. After swirling the tip of my tongue into the sweet divot where a drop of perspiration lingered, I kissed down to her tits.

  I plumped the twin mounds, weighing them in my hands. Tonguing the soft undersides and the swelling hills, I wetted her all over. Drawing out the moment before I’d take her areolas deep into my mouth.

  She continued to jabber away in true Jade-style. “Shouldn’t we be working on an escape plan or—”

  “No.” I studied her nipples, barely listening to her. They were dusky-colored and puffy.

  “But perhaps we need to—”

  I latched onto her, biting one nipple sharply.


  “Mmm,” I mumbled around the licks I slathered on her buds.

  Grasping her hands in mine to keep them at her sides, I used my great
er body weight to hold her down and still. Her neck arched, and by fucking God, her babbling finally stopped.

  I sucked her luscious tits deep into my mouth, lashing my tongue over the tips before letting them pop out to bounce on her chest. I kept going until her back bowed up at an incredible angle. Until her nipples darkened and pebbled and her tits gleamed with perspiration and my saliva.

  I blew across her heated nipples before letting her hands go. With one last twist of the wetted buttons of flesh, I bit my way gently down her belly.

  Laying flat between her legs, I drifted my fingers up and down the sweet curves of her labia, parting her, playing with her. The gossamer soft arrow of hair above called to me, and I blew a stream of hot air over the curls that had dampened.

  Half-swallowed moans wrenched from Jade as her thighs quaked in my hands, the lean muscle torqueing when she tried to push up into my mouth.

  “Dammit, Walker. Touch me. Taste me!” Her head thrashed from side to side. “If you’re not going to finish me we might as well head back to the computers and—”

  I flattened my palm over her belly with a loud smack. “If you don’t shut it, you’re gonna get my cock in your mouth sooner than I wanted. I’m busy down here.”

  She slumped back when I started kissing all over her sopping pussy lips.


  “This is a cunt to be savored. Sucked.” I pressed my mouth further against her, tripping my tongue around her hole. “Well fucked.”

  I went at her with controlled licking, watching her squirm. Her hands wandered to her tits and she squeezed the ample flesh. Her mouth gasped open, but no sounds came out. For now.

  My control quickly scattered. With hot, wet, wide-mouthed kisses, I tasted every soft part of her. Flattening my tongue, I drew it up the line of her juicy slit to land on the pearl of her clit. Digging, teasing, watching it bead and feeling it quiver.

  Jade thrashed on the bed, her wetness spilling into my mouth with every suck and tug of tongue and teeth. Her reaction made my cock even fucking harder. I could feel jizz leaking from the swollen head onto the bed, and the thrum through the veins in my shaft became an insistent drumbeat of primal lust.


  I might not even make it into her throat or her cunt before I blew my wad all over the place.


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