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Copper Chameleon

Page 2

by Allison Lynne


  Blaze watched as Elbert deftly drilled a hole where the dynamite would be placed. It was her task to crawl into the narrow cavern and place the explosive deep into the drilled hole. She swallowed hard as Elbert’s long arms blurred with speed as he powered the hand cranked drill. The area where she was to mount the dynamite was at the end of a canal about three feet deep and two feet wide.

  Shuffling her feet into the dusty earth, she felt a hand clamp onto her shoulder. It was Bergmann. “Now remember, you just slide in there and place the stick of dynamite into the hole. There is no risk of explosion as the dynamite will be detonated by the contraption I showed you. I will be the one pushing down the switch and I can assure you that nothing will happen until you are at the safety point with the entire crew.” Bergmann winked at Blaze. “Even if I am irritated with you for dousing yourself in your sister’s perfume today, I am committed to keeping your mangy hide safe. Now what she decides to do to you for your theft if, and when she discovers it, is totally out of my hands.”

  Blaze shot a puzzled look his way then absently sniffed her wrist through the bandana. So he thought she had a sister! Good. A lot could be explained away with that assumption. A wry, unseen grin formed on her face as he handed her the cold stick of explosive then walked toward the safety area.

  Only she and Elbert were left in the blast zone and she turned her attention back to the drilling, hoping it took a bit longer so she could calm her jittery nerves. They seemed to be on edge every time he touched her! Taking one more deep breath, she repeated his words in her mind and realized he was correct. There was no danger with the new-fangled dynamite explosive. He had explained the workings of this new mining tool to the skeptical crew and had assured them it could make the Mary Mine a very profitable site. The effectiveness was maximal and the risk was minimal since the detonator was not triggered with an open flame. Every man would be secure behind a safety wall, away from the blast. It was then she noticed Elbert from the corner of her eye as he muttered something about black powder and the old ways. The drilling was obviously completed.

  Abruptly Elbert backed away from the site and grumbled, “It’s all yours. Be careful.”

  After a moment’s pause, Blaze gripped the dynamite and shimmied into the hole. The smell of freshly dug dank earth assaulted her senses and she felt blindly for the spot that had been drilled. Dang, why had it been placed so deep in the tunnel? Stretching out like a cat in a sunbeam, she struggled to fit the explosive into place. She stretched a little more. There it was. The end of the stick was just touching the opening of the hole. Lying face down, burying her nose into the earth, she extended to her farthest reach then shoved the dynamite into place with as much force as she could muster without tearing loose the wire connecting it to the switch.

  A deafening sound filled her ears. She had no time to think. No time to escape. Her world went black.

  Dirk had been waiting on Blaze in the corridor when a fine spray of dirt and rock covered him. “Damn!” He rushed headlong into the flying debris, his first thought being that this couldn’t, no shouldn’t be happening. He had placed and triggered many charges without incident. He had to get to the boy!

  Unknown to Dirk, Ralph was close on his heels. Neither man spoke as they began to clean away the rubble covering the slight form. All at once, every man was working toward a common goal. No words were spoken, just condemning looks given, all in Bergmann’s direction.

  Ralph was the first to recover the intact dynamite stick. He gave his boss a questioning look before looking more closely at the situation. It was all becoming a bit clearer how this had happened. The hovering smoke. The acrid fumes. The familiar smell. Black powder. “Where the hell did the powder come from?” He yelled.

  Elbert’s eyes widened with the dawning of understanding.

  Bergmann intervened. “Not now, dammit! The boy!”

  Three hours later, a pale, unconscious Blaze was being gently lifted from the rubble. Ole Bess was poised to lift the lad, Ralph, and Bergmann to the top. The doctor was waiting.

  Doc Lanier met the group topside as they exited the lift. “Where do I need to take the lad?”

  “My house.” Both men chimed in unison.

  “No. My place is closer.” Dirk decided. “Likely you’ll be out of a bed yourself if Blaze is recovering in yours, and I’m going to need you at your best, Ralph.”

  Ralph attempted to protest but could barely keep up as they loaded Blaze into the back of the physician’s small cart and sped away. “Oh Lord” was all he managed to say as they disappeared into the distance.

  “Mrs. Arp! Ready a room! We have an injured worker!” Dirk bellowed to the housekeeper as he literally kicked the screen door open.

  Mrs. Arp hurried ahead, hastily prepping the yellow guest room. Dirk placed the boy gently in the center of the large feather bed, feeling the lad’s slight weight then the burden of blame. It was miracle that old Doc Lanier was there checking a burn on Mrs. Arp's arm. His timing couldn't have been better.

  “How bad is it, doc?” Dirk positioned the patient with caution.

  “I won’t know until I examine him. Help me get him unclothed and we will check for breaks. And head injuries. If there are head injuries, it could be bad. Really bad.” The ancient physician mumbled as he worked.

  Dirk had already begun cutting at Blaze’s trousers, beginning at the pant legs and working his way up gently not to disturb any potentially broken bones. He moved with painstaking ease, carefully assessing each slender limb but leaving his underthings intact. As he removed the worn material of the grimy shirt, he encountered a thick swath of material bound around the boy’s chest. The puzzled look on his face turned to one of disbelief as he cut it away and two perfectly formed breasts sprang free. The knife jerked upward and he cut his own hand.

  “Oh my...” Doc looked closely at the patient as a dawning of recognition came over him. “This be Ann Ward, also known as Blaze. Lord help her! What was she thinking?”

  “I don’t know, but I intend to get to the bottom of this as soon as you make sure she is okay.” Bergmann promised.

  “I’ll be explaining it later, boss. Later. First the lass.” A weary Ralph appeared in the doorway, his face etched with worry.


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