Book Read Free

One Last Time

Page 8

by James Hampson

  After getting out of the taxi they asked for some large maps and a pen from the receptionist which he handed over. They rode the lift to the top floor, grabbed some water from the bar and took their drinks on to the terrace spreading their maps out on the table they had sat at. The time was 0930 and Shaw sent a text to Delinda good morning how are you feeling today, still want to meet for lunch how about we meet at the fountain outside Alfonso Xiii hotel at 1300.

  'You might want to cancel your museum plans and just do lunch' Shaw said to Sharif.

  He agreed and text Ally to rearrange plans. Shaw's phone beeped first with a text saying hey I'm good, you mean 1pm right I am sorta getting used to European times, look forward to seeing you again.

  Yes 1PM see you soon Shaw replied.

  Sharif said 'DGSE are sending me a fix on the location of the twenty men working for Ramos.'

  'Good' Shaw repleid with a nod of the head.

  James Shaw circled Santa Justa railway station on the map along with San Bernardo station which was the stop before Santa Justa on the line from Malaga. He also circled Hotel Ayre a hotel adjacent to Santa Justa, Hotel Alfonso Xiii and Triana where he had told his brother to stay and also where Will Ramsey would stay. Lawrence Sharif knew when James Shaw had a plan and he asked him.

  'OK, what have you got and how much mess?'

  Shaw lit a cigarette and placed the pack on top of the map, Lawrence did the same and put his pack next to Shaw's.

  'Right then, we can forget about Plaza de Armas. They will arrive by train; I am going to wait for them at Santa Justa and you will wait in Hotel Ayre’s reception for them. First, we need to take care of some of these Argentinians and arm ourselves up, two Beretta M9's won't cut the mustard on this one.’ Shaw said. ‘I assume that the meeting will take place in the Alfonso Xiii Hotel, as it is the perfect setting for handing over fifty million pounds, John and Will could maybe be parked outside if we need to make a quick getaway for some reason, which reminds me what are we do to with Ramos?'

  Sharif replied 'He is expendable, we cannot let him get out of the hotel with those drilling permits. Good plan, what makes you so sure they are getting the train and staying in Hotel Ayre. And what about the Argentinians, how do we get them alone?'

  ‘Expendable makes things easier; they are getting the train because would you get a coach if you didn’t have to. As for Hotel Ayre, they would have booked due to its location next to the station, no credit card use suggests they used a booking site and will pay on arrival, once I spot them getting off the train I will rendezvous with you and wait for them to check in, before we have a chat with them, as for the Argentinians, we will start with the one sat in that VW Polo down there.' Shaw said as he pointed over the railings of the roof terrace to the street below.

  They both looked over the edge of the roof top and could make out a figure sat in a blue VW Polo.

  'Let's go now' Sharif said.

  The two of them walked down to the floor below where their bedroom was located. Shaw opened the door to their dorm, tossed the maps on to one of the lower bunks and collected their Beretta's. The two of them tucked the pistol’s in to the waistband of their trousers underneath their polo shirts and walked down the rest of the stairs to the reception area.

  They burst outside into the street and were fifty yards from the car which was blocking the same road they had stopped on the day before. They walked towards the car splitting up so they would approach on either side of the car. James Shaw approached the driver's side and smiled at the man inside and motioned for him to open his window.

  'Hello, you’re the man who helped me earlier.'

  The soldier looked at Shaw and pressed the button to lower his window. As soon as the window lowered, Shaw punched him full force in the face, causing his nose to break, spraying blood everywhere and leaving him dazed.

  Shaw opened the door, dragged him out and kicked him in the stomach causing the soldier to double over in agony, Shaw slammed the door on his head and the soldier slumped to the cobbled floor barely breathing but still alive. Sharif opened the boot and helped Shaw lift him in before closing it.

  'I wasn’t expecting that' Sharif said.

  'Neither was I. The opportunity just arose when he opened the window, get in' Shaw replied.

  Shaw got in behind the wheel and moved the seat back whilst Sharif got in the passenger side.

  'What now?' Sharif asked.

  'Park it in an underground car park for now, then we will go on our dates' Shaw replied.

  As he checked his rear-view mirror, he noticed a black holdall on the back seat and said to Lawrence.

  'What's in the bag?'

  Lawrence reached behind him and pulled the holdall through the gap in between the seats and unzipped it to find a Steyr AUG assault rifle with 5.56mm rounds, a Browning pistol and 9mm rounds.

  A few minutes later they arrived at an underground car park and Shaw parked up and took the Browning pistol off Sharif. He stripped it down and told Sharif to bring the bag. They walked over to a pay machine and Shaw inserted sixty euros for twenty-four hours.

  'Outrageous the cost of parking here' he said to nobody in particular.

  The machine dispensed his ticket and he dropped the stripped Browning Pistol in the bin, he kept the ammunition as it could be used in their Berettas. After placing the ticket in the windscreen, they walked back towards their accommodation to drop the holdall off and get ready for going out for lunch with Delinda and Ally.

  'I managed to pick his phone up, luckily it was unlocked, I have taken the phone numbers of his comrades so we should be able to track them using our iPhones instead of relying on Peter at DGSE' Sharif said.

  'Good work I wouldn't have thought of that' Shaw said.

  'Exactly, that is why you are in the Military, you are the Brawn and I am the Brain' Sharif replied.

  'You are more like Pinky, anyway who came up with the plan for Sunday, now all I want to do is meet the lovely Delinda for lunch' Shaw said with a smile.

  They got back to the room and put the holdall along with their Berettas in a drawer under the bed and locked it with a heavy-duty padlock. They freshened themselves up and headed to the roof terrace for a smoke. They began chatting with a young couple from Lincolnshire who were travelling around Spain together before they went to University, Shaw told them that he would soon be moving to Lincoln for work, Lawrence interrupted and said.

  'It's time to go Jim.'

  Shaw looked at his watch, they had been talking to the young couple for almost two hours. Shaw apologised to the couple.

  'We have dates, hopefully we will see you later.'

  The man replied with a wink. 'Or hopefully not.'

  His partner gave him a disapproving look but Shaw smiled and headed off with Lawrence. Shaw's phone pinged in his pocket; it was a text from Will Ramsey it read.

  'I am at Jerez just about to get back on the road, I will call when I arrive.’

  'Good, Will is on his way, he is just about to leave Jerez, and John will arrive tomorrow just in time for Powell and his crew on Sunday' Shaw said to Sharif.

  'Excellent in the meantime we need to neutralise as many as these Argentinians as possible without affecting the deal next week' replied Sharif.


  In the underground car park where Shaw had left the VW Polo, the Argentinian soldier they had put in to the boot took his last breath and passed away. The combination of a broken nose, the heat and having his head smashed against a car door, all of those factor’s had taken its toll on his body and it finally gave up the fight to stay alive.

  Lawrence Sharif had thrown the Argentinians phone into a bin on his way to the roof terrace, it had been called multiple times by Javier Ramos for an update. Another of the special force's soldiers found its location on a tracking app, they both concluded he was still at his post and maybe had turned his phone on to silent mode. Even though Ramos thought nothing of it he still sent another soldier to patrol the area to ch
eck everything was in order. Fifteen minutes later another Blue VW Polo drove past the location of the mobile phone three times and could not see any sign of his comrades' car, he called Javier Ramos from his mobile and said.

  'Sir, no sign of his car but his phone is still saying it is here what should I do?'

  Ramos replied 'Can you follow the phone to an exact location.'

  'Yes, I can do that' said the soldier.

  He entered the hostel where Shaw and Sharif were staying and walked upstairs, following the signal of the mobile phone. He stopped and could see its light in a rubbish bin as Javier Ramos was calling it, the soldier reached in and answered the phone to Ramos.

  'Sir, the phone was in a bin, there is no sign of Juan, maybe these men are not tourists after all.'

  'Try and find those sons of bitches and bring them to me, alive' Ramos said.

  'OK, Sir I will find them and bring them in.’

  It was too late, Shaw and Sharif had found him first, as the soldier turned around Shaw reached into the small of the man's back and took out his Browning Pistol and asked.

  'Do you speak English?'

  The soldier said nothing and went to grab Shaw but Shaw was too quick for him punching him in the chest knocking the wind out of him and causing him to double over in pain. Shaw and Sharif took hold of an arm each and dragged the soldier down the stairs towards the reception area. The man behind the desk seen them and shouted.

  'I am going to call the police.'

  Sharif said to Shaw 'Put him in the car and I will speak to our friend here.'

  Shaw dragged the soldier out to his car and struggled to put him in the boot after fishing the keys out of his pocket, Shaw punched him in the stomach to stop him fighting back and grabbed the phone out of his pocket before slamming the boot shut on him.

  Sharif explained to the man behind the desk that this was an important matter and the police need not get involved. He promised the man five hundred euros when he returned later, he seemed more than happy with that and said to Sharif if you need anything at all just ask. Sharif then went out to Shaw in the VW Polo. This time they decided to leave the car on a street a couple of blocks away with the soldier still in the boot. Shaw put the soldier's phone in his back pocket and he and Sharif headed off to meet Delinda and Ally, Sharif was meeting Ally in a restaurant alongside the river and bid Shaw farewell, telling him to keep an eye out and to let the other know if they find anything suspicious, or see any more Argentinian soldiers following them.


  James Shaw being the cautious type was slumped on a bench looking at his phone near to the Puerto de Jerez metro station, where he had a full view of the fountain in the centre of the plaza and the six streets leading up to it. Shaw could see Delinda approaching from the Avenida de la Constitution end of the plaza, she was dressed in a white vest top along with pink denim shorts and black gladiator type sandals, what caught Shaw's eye though was not her long toned legs but the bum bag or fanny pack as Americans call them, she was wearing around her waist.

  Who wears one of those these days? he asked himself.

  He looked at his watch it was 1257, he then started walking the hundred yards to where Delinda was waiting for him at the fountain.

  Shaw said 'Hello, how do you do?' And kissed Delinda on the cheek, which she returned.

  'How has your day been so far?' Delinda asked.

  'Quite busy actually, how about you have you done much?'

  'We got some breakfast at McDonalds then just sat around the pool at our apartment.'

  'I skipped breakfast, early start, shall we get lunch?'


  They dawdled towards the restaurants and bars on Calle San Fernando which was home to the Alfonso Xiii hotel and the University of Sevilla on their right-hand side, along the other side were eateries and bars with tables and chairs outside. They chose a place that had a chalkboard specials menu and was occupied by locals, they sat down at a table. Less than thirty seconds later a waiter came over and handed a menu to each of them, he took a drinks order, James ordered a large Cruzcampo Seville's local brew and Delinda got the same as her date.

  The waiter brought out their drinks and took an order of Paella, Jamon, tortilla patata and patatas bravas.

  Delinda asked James 'Are you really from Liverpool?'

  'Yes, why would I make that up' James replied.

  'Oh, I don't know maybe to impress me.’

  James had a sip of his beer and replied.

  'Interesting and why would that impress you?' he asked with a smile.

  'Because it's so cool, The Beatles are from there, they are like the best band ever and my family are huge Liverpool fans, I was just there a few weeks back, I went to Anfield for the first time my pop was so proud and we beat Arsenal three zip it was awesome.’

  James smiled at her and looked into her icy blue eyes.

  'I watched that game we played well, has your Dad been to Anfield?'

  'Yes, many times' Delinda answered.

  James nodded and asked 'What is Nashville like then will you be living there when you go into Law, it was Law wasn’t it?'

  'No, I have applied to Law firms all over the states mostly in New York City and Chicago.’

  'I see, well I hope you get what you want. What other things are you interested in apart from music and football?'

  ‘Reading, travel and cycling but that is mainly to stay fit, I am not a fan of the gym’

  ‘Me neither, I cycle quite a lot myself. What do you like to read?’

  ‘Anything really, I like thrillers and horror. Do you like reading?’

  ‘Yes, I have just finished the latest Jack Reacher thriller, I love him.’

  ‘Oh my, so do I. Lee Child is a great writer. Have you travelled much yourself?’

  ‘Here and there, I actually came here around ten years ago, I have been to the US a handful of times too.’

  ‘Has it changed much since you were last here?’

  ‘Not really, it is still as charming as it was. Even more so this time.’ Shaw said with a smile.

  ‘Where did you go in the US and what for?’

  ‘Work and holiday, I went to Pittsburgh, Chicago and Detroit for the Superbowl in 2006 to watch the Steelers, the opportunity arose so I had to take it. I have also been to Las Vegas. Have you seen much of the US yourself?’

  ‘Steelers fan huh, I don’t really follow football, my Pop is a Packers fan but Liverpool take priority over them. Mom doesn’t really get sports.’ Delinda answered. ‘We travelled around some when I was little. Obviously being at Harvard I have seen Boston and most of New England, New York City and Florida. We vacationed in Europe too.’

  ‘And now you are here without your parents, is it liberating?’ Shaw asked.

  'For sure, I can do things at my own pace instead of being dragged around museums bored. What was it you do again I can't remember, but I remember you saying you live in Cyprus where is that?'

  'It is an Island in the Mediterranean, the gateway to the Middle East. I am an officer in the Royal Air Force, currently awaiting to return to the UK for my new post' James answered.

  Delinda smiled at him and flicked her hair back, even though it had not moved out of place and asked.

  'What is your new post? What made you and your friend Lawrence come here for vacation?' James stroked his chin and answered.

  'My new post is the station commander for an Air Force base in Lincolnshire, as for why are we here? It is a long story that hopefully I will tell you one day if we see each other again.’

  'I would like to see you again; would you like to see me again?'

  'Most definitely, this has been the best date I have had, not that I go on many dates' he said getting flustered.

  ‘I am sure you go on plenty of dates.’

  Shaw was saved by the waiter bringing their food to the table. James and Delinda tucked in to the various dishes that they had ordered. As they sat eating, drinking and laughing James's
phone began to ring in his pocket.

  'Excuse me' he said to Delinda before answering, it was Will Ramsey, who said.

  'Hello Sir, I have just arrived and checked in to my hotel, let me know when you need me.' 'Ok Will thank you again, go and enjoy yourself, speak soon' James hung up and had a puzzled look upon his face.

  He said to Delinda 'Sorry I have to make a quick call then I am all yours' he began dialling Lawrence's number who answered after five rings.

  'Will just called, he has just arrived and checked in to his hotel, he is standing by.'

  Sharif replied 'Good news I will speak with you later enjoy your date.'

  'You too' Shaw said and hung up.

  'Sorry about that, now were where we' he said to Delinda.

  'You were about to tell me what you are really doing here, coz you sure ain’t on no vacation' her southern accent really came out as she said it which James smiled at, he had a thing for the southern United States accent on females.

  'OK, Lawrence and I have been sent here to ensure that a sensitive business deal doesn't happen.'

  'I see, do you often do this type of work?' She asked.

  'No this is the first time I have done anything like this.’ He said. ‘It’s a nice change from flying a desk though' he lied.

  They each took a sip of beer and said nothing for a minute, until James asked.

  'What has been your favourite place so far then?'

  Delinda thought for a few seconds, James looked at her in a way he could not remember looking at a woman before. Delinda stirred him from his day dreaming as she answered.

  'Ummm Florence, Italy was awesome and Paris too, but I really like it here it's so charming and beautiful, and I met you' she said with a smile.

  Shaw laughed and asked 'So it doesn't bother you that I am ten years older than you are?' She looked at him the same way he had just looked at her and said.

  'Of course not, why would it? You don’t look thirty-six anyway'

  'Thanks' He replied.

  At the tram station on Calle San Fernando, adjacent to where James and Delinda where sat was another of Javier Ramos's Argentine soldiers who was keeping a close eye on James Shaw and Delinda Saint Germain. Shaw noticed him as soon as the pair sat down at their table earlier. Six trams had passed and the man had not got on any of them. Shaw planned on leaving him where he was, as he did not want to cause a scene in such a public place and more importantly in front of Delinda.


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