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In The Eye of the Beholder

Page 6

by Beverly Cialone

  “Very funny.”

  “I thought so.”

  “I had a good time tonight.”

  “So did I.”

  “We’ll definitely have to do this again.”

  “Mm-hmm. That would be nice.”

  He pulled me into the foyer and shut the door, then gathered me close and kissed me. I’d wanted him to do that all evening, and I sighed and melted against him as instant desire swept through me. It spiraled through me and settled between my thighs as a sweet, fiery ache, and I was helpless to stop it as Adam’s hand gently cupped my breast while his other hand cupped my derriere and pulled me even closer. I moaned softly when I felt his thumb brush across my nipple, and I gasped softly when I felt the hard evidence of his desire pressing against me. He slowly raised his head and murmured, “Sophie?”


  “Would you like to stay?”

  It was a loaded question, but the aching desire he’d aroused in me had obliterated all thoughts of reason as I replied, “Mm-hmm…”

  He laughed softly and replied, “Good,” before he laced his fingers through mine and led me upstairs to his bedroom. Even though I wanted him so badly I ached with it, that didn’t stop the anxiety I felt as he closed his bedroom door and began unbuttoning his shirt. All of my old fears came rushing back, and as I excused myself to use the bathroom I wondered what he was planning to do once we were snuggled beneath his comforter. What if I failed to satisfy him? What if the fact that I was a thirty year-old virgin freaked him out? What if he never called or spoke to me again? What if...?

  “Sophie? You OK in there?”

  His voice brought me out of my depressing reverie, and I tried to make my voice sound light and carefree as I replied, “Sure. I’ll be right out.”

  “Take your time.”

  I brushed my teeth and scrubbed the makeup off my face with a washcloth, then stripped down to my underwear and finally opened the bathroom door. Adam was sitting on the end of the bed with a thoughtful look on his face, and he smiled at me as I walked toward him and inquired, “Do you have a T-shirt I can wear to sleep in?”

  “Sure.” He got up and retrieved a clean, soft white T-shirt from his dresser drawer, and after he’d disappeared into the bathroom I deftly removed my bra and slipped the T-shirt over my head. It was cool and comfortable and came down to my knees, and I laughed nervously as I got into bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was too hot for the comforter, and I closed my eyes and sighed as the breeze from the open window caressed my body. I heard the bathroom door open, and moments later I felt the mattress sag as Adam sat down and finished removing his shirt and jeans. He stretched out beside me and sighed, then inquired, “Are you asleep?”




  “Good.” He propped himself on his elbow and gently smoothed the hair off my forehead, then added, “I didn’t want you driving home if you were dizzy. I don’t want you thinking that I invited you to stay just so I could have my wicked way with you.”

  I laughed at his choice of words, even though I was touched by his concern. He suddenly grinned and teased, “Unless, of course, you don’t mind if I have my wicked way with you…”

  “Wicked, huh?”

  “Mm-hmm…” he murmured as he lowered his head and kissed me. It was a slow, deep, thorough kiss, warm, moist, probing, and tender, without any sense of pressure to do anything more if I didn’t want to. But oh, how I wanted to. I wanted this man to be my first, the one to show me what all the rage was about, the one to take the mystery away and relieve the burden of my cursed, prolonged virginity, to teach me once and for all what making love was all about. Even though some part of me knew that I would probably get badly hurt in the process, some other part also knew that maybe, just maybe, he’d be different from the other men I’d read about in the magazines, the men who convinced women to sleep with them, who promised to call and then never did, who left them broken-hearted night after night as their telephones sat silent by the bed or sofa. I couldn’t imagine Adam being one of those heartless, self-consumed jerks, and I gave a soft sigh of resignation as I tentatively kissed him back. He seemed content to lie next to me and kiss me endlessly, but after several minutes of his slow, thorough kissing I was definitely ready for more. There was a strange tension low in my belly and a wet warmth between my thighs, as well as an odd heat that blossomed deep within me and spread all the way up to my face. But Adam didn’t seem concerned with how warm I felt. Instead he slipped his hand beneath the cool white cotton of the T-shirt I was wearing and gently stroked one of my nipples, and I gasped softly at the instant pleasure that fluttered to life in my belly and drifted downwards. I gasped again when I felt his warm, wet mouth close over my other nipple, and then I closed my eyes and made a soft sighing sound as he alternated licking and stroking my ultra-sensitive nipples through the fabric of the shirt. The heat and tension in my belly were increasing to an almost unbearable level, and on some primal level I knew that there was only one thing that would offer any relief. Adam raised his head and smiled down at me, and as I pulled his head down for another kiss he laughed softly at my impatience and dropped a gentle, chaste kiss on my lips. He wasn’t about to be rushed, which was lucky for me, since I was rushing head first into unknown territory. There was no way Adam could have known that, and I wasn’t about to do anything to make him stop doing those delicious things to me that he was doing. He continued to kiss me as his fingers drifted down between my breasts and across my belly, and I couldn’t help the sudden anxiety that flitted through me when I felt his fingers slide through the curls at the apex of my thighs. Adam sensed my hesitation and raised his head, and his voice was gentle and reassuring as he murmured, “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then what’s the matter?”

  “Nothing.” I shook my head and closed my eyes as anxiety threatened to overwhelm me, but I was suddenly at a loss for words as he gently stroked the most sensitive part of me. My eyes fluttered open in a mixture of pleasure and surprise at this new, intense sensation, and I couldn’t stop the ragged gasp that escaped my lips as he slowly and gently circled the sensitive little bud nestled among those curls where his other fingers were still tangled. I knew at that moment that there would be no turning back, and even though the thought frightened me immensely, I was more than ready as Adam continued to stroke me with his warm, gentle fingers. The tension in my belly was turning into something I couldn’t quite explain-- a hot, quivering sensation that made my entire body tremble in anticipation of something I’d never experienced before. I was suddenly surprised when Adam gently pushed my thighs apart with his wrist, and my anxiety returned despite the intense pleasure he was creating deep within my body. I felt extremely vulnerable and anxious as he gently slid his finger along the dark, damp crease between my thighs, and then I uttered a soft, surprised “Ohhh…” as he gently slid his finger into me. It was the most pleasurable feeling I’d ever known, and when I felt a second finger join the first I knew that there was absolutely no turning back. He pushed his fingers ever so slowly and gently a little deeper as his thumb stroked the ultra-sensitive little bud of flesh, and his voice was soft as he murmured, “Am I hurting you?”

  I could barely breathe as I replied, “No…Oh, God, No…” I was beyond words and nearly out of my mind with pleasure, and I didn’t know how to react when he slowly pulled his fingers away, as if he’d only been teasing me. Then he slid them into me again, and again, and again, until I was arching wildly against his hand and literally gasping for breath. He gave a final, deep push of his fingers and held them there, and I gave a ragged moan as the hot tension in my belly finally exploded into unspeakable pleasure. When my breathing finally returned to normal, Adam leaned down and kissed me gently and deeply, then gave me a mysterious smile as he moved away from me and settled himself between my thighs. I didn’t know what to expect as he slid his
arms beneath my knees, but I soon found out when I felt his warm breath against my sensitive flesh. Until then I’d only read of such things and wondered about them, and now it was actually happening to me…with a man I barely knew but definitely loved…Adam forced the negative thoughts from my mind with the first gentle stroke of his tongue, and after that my mind grew fuzzy and jumbled with sheer pleasure as he slowly licked and suckled the most sensitive part of me. When I felt his fingers slide into me again I was in sheer ecstasy, and as he increased the pace and pressure of his gentle strokes I knew that more explosive pleasure was in store for me within a matter of moments. I was right. I gripped two handfuls of the sheet as my breathing turned into ragged gasps, and as my body arched off the bed I desperately tried not to scream as pleasure cascaded through me. Stars exploded in my mind as my body pulsed with pleasure, and I couldn’t seem to stop trembling as my breathing slowly returned to normal. Adam seemed to be drinking my very essence as he gently slid his tongue into me, and that action alone was almost enough to send me over the edge again. When he finally raised his head I felt both dazed and contented, and I could only wonder what other pleasures he had in store for me. I smiled up at him as he returned to his spot beside me, and he smiled down at me just before he kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips, and I was surprised to discover that I tasted extremely sweet and a little salty at the same time. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him even closer as he continued to kiss me, and when he raised his head he was smiling that mysterious smile again as his fingers once again slid between my thighs. Within moments he’d stroked me into a state of frenzied anticipation, but this time he stroked me just long enough to make me want him again, and I felt intense frustration when he slowly removed his fingers from me and turned away. Then he was back, stroking me once more with his gentle, skilled fingers as he slowly positioned himself over my body and rose above me. This was the moment I’d been waiting for, even if the waiting had been laced with anxiety and uncertainty. As I gazed up into his handsome face I wondered again if he would eventually end up hurting me, but it was too late to turn back as he lowered his head and kissed me. At the same time he gently eased himself into me, ever so slowly, as if he sensed that this was all new to me. The sensation was exquisite, but he stopped when he met resistance and raised his head with a surprised look on his face. “Sophie! You’re a virgin!”

  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as I replied, “Yes, I know.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want? Because I don’t think I can stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop, Adam…Please…”

  He nodded and withdrew slightly, then captured my mouth in an exquisite, tender kiss as he suddenly gave a smooth, strong thrust. He swallowed my soft whimper of pain and held himself still so my body could adjust to this new intrusion, and moments later he withdrew again and gave a slow, gentle thrust. I gasped softly at this new pleasure as he established a slow, gentle rhythm deep within me, and my body seemed to instinctively know what to do as I arched to meet his every slow, gentle, deep thrust. The brief stab of pain I’d felt was long forgotten as he drew me closer and closer to the brink, and he felt so good inside me that I never wanted it to end. He was warm and big and gentle, and he laughed softly when I suddenly grasped his taut buttocks and urgently attempted to pull him even deeper into me. He lowered his head and kissed me as he pushed himself deep into me, and I gripped his shoulders and cried out as he finally pushed me over the brink. Pleasure like I’d never known suddenly consumed me in a rush of heat, and I was dimly aware of Adam’s deep, primal groan as he, too, became consumed with pleasure. He collapsed beside me, his breathing harsh and his body warm and damp with sweat, and when our breathing had finally returned to normal he propped himself on his elbow and gently stroked my cheek as he inquired, “Are you alright?”

  I opened my eyes and gazed up into his handsome face and kind blue eyes, then smiled and replied, “I’ve never been better. And yourself?”

  He laughed at my answer and dropped a gentle kiss on my lips, then got out of bed and made a quick trip to the bathroom. By the time he returned I was almost asleep, but I smiled when he dropped a gentle kiss on my lips and murmured, “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  “It isn’t exactly something you bring up over dinner, you know? And besides, I’m not too proud of the fact that I’m a thirty year-old virgin.”

  He grinned and replied, “You aren’t anymore.”

  I laughed and said, “Yes, I know.”

  He suddenly grew serious as he inquired, “Are you sure you’re alright? You aren’t in any pain?”

  “I’m fine, Adam.”

  “Good, because the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  His tender words nearly brought tears to my eyes, and once again I wondered if he meant just physically or emotionally as well. He leaned down and kissed me before he pulled me close against his warm, solid body, and his voice was soft and gentle as he murmured, “Go to sleep.”

  I sighed and snuggled against him before I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 6

  I woke an hour before the sun was due to appear, and I smiled as I remembered our earlier lovemaking. Adam had been everything I’d expected and then some-- slow, gentle, and patient, and more concerned with my comfort and pleasure than his own. I sighed as I carefully sat up and got out of bed, then gasped softly and winced at the soreness I felt between my thighs, but I knew that the best thing to do was to keep moving. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and softly closed the door. Moments later, I made my way back to bed and snuggled against Adam’s warm, solid body. His presence was oddly comforting and reassuring, and I knew I was in deep trouble when I started thinking in those terms. My short absence from the bed had awakened him, and I jumped slightly when he gently nuzzled my neck and murmured, “Good morning. Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby.”

  “Good.” He reached down and gently slid his hand between my thighs, then inquired, “Sore?”

  “A little.”

  “Just a little?”

  “OK, maybe more than a little.”

  “You know what they say about getting rid of soreness.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Repeat the activity that caused it.”

  “Is that so.”


  I closed my eyes and sighed as he gently rolled me onto my back and kissed me, but I couldn’t help flinching when he gently slid a finger into me. He went still and frowned down at me, then said, “Sophie, honey, why didn’t you tell me you were that sore?”

  I gave a dainty shrug and replied, “I thought it was normal.”

  There was a pained expression on his handsome face as he said, “I never meant to hurt you, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I’m not. There was no way you could’ve known. Besides, I enjoyed every minute of it.”

  “So did I, but I don’t want you to be in pain.”

  “I’ll be fine, Adam.”

  “You certainly will, just as soon as I make you feel better.” He slowly pushed his finger a little deeper, and his voice was extremely gentle as he murmured, “Relax, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I bit my lip and nodded as he gently probed my tender, swollen flesh, and I breathed a deep sigh of relief when he finally said, “Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

  I watched him walk out of the room, and moments later he returned and sat back down on the bed. He leaned over and kissed me, then said, “Close your eyes and relax.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Just close your eyes, sweetheart.”

  I reluctantly obeyed and said, “Alright, they’re closed.”

  “Let me know if I’m hurting you, and I’ll stop.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Are your eyes still closed?”



“Adam--” I was rendered momentarily speechless as he gently slid a small, rounded piece of ice between my legs, but much to my surprise, it wasn’t painful. Instead the soreness began to fade, and his voice was full of concern as he inquired, “Am I hurting you?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Is it helping?”

  “Yes. Tremendously.”

  “Good.” He pushed the ice a little deeper and held it there until it had melted, then inquired, “Better?”

  “Did you learn that in med school?”

  He laughed then, a deep, rich, pleasant sound that sent little ripples of pleasure up and down my spine. He shook his head and replied, “No, it’s just that the ice relieves swelling and numbs pain. I know it seems a bit unorthodox, but at least it worked.”

  “Yes, it did.” I gasped softly when he repeated the process, and after the fifth piece of ice had melted I was surprised to find myself wanting him again. His gentleness and obvious concern acted like a powerful aphrodisiac, and as I pulled his head down for a kiss I teased, “Now it’s time we switched to heat…”

  He laughed softly and kissed me, and within moments we were both ready for far more than kissing. He rose above me and slowly joined our bodies, and I moaned softly as he began to move ever so slowly and gently deep within me. I could feel the tension building deep within my belly as he slowly increased his rhythm, and I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming as he taught me once again the art of making love. I gripped his shoulders and gave a low, primal moan as the dam broke and pleasure cascaded through me, and moments later Adam groaned and held me close as I felt the electric pulse of his release. Long moments later he settled himself beside me and pulled me close, then gently inquired, “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, Adam.”

  “Good.” He gently kissed the nape of my neck and rested his hand on my derriere, then murmured, “Go to sleep. The sun isn’t even up yet.”


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