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In The Eye of the Beholder

Page 15

by Beverly Cialone

  I knew what an epidural was, and although I didn’t relish the idea of a needle in my back, the idea of suffering for several hours was even less appealing. I nodded slightly and weakly inquired, “When?”

  “Let me examine you first, alright? Then I’ll know when to administer it.”

  I nodded again and closed my eyes as Adam instructed me to bend my knees, and I blushed a deep crimson when I felt his gloved fingers gently slide between my thighs. This was different from our shared intimacy, and even though he was my husband as well as a trusted and respected doctor, I still found this part of being pregnant extremely embarrassing. But he wasn’t hurting me, and when he was finished he said, “I’ll give you the epidural when you’re up to five. You’re at three right now. Think you can hang in there that long?”

  Another contraction seized my belly at that moment, and even I wasn’t prepared for the fierce pain that seemed to consume my entire body. By the time it was over I was pale and crying, and Adam frowned in concern as he studied my face. He leaned down and gently brushed my tears away with his finger, then said, “I changed my mind. I think I’ll give you that epidural now.”

  I nodded in a mixture of gratitude and relief and closed my eyes, and moments later he got up and quietly left the room. He returned a few minutes later with Alex, who gave me a sleepy smile and said, “Hi, kiddo. I hear I’m going to be an uncle soon.”

  “You heard right.” Alex and I had become close friends, but I wondered what he was doing in our bedroom at three a.m. As if he’d read my mind he said, “Adam wanted me to come and help while he gives you the epidural. Is that alright with you?”

  “How are you going to help?”

  “You’ll see,” he mysteriously replied as Adam helped me sit up. He instructed me to sit on the edge of the bed, and moments later I knew why Alex was there. I sometimes forgot that as an oral surgeon he was an MD as well, but his job tonight was to hold me upright and keep me still while Adam administered my epidural. I was terrified at the mere thought of what the procedure entailed, but Adam and Alex assured me that I was in capable hands and that I would be feeling much better within a matter of minutes. Adam glanced at his brother and said, “Put your arms around her and keep her still while I do this.” He turned to me and added, “Here, sweetheart, hold this pillow against your chest, alright?”

  I nodded, too terrified to argue with him as I clutched the pillow and gave Alex an uncertain look. He smiled and put his arms around me, then murmured, “It’s going to be alright, Sophie. I promise.”

  I nodded and closed my eyes as I waited for the dreaded feel of the needle going into my back, but moments later I jumped slightly when I felt something cold and wet on my back. I raised my head and inquired, “What was that?”

  “Just some Betadine, sweetheart. Now lean forward and try to relax. And try not to jump, OK?”

  “But isn’t this going to hurt?”

  “Actually, no. Just relax, sweetheart. I’ll be finished in a few minutes.”

  I leaned against Alex’s chest as I waited for the worst, and moments later Adam expertly slid the needle into my spine. It was the strangest sensation I’d ever felt, and terror coursed through me as I wondered if what I was feeling was normal. I stiffened and gripped the pillow when I felt the odd sensation of liquid being injected into my spine, and Alex frowned as he inquired, “Are you alright, Sophie?”

  I nodded, too terrified to speak as Adam taped the needle into place and said, “There. All done, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “But I didn’t--”

  “Feel anything?” he finished for me as he removed his gloves and came to stand in front of me. I nodded and replied, “Well, I felt something, but it didn’t hurt.”

  “I told you it wouldn’t.” He checked my pulse and blood pressure before he eased me onto my back at an angle, and as he tucked pillows under my left side he said, “I can’t let you lie flat, but let me know if you’re uncomfortable and I’ll help you roll over.”

  “You don’t have to help me, Adam. I can do it myself.”

  He gave me an amused smile and replied, “Really?”


  “Then try it.”

  Much to my surprise, I was numb from the waist down, which meant no more pain from the contractions. However, it was frightening to be paralyzed and dependent upon someone like that, but Adam saw the fear on my face and quickly said, “That’s normal, sweetheart. The feeling will come back when I take the needle out.”

  “Thank God.”

  “You didn’t hear me say “Oops”, did you?”


  “Then you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  I finally relaxed and laughed at his comment, and when several minutes had passed with no pain I inquired, “Are you sure I’m still in labor?”

  He laughed and replied, “Of course I’m sure. Now that you aren’t so tense and afraid, you’ll probably have this baby quicker than you thought.”

  I smiled up at him and replied, “I can hardly wait.”

  I was surprised to discover that I had slept, and when I woke Adam was sitting beside the bed, looking rested and excited. He checked my vitals and sat down on the bed, then inquired, “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “Alright, I guess.”

  “Good.” He stretched out beside me and carefully drew me into his arms, then kissed my forehead before he added, “I examined you just before you woke up. You’re already at seven centimeters.”

  “Three more to go.”


  “I’m glad you’re delivering the baby, Adam.”

  He smiled and gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, then replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I hooked you up to an internal fetal monitor while you were asleep, and so far everything looks fine. The baby is fine, and you’re doing fine, and I couldn’t ask for more.”

  “What time is it?”

  “A little after seven.”

  “How long will this epidural last?”

  “Until it’s time for you to push.”

  “I see.”

  “It’s easier that way. I don’t want you wearing yourself out pushing when you can’t really feel the urge to do so.”

  “Makes sense.”

  He smiled and got up, then said, “You just take it easy. I’ve got everything under control.”

  I simply nodded and drifted back off to sleep, amazed that I could sleep at a time like this.

  The pain roused me from my carefree slumber, and at first I didn’t understand why I was in such excruciating pain. Then I remembered--I was in labor! Adam had removed my epidural while I’d slept, and now, as blinding pain ripped through me, tears sprang to my eyes and slid down my cheeks as he prepared to deliver our baby. Alex was there as well, and I was grateful for the cool cloth he placed across my forehead and the ice he spooned into my mouth while I waited for the next horrible wave of pain. I felt Adam’s hand as he gently examined me, and his voice was calm and gentle as he said, “Just relax, sweetheart. You’re doing fine.” He continued to examine me, and then his voice became full of excitement as he said, “I can see the baby’s head, sweetheart! It won’t be long now!”

  I gave a ragged gasp as the pain began to build, and I felt a brief, stinging pain as Adam made a neat incision between my legs so I wouldn’t tear. Moments later I moaned and restlessly moved my head back and forth on the pillow as the pain reached its peak, and I was dimly aware of Adam’s voice urging me not to push yet. I suddenly understood what he meant as I got the almost unbearable urge to push. I was taking great big gasping gulps of air in an effort not to push, and I went limp with relief when the pain began to subside, as well as the urge to push. My relief was short-lived when the pain began to build again, and Adam was silent as he placed his hand between my legs and broke into a huge grin. His hand was on the baby’s head, and his voice
was high with excitement as he instructed, “Push, sweetheart!”

  That unbearable urge descended upon me once again, and instinct seemed to take over as I drew myself up onto my elbows and pushed with all my might. I collapsed against the pillows when the urge began to fade, but I knew that my relief would be short-lived until this baby finally decided to come out and face the world. Alex spooned more ice into my mouth just before the next contraction began, and I whimpered softly as I prepared myself to push. I wanted this baby out so the pain would end, and as I pushed myself up onto my elbows again I threw my head back and gave a primal scream as some unseen force took over my body and literally forced me to push. Moments later I collapsed against the pillows, determined to never put myself through this again, but my thoughts became jumbled as yet another wave of pain crashed through me. I screamed and cried and pushed, and moments later I felt a sudden rush and then an extreme sense of relief as my baby finally decided to come out and face the world. Adam gave a delighted whoop as he cradled our baby against his chest, and moments later he cut the cord and wrapped the child in a warm, thick towel. All I could do was lay there as he tended to the baby, but moments later I forced my eyes open and smiled up at him when he said, “Say hi to mommy.” He gently placed our daughter in my arms, and I suddenly understood the phrase love at first sight.

  The End


  Beverly Cialone has been writing since junior high school. Her writing can be romantic and filled with fantasy or replete with the realism of gut-wrenching emotion. The author of several successful romance and erotica titles, she remains ever true to her passion of writing from the soul. Beverly lives in South Carolina with her fiance and enjoys spending time with her two sons and two adorable granddaughters.




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