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Legacy of the Darkness

Page 6

by Kira Shinigami

  Chapter 5: For Whom This Hell Tolls

  Days past and Connor couldn’t be happier. Although he still had to attend class, he didn’t see life getting any better then this; Yuki had agreed to move into the dorm, and Jacob had fallen for Jess. The classes were being halted due to an increasing amount of murders in the area; several of the murders were faculty at Saint Styx, and, since the murders had continued, Connor and Jacob both knew that Yuki and Jess were completely innocent. After sending their written reports, Yuuku still didn’t call off the mission, always saying that ‘they couldn’t be certain of their (Jess and Yuki) innocence’.

  The only downside was that they still had girlish tendencies; like the time when Connor and Yuki had gone out shopping for some new games and movies. Yuki was more then willing to look through some of the standard male interests, but afterwards she asked to look at some clothes.

  “Sure,” He had replied, “I should be more then capable of living through that.” They had laughed at that, but Connor soon felt like he was going to kill himself. The smells and sights of the clothing store were nauseating; just row after row of clothes, and scents that seemed to launch a

  “I’m done.” She had said after nearly two hours of looking at and trying on clothes.

  “Oh thank Satan!” He said after exiting the store and breathed the polluted air, which smelled like the finest chocolate or wine after all the aromas of the store.

  Three days later, they were spending their time in the church for recreational activities. Life seemed to be going great except Connor knew that he and Jacob had a deadline to hand these two girls over to the Kouken of Earth. The only question that they kept coming back to is ‘what they were going to do to them once they were in the K.O.E.’s jurisdiction’. Connor looked at Yuki, who was deep in conversation with Jess, seeing only a beautiful girl, but he didn’t think that the Kouken of Earth would see what he saw.

  “Jacob,” His friend looked at him seeming to know what he was about to say, “I don’t want to go back to the K.O.E. I don’t think they’ll let Yuki or Jess stay no matter what we do.” He said and knew that Jacob got the meaning of what he was saying.

  “Hey Jess!” He called softly, the female werewolf wondered over, evidently not sensing the mood, since she had a huge grin plastered onto her face.

  “Yuki, could you come here for a moment please?” Connor said and waited for her to come and sit by his side as she usually did, however when she didn’t he felt panic begin to rise as he thought of the worst reasons for why she wasn’t responding.

  “Yeah what is it?” Yuki asked from behind him, he looked back and froze. The girl behind him looked and sounded like Yuki except her eyes were completely wrong, one was solid gold and the other pure silver. Immediately he jumped away from her and took hold of his Desert Eagle that he kept hidden beneath his trench coat.

  “I would not do that if I were you.” She warned and gestured to her right, Jacob was unconscious and he saw that the other impostor had her sharp nails gently grazing his neck.

  “What are you?” He asked taking his hand away from his primary weapon, but not dropping his guard completely.

  “We are demons, and you are a disgusting half-breed.” The Yuki demon said disgust thick in its voice.

  “Yes you are a mere half-breed; however, you hold something far greater than any other demon or vampire in existence. You and your friend here hold the blood of the two greatest demons ever to have set foot in this putrid realm.” The Jess demon explained standing up, with Jacob in tow, she stared at Connor, noting his features, but mostly the eyes.

  “We’re going to test you; if you can get your friend out of my grasp then we’ll free him and the other two, however if you fail your friend is coming with us. Ready? Set? Go!” She exclaimed and was almost shocked by how quickly he moved, the attack caught her off guard, but being a demon of agility she dodged the attack and launched her own offensive strike. The kick struck his abdomen, however this didn’t cause him to falter instead he laughed and took hold of her leg, he pulled her toward him, and raised his arm to the deliver the finishing blow, but the demon’s partner tackled him from the side. Unlike the other demon this one was more a child then anything. Connor merely toyed with it and once he felt the time was right he pulled it to him, keeping it locked in a twisted embrace and drove his deadly canines into her soft throat.

  The demon that was posing as Jess stood there and watched as he fed from its companion, as it watched it saw his eyes change from the deep, dark brown with a crimson hue, into two pools of blue and black flames. There was no doubt now, that vampire was his child. The demon took hold of the werewolf and, in a flurry of black rose petals disappeared, from that world and reappeared in its home world.

  Once Connor had finished feeding from the demon he realised that the other one had held true to its word, since he had failed to release its hold on his friend it had taken him away. He felt his knees give and he knelt on the cold, stone floor. What’s going on, he thought as he knelt there, they came to test me, but why?

  I can answer that question. The voice whispered through his mind and he felt the world begin to spin around him. Once it had stopped he breathed a sigh of relief, which was cut short by his face connecting with the stone floor.

  “Owwwww.” He groaned and lost conscious.

  The location that stretched before him was one that no human could understand. The world before him was… nothing. The only source of light came from a human figure a foot in front of him.

  “Am I dead?” He asked calmly, the figure’s shoulders began to shake as though it was laughing.

  “No,” It said its voice echoed Connor’s except with a slight sadness, “You are alive, this is an Out of Body Experience, during which I am going to show you the origins of you and your friend’s birth.” The figure stepped forward and pierced Connor’s chest with his hand.

  He awoke to the sounds of screams. The sound of an explosion nearby caused him to move instinctively into a crouched position. The scene before him was not a pretty sight, human corpses were everywhere. He looked around and saw at least three hundred soldiers charging like mad men at an enemy force that seemed to stretch for miles.

  “Hey stop!” He yelled, however they continued as though he had never spoken.

  “They cannot hear you.” A voice spoke from his side, at first he didn’t see anything then he noticed a slight disturbance in the air.

  “What do you mean?” He questioned the invisible being.

  “This is the past young vampire we aren’t actually here, we’re simply observers.” It explained.

  “Why are we here then? This just looks like World War Two.”

  “You are correct, however that was a cover up. Some of the strongest countries united in a successful attempt to eliminate a rather large vampire uprising; an uprising led by Yuuku Excrucio.” It said.

  “What? Yuuku’s not evil though.” Connor protested.

  “She knew that you held more power than most vampires, and so she lied to you and your friend.” As he spoke the scene shifted to a twisted world, towers stood tall in the distance all of which seemed to be crawling with disgusting gargoyle like creatures. In front of him stood four columns, which obscured his view of the huge stone table in the centre of the four.

  “Where are we?” He asked disgust filled his voice as he looked at the horrible creatures.

  “The Demon World, Ritsuzen.” The voice explained. Connor turned to look in the direction of the voice and was astonished to see a nearly exact duplicate of him. The copy was a little bit taller than he was, its eyes were just black globes, and its complexion was slightly paler then his.

  “What are you? How come I couldn’t see you before? Why are we here?” The questions flowed freely from his mouth as though he had no control over them.

  “I am a similar demon to the two you encountered at the church,” It explained, “I simply hid myself in case they noticed me and we are here to show y
ou the truth behind your birth given power.” As it spoke Connor moved himself in order to get a better view of what was happening. Once in position he saw a heavily pregnant women tied to the stone, her legs had been lifted into a birthing position, however from what he could see the women was not in labour.

  “What are they doing to her?” He whispered to himself.

  “They are about to feed her the combined blood of three very powerful demons and the blood of a vampire, they will then use sorcery to force the blood to combine with the unborn infant.” The demon explained.

  “Is she my mother?” He barely managed to choke the words out.

  “Yes, you will be born in a matter of minutes.” The demon explained.

  “But why wasn’t I raised here?” He asked.

  “Watch and you shall see.” The demon instructed. They sat there and watched the demons prepare for the ritual.

  “What about Jacob? Wasn’t he born the same way I was?” He enquired.

  “I do not know the details; all I can say for sure is that he has the blood of both vampire and werewolf.” The demon explained. Before Connor could question it again, he saw the demons converge on the women, his mother. With extreme gentleness that seemed impossible for the disgusting demons, they lifted her head and put a glass, filled with a strange black, dark green, and dark blue liquid, to her lips. When she refused to drink they whispered something into her ear, even though his hearing far more powerful than a human’s he couldn’t make out the words, but whatever they said had the desired affect; his mother drank the contents of the glass. Immediately she flattened herself against the stone and screamed as she instinctively tried to push the baby out of her genitalia. All the while the demons gathered in a circle around her and began an ancient chant, after hours of pushing and screaming the infant emerged. Connor had seen someone give birth before when his grandmother’s friend’s daughter had gone into labour and they had to drive her to the hospital, the doctors had said that he couldn’t watch, but he found a way to sneak into the room, afterwards he had vomited onto a nurse who was trying to get him out of the room and gotten himself grounded for over a month. He stared at the small… thing. In the hands of a demon was a infant with a single horn on his human shaped head, the whites of it’s eyes were jet black with a flame like blue iris that seemed to burn, adorning his back were two angelic wings with oil black feathers and red streaking through the middle, and all across his body were symbols that seemed ancient.

  “That can’t be me.” Connor said in complete disbelief.

  “That is you, however the form you are seeing is if your power was fully unleashed. Now watch.” It ordered. Connor watched as half a dozen demons dropped dead in an instant. The demon that was holding Connor attempted to flee while the rest stared at the humanoid figure that now stood on the stone table. The figure’s face was concealed by a hood, however once it pulled this away from its face Connor’s breath caught in his throat. The man standing in the centre looked exactly like him, except for the slight stubble and scared face.

  “Is he-?” Connor let the question hang in the air.

  “Yes that would be your father.” The demon said sounding awed by Connor’s father. They watched as he killed the demon holding Connor as an infant; however he had been too focused on that particular demon to notice that the rest had converged on him. His father saluted them and in a small burst of light he, and the infant, disappeared.

  Connor awoke once again, however this time on the stone floor of the church. Slowly he stretched and was shocked when he felt something else flex as well. He turned his head to the side and saw them, two huge black wings extending from his shoulder blades; he felt the top of his head and found the single horn poking through his hair.

  “No I can’t be like this; I don’t want to be like this.” He whispered to himself over and over again. Eventually he felt the horn and wings recede into his body. He fell to floor once again gasping for air. Power was flowing freely throughout his body now. And with it I’ll get them back, he thought and attempted to stand but his knees buckled under his weight, after I’ve rested then, with that last thought he fell unconscious.

  Jacob sat in his prison cell at the K.O.E. headquarters trying to make sense out of what had just transpired: He had been about to go on the run with Connor, Yuki, and Jess when Jess had struck him over the head, afterwards Yuki had carried his unconscious body to the K.O.E. When he had woken Yuuku was there to greet him.

  “Hello Jacob. I hope you had a nice nap,” She had said her voice sounding cold and filled with malice. He had attempted to speak, but his throat hurt to bad to even try. “You have two choices Jacob, become a servant to my will or lose her.” At the mention of her, Jess’ unconscious form was brought into the room.

  “What do you need her for?” He yelled and coughed. She had smiled; something about the way she grinned at him caused a cold shiver to pass through his body.

  “You see Jacob, the blood of a werewolf and vampire give me far more power than most demons, but the problem is that I need to feed from two at once and let me tell you it’s isn’t pleasant.” She had explained and pulled a sour expression at the memory of the taste, “But you… You are a perfect hybrid and your blood,” She paused as she shivered in pleasure at the memory of when she first ingested his blood “It’s so good, just the thought… Anyway I need you and you need me.” She nodded toward the unconscious Jess. Through the pain in his throat he managed to speak.

  “Fine, but if you harm her in any way I promise to make your life a living hell.”

  Since then they had allowed him to be with Jess for short periods of time, but each day he saw her mental state beginning to decay. He looked into her eyes and saw the beginnings of madness developing there. What have they been doing to you? He thought, Connor you better get here soon.

  Yuuku was in a state of ecstasy. The lycanthrope believed that she wanted him to be her servant, when in fact she had much bigger plans. She began to laugh at her thoughts when a blood curdling scream emitted from the hall outside of her door. When she was about to investigate the doors flew open with such incredible force that they cracked her stone walls, she looked to the door expecting Jacob when the sight before her caused her heart to cease beating.

  Connor had entered the main stronghold of the K.O.E, with minimal effort: The guards outside were not prepared for him, so they had been dealt with easily enough. Inside the forces had been alerted of his approach and had proceeded to organise a blockade of vampires and werewolves.

  “I advise that get out of my way,” When they didn’t reply he continued, “Well don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He muttered under his breath. Seconds later he was walking past their groaning bodies. He walked into the living quarters and was relieved to that the remainder of the staff had fled from the building. As he approached Yuuku’s office he encountered only one guard.

  “Well I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” The unmistakable voice of Yuki spoke to him.

  “I’m going to enjoy this far more then I should.” He whispered to himself. The demon charged him from the side; however his speed had increased drastically since unlocking his demonic power. He side stepped causing the demon to fly past him, or it would have if he hadn’t grabbed it by the neck and suspended it in the air.

  “How… how did you gain so much power?” It managed to cough out the words.

  “Well… I would tell you, but you see there’s a problem.”

  “What would that be?”

  “You’re dead.”

  “But that’s not righ-” The rest of the sentence was cut off by Connor’s fangs sinking into its flesh; the scream it emitted was music to his ears.


  Now he stood in front of the oak doors. He grunted as he allowed his wings and horn to emerge from his flesh. Ein, zwei drei! He counted in his head, and brought his fist against the two doors with minimal force. The result was powerful to say the least.

/>   “Hey Yuuku I’m home!” He called cheerfully as he stepped into the room. Yuuku was practically curled up in a ball when he finally saw her.

  “C-Connor,” She stuttered his name, “What happened to you?”

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that. First I want to know one thing; why did you lie to me?” When she didn’t answer immediately, he pulled out his Desert Eagle and trained his sights on her.


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