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Bound To Cobalt (Bound To The Billionaires Book 3)

Page 8

by Coco Miller

  “Okay,” I say. “Also, umm, the bank account trail. You found me because Rowan paid the ransom?”

  “The Prince of England paid it, yes. You must know a lot of important people, Miss Washington.”

  I shake my head. “Just him and I’m sure he hates me now.”

  “A man doesn’t pay that kind of money for someone he hates, Miss Washington,” he says. His voice is so deep it vibrates through his Kevlar vest.

  “Hmm, he probably just felt obligated.”

  Maybe after the night we spent.

  “Whatever you say, Miss Washington.”

  The cold Vegas night hits me in the face and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Ricky getting into the back of a cruiser with handcuffs around his wrists. Rolland carries me to the ambulance and two paramedics are waiting there with a gurney ready. Laying down does sound nice.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” he says and starts to walk away when he pauses and looks over his shoulder and decides turn around. The paramedic is cleaning the cut on my face and I hiss when it stings.

  Rolland lowers his voice and makes sure no one can hear him but me. “I have seen you perform and I just want to say, I’ve never seen anyone dance like that before. Don’t ever stop. You have something special.”

  I’m so glad he can’t see my cheeks flush because they are on fire right now.

  “Um, thank you? I think.”

  “I never watch the other strippers. I prefer your performance. That Prince is a lucky guy or I’d think about asking you out for myself.”

  With a departing wink, he turns around and walks away.

  Only the Prince isn’t here, is he?

  I lay down on the gurney as they close the ambulance door and the sirens come on. I exhale, staring at the ceiling, wondering what the hell I’m going to do with my life now. I could still dance, but I don’t want to. I know every time I get on stage, I’ll see Rowan’s face and the motivation to dance will fade.

  I hate that when I think of dancing, I think of him now. My motivation used to be my own. I fueled my own passions, just as it should be, but then he came along and instantly made me fall in love with him. Now everywhere I look, everything I see, touch, taste, hear, smell, I think of him. How is that fair? It was as simple as saying no when he asked me to go out there and meet him.

  But one moment changed everything.

  And now my heart only beats for him.

  I’ll never be able to read a magazine without seeing his face everywhere and it will hurt more everyday. I don’t even want to think about how he lives completely across the world or worse, the fact that it’s just a matter of time before he’s with with another woman.

  Oh, God.

  “What’s wrong? Your heart rate sped up,” the paramedic asks, placing the stethoscope on my heart.

  “Nothing, just remembered something is all,” I mumble, remembering exactly how I feel, how love feels as it eats away at my heart. With every breath I take, it hurts to breathe without Rowan near me. I miss him so much.

  The ride to the hospital is short and when they open the doors, my mom is right there at the entrance crying. I want this night to end already. I’m tired of the drama. I just want to crawl into bed and forget this night—no—that the last few weeks have ever happened. I’ll wake up with my mind erased of all the wonderful joy and pain that has come my way since meeting Rowan Cobalt.

  I get up from the gurney and try to swing my legs over to get up.

  “Woah there, you have to lay down, okay? The doctors have to check all your wounds and make sure you’re okay to go,” the paramedic warns.

  “I’m fine. Seriously, mom, let’s go home.”

  “Hell no. Listen to the doctors and get your ass inside or so help me god, Ella.”

  I plop back down on the gurney and groan with frustration. My cheek hurts, along with my ankles and wrists, but that’s something that will heal over time. There’s really nothing they can do about my wounds, but I listen to my mom and get rolled into a small room with a tv hanging in the corner. For some reason, the medical care for such minor injuries is impressive. They are really going above and beyond. Checking on me every ten to fifteen minutes.


  Of course.

  Orders from the Prince. That would make all this fuss make much more sense.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting here getting poked, prodded, and getting my bandages changed. Eventually I fall asleep, trying to get time to pass by quicker. When I wake up again, the room is dark and I’m alone.

  Or I think I am.

  I turn on the light next to me and see Rowan in the corner chair. He eyes meet mine and dammit, I missed those Caribbean emeralds looking at me like I’m the most important thing in the world. His hair is a mess, his clothes are wrinkled, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days. It’s so unlike him to look anything less than pristine.

  Rowan stands, pushing himself up from the chair and with large strides he is at my side in seconds, sitting on the bed. The scent of his cologne fills my lungs and my heart calms when he takes my hand. Then finally a sob breaks free.

  “I’m so sorry, Rowan,” I cry. “I should have told you, but—”

  “Aye, love, you should have but it doesn’t matter now. The only thing that matters is that you’re okay. You’re okay, right? God, when I got that video, I died a thousand times.”

  “I’m okay. I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” I whisper. “I’m sorry you had to pay that.”

  He cups my face and stares deeply into my eyes. That’s when I notice that he has been crying.

  “I’d pay anything to make sure you were safe. God, don’t you know that, Ella? Don’t you know that I love you?”

  His accent is thicker when he admits his love for me. When he said it for the first time, I wasn’t sure if I believed him but now I do.

  I feel it.

  The undeniable pull when we are in the same room. Our desperate need to touch each other at all times. The way he causes me to lose my breath because he is so handsome and he just makes my brain melt in ways that are really unhealthy.

  Yeah, it’s official.

  I’m totally and completely obsessed with Rowan Cobalt.

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you who I was. A lot of people find out who I am and start to act totally bonkers. All of a sudden they want to curtsy, or they don’t know what to say, or they’re afraid of being themselves and act really uncomfortably with me. I didn’t want that with you. I wanted you to get to know me for me without all of that in the way.”

  “I love the man who I’ve spent everyday with for the last few weeks,” I say, clutching his hand like a lifeline. “The man not the Prince. All of that doesn’t matter to me.”

  “I realize that now. Not telling you made you think things that are completely not the case, Ella. I was never ashamed of you. I adore you.”

  He leans forward and places a tender kiss against my lips and then lays his forehead against mine. He sighs and inhales, letting him breathe for me. “I miss ye so much, Ella. Come back with me to England. Stay by my side. Be my Queen.”

  “I’m no queen, Rowan. What will your country think? Your mother?”

  I know what I am and I know what trouble it can cause him. Look how much trouble I’ve been to him already.

  “I don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize your future,” I say to him.

  “My future means nothing without you, Ella. Come back with me. I can’t think of a tomorrow that you aren’t in. I love you. That’s all that matters. Everything else is just noise.”

  “I love you too,” I finally admit out loud.

  “So will ye build a life with me across the pond?”

  “Will you read to me every night so I can fall asleep to the sound of your voice?”

  “You like my accent that much?”

  “You have no idea,” I groan, wishing we were home so I could show him just how much he affects me.

I’m not taking you in a hospital bed, even though I really want to. You’ve been injured and we really need to get going. The flight is long.”

  “We’re leaving today?”

  “I have to get back. My father is dying.”

  “But my mom—”

  “Like I’d leave your only family behind. She’s coming too. Come on.” He holds out his hand and lays the other across his stomach.

  “Be mine, love.”

  “I’ve always been yours, Rowan.”

  And I will be his until the day I die.



  One year later

  My brother stepped down when my father died and I took the crown. It hasn’t been smooth sailing. The press was relentless and quickly found out about Ella’s past. The court of public opinion is tough and the royal family even tougher.

  Some were supportive, some were not, but we have gotten through it. Regardless, It has been the best year of my life and it has all been thanks to my new Queen. The Queen who routinely gives me my own private dances.

  Remember, I am a voyeur.

  The first thing I did when Ella moved into the castle was to install a pole in our bedroom. Now she’s a successful pole dance instructor. She has to stay in the castle for her job due to security, but we built her a studio on the premises. The waiting list to join her class is two years long and even my mother took up a class or two.

  It’s disturbing as to why she would want to, but I’m not going to stop my mom from being happy. My father did and her husband of fifty years did die, and she hasn’t been the same since. So if it makes her happy, then far be it from me to deny her life’s pleasures.

  The song on the speaker starts to play and I swirl the scotch in my glass, smirking when my wedding ring catches the lights that start to strobe on stage. Fuck, I’m one lucky bastard. The first thing I did when we got to England was marry Ella. She’s tied to me in every way now, just like she’s meant to be. Body and soul.

  Gabriella Cobalt. It has a magnificent ring to it.

  She comes from behind the purple velvet curtain, the outline of her curvy body accentuated by the shadows the lights create. She smooths one hand down the side of her succulent breasts that I know I’ll have my mouth on in about fifteen minutes or less, depending on how long I can hold myself back. Her tight, leather outfit pushes her tits up, her nipples nearly spilling out of the built−in cups that are too small for her bosom.

  She lowers herself to the ground and spreads her legs, giving me a bare glimpse of her sweet cunt. I growl and lean forward, taking a sip of the expensive scotch, watching my hot wife swirl that body around the pole. I’ve never seen anyone move like her.

  Ella jumps, wrapping her hands around the top of the pole and then flips upside down, keeping her legs tight as she goes hands-free. Her legs are crisscrossed and her fingers almost touch the ground as she spins.

  Her muscles flex with the strength that I’ve felt grip me while she wraps those powerful legs around me as I fuck her. Ella keeps one leg up and then brings the other down by her ear and I tilt my head, getting a view of a fucking lifetime of her pussy.

  She’s glistening.

  Begging for my mouth and cock.

  I unzip my pants and fist my shaft out of its tight confinements, jacking myself slowly as I watch my wife seduce me and make me lose my ever−loving mind. Ella drops suddenly, making my heart lodge in my throat from a bit of fear, but she catches herself right before her sweet arse hits the floor. She flips her hair over her shoulder, winking at me.

  Little devil.

  She knows exactly what she is doing.

  Her eyes widen when she sees me fucking my fist. She crawls toward me, waving that arse in the air and all I can think about is fucking her from behind and filling her with my seed. Just the thought has me close to coming.

  When she is close enough, I let my cock go and reach for her, but she slaps my hand away.

  “No touching the strippers, sir,” she playfully purrs and flips to her back, spreading her legs.

  “I can touch what is mine,” I growl and stand at the same time, my eyes never leaving her hand as she slides it down her body, between her breasts, unclipping the leather and letting it fall to the side to reveal her beaded nipples.

  I try and reach for her again but she rolls away from me. Reaching for my scotch, I throw it back in one swallow, frustrated and horny. If I wanted her I could have her, but I’m going to let her play. It gets me rock hard and dripping with precum how she teases me. Even if I do want to fuck her right there on the stage.

  I bet she’s so wet.

  Her hand disappears between her legs and she moans when she inserts a finger. I stand at the side of the stage, getting the perfect view of her fucking herself. It suddenly gets hot in there and I start unbuttoning my shirt. It smells like honey in the air and I know it’s coming from her pussy, making me as hungry and horny.

  Every touch of my fingertips against my skin, my cock jerks. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait. I need her now. I grab her ankle and jerk her toward me, rubbing my thumb over the same spot the ropes were a year ago. No scars, just beautiful flawless skin.

  “I think you’ve had your fun, love,” I say, lifting her up in the air by her arse and lay her down on the leather couch in front of the stage.

  “I’m just getting started, baby,” she replies with a smug grin.

  We’ve never fucked with a condom and I never want to. She’s off her birth control now and I plan on making sure I come as often as I can in this sweet cunt tonight to make sure by the time she wakes up tomorrow, she’s carrying my child.

  “No, love. I’m just getting started with you.”

  I take her mouth in a hot, messy kiss. It’s all teeth and tongue and when I slam my cock inside her in one hard stroke, she yells down my throat, sating my thirst for her sounds.

  “Damn, you’re so big,” she groans, arching her back so much that her tits are right at my mouth. I can’t help myself. I take a pebbled bead into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it over and over again and then move to the next one to make sure it gets the same attention.

  I slam into her as hard and fast as I can knowing that’s the quickest way to make her come. I want to feel her walls clamp around me so badly. I want to feel her juices soak my shaft and drip down my balls.

  “Rowan,” she says my name on barely-a-there whisper. “You feel so good. You stretch me so much.”

  “This pussy was made for me, love. It’s mine. Say it,” I growl as I grip her hips and yank her closer to my pelvis. Her arse slams against my thighs, but my cock slides in another inch and I nearly go cross−eyed from how good she feels.

  “Yours. Always yours.”

  “Damn. Right. You. Are.”

  I punctuate every thrust with every word. My arm slides under her and I lift her up and reposition us so she is on top.

  “I can’t believe how lucky I am,” I admire, drifting my hands down her body, trying to touch every bit of her that I can.

  My hands land on her thick globes and I dig my fingers into the flesh until I know it will bruise. She settles against my thighs and my palms hold her tits as she adjusts. Ella always has to wait a few seconds when she’s on top of me. My cock is deeper in this position. She attempts to take every inch of me and it’s almost too much.


  And damn if it doesn’t feel fucking good.

  Her arms lock around my neck and her nails scratch the surface of my skin. The energy between us shifts. The air becomes more sensual and the overwhelming urgency I felt before simmers, but right now, all I care about is being close to her. Her silky walls hug cock tight. Over the last year, her pussy has melded to the shape of my cock. It’s the perfect fit.

  “I love you, Ella Cobalt,” I say, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

  “I love you too, Rowan.”

  Her plump lips land on mine and I wrap her in a tight hug, aligning her with my
body until we are chest to chest and I can feel her heart beating against mine. I pick her up again, not dislodging from her heat, and walk us over to the bed. I keep one hand on the back of her head as I kiss her deep, trying to pour all my love I feel for her in it. When the mattress hits my knees, I turn around and lay back and then scoot up until my head hits the pillow.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, memorized as I look up at her.

  She looks away, biting her bottom lip into her mouth and smiles. I always love to see her react that way. I tell her every single day how beautiful she is and every single time she doesn’t believe me, but that’s all right. I have the rest of my life to convince her she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen and I’ve had the pleasure of being with.

  Her hands land on my chest and she starts to rock, slow at first, and both of us groan in unison. Her mouth drops open the faster she moves and loud whimpers leave that wicked mouth. My hand dips between her legs and I start rubbing her clit. She’s so wet. Ella’s body jerks and spasm’s as her pussy clamps around my cock, trying to yank my come from my body.

  I’m not ready. I’m not done with her yet.

  “Rowan! Oh, yes, yes, yes!” she chants with every move of her hips. She’s so graceful. So smooth.

  I wrap my hand around her neck and force her to bend down. I take her mouth again and bite the flesh of her lip and roll us over. I pull my cock out of her hot little cunt and flip her over, smacking her arse as I plunge back in. I hold her head down, burying her face in the pillow. I can’t take my eyes off where my cock saws in and out of her body and her ass jiggles every time our bodies meet.

  “Rowan!” Her cry is muffled by the comforter.

  This time when she orgasms, I can’t hold myself back. I squeeze her round ass as hard as I can as I shout my ecstasy. I try and get deeper into her cavern with every spurt of cum that leaves my cock. I groan, totally spent, laying my head in the middle of her back and kiss her spine.

  I keep us laid on our sides, making sure to stay buried inside her so my cum stays deep and hopefully makes it way to her womb. The need for me to put a baby inside of her is only growing. My hand flattens against her belly and I kiss up her neck as we lay naked on the bed.


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