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A Simple Love (The Hopetown Series, Book 3)

Page 9

by Harlow James

  “Mike, are you okay?” Victoria has raced down the steps of the deck now, crouching by my side to inspect my face, her eyes laced with concern while she holds out napkins to me. Reaching for her offer, I slap the thick stack of paper to my nose as I shoot a penetrating gaze up and over at Ben.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I don’t think it’s broken because I know what that feels like. But fuck, bro. Seriously?”

  Ben crouches down now too, so we’re eye-to-eye. “I swear, Mike. It wasn’t intentional.” He looks over at Vic now, whose eyes are bouncing back and forth between us.

  I want to believe him, but my gut is telling me that I can’t trust a damn word out of his mouth now. Every motion and decision he makes could be a back-handed attempt to one-up me in pursuit of Victoria. Realizing that placing blame on him could come back to make me look like the bad guy, I decide to let it go.

  “Whatever, dude.” Victoria grabs my hand and I attempt to stand.

  “Come on, Mike. Let’s get you cleaned up,” she grimaces at me, leading me up to the wooden deck and into the house towards the bathroom.

  Once inside, shutting the door behind us, she grabs a washcloth from the shelf over the toilet and holds it under the running water as I rest my hips on the counter, facing away from the mirror. Standing in front of me, she wrings the excess water out of the rag and carefully swipes the cool fabric across my chest, wiping the blood from my skin. Even though it shouldn’t, given the situation that got me here, her touch is exciting me in an unfortunate way. I feel the twitch of my dick in my pants, mentally chastising myself for getting turned on as Victoria cleans me up.

  Her navy blue swimsuit hugs her perfect chest and hips, her stark black hair pulled up in a messy bun under a visor. She looks so classic and beautiful, like a woman who knows how to highlight her body in a subtle and classy way, which I find so much more sexy than a girl who’s trying too hard. She looks like Victoria, the woman I’ve loved from afar for more than half my life, and now I’m having to fight against another man for her affection. Of course, right now in this bathroom, that other guy is nowhere to be found.

  I’m mesmerized by the way she stares at my chest, studying every bulge of muscle and my short chest hair as she runs the washcloth back and forth. I memorize the pattern of the freckles across her nose and her long dark lashes framing her eyes as her arm moves, wiping so gently to remove the red stain on my skin, pausing as she reaches my neck and lifts her gaze to me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” She chokes out, her hazel eyes laced with worry as she reaches up to wipe at my face now.

  My hand lifts to encircle her wrist, stopping her movements while we stare aimlessly at each other, my heart pounding furiously in my chest. Just being near this woman makes my body react like a teenager, especially given how close we are right now. I can smell the mixture of sweat and honeysuckle from her perfume, penetrating my nose and stirring my stomach up in knots at how she must taste given how sweet she smells.

  “I’m fine.” I swallow hard, willing my dick to bow down. “Thank you for cleaning me off, but I’ve got it from here.”

  Honestly, I don’t want her to stop, but my half-erection is serving a warning that letting her continue will only make the situation in my shorts worse, ultimately embarrassing myself in front of her even further. I know my nose bleeding was a side-effect of getting hit in the face, but it doesn’t serve me well to look so vulnerable in front of the girl I’m trying to impress.

  “I’m sorry. Who knew a volleyball game would be so intense?” She jokes as I turn to face the mirror, continuing to brush harshly at my skin to remove the blood that has not started to dry yet.

  Meeting her eyes in the mirror, I reply, “Well, the game will always be that way when there’s something worth fighting for.”

  Victoria stands still, frozen by my words. I hear her breathing beyond the muffled noise happening outside of the minuscule bathroom we’re encapsulated in. Turning around slowly after having removed the last of the blood, I reach for her head and pull her into me, pressing my lips ever so gently against hers as her hands meet my bare chest. The small moan I’m rewarded with and the press of her hands, as she moves to the back of my neck, makes all the bloodshed worth it. Even though I don’t believe Ben’s hit was entirely an accident, if it was intentional, the joke’s on him I concede, as I continue to immerse myself in my kiss with Victoria.

  We break apart after just a few seconds, a kiss so small but fitting for the moment as I brush my thumb across her cheek.

  “I’d better be going. I’m sure everyone is speculating what is going on in here.“ She reaches for the doorknob, the light blush across her cheeks starting to subside.

  “Thanks again, Vic. I’ll call you soon,” I declare, releasing her arm at the very last minute as she shoots me a tilted grin and leaves me alone in the bathroom. Turning back to face the mirror, I exhale a deep breath as I contemplate the day. Well, that was not how I expected the barbeque going, but a kiss from Victoria definitely makes me feel like I won the game, regardless of the foul play.

  Chapter 13


  “This place is gorgeous, Ben,” I whisper in fear of disturbing the surrounding ambiance. It’s my second date with Ben, just two weeks after the infamous volleyball incident that now the whole town is talking about, apparently. When Mike was seen around town following the Fourth of July with two black eyes, his souvenir from being smacked in the nose by the volleyball, rumors started flying, which my friends quickly squashed with the facts. However, now the town knows I’m dating both men, which of course, offers various opinions on the matter from anyone with a pulse.

  “I thought you would like this place,” he whispers back jokingly at me under the bill of his ball cap. Ben is wearing khaki shorts and a light blue polo shirt with a Paxton Timber hat casually draped on his head. It’s a far more casual look than I’ve been granted with from him, but I’m enjoying it, nonetheless. It’s nice to know he doesn’t have to exude money and opulence every chance he gets.

  “You know we don’t have to whisper, right?” He teases me as I peer over my shoulder at him, wrinkling my nose at his sarcastic response. Ben just smirks back at me.

  The Sunken Gardens in Lincoln extend in every direction around us, small hills and planters covered with various flowers are sprouting from the ground lavishly. Dark green bushes and mature and luscious trees line the cement pathway we are strolling down hand in hand, as I attempt to absorb the view of all the shrubbery and blossoms.

  “I know, it’s just so serene and peaceful. Even though my future students would wreck that quiet in a moment’s time, this would be such a nice place to take them for a field trip one day. Even Lilly would love this place.”

  The thought of organizing and hosting a field trip for first graders, or even just bringing my sister here, makes my face light up, imagining the joy on the faces of such small children with an abundance of curiosity. I grabbed a pamphlet on the way in that explained field trip rates and activities, in which students learn how to plant a flower in a special area of the gardens. It would be the perfect thing for six-year-olds to partake in.

  “Ugh, you couldn’t pay me enough to corral thirty kids for an afternoon here,” Ben voices in discontentment. “And my sister would never want to visit a place like this. But I’ll walk around here all day with you,” he leans down to whisper in my ear, his hand brushing my hair back over my shoulder, the goosebumps arriving in a wave across my neck from the kiss of his breath on my skin. Even though it’s almost one-hundred degrees outside, my skin reacts to his closeness as if it’s the middle of a frigid winter.

  Ben’s comment about his distaste for young children, or at least my choice in a career, incites a ping of remorse in my stomach, a sudden change from the excitement I was just feeling at his touch. The physical connection between Ben and me is not a problem, I’ve discovered, after our first kiss at the end of our last date and the small touches we’ve taken par
t in so far today. But our lack of commonalities is what is disturbing me lately. I know that in order for a relationship to work out between two people, they don’t have to see eye-to-eye on everything. And I don’t expect Ben to understand my career choice or desire the same thing at all. I mean, teaching is not for everyone. But it feels like some of his comments are not purely out of a lack of understanding, but sometimes, borderline demeaning.

  “Well, you just won’t be invited along then,” I jostle him as we continue our walk down the path, weaving between trees before the space opens up to a beautiful rose garden. “Although, the idea of bringing both of our sisters somewhere in the future might be fun.” I nudge the idea forward, hoping he bites. Lilly is extremely important to me, and Ben has to know that by now.

  “You won’t hurt my feelings, I promise,” he kisses my temple before leading me beneath a lattice arch and taking a seat on a dark brown metal bench nestled beneath a large oak tree, providing a shady resting place to talk. “And if you want to do something with the girls, we could probably arrange that. I just know Kaitlyn, and at fourteen, nothing is worth her leaving her precious phone behind anymore. She’s hard to impress.”

  “Well, she’s never met me, so maybe I can work my magic on her.” I smile over at him, his face mirroring mine.

  “Be my guest,” he offers nonchalantly, then turns away, effectively ending that conversation.

  “It’s so hot today,” I sigh, wiping the sweat beading on my forehead, trying to change the subject so the unsettling feeling in my stomach will subside.

  “Yeah, sorry. But it’s July, so no matter where we went, it would be hot. I just liked this place and thought you would too.” He smiles over at me, my hand reaching up to brush the slight stubble on his jaw. Ben really is strikingly handsome, in a clean cut and obvious sort of way.

  “I do like it. Thank you.” I look around, admiring the roses scattered all around us. “So, how’s work going?”

  Ben adjusts his position on the bench before answering. “Well, just a few more months of bartending and turning a wrench, and Paxton Lumber will be all mine,” he boasts, his hand draping across the back of the bench around my shoulders.

  “Has your dad been showing anything else about the business?”

  “Actually, in October sometime, about a month before my birthday, he wants me to stay here in Lincoln for a few days to see the business run for more than just a few hours at a time. Maybe you’ll want to join me by then?” Ben’s invitation seems innocent, but the thought of spending the night with him makes me feel uncomfortable, to say the least. I am nowhere near ready for anything like that. However, October is about three months away. Who knows where we will be or who I will be with by then?

  “Yeah, maybe,” I answer, hoping that reply will be enough to appease him.

  “So,” he clears his throat. “Are you getting hungry? There’s a Japanese restaurant around here that is fantastic. I was actually contemplating taking you there for our first date but went with Billy’s since it was a bit more romantic,” he explains, standing while gathering my hand to join him.

  “That sounds interesting. I’ve never had Japanese food before.” Ben guides me back down the path we traveled before.

  “Seriously? Well, you are in for a treat then, Victoria Baker. Just wait for all the things I can help you experience.” Ben winks at me as we continue our way back to his car, settle in, and drive the ten minutes to the restaurant.

  I think about what Ben just said. I have been able to experience new things with him, things I wouldn’t normally volunteer for or choose to do on my own accord. While we eat our meal, which is utterly delicious by the way, I can’t help but wonder what a life with Ben would be like. All the fresh and exciting places he could afford to take me, the finer things in life he would demand I experience because he thinks I would enjoy it. Fine dining and expensive taste is never something I’ve been accustomed to being raised by a factory worker and grocer. My father and mother were just two honest and hardworking people who made do with what we had. Luxury and opulence was never an option, and I never knew any better, so I figured I wasn’t missing out on anything. Not that Ben’s money is a factor here in my decision, but it’s just intriguing to think of everything I’m unaccustomed to that Ben could present me in life, things I never knew I was living without but could ultimately become a treat I would love to indulge in.

  Making our drive back home, Ben’s hand resting in mine while the music plays softly through the speakers, I take a moment to peer over at him while he drives and a thoughtful smile creeps over my face just as Ben looks over at me. Uh oh, busted.

  “What are you smiling about?” Ben questions, alternating his eyes between me and the road.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head, diverting my eyes to my window looking out over the bright green field on the side of the highway.

  “No, I saw that grin. Just tell me,” he pries with a nudge of his shoulder, ushering a deep sigh from me as I turn back to face him.

  “I’m just surprised, is all,” I answer honestly because clearly, the fact that I’ve actually enjoyed spending time with Ben and the feelings I’m developing for him have definitely taken me by surprise.

  “Surprised about what?” He pushes on.

  “How much I’m starting to like you.”

  A toothy smile takes over his face, followed by a small laugh. “Oh yeah? Well, that’s reassuring,” he jokes.

  “Seriously. Look, Ben,” I start, shifting in my seat so I turn my whole body towards him. “I know I was adamant about not dating for a long time because of school, but part of me also thinks I avoided it because I was scared to get hurt. Not all guys have the best intentions, you know…”

  He looks over at me quickly before focusing back on the road. “I’m not most guys, Vic. I meant what I said. I’ve wanted to ask you out for years, but I respected your focus on school. I like you a lot, and I like where this is going.”

  The feeling of happiness that comes over me listening to Ben’s honesty makes me beam with adoration for him. I know Ben has his faults and idiosyncrasies just like anyone else, but deep down, he really is a good guy who genuinely likes me. It’s getting harder to deny that I might very well be developing feelings for him and for a possibility at a future with Ben by my side.

  “Me too, Ben,” I reply softly, leaning over the center console to kiss his cheek as he continues our drive back to Hopetown, the small flutter of butterflies taking flight in my stomach and my head swirling with possibilities. Jesus. What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 14


  These past three weeks have been busy and long, but I finally get to see Victoria tonight for our second date. Who knew dating could be so hard to schedule? Well, I guess the fact that she is currently dating two men doesn’t help. Between her work schedule, my work schedule, and also fitting in time with Ben, it has allowed little progress to be made on the relationship front.

  I really wish Ben wasn’t even a factor, but Victoria is the type of person to give everyone a fair chance. Misguided judgment has never been her thing, and I know that she is just trying to be as open-minded as possible in this situation, which is something I admire about her immensely. I just wish Ben would hurry up and wave his white flag or mess up somehow and put me out of my misery. Honestly, anyone in Hopetown knows the longstanding feelings between Vic and me, so it surprises me that he would even want to compete with that. Oh well. He is the one who will have to deal with the fallout when the time comes and everyone, including myself, can tell him, “I told ya so.”

  I dropped off a shelf to Mrs. Hanson before making my way over to Victoria’s house this afternoon. I wanted to pick her up earlier today than I did last time so I could spend even more time with her tonight. The anticipation of touching and kissing her today was the only thing carrying me through the work I finished this morning, knowing the reward of Victoria’s lips on mine was waiting for me.

ce I arrive at her house, I make the quick departure from my truck and hop up the steps like an overeager kangaroo, nearly knocking myself over and into her front door. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and knock soundly on the wood, bracing myself for yet another interaction with Frank Baker. I wondered if he said anything to Vic after our last date, but given that she seemed fine and eager to hang out again, I’m guessing the answer to my question is no.

  “Mike,” she answers, exasperated and sounding disappointed, brushing the hair from her face. That was not the greeting I was expecting. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and a simple red tank top and denim shorts cling to her perfectly curvy body. If this is what she was planning on wearing on our date, I profoundly approve.

  “Hey, what’s wrong, Vic?” I step inside when she ushers me through the door.

  “I’m so sorry, but I have to cancel.” She looks down the hallway quickly and then back to me, lowering her voice. “I have Lilly still. My mom had to stay and work late at the grocery store because someone had an emergency and had to leave early, and today is my dad’s late shift at the factory.” She shoots me a tight-lipped frown. “I’m so sorry.”

  Well, shit. This wasn’t how I predicted the night would go. But hey, at least her dad isn’t here. I still really want to spend time with her though, so I improvise.

  “Hey, that’s not a big deal. Let’s just take Lilly with us,” I suggest on a shrug before grabbing her softly at her hips and pulling her flush to my body, glancing down the hallway to ensure we’re still alone.

  “Really?” She beams up at me, her hand finding my jaw and slowly brushing her thumb across my stubble.

  “Of course. I want to spend time with you, no matter what. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all week.” I lean down to brush a soft kiss to her cheek, the slight pink color appearing immediately from my touch.


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